Thursday, December 26, 2019

Subjects, Verbs and Objects The Basic Sentence Unit

As seen in our review of the basic parts of speech, you dont need a thorough knowledge of formal English grammar to become a good writer. But knowing a few basic grammatical terms should help you understand some of the principles of good writing. Here, youll learn how to identify and use subjects, verbs, and objects—which together form the basic sentence unit. Subjects and Verbs A sentence is commonly defined as a complete unit of thought. Normally, a sentence expresses a relationship, conveys a command, voices a question, or describes someone or something. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark. The basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the verb. The subject is usually a noun—a word (or phrase) that names a person, place, or thing. The  verb (or  predicate) usually follows the subject and identifies an action or a state of being. See if you can identify the subject and the verb  in each of the following short sentences: The hawk soars.The boys laugh.My daughter is a wrestler.The children are tired. In each of these sentences, the subject is a noun: hawk, boys, daughter, and children. The verbs in the first two sentences—soars, laugh—show action and answer the question, What does the subject do? The verbs in the last two sentences—is, are—are called linking verbs because they link or connect  the subject with a word that renames it (wrestler) or describes it (tired). Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in a sentence. In the second sentence below, the pronoun she stands for Molly: Molly danced on the roof of the barn during the thunderstorm.She was waving an American flag. As the second sentence shows, a pronoun (like a noun) may serve as the subject of a sentence. The common subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. Objects In addition to serving as subjects, nouns may also function as objects in sentences. Instead of performing the action, as subjects usually do, objects receive the action and usually follow the verb. See if you can identify the objects in the short sentences below: The girls hurled stones.The professor swigged coffee.Gus dropped the iPad. The objects—stones, coffee, iPad—all answer the question what: What was hurled? What was swigged? What was dropped? As the following sentences demonstrate, pronouns may also serve as objects: Before eating the brownie, Nancy sniffed it.When I finally found my brother, I kissed him. The common object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. The Basic Sentence Unit You should now be able to identify the main parts of the basic sentence unit: SUBJECT plus VERB, or SUBJECT plus VERB plus OBJECT. Remember that the subject names what the sentence is about, the verb tells what the subject does or is, and the object receives the action of the verb. Although many other structures can be added to this basic unit, the pattern of SUBJECT plus VERB (or SUBJECT plus VERB plus OBJECT) can be found in even the longest and most complicated structures. Practice in Identifying Subjects, Verbs, and Objects For each of the following sentences, decide whether  the word in bold  is a subject, a verb, or an object. When youre finished, check your answers with those at the end of the exercise. Mr. Buck donated a wishbone to the Museum of Natural History.After the final song, the drummer hurled his sticks at the crowd.Gus smashed the electric guitar with a sledgehammer.Felix stunned the dragon with a ray gun.Very slowly, Pandora opened the box.Very slowly, Pandora opened the box.Very slowly, Pandora opened the box.Thomas gave his pen  to Bengie.After breakfast, Vera drove to the mission with Ted.Even though it rarely rains here, Professor Legree carries his umbrella wherever he goes. Answers1. verb; 2. subject; 3. object; 4. object; 5. subject; 6. verb; 7. object; 8. verb; 9. subject; 10. verb.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nasa Ames s The On The Earth And Space Sciences - 2311 Words

â€Å"WANTED: Astronauts for Flight to Callisto†, the sign that caught my eye as I walk passed the front desk at the NASA Ames Research Center hoping for an internship. This must be really expensive and it does not seem like there is a limit to how many astronauts they are looking for. It is also surprising that I only have to pay $1000 to sign up as long as I do not have a criminal record or any suspicious reason to leave the planet. The fine print warns applicants of possible risks during the mission. But with my knowledge of the Earth and Space Sciences, I will know most of the effects of space flight to astronauts during a mission and so I am positive that I can survive this flight no matter what happens. Considering I have nothing to lose by going and it has always been my dream to go to space, I decided to sign up for the flight. Callisto would be really exciting to explore because ever since I saw its pictures in my first college astronomy class, it has always been my favorite out of all the satellites in the solar system. Having a diameter of 4,821 kilometers, Callisto is the third largest satellite in the solar system, after Ganymede and Titan. It orbits past Jupiter’s main radiation belts. The satellite’s surface looks very glittery to me because of all the craters on it since Callisto is the most heavily cratered object in the solar system. The sparkle on this satellite was my inspiration until I graduated with a degree in astronomy. It will now be my inspirationShow MoreRelatedExploration Of The Space Exploration1232 Words   |  5 PagesSpace Exploration Humanity needs to continue its space exploration to assure the safety and continuation of itself. Governments are not making a big enough effort into the space expedition scene. If we do not get off this planet, global warming could lead to the extinction of the human species. The future technologies that could result from more space missions could be astronomical level. For an example, the Apollo missions led to innovating athletic shoe material, by getting rid of the foam midsoleRead MoreThe Space Of Space Exploration Essay2288 Words   |  10 Pagesscientific triumphs in the fields of space exploration and aeronautics. The forefront of this â€Å"Space Race† arguably began with the Sputnik, a Russian artificial satellite launched in the late 1950’s. Following the launch of Sputnik 1, the genesis of American competitive space exploration built roots in the formation of NASA under the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was founded in 1958 under a premise of competitive space exploration and continued discoveryRead MoreThe National Aeronautics And Space Administration1956 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Space, the final frontier (Wise, Star Trek)† The goal of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is â€Å"to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before† (Star Trek). Since the moon landing in 1968, the federal government has consistently decreased funding for space exploration, with the exception of a small increase in the 1980’s to accommodate the shuttle program. If NASA was shut down entirely the last 60 years will haveRead MoreENG 122 Final Paper3011 Words   |  13 Pagesï » ¿ Space Exploration: Why Bother? Name English Composition II Fawn vonFrohling May 25, 2013 Space Exploration: Why Bother? It is unarguable that there are problems here on Earth. 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It consisted of a ball with four stem like structuresRead MoreScience Of Space Exploration And Identi fication Of The Moon1406 Words   |  6 Pageshave catalyzed discussion concerning the Moon’s origin, innovative development of space exploration, and identification of the Moon’s features. By addressing and analyzing scientist’s data on these topics – lunar formation theories, moon landing missions, and specific lunar features – we may gain further understanding of the history and characteristics of Earths’ Moon. Five main theories exist to explain how Earth attained its moon. The first suggests that the Moon formed somewhere else in the solarRead MoreNASA: Money Well Invested1951 Words   |  8 PagesNASA: Money Well Invested The October 1957 launch of Sputnik alarmed the nation and the western world. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was founded the following year in July 1958 by congressional mandate (National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, 1958/2012). A belief romanticized by pop culture and the media, is that NASA was formed solely to compete with the Soviet Union. NASA was a cold war response in a time when any amount of money would be spent to remain dominateRead More Pioneering Space Essay4099 Words   |  17 PagesPioneering Space Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Those words, spoken by Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, have passed into history. Their emotional delivery, their meaning, and the historically monumental event they commemorate make them some of the most famous words ever spoken. Anyone who was old enough to remember the time can probably remember exactly where he or she was and what he or she was doing when man first walked on the moon.Read MoreEssay on The Existence of Intelligent Life1783 Words   |  8 Pageslife in the universe is one that leaves many in a state of bewilderment. It becomes even more interesting when it leads to another question -- that of intelligent life in the universe. Finding other intelligent civilizations among the interstellar space would greatly affect every aspect of our existence. Conversely, not finding such a civilization would force us to examine the purpose of our own existence. To help answer the question, astronomers and scientists set up a program in search forRead MoreLas 432 Course Capstone Project [Remote/Robotic Surgeries]8094 Words   |  33 PagesDa Vinci System (Lanfranco, et al., 2004) Da Vinci Surgical System In the da Vinci system, which evolved from the telepresence machines developed for NASA and the US Army, there are essentially 3 components: a vision cart that holds a dual light source and dual 3-chip cameras, a master console where the operating surgeon sits, and a moveable cart, where 2 instrument arms and the camera arm are mounted

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Jimmy Needham For Freedom free essay sample

Jimmy Needham is a fresh face emerging into the growing world of Christian music. Although barely known, once you hear his soothing indie beats, he becomes impossible to forget. Songs like â€Å"I Am New† have a sitting-on-the-porch, lazy-afternoon feel. Needham writes all his own music and plays the electric and acoustic guitars. â€Å"Lost at Sea† highlights his range of talent as he experiments with an inventive form of rap. Needhams sound is reminiscent of Gavin DeGraws urban beats mixed with Jack Johnsons mellowness. Theres rock, bluegrass, pop, rap, Christian and indie all on one CD, combining for an innovative sound that shines. Needham is also not afraid to be honest. His blunt opinions come off as genuine because he sings like he believes every word. The entire CD is peaceful, yet upbeat. With no background singers or loud instruments, you hear his raw, unique voice on every track. We will write a custom essay sample on Jimmy Needham For Freedom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why Socrates Should Be Found Guilty Essays - Socrates,

Why Socrates Should Be Found Guilty? Why Socrates should be found guilty? In 470 B. C or 469 B. C a Greek Philosopher named Socrates was born in Athens. He was the son of Sophroniscus who was a sculptor. Researchers has said that Socrates was brought up as a sculptor. Socrates later abandoned it. When Peloponesion war broke out, Socrates went into active service and he earned high praises by the people of Athens for his courage and his endurance. Socrates took part in three war campaign for Athens. The seize of Potidea which was the beginning of the war and where he saved Alcibiades life. He also took part in the defeat and retreat of the Athenians at Delium in Boeotia in 424. He also fought in the battle of Amphipolis in 422. He was considered a hero by the people of Athens. In 406 B. C a trial of generals who commanded an Athenian fleet at the battle of Arginusae was held. They were accused of failing to pick up survivors and the dead of the battle. The generals defended themselves by claiming that the rescue of the bodies would be impossible because of the strong seas. Socrates was a member of the Prytaneis who are the board of fifty that presided at the trial. What Socrates asked himself was Whether the generals had a right to be tried separately (Stone pg.110). He believed that if they were tried together it would be unfair. The Athenian council listened to the public opinion who said, that they should be tried together. The council then decided that they were to be tried together. Socrates dissented and challenged the mass trial as unconstitutional under Athenian law and procedure of the court. But, the population of Athens and the majority of that population was so angered by the decision to postpone the trial, that the committee forgot unconstitutionality and allowed a vote on an amendment to try all ten generals together. Socrates held out against this decision because he believed it was not only illegal but also unjust. The majority prevailed and cleared the passage for the amendment and the trial. Socrates said What they have done was illegal (Stone pg. 113). By saying this statement Socrates criticized the majority's decision. Socrates gained many enemies from saying this statement. It gives the majority a view of him as a defector of the city and views not like their own. Socrates went against the decision of the people to try them together. When you go against a majority you create a negative view of yourself. When people have negative views of you, you create many enemies. The second occasion that gave Socrates a negative view was when, Socrates went against the Thirty Tyrants. The Thirty Tyrants were responsible for oligarchy in Athens after they overthrew the Democracy. It was formed by a Spartan commander named Lysander after Sparta has won the Peloponnesian war. These Thirty Tyrants were responsible for many judicial murders. They murdered wealthy citizens who's property they wanted for their own. The Thirty ordered Socrates and four other men to arrest a man named Leon of Salimis. Socrates went home while the others obeyed the order. Socrates new the leaders Critias and Charmides of the Thirty well. He was very close with them including Alcibiades. Alcibiades, Critias, and Charmides were all in the Socratic circle. There was then a counter revolution that restored Democracy in Athens. The democrats wanted to prevent a comeback of the horrors that were in every Athenian citizen's mind. The terror that Critias, Charmides, and Alcibades has caused. In order to do this they would have to get Socrates out of the way. The democrats felt since Socrates was the teacher of these Thirty Tyrant leaders, that he was responsible for their misdeeds. Socrates' relations with these three tyrants gave the wrong impression in the eyes of the people in Athens. Not only this was the cause of the negativity toward Socrates, it was also the fact that he went home instead of joining the exiled that left the city to over throw the Thirty tyrants. Maybe perhaps if he joined the exiles to overthrow the Thirty his popularity

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Least, Less, More, and Most

Least, Less, More, and Most â€Å"Least,† â€Å"Less,† â€Å"More,† and â€Å"Most† â€Å"Least,† â€Å"Less,† â€Å"More,† and â€Å"Most† By Mark Nichol The adjectives least, less, more, and most present difficulties for writers when the words are paired with other adjectives: Should hyphens be employed? And what about when little, much, and similar terms are involved? Generally, do not hyphenate such constructions. The following examples are all correct: â€Å"She bought the least expensive shampoo.† â€Å"I’ve never heard a less interesting story.† â€Å"That wasn’t the most regrettable part.† â€Å"We have a more likely explanation.† But use these words cautiously in such sentences. For example, â€Å"He made several more successful efforts† is ambiguous: Does it mean that the person added a few successful efforts to his record of previous successful ones, or that the person’s efforts were more successful than previous ones? Some writers choose to hyphenate â€Å"more successful† when appropriate in such a context, but such a strategy leads to inconsistency when the hyphen is omitted in a similar but unambiguous statement. â€Å"He made several additional successful efforts† or â€Å"He made several efforts that were more successful,† respectively, clarifies the writer’s intent without making exceptions. Very is another problematic term. Most writers likely consider it obvious that no hyphen belongs in â€Å"John held up a very full bucket,† but very stands alone even when it modifies a hyphenated phrasal adjective, as in â€Å"They chose three very well-liked students.† But compare these conventions with the custom for such words as little, much, seldom, and often. These words, all of which except often can be adjectives or adverbs, serve the latter function when they precede an adjective and a noun and in this case, they require a hyphen. (That’s counterintuitive, because adjectives are often hyphenated to a following word, while adverbs rarely are.) Here are some examples: â€Å"Mary spoke about a little-understood aspect of the animal’s behavior.† â€Å"He explained a much-misunderstood phenomenon.† â€Å"The seldom-seen plant is found in only one place.† â€Å"The project was plagued by interventions with often-inconclusive results.† (As with phrasal adjectives, these word pairs are not hyphenated after the noun. For example, â€Å"Mary spoke about an aspect of the animal’s behavior that is little understood.†) Note this exception: â€Å"The somewhat subjective report omitted some important details.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in S41 Words That Are Better Than GoodWhat Is a Doctor?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Honey Badger Facts (Mellivora capensis)

Honey Badger Facts (Mellivora capensis) Both the common and scientific names for the honey badger (Mellivora capensis) refer to the animals love of honey. However, its not actually a badger. Honey badgers are more closely related to weasels. The other common name for the honey badger is the ratel, which refers to the rattling sound the creature makes when its agitated. Fast Facts: Honey Badger Scientific Name: Mellivora capensisCommon Names: Honey badger, ratelBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 22-30 inches plus a 4-12 inch tailWeight: 11-35 poundsLifespan: 24 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Africa, southwestern Asia, IndiaPopulation: DecreasingConservation Status: Least Concern Description A honey badger has a long, thick-set body, flat head, short legs, and short muzzle. The body is well-adapted to fighting, with small eyes, small ear ridges, clawed feet, and irregular teeth. Honey badgers have a special anal gland that ejects a strong-smelling liquid used to mark territory, deter predators, and possibly calm bees. Most honey badgers are black with a white band running from the top of the head to the base of the tail. However, one subspecies is completely black. Honey badgers are the largest weasels (mustelids) in Africa. They average 22 to 30 inches in length with 4 to 12 inch tails. Females are smaller than males. Males weigh between 20 and 35 pounds, while females weigh from 11 to 22 pounds. Habitat and Distribution The honey badgers range includes sub-Saharan Africa, western Asia, and India. It occurs from the tip of South Africa to southern Algeria and Morocco, Iran, Arabia, Asia to Turkmenistan, and India. Honey badgers are adapted to habitats ranging from sea level into the mountains. They prefer deciduous forests and grasslands. Honey badger distribution. Craig Pemberton, Creative Commons License Diet Like other members of the weasel family, honey badgers are primarily carnivores. They are solitary hunters, except during the breeding season, when they may hunt in pairs. Usually, honey badgers forage during the day, but they will hunt at night near human habitation. While they favor honey, the hunt insects, frogs, birds and their eggs, small mammals, and small reptiles. They also eat carrion, fruits, and vegetables. Behavior Honey badgers have few natural predators. Their size, strength, and ferocity drive away much larger predators, including lions and leopards. Their skin is largely impenetrable to teeth, stingers, and quills. Its loose enough to allow the animal to twist around and bite its attacker if caught. Honey badgers are also extremely intelligent. They have been observed using tools to escape traps and access prey. Reproduction and Offspring Very little is known about honey badger reproduction. They typically breed in May and give birth to two cubs after about six months gestation. The cubs are born blind in the honey badgers burrow. Both males and females dig burrows using their powerful front claws, although the animals sometime take dens made by warthogs or aardvarks. The honey badgers lifespan in the wild is unknown. In captivity, they have been known to live 24 years. Honey badger carrying her pup. Derek Keats, Creative Commons License Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the honey badgers conservation status as least concern, but the animals are rare throughout their range and the population size is decreasing. Honey badgers are protected throughout portions of their range, but have gone extinct in other areas from poisoning programs. Threats Humans pose the most significant threat to honey badgers. They are hunted for bushmeat and used in traditional medicine, but most animals are killed by apiculturists and livestock farmers. They are also killed by control programs intended to target other species. A 2002 study found bee hive damage may be eliminated simply by placing hives a meter off the ground, potentially reducing the conflict with apiculturists. Honey Badgers and Humans Honey badgers are not aggressive unless provoked, but there have been cases of attacks on children. There are documented cases of honey badgers digging up and feeding upon human corpses. The animals are reservoirs of some diseases that can affect people, including rabies. Sources Do Linh San, E., Begg, C., Begg, K. Abramov, A.V. Mellivora capensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN: e.T41629A4521010. 2016. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T41629A45210107.enGray, J.E. Revision of the genera and species of Mustelidae contained in the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 100–154, 1865. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1865.tb02315.xKingdon, Jonathan. East African mammals, Volume 3 : An Atlas of Evolution in Africa. University of Chicago Press, 1989. ISBN 978-0-226-43721-7.Vanderhaar, Jane M.; Hwang, Yeen Ten. Mellivora capensis. Mammalian Species (721): 1–8, 2003.Wozencraft, W.C. Order Carnivora. In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 612, 2005. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4

Operations Management - Essay Example 1. Introduction This report elaborates the operations management process at Green Life, a firm that is into production of vegetables and raising turkeys. This report highlights the significance main critical functions of operations and aims to reinforce the fact that operations management is critical to success of any business. This is accomplished on the basis of three main competitive dimensions, operations effectiveness, customer management and product innovation. The concept integrates 8 Ms of operations management, which are the determinants of business performance. 1.1 About the business Green Life Inc. deals with growing vegetables and raising turkeys. The business peaks during Christmas. These products are sold on retail basis as well as supplied to other shops on wholesale basis. For this, an operations strategy that would integrate appropriate production based on previous sales and demand would help in optimizing the production, which would maximize profits and minimize los s from wastage through wasteful activities as well as wastage of products resulting from storage, delivery or overproduction. Setting up these operations is a highly challenging task and involves a myriad of interdependent activities and issues for the operations manager, all of which need to be addressed at the same time in order to ensure a successful business as well as maximum customer satisfaction. 1.2. Operations management: Operations management comprises of all activities that are required for production of specific goods or services. These activities include planning, designing, and the production process; integration of marketing, finance, human resources and strategy (Brown, 2000). The production/operations processes involve inputs, which include the 8 Ms such as money, material, machines, manpower, management, markets, methods and messages (Nel, 2007). The inputs are processed in someway through series of preplanned activities in order to produce desired outputs, which c an be in the form of completed parts, products, chemicals, service to customers, completed paperwork etc. Operations management also involves provisions and processes for storage of inputs as well as outputs (Shim & Siegel, 1999). An illustration of this transformation process is shown in appendix 1. 2. Competitive elements in OM: Adopting competitive dimensions will reinforce the organization’s value by choosing distinct activities or initiatives that can deliver unique mix of outputs. These outputs may include value for money to the customer, customer service, quality products etc other than the main products. These can be achieved by designing the right strategy that cad deliver operational efficiency and high-quality products. Chase (2006) identifies three major components for strategy namely, operations effectiveness, customer management and product innovation. Operations effectiveness refers to the core business processes needed to run the business. Business processes i nclude all business functions from taking customer orders, handling returns, manufacturing, marketing, delivery of finished products etc. Customer management refers to understanding and maintaining customer relationships by meeting customer demands and expectations. Product innovation refers to development of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tyco Company - Process of Communicating Change to Its Staff Essay

Tyco Company - Process of Communicating Change to Its Staff - Essay Example Applying this concept to Tyco’s case, the turnaround team have used Gerard and Teurf’s transformation skills to overcome the frustrations of employees through suspending judgment on those who clearly erred by never openly commenting on what happened; showing determination to change by replacing the members of the board; getting away with sophisticated images of grandeur (moving the Tyco office); and instilling a new culture of adherence to ethical standards, accountability and good corporate citizenship. 2. Tyco used vignettes to communicate changes in ethical behaviour. Write a vignette that could be used by Tyco to assist in overcoming the cultural change barriers that companies like Tyco faced. What international issues might need to be taken into account in writing these vignettes? Possible vignettes that Tyco could have used to assist in overcoming the cultural change barriers that they faced at the time are: â€Å"Transparency is the best policy† or â€Å"Tyco means business: out with conspiracy and engaging in a fraudulent mess.† In writing these vignettes, the message should be clear and should be understood in all cultures where they do business with. The universal nature of adherence to ethical standards through the promotion of transparency in governance must be imminent. Using Ford and Ford’s four types of change conversations, Tyco would go through the process of communicating change to its staff through: (1) initiative conversations, where the need to establish change would be promoted through assertion and declaration that there is a need to reinvent its credibility and integrity; (2) conversations for understanding to encourage personnel to appreciate the changes being proposed to be implemented through vignettes and by affirming reading the new code of ethical conduct; (3) conversations for performance where clear and accurate actions for change are seen and indicate the determination of top management that change is crucial to regaining trust and confidence in the public, and through the use of middle management who cascaded and localized the proposed changes; and (4) conversations for closure where the change garnered a reward indicating that Tyco was one of the most dramatically improved organizations. â€Å"The time of concealment, conspiracy and fraud are over. Just like a ship that has been devastated by a tsunami, now is the time for transformation, for a complete turnaround.  Ã‚  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Evaluation of Shylock as a Tragic Hero Essay Example for Free

Evaluation of Shylock as a Tragic Hero Essay We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries of Teenagers Who Died in the Holocaust by Jacob Boas Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust by Milton Meltzer Hiding to Survive: Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust by Maxine B. Rosenberg Parts of the Book Report: Title Page Actual Book Report Contents of Book Report: 1. Discuss the setting of the book. 2. Give a summary of the book by discussing the real persons/peoples life/lives. 3. Discuss the character/persons traits and support them with examples from the book. 4. Discuss the theme the message of the book and some interesting facts you learned from this book. 5. Give your opinion of the book. Include the answers to the following: *How would you rate the book? Why? *What part of the book affected you and in what way? *Do you think the book gave an honest account of the personOs life? *Do you admire any of the people in the book? Why? Book Report: Fiction Kriss War by Carol Matas Lisas War by Carol Matas Parts of the Book Report: Title Page Actual Book Report Contents of Book Report: 1. Discuss the setting of the book. 2. Give a summary of the book by discussing the real persons life. 3. Discuss the main characters traits and support them with examples from the book. 4. Discuss the theme the message of the book. 5. Give your opinion of the book. Include the answers to the following: *How would you rate the book? Why? *What part of the book affected you and in what way? *Do you think the book gave an honest account of a persons life during the Holocaust? Hint: Follow guide sheets for book report for the four elements of a book; there is one more thing added this time your opinion.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Database Management Essay -- Technology, Computer Softwares, Data

What is a database management system? Discuss each of the five important software components of a database management system. Data Base Managements System (DBMS) is a computer software program installed on a system hard drive that catalog, retrieve, and run queries on data. It provides ways for data to be altered or removed by users or other programs. There are several different types of database management systems that exist that were created for the proper control of databases for specific purposes. The five software components of a database managements system are DBMS engine, data definition subsystem, data manipulation subsystem, applications generation subsystem, and data administration subsystem (Cummings, 2010). Database management systems engine is the central component of the DBMS it stores and retrieves data it accepts logical request from multiple other subsystems and transform them into its physical equivalent. The DBMS engine collects logical requests for data users and issues physical input/output requests to the computer operating system. The data requested is gathered from physical storage and while the data remains in memory, it is managed by the DBMS engine. Data definition subsystems create and maintain data dictionary. Define structure of the files within the Data Base. Its logical structure must be defined prior to entering information and any time information is entered or deleted the data definition subsystem must be used. Field name, type, form, default value, validation rule, is an entry required, and can there be duplicates are examples of logical properties (Cummings, 2010). Data Manipulation Subsystem is used to add, change and delete information in a database. There is software in the ... ... performance products. Some examples is nanotube which is have been added to the frames of tennis racquets and gulf clubs. Nanotubes are some of the toughest materials known to exist to man. Since these tubes are microscopic, millions can be added to the tennis racquet to make it strong in order to give tennis players more control and power. Medicine is another area in which nanotechnology transforming. With the medical field dealing with things on the smallest level, the small nano devices are being developed to enter the body. An example is Nano robot which is a computer-controlled robotic device used to treat and eradicate diseases. Nanotechnology differ from traditional manufacturing in which traditional manufacture take a large item and break it down to its smallest form, nanotechnology starts at the smallest form and build up (Cummings, 2010).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Health Campaign

Health Campaign- Part One HCS 535 July 23, 2012 Dr. Beth Hale Health Campaign- Part One Obesity is a chronic condition that has grown in epidemic proportions over the years. Obesity is defined as the body weight which is excessive than expected in healthy individuals and presently in the United States, obesity has become of the greatest public health challenges. It is reported that 2. 8 million adults will die in the world because of obesity (World Health Organization, 2012).This paper will present obesity and the initiative of Healthy People 2020 to combat this health issue. It will present the federal, state, and local agencies tasked with addressing and managing this issue. It will present models used to determine and analyze obesity, define the community and targeted populations and describe the epidemiologic surveillance systems used for monitoring obesity. It will present epidemiology tools, such as risk assessment and trends in disease and health to analyze obesity. Obesity in AmericaIn the United States obesity rates have escalated to higher levels than ever seen before. At this time one-third of all adults in the United States are classified as obese (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The national identified health objectives developed by the federal government is Healthy People. These initiatives began in 2000 and were updated in 2010 and 2020. Healthy People 2000 were developed in 1990 by the Department of Human and Health Services as a strategy to improve the health of Americans (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2009).The first two priority areas identified were physical fitness and nutrition. The Healthy People objectives were rereleased in 2010 with additional priority objectives. The goals of this objectives was similar to the one in 2000 but truly focusing on reducing health disparities and to increase the quality and years of healthy life (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). This national program was updated again to reflect the next decade called Healthy People 2020 and to promote avoiding preventable disease as the focus.According to Department of Human and Health Services (2010), â€Å"Healthy People 2020 is the product of an extensive stakeholder feedback process that is unparalleled in government and health. It integrates input from public health and prevention experts, a wide range of federal, state and local government officials, a consortium of more than 2,000 organizations, and perhaps most importantly, the public† (para. 7). Healthy People 2020 are a federally developed project to improve the health of all Americans. There were many lead federal agencies involved in the development of the framework of Healthy People 2020.These agencies vary from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, Food and Drug Administration, and National Institute of Health, to name a few. These agencies worked together with the Department of Human and Health Services to develop the national program of Healthy People 2020. They also sought out public support and comments to ensure they have the views and had met the needs of the public. The Department of Human and Health Services have state level departments who address and manage the issue of obesity at that level.They promote and meet the objectives of Healthy People 2020 and according to Department of Human and Health Services (2012), â€Å"The Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators make Healthy People happen every single day across the United States. Each state and territory has a Healthy People Coordinator who serves as a liaison with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). These coordinators ensure that the development of a state or territorial plan is in line with Healthy People goals and objectives† (p. 2). There are many local agencies and schools who have registered to be part of the Healthy People program.Determinants of Hea lth What makes an individual unhealthy or obese is a question often asked. When reviewing models and systems to determine or analyze obesity there is an opportunity to review the determinants of health. According to Department of Human and Health Services (2012), â€Å"The ranges of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health† (p. 2). There are many determinants of health such as policymaking, social, physical, individual behavior, and genetics.These determinants of health altogether work to determine ones individual and population health (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Policy making is â€Å"policies at the local, State, and Federal level affect individual and population health† (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012, p. 2). This can deter and improve obesity by taxing unhealthy foods or providing tax cuts for those who eat healthier. A social determinant of health look s at social factors in the environment that impacts the individuals’ health (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012).An individual social norm may be to eat out at restaurants with friends instead of cooking at home or not able to afford healthy groceries. Physical determinants of health are captured by looking at physical barriers to eating healthy or exercising. An individual may not be living in a safe environment to exercise or go for walks. Individual behaviors include diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption or drug use (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). These directly affect one’s individual health outcomes and play a huge role in obesity.Genetic social determinant of health affects some more than others; examples include family history of disease, age, sex, and inherited conditions (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Obesity is generally seen in families and not only affects the individual but also the children as well. Liv ing a sedentary lifestyle is generally passed down in families. Data Systems There are many data components captured to determine and analyze obesity through data and vital statistics and disease registries. There are many data indicators to measure the objectives and to determine the priority objectives.The Healthy People relies on data sources to track progress, such as National Vital Statistics System and National Health Interview Survey. The National Vital Statistics Systems (NVSS) â€Å"is the oldest and most successful example of inter-governmental data sharing in Public Health and the shared relationships, standards, and procedures form the mechanism by which National Centre for Health Statistics collects and disseminates the Nation's official vital statistics† (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012, p. 1). Birth, deaths, marriages and divorce is collected through the NVSS.The National Health Interview Survey is a tool used by the United States Census Bureau t o collect information to track health status, health care access, and progress toward achieving national health objectives (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The data is collected by personal interviews with American households. â€Å"The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) have provided a continuous monitoring of prevalence and incidence of obesity in a nationally representative sample of individuals† (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012, p. 3).Disease registries are collected by private agencies, such as National Institute of Health to collect data on chronic illnesses such as obesity. Many organizations will track body mass index on their employees for the wellness screenings. There are many resources available to determine and analyze obesity and are available on the Internet to review. Healthy People 2020 – Nutrition and Weight Status The Healthy People 2020 objective to reduce obesity in the United States â€Å"ref lects strong science supporting the health benefits of eating a healthful diet and maintaining a healthy body weight.The objectives also emphasize that efforts to change diet and weight should address individual behaviors, as well as the policies and environments that support these behaviors in settings such as schools, worksites, health care organizations, and communities†( (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012, p. 2). The community addressed includes the general population of the United States. The data shows that obesity is found in 34% of the American population (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012).Obesity is more prominent in 20-year or over with disabilities, 25 years or over with some college or associate degree, publicly insured ; 65 years of age, 20 years or over who are divorced or separated, and more seen in the age range of 45-64 years (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). It appears females have a higher rate of obesity than males, b lack or African American individuals have the highest rate of obesity and with Hispanics not far behind.Americans who have a chronic condition generally have a higher rate of obesity than Americans without chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Individuals born in the United States have a higher incidence of obesity than individuals born in another country (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Surveillance Systems The epidemiology surveillance systems used to monitor obesity is done by tracking an individual’s body mass index, skinfold measurements, body circumference, and height and weight.The body mass index takes the height and weight and compares to other like genders and references. There are many epidemiology tools within health care to address obesity. Many individuals track their dietary intake such as myfitnesspal. com. Assessments such as increase in blood pressure are an indi cator of a risk for obesity if there has been an increase in weight gain. Wellness screenings offered in health care organization is another tool to address obesity, it allows the population to access health care professionals on topics such as diet, diabetes, have their body mass index taken.There is a huge trend to be physical active and eat healthy foods with Michelle Obama partnering with A Healthier America and promoting healthy lifestyles and eating. Conclusion Obesity in America has grown in epidemic proportions over the years and presently one-third of the country is classified as obese. Obesity leads to many other diseases and chronic conditions that will be very costly to the health care system. The federal, state, and local agencies are working diligently to promote Healthy People and provide tools to the public to fight obesity.Individuals need to start exercising, eating healthy, and develop healthy lifestyles to live a longer healthier life. References Center of Diseas e Control and Prevention. (2009, Fall). Healthy people 2000. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/nchs/healthy_people/hp2000. htm Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, Spring). Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/data/adult. html/ Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). The National Vital Statistics System. Retrieved from http://www. dc. gov/nchs/nvss. htm Department of Human and Health Services. (2010). HHS announces the nation’s new health promotion and disease prevention agenda. Retrieved from http://www. healthypeople. gov/2020/about/DefaultPressRelease. pdf Department of Human and Health Services. (2012). HealthyPeople. Gov. Retrieved from http://www. healthypeople. gov/2020/default. aspx World Health Organization. (2012). Obesity and overweight. Retrieved from http://www. who. int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/index. html

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Abolish Columbus Day

Columbus Day has regarded Christopher Columbus as a hero for his â€Å"discovery† of America. In parts of America there are big Columbus Day celebrations and parades; even the schools are closed so the children may experience the festivities. The fact of the matter is that Columbus Day does not celebrate the actual â€Å"accomplishments† of Columbus, but celebrates the PG story of Columbus that school teachers would tell elementary school children in the form of a rhyme or song.The celebration of Columbus Day glorifies the colonial conquest, enslavement, and murder of indigenous people by Europeans and should be wiped off the books of American national holidays because Christopher Columbus is not a great Italian explorer who discovered America and Columbus’ exploration led the massive genocide of the indigenous people. All throughout America, Italian-American people celebrate Christopher Columbus as one of the great Italian heroes.In reality, Columbus was not eve n Italian but Genoese, which is a person born in Genoa. Italy did not become a country until 1861 which is 355 years after Columbus died. While Columbus was alive he did not go on his famous trip across the Atlantic Ocean sponsored by Genoa but instead sponsored by Spain. Christopher Columbus set out on his exploration to find a faster trade route to Asia and so traveled East thinking that would have been a faster way; obviously this is not true.In Howard Zinn’s essay, Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress, the writer states that Columbus would have never made it to Asia and, â€Å"One-fourth of the way there he came upon an unknown, uncharted land†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Zinn). If Columbus was the great explorer that Columbus Day portrays him as, then he would have at least realized that the land he discovered was not Asia but instead America. When Columbus died, he thought that he went to Asia even though an acquaintance of his, Amerigo Vespucci, had already realized that the l and Columbus went to was not Asia but the New World.Besides the fact that Columbus was not even close to getting to Asia, he did not â€Å"discover† America, but instead he informed Europe of the existence of the landmass. The land was already inhabited by millions of Amerindian that had been living in America for thousands of years. The Order of the Sons of Italy in America argue in their article, Columbus: Fact or Fiction, that Columbus did discover America by saying, â€Å"Even if others visited the continent sporadically before he did, their voyages had no historical ignificance. † The OSIA meant that even if anyone visited the New Land before Columbus; since their discovery did not have any grand importance or documentation that the other explorer’s discoveries do not matter. Even though Columbus never took credit for discovering America because he thought he was in Asia the whole time, Americans of today blindly give him the grand title of the â€Å"disco verer of America† when he actually just brought the land into the minds of the people of Europe.When Columbus first arrived in the New World, there were more than eight million American Indian (Taino) living in the area where Columbus landed which was the Bahamas. Columbus did not see the Taino as a civilization of people but as stated in Zinn’s article Columbus wrote in his journal that, â€Å"†¦They would make fine servants†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Columbus quoted in Zinn). With that Columbus began his subjugation of the Taino because he wanted gold that no one else was sure existed in the abundance that Columbus believed.The Admiral’s presence and interference with the Taino’s daily lives caused disputes and separation of the Taino tribes as well as the destruction their lands which helped lead to their downfall. Juliet Ucelli argued in her article, Italian-Americans: Say Basta to Columbus, about how she did not want the Italian people to be like Columbus in the way that he would, â€Å"†¦go into other people’s lands, take them over, and exploit labor and resources. † This exploitation leads Columbus to build mines in which he forced the Taino to arduous physical labor, which killed millions.If a native man did not bring in enough gold at the end of the month, Columbus would have the laborer’s hands cut off which caused massive blood loss and ultimately death. Mothers would drown their children because they had no way of feeding them and did not want their child to grow up in such conditions. In the essay â€Å"Thief, Slave Trader, Murderer: Christopher Columbus and Caribbean Population Decline† Mark Freeland and Tink Tinker, the authors, indicate that, â€Å"†¦Colon presided over the deaths of some seven and a half million people. † By the end of Columbus’ voyage he killed almost all of the indigenous people.By the time Columbus was carried away in chains, only 500,000 of the origina l 8 million Taino’s were left, and those were wiped out by the rest of the European explorers who were inspired by Columbus. A lot of Americans celebrate Columbus Day without ever knowing the true facts of what actually went on during his exploration. Nowadays more people have learned the truth about Christopher Columbus and started to protest the day dedicated to his wrongdoings. Columbus Day should be abolished and replaced because of the acts of genocide and the overall sense that Columbus was not a great explorer.Works Cited Freeland, Mark, and Tink Tinker. â€Å"Thief, slave trader, murderer: Christopher Columbus and Caribbean population decline. † Wicazo Sa Review 23. 1 (2008): 25+. General OneFile. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. Order of the Sons of in America, Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction. (2005): n. page. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. Ucelli, Juliet. â€Å"Italian-Americans: Say Basta to Columbus. † (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. Zinn, Howard. â€Å"Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress† People’s History of the United States. (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The 49 Cheapest Colleges in California

The 49 Cheapest Colleges in California SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips College is expensive, so it's prudent to consider how much you're going to have to pay before you decide to attend a particular school- especially if you live in California. While cost shouldn't be the sole determining factor in your college decision, it's definitely an important one. In this article, I'll give you a list of the cheapest colleges in California. Furthermore, I'll provide you with the prices of the top public and private colleges in California, explain college costs, and go over how finances should influence your college decision. Average College Costs in the US Before I give you the list of the most affordable colleges in California, allow me to explain average college costs so that you can compare the costs of California schools with the national averages. In its most recent survey of college pricing, the College Board (the creator of the SAT) reported that for the 2018-19 academic year the average annual total cost for an in-state public college is $25,890, and the average annual total cost for a private college is $52,500. Total cost combines the following four items: Tuition and fees Housing and meals Books and school supplies Personal and transportation expenses #1: Tuition and Fees Colleges often charge mandatory fees for services such as the on-campus library, transportation, athletic facilities, and student activities. Many colleges report a combined tuition and fees figure. According to the College Board, the average costs of tuition and fees for the 2018-19 school year are as follows: $10,230 for in-state students at public universities $26,290 for out-of-state students at public universities $35,830 for students at private nonprofit universities For state residents at California public universities in 2018-19, the average cost of tuition and fees is $9,870. #2: Housing and Meals The College Board reports that the average cost of room and board ranges from $11,140 at four-year public schools to $12,680 at four-year private schools. However, note that the cost of room and board can vary depending on the campus housing and meal plans you choose. Colleges also usually provide room and board estimates for those living off-campus based on typical student costs. #3: Books and School Supplies Most colleges estimate the average costs for required learning materials. Some colleges even include the cost of a computer and computer accessories. The College Board reports that the average cost of books and supplies for the 2017-18 school year is $1,240 for both public and private universities. #4: Personal and Transportation Expenses Colleges sometimes estimate expenses they don't actually bill you for; these include transportation costs to and from school as well as expenses for personal things such as clothing, entertainment, etc. According to the College Board, average transportation and personal expenses for 2017-18 ran from $2,750 at private universities to $3,280 at public universities. (Note that this is the only area for which the estimated cost is more expensive for those attending public schools than it is for those attending private schools.) College isn't cheap. (Refracted Moments/Flickr) Why Do Cheap Colleges in California Cost Less? The cheapest colleges in California are public colleges that are subsidized by the Californian government. California public universities are separated into two categories: California State University (CSU) schools University of California (UC) schools These schools cost substantially less for California residents. CSU schools are cheaper than UC schools; however, as a whole, UC schools are more selective and prestigious. Keep in mind that there isn't necessarily a direct relationship between the quality of a school and its cost. You can get an outstanding education at a relatively cheap school. In fact, many UC schools are considered some of the top research universities in the world. The Cheapest Colleges in California Below is the ranking list of the cheapest colleges in California. I ranked the following schools by their cost of attendance for California residents who live on-campus. All of these numbers come from College Navigator, which is part of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). I also created separate tables for CSU schools, UC schools, and private schools. Private colleges are typically more expensive than CSU and UC schools, but some offer very generous financial aid. California State University Schools CSU schools are the cheapest colleges in California. I've listed the costs of attendance for state residents who live on-campus and for those who live off-campus with their families. If you live off-campus with your family, you’ll save substantially on room and board costs. I also listed the costs of attendance for out-of-state students who live on-campus and the average net price of each school. Average net price is determined by subtracting the average amount of financial aid (for students who receive aid) from the total cost of attendance. Net price can give you a general idea of the cost of attendance after you get financial aid. As most government and institutional aid is based on demonstrated financial need, students whose families have lower incomes and fewer assets will receive more aid. The cost of attendance data is from the 2018-19 school year and the average net prices are from the 2017-18 school year. Generally, the cost of attendance goes up about 1-2% annually. Schools are listed in order of their in-state, on-campus costs (from lowest to highest): School In-State, On-Campus In-State, Off-Campus w/ Family Out-of-State, On-Campus Avg Net Price (In-State) 1. CSU Fresno $21,418 $11,093 $33,928 $6,587 2. CSU Stanislaus $21,886 $11,302 $32,434 $6,930 3. CSU Northridge $22,969 $11,961 $34,849 $8,549 4. CSU Monterey Bay $23,564 $12,087 $35,444 $13,155 5. Cal Maritime $27,350 $15,282 $39,230 $19,965 6. CSU Dominguez Hills $23,722 $11,862 $35,602 $4,533 7. CSU Long Beach $24,738 $11,866 $36,618 $9,477 8. CSU San Bernardino $23,878 $11,428 $35,758 $8,586 9. CSU Chico $24,624 $12,074 $36,504 $14,156 10. Humboldt State $24,811 $11,941 $36,691 $14,506 11. $26,139 $11,743 $38,019 $4,403 12. CSU East Bay $25,143 $11,313 $37,023 $11,422 13. CSU Sacramento $26,454 $11,816 $38,334 $9,885 14. Sonoma State $26,626 $12,780 $38,506 $16,119 15. San Francisco State $27,480 $12,220 $39,360 $14,964 16. Cal Poly Pomona $28,891 $11,935 $40,771 $12,744 17. CSU Bakersfield $26,009 $12,377 $37,889 $6,025 18. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo $28,302 $14,532 $40,182 $20,036 19. San Diego State $29,318 $12,476 $41,170 $14,568 20. $25,325 $12,761 $37,205 $12,614 21. CSU Fullerton $27,739 $11,912 $39,618 $8,274 22. San Jose State $29,193 $12,865 $41,073 $14,519 23. CSU Channel Islands $25,517 $11,885 $37,387 $15,780 Happy grads of CSU Monterey Bay (CSU Monterey Bay/Flickr) University of California Schools In this table, I ranked the UC schools by their costs of attendance for in-state students who live on-campus. I have provided all the same statistics offered for the CSU schools above. As you’ll see, UC schools are substantially more expensive than CSU schools, but their average net prices are comparable to those of some CSU schools. Again, all expenses are for the 2018-19 school year, while all average net prices are for the 2017-18 school year. School In-State, On-Campus In-State, Off-Campus w/ Family Out-of-State, On-Campus Avg Net Price (In-State) 1. UC San Diego $32,838 $26,687 $61,830 $13,452 2. UC Irvine $34,261 $26,266 $65,253 $15,014 3. UCLA $34,620 $26,349 $63,612 $15,002 4. UC Riverside $35,242 $26,483 $64,234 $12,890 5. UC Davis $35,177 $27,271 $61,649 $16,039 6. UC Santa Barbara $35,172 $27,269 $64,169 $15,724 7. UC Santa Cruz $36,217 $27,231 $65,209 $17,266 8. UC Merced $35,663 $26,239 $64,655 $12,390 9. UC Berkeley $38,066 $27,474 $67,058 $17,862 The Geisl Library at UCSD (O Palsson/Flickr) Private Colleges in California In this section, I've provided the costs of 17 top private colleges in California. For each school, I've listed the total cost of attendance for students who live on-campus and the average net price. In-state and out-of-state students pay the same price. While private colleges are far more expensive than both CSU and UC schools, some offer fairly generous financial aid packages. The following schools are organized by cost of attendance (from lowest to highest). School Cost of Attendance (2018-19) Net Price (2017-18) 1. Soka University of America $48,996 $14,739 2. Loyola Marymount University $67,369 $43,779 3. Mills College $47,784 $24,900 4. University of San Diego $67,498 $35,931 5. University of San Francisco $68,296 $34,475 6. Santa Clara University $71,778 $41,545 7. Chapman University $73,182 $41,463 8. Stanford University $71,587 $17,271 9. California Institute of Technology $72,084 $26,361 10. Pomona College $71,996 $16,988 11. Pitzer College $72,900 $30,013 12. Pepperdine University $73,002 $40,941 13. Scripps $73,756 $39,070 14. Claremont McKenna College $73,810 $26,512 15. Occidental College $74,132 $37,173 16. University of Southern California $74,825 $36,191 17. Harvey Mudd College $76,947 $38,768 Founders Hall at Soka University (Beyond My Ken/Wikimedia Commons) How to Use These Lists of California College Expenses By looking at the three lists above, you can get an idea of the costs of different types of four-year universities in California and compare the costs of specific California schools. Furthermore, you can add one of the cheaper colleges to your list of schools if cost is a concern for you. Remember that cost should only be a single factor- not the overall deciding factor- in your college decision. I advise you to extensively research colleges so you can find the college that’s best for you. When Should Cost Be a Consideration in Your College Choice? Ideally, you wouldn't have to consider cost when choosing a school, and college would be affordable for everyone. Unfortunately, in reality, cost is often a significant factor. Therefore, it's a good idea to apply to at least one or two more affordable safety schools, especially if cost is a major concern for you and your family. Keep in mind that you won't know exactly how much a certain school will cost until you've gotten accepted and received a financial aid letter, so don’t let the sticker price prevent you from applying. Most financial aid is awarded after you’ve been accepted but before you commit to the school. Many of the most selective colleges claim to meet 100% of a student's financial need through a combination of school, state, and/or federal aid. Once you get your financial aid package, it's time to determine out-of-pocket expenses and how much you would need to take out in loans. Be sure to also weigh the financial burden of attending a particular school against factors such as its quality of education, how badly you want to attend, and its expected financial return. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine how much debt is worth it. What's Next? If you're worried about college costs and are interested in a school outside California, check out the cheapest colleges in the United States. Regardless of the school you attend, it's a good idea to learn how to pay for college so you can maximize your academic experience and save as much money as possible. After you familiarize yourself with the financial aid process, see whether you qualify for any of these awesome full-ride scholarships! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of the Habitual Present Tense

Definition and Examples of the Habitual Present Tense In English grammar, the habitual present is a verb in the  present tense  used to indicate an action that occurs regularly or repeatedly. It is also known as the present habitual. Typically, the habitual present employs dynamic verbs, not stative verbs, and it may be accompanied by an adverb of frequency such as always, often, or  seldom. Examples and Observations He  runs every morning in  New York. Twice around the reservoir. I know, because I go with him. I dont run, but I go.  (Wil Haygood, Sweet Thunder: The Life and Times of Sugar Ray Robinson. Knopf, 2009)In the movie 50 First Dates, Lucy Whitmore wakes up every day with no memory of the previous day as a result of an automobile accident that has virtually eliminated her short-term memory.His wife buys daily the food for that day in a permanent market of small stores and booths in the plaza in quantities so small as to astound and amaze an American housewife.(May N. Diaz, Tonal: Conservatism, Responsibility and Authority in a Mexican Town. University of California Press, 1966)Joshua Stillman must be old but nobody ever thinks of what his age might be, he is so very much alive. He goes to the city every day and comes back early every afternoon. As he so seldom talks about himself nobody knows exactly what he does except that it has to do with books and small print.(Katharine Reynol ds, Green Valley. Grosset Dunlap, 1919) Adverbs of Frequency with the Habitual Present Present tense is also used with active verbs to describe something that happens routinely or habitually. Like the present tense that is used for general statements of fact, the habitual present tense does not limit routine or habitual activities to a particular time span. Instead, it suggests a timeless quality; that is, the habit or routine that happens regularly also did so in the past and will do so in the future. Hurran uses his truck to carry food and water to his familys tent camps in the desert. When the present tense is used to describe a habitual or routine activity, it may have an adverb of frequency with it. Each Saturday, Hurran drives into town to get food and water supplies. He washes and waxes his truck each week. (Linda Bates, Transitions: An Interactive Reading, Writing, and Grammar Text, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2005) The Habitual Present and the Present Progressive The habitual present . . . is used with dynamic verbs to encode situations that occur habitually over time, even if the action is not being carried out at the moment of speaking. For instance, referring to the following examples, Tim may not actually be working, nor the leaves falling at the moment of speaking. Nevertheless, the recurrent situation holds as the normal course of things and is appropriately referred to by the present tense. Tim works in an insurance company. Many trees lose their leaves in autumn. Again, it must be pointed out that the plain present tense used for habitual and other meanings contrasts with the present progressive, which encodes an actual occurrence of a dynamic action observed in the process of happening, as in Tim is working late today. The trees are already losing their leaves. (Angela Downing and Philip Locke, English Grammar: A University Course, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2006)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Analysis of Canoe Restaurant in Pasadena Assignment

Analysis of Canoe Restaurant in Pasadena - Assignment Example As a prerequisite for sale contacts, completion of the Canoe restaurant was necessitated and  paramount. The Los Angeles restaurant grading ordinance got formulated to monitor, evaluate and recommend restaurants  particularly  on their food handling methods,  preparation  and storage regulations (Hutter 15). The grading ordinances  have  enabled customers, and authorities to achieve peace of mind in terms of food quality and health (Hutter 20). After inspection of the  Caneo  restaurant, I  wish  to  give  the  inspection  report as follows: First, the restaurant assistants were reluctant to  observe  some basic food handling  procedure; Failure to clean and  sanitize  the  instruments  used for chopping foodstuff. The kitchens chopping instrument gets used on different kinds of food, for example, beef and chicken. This increases the risks of food contamination for both customers and the workers. Secondly, the  chef, his  assistant and the entire kitchen staff  had  a set  of  complete  protective wear although none of them had  hair  nets. This increases the  possibility  of foreign material such as hair strands to  drop  in the food and  thus contaminate  it. The refrigerator  content  is not labeled clearly. This makes it confusing for the chefs to  pick  the  right  ingredients for the preparation of menus. Some of the kitchen units do not contain thermometers for measuring the  exact  temperature of food to prevent them from contamination. There is also laxity in food handling; foods  do not get wrapped  but instead get left to open air. This too increases the  possibility  of contamination. Finally, lack of maintaining the required kitchen temperature from the required optimum temperature hinders proper food storage. However, Canoe restaurant demonstrated positive results in kitchen practising habits. First, there is a high  level  of cleanliness maintained in terms of personal hygiene, equipment, clothing and the kitchen surroundings. An excellent grading result depends on  the perfection  of the restaurants’ staffs’. The  chef gets tasked with the ability  and skills to ensure  per fect  food handling, storage and preparation (Hutter 26).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Public Value and Accessibility of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Public Value and Accessibility of Art - Essay Example One fact is that it is observable that art allows one to live life happier and lighter. Art can be observed as having played a crucial role in life throughout the ages. It can be described as universal because its presence is seen everywhere, in every country and culture with their own depiction of art. Cave dwellers of prehistoric times used art by drawing on the walls to record history. Religion uses art in recording the life and death of Christ. An artist creates art for a specific reason and purpose, which could be religious, symbolic, customary, traditional or just simply expressive. Whatever the purpose may be, art has been used as a way to express ideas and beliefs. With the question, "does a concern with public value in the cultural sector mean that it should be accessible to all", the answer to this is yes. This position is supported by a number of attempts from a shift of private art museums into making them public and allowing the people to see them. The Louvre is considered a prototypical public art museum that offers civic ritual (Duncan 1995). The Louvre also made public art museums become signs of politically virtuous states. It contributed to the flourishing of the art in public domain that by the end of the 19th century, every western nation had one important public art museum (Duncan 1995). The popularity of public museums had spread in the third world in the 20th century in which military despots and traditional monarchs built them to pay respect to the western values as well as in gratitude to their western military and economic aid (Duncan 1995). It is also said that political advantages go along with public art (Duncan 1995). In Europe, two of the most important public art museums are the Louvre Museum in Paris and the National Gallery in London. The two have different histories and collection yet both of them stand as monuments of the then emerging age of democratic revolutions (Duncan 1995). The cultural value of art is brought more clearly when it is publicized or when the public is allowed to take a view of it. Although in the past, certain works of art were put under censorship and/or created a public stir such as Goya's Nude Maja, these works now are considered an icon of cultural value in which people can study the social condition of the past through them. The government support for the arts can be understood as one in which arts produce cultural benefits while directly enriching artists, art firms, and arts consumers (Frey, 1997). This being said, pursuits for its public value allow for explorations of various possibilities in which they may be further promoted, in which that promotion implies inviting people to view them and making them accessible. Some of the benefits of arts are education, prestige, bequests to future generation, economic development, expressive freedom, and diversity, whose maximization can be realized by making them accessible to all. Through the arts, people may be culturally enriched in a community that involve vital arts sector and supports its undertaking. Despite not having to attend arts events and formal arts studies, the accessibility of arts must be ensured since it provides education through various forms, and people can still obtain education and enhance themselves into

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Germany and Germans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Germany and Germans - Essay Example A major contributing factor to his rise was the use of printing press which was introduced in this time period. He published pamphlets like Christian Liberty, On the Freedom of a Christian Man and the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. However, his most famous publication was the â€Å"95 Theses†, published in 1517. The publication was against the abuse of papal authorities and use of indulgences to bail out of jail free. His publications spread quickly through Europe and in 1521 he was summoned to appear in front of an assembly of Holy Roman Empire known as â€Å"Diet of Worms†. He was declared an outlaw and hid till 1522. He continued his teachings and two year long Peasant War was based on his ideas and theories about the Catholic system. It was the first of the revolt that lead to the revolution in Christianity and the rise of Protestantism. Luther continued teaching and served as Dean in the University of Wittenberg till his death in 1546. David Cole interviewed Dr. Franciszek Piper in 1992 to raise questions about the Holocaust story which is the death of Jews by Adolf Hitler during his period as Chancellor of Germany till 1945. David Cole visited one of the biggest camps of the World War II at Auschwitz to find evidence of the gas chambers and alleged homicidal gassings. He filmed his visit of the camp in an hour long video and interviewed tour guides, supervisor and Dr. Franciszek who was the senior curator to confirm his findings that point towards the idea that the Holocaust was a made up story. David Cole presented evidence and logic that conveys the message that the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz were constructed after the war. The main chamber was examined and signs of structural changes were shown along with the tour guide and supervisor presenting different views as to the presence of â€Å"Holes† in the chamber; supposedly these were used for delivery

Monday, October 28, 2019

Employee Retention and Interviewing Essay Example for Free

Employee Retention and Interviewing Essay When Southwest Airlines wants to hire employees, they tend to have 142,000 applicants. They obviously want to choose the person who will suit their organizational culture the best. To achieve this objective they need to ask the right questions when interviewing the applicants. These questions should be such that they provide a clear picture as to which applicant will be best for the job and the organization as a whole. You can use behavioral-based job interview questions to help you select superior candidates. Ask interview questions that help you identify whether the candidate has the behaviors, skills, and experience needed for the job you are filling. (Top job interview questions to help you select the Best, Susan M. Heathfield) Before starting the interview the interviewer should describe the essential functions of the job and ask the interviewee if he can perform those functions with or without accommodations. (http://www. alllaw. com/articles/employment/article13. asp) The first competency question should be related to the ability to recruit and interview applicants, ‘how often during your last job did you need to interview applicants and describe a situation in which the first impression of the applicant could have altered your judgment. ’ Through this question the interviewer may get an idea of the prejudices the person might or might not hold. Southwest Airlines need to make sure that their employees do not discriminate against certain races and are able to handle all sorts of situations hands on. The second question is related to the employee’s ability to perform reference checks on potential employees. ‘When a former employer was not willing to provide information about a potential employee, how did you handle the situation and perform the necessary reference check? ’ this question will help the Airlines figure out if the employee is responsible enough to go through the necessary procedure or would overlook some things and carry on. The third question is about the employee’s ability to plan and conduct regularly scheduled organizational orientation programs. Tell me about an incidence where last minute changes were made in the orientation plan, these changes were not known to you. How did you cope with these lat minute changes? ’ this question will help identify the employee’s capabilities in a chaotic situation. For airlines these situations are quite common and such a characteristic will be beneficial for the organization. The fourth question is connected with the employee’s ability to prepare and explain HR policies and procedures. ‘Tell me about a situation where there was a revision in the company policy and the employees did not take the change well. What did you do? This will help the employer or interviewer for Southwest Airlines find out the opinion of the employee about some policies and procedures that may be adopted by the company or already exist within the company. The fifth question is about the employee’s ability to develop and maintain up-to-date job descriptions. ‘How many job descriptions have you developed in your time as an employee here at Southwest and what were some of the major difficulties you faced while carrying out your work? ’ this question will help understand if the employee will be able to assess the applicant’s capabilities and send him to the department that suits him best. The sixth question for the employee should be based on his ability to administer a compensation program and monitor salary increase recommendations to ensure compliance with merit increase guidelines. The question here will be, ‘what is your view on performance appraisals, are they necessary or not, do they motivate employees to do better on the job? ’ This question will help understand what the employee’s are expecting and what benefits they want for the jobs they perform on a weekly or daily basis. By asking these questions from the existing employees, the top management at Southwest Airlines will know the sort of employees who will be screened out from the 142,000 applicants. The number of employees they actually need is 4000, thus the company needs to be careful as to who they hire and retain. By interviewing the interviewers beforehand the organization is making sure they hire the right people. Also, when your interview questions ask the applicant to tell you about behaviors and actions she has actually demonstrated in the past, your selection process will improve.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What makes a good video game? :: essays research papers

It's getting late. Around 11:30PM. I know I should be getting to bed soon; I have to get up at 8:00AM to get ready for class. But, I figure I'll just pop FIFA 2004 into my PC and play for a little bit. Just to get past the next section. I'll save at the next save point, turn it off, and go to sleep. Video games are one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy playing any kind of video game as long as it’s fun and has an interesting concept. Over the years video games technology has improved immensely. Since the early days of Pac-Mac, video games have become more realistic and interactive. The first thing that captures my attention about a game is its graphics. I love a game that looks nice. A story that pulls you into another world is also very important. Is important to have that connection with the character you're moving around your screen. How you move that character, game play, is also extremely important. So what makes a good video game? For many people video games are a matter of tastes. While some people prefer adventure games such as Super Mario and Zelda I like realistic games such as Grand Theft Auto and FIFA soccer. A great game doesn’t need to have the most incredible graphics or the best sound. All a game needs to keep you playing is a good concept. One thing that draws me into a game is the storyline. The story must keep you on your toes, waiting for what will happen next. The story must keep you interested and make you want to play. If the story doesn’t capture you, then there’s no real motive to play. An interesting story is what gets you coming back for more. There has to be a purpose to the game, whether it’s a money reward, new weapons or unveiling a new level. The story is what has the most effect on a viewer; an original plot with a few twists and some dramatic moments usually does it for me. The first thing that always catches my attention in a game is the graphics. Whether a person searches for good looks in a game or not, if the game does look good, it will be remembered. While graphics, and to a lesser extent sound, are advertised excessively by the media and game publishers, no game can be based purely on spectacular graphics.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Phineas Gage

Phineas Gage Paper The brain plays a significant role in cognitive functioning. The human brain is made up of various structures, and each of these structures is responsible for specific cognitive functions. Scientists and psychologists have conducted many studies and experiments in an effort to pinpoint which brain structures are responsible for certain cognitive functions. In the past, technology was quite limited which left few options for studying the human brain. The only way to study the brain at this point in time was to perform studies on subjects that were already deceased. While this did help shed some light on cognitive functioning there were still many unanswered questions and misunderstandings about the brain and its functions. One particular case that has been linked to the brains role in cognition is that of Phineas Gage. Gage suffered a traumatic brain injury which altered his original cognitive functioning abilities. The case of Phineas Gage has left a lasting mark on the world of cognitive psychology and has been used as a prime example of how the brain affects cognitive functioning. Cognitive Functioning The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes as well as into left and right hemispheres. Martinez (2010, pp. 237) states that, â€Å"The cerebral cortex is the anatomical origin of the mind’s higher-order functions—reasoning, intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving—as well as the coordination of sensory input and motor control that helps us relate skillfully to our environments. † By segregating each structure of the cerebral cortex a greater understanding is achieved as to which section is responsible for certain cognitive functions. One important discovery was that the left and right hemisphere of the brain actually process information differently. Phineas Gage’s Life Changing Accident Phineas Gage’s life changing accident took place in the year of 1848. Gage worked on a railroad construction crew. When the accident occurred, Gage was using a tamping iron to fill holes in the ground with gunpowder. Doing so would allow space for the new railroad to be laid. Unfortunately for Phineas Gage, an unexpected explosion occurred which sent the tamping iron straight through his skull. The tamping iron entered through Gage’s left heek bone and exited through the top of his skull. Amazingly enough, Gage was conscious and able to walk just a few minutes after the accident took place. Due to the massive wounds, Phineas Gage was not expected to survive when he arrived to a local physician named John Martin Harlow. Harlow had to remove small bone fragments from the wound and then closed the primary wound o n the top of Gage’s head using adhesive straps and a wet compress. This allowed the wound to drain. Gage was never surgically treated for his wounds. Gage suffered three major injuries as a result of his accident. Despite the extremely traumatic injuries that Gage sustained from his accident, he was able to recover and by 1849 Gage was leading a seemingly normal life. However, shortly after Gage’s recovery those closest to him began noticing dramatic changes in his overall demeanor. His wife and family members noted a significant change in his personality. Harlow also noticed changes within Gage’s personality. Harlow was allowed to examine Gage’s body a few years after his death. By examining Gage’s brain and skull Harlow was able to determine what structures of the brain were harmed by the accident. This allowed Harlow to make connections between Gage’s change in behavior prior to and after the accident. He was able to â€Å"estimate from the skull that damage had occurred mainly to the left anterior part of the frontal lobes, including the orbitofrontal cortex† (Wickens, 2005, p. 160). This type of damage seemed to lead to inappropriate behaviors and a loss of social inhibitions, which were not apparent prior to the accident (Deakin University, 2010). Harlow’s observations allowed him to write several publications which became very significant within the field of psychology. His publications were aimed towards uncovering that damage to certain areas of the brain can result in dysfunctions within the cognitive system. Gage sustained the most damage to the orbitofrontal cortex. This part of the brain is believed to play a role in emotional behavior and decision making processes, which is likely why Gage experienced such a significant change in behavior after the accident. Gage’s accident is significant because it enabled psychologists and scientists â€Å"to associate that the frontal lobes are essential to cognitive and emotional self-regulation† (Martinez, 2010, p. 46). Conclusion Cognitive functioning is attributed primarily to the inner workings of the human brain. The major structures that make up the brain each play an exclusive role in certain cognitive functions. The discoveries made by studying Gage’s brain injuries and the effect that they had on his behavior and personality has made a lasting impression on the field of psych ology. Gage’s accident led to many new theories and studies to uncover how brain injuries and illnesses could affect cognitive functioning. Without a proper understanding of the brain and its crucial role in behavior and mental processes it would be impossible to comprehend the various cognitive functions that exist. References Deakin University. (2010). Phineas Gage’s Story. Psychology: Phineas Gage Information. Retrieved June 18, 2011 from http://www. deakin. edu. au/hmnbs/psychology/gagepage/Pgstory. php Martinez, M. , E. (2010). Learning and cognition: The design of the mind. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Wickens, A. , P. (2005). Foundation of biopsychology. (2nd ed. ). New York, NY: Pearson & Prentice Hall Inc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

College Students Poor Food Choices Due to Stress

College Students Poor Food Choices Due To Stress Rebecca Vlha Holy Names University Part I Many college students develop eating disorders or they may develop habits that will make them obese in the future because of their bad habits that they acquire due to the stress that they are put under. Depending on what or how much each college student decides to participate in during their time being a college student. Stress is anything that is causing one uncomfortable emotions.Some examples of uncomfortable feelings might be anxiety, depression, feeling pressured, procrastination, troubled relationships with peers, not doing well in academics, or not being economically successful. Students that live in the dorms may choose fattening foods at the cafeteria or â€Å"treat† themselves to fast food because they are emotionally unstable. Most of these college students also do not think that their new habit is a negative one. The reason why college students eat fattening, high sugar foods could be because of a mental or a biological satisfaction.This research will give an explanation for why many medicate their emotional states with food. Food choices are often made based on one’s unhappiness, angst, or trauma. College students may feel as though pleasing their mouths will please their hearts and ease their state of stress. Many will endorse preferring the taste of highly salted, high sugar content foods, while others will state that this is the food they grew up eating, and some will say this is what is most affordable and accessible.Doing anything excessive because a stressor is acting upon you damages ones psyche; when one over eats and becomes obese, their sense of your self-image is altered negatively. The Cafe with buffets, fast food restaurants, and late night pizza deliveries are just a few of the enticements that college students are facing as they adjust to their new found independence and life on their own for the first time. My freshman roommate w as from Sweden; when she came to America she was considered a normal weight.However, as she was experiencing the college and had a lot of American food available she chose fast food and unhealthy foods at the cafe at school to cope with being home sick, and being stressed out about school and soccer. However, she woke up one morning and realized that her belly was much bigger than when she first came to America. She waddled over to a mirror and grabbed her stomach and said, â€Å"how come you’re stomach is not this big? We almost do the same things. † I said, â€Å"I knew it was secretly a dream of yours to be ‘thick’ so the vitamins I gave you the other night were for you to get big overnight.This just relieved the tension and she had gotten her insecurity off of her chest. However, it did not solve her psychological crisis that had triggered negative feelings about her physical appearance. The main reason why she was over eating and eating unhealthy was because she was depressed and missed home – not because she was hungry. Many college students go through the same scenario that my roommate experienced. Some students feel as though abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake will comfort them physically and mentally.This research will be done on the college students who live in the dorms at Holy Names University. The units of analysis that will be observed are poor food choices and the factors of stress. Some major influences that that affect food choice are biological determinants, economic determinants, physical determinants, social determinants, and psychological determinants. A mode of operation that can be observed is the biological purpose that food serves; to put nutrients into our body. Humans need energy and nutrients in order to survive and will respond to the feelings of hunger or satisfaction of appetite.The central nervous system is involved in controlling the balance be tween hunger, appetite stimulation and food intake. Palatability is proportional to the pleasure someone experiences when eating a particular food. This aspect will most likely play a huge part in the decision making process for the food choices that college students make. Palatability is dependent on the sensory properties of the food such as taste, smell, texture and appearance. Sweet and high-fat foods have an undeniable sensory appeal.It is not surprising then that food is not solely regarded as a source of nourishment but is often consumed for the pleasure value it imparts. Another mode of operation that can be observed is the psychological factors that are in play during the decision making of making proper food choices. Stress and one’s mood can modify behaviors that affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice. The influence of stress on food choice is complex not least because of the various types of stress one can experience.The effect of stress on food intake depends on the individual, the stressor and the circumstances. In general, some people eat more and some eat less than normal when experiencing stress. Studies also suggest that if work stress is prolonged or frequent, then adverse dietary changes could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and consequently cardiovascular risk. Other than causing likely psychological insecurities, obesity can bring on a plethora of health conditions, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, knee and joint problems, various types of cancer and death. Bellise 2005) This study will be nomothetic; it will be describing the study of food choices and agents of stress within the cohorts of undergraduates that live in the dorms, particularly on the C-floor level of Durocher, on the Holy Names University campus. This research will be done by using deductive reasoning. Sometimes this is called the â€Å"top-down† approach because the researcher starts at the top with a very broad spectrum, which would narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that can be tested.Stress can cause bad eating habits like impulsive eating, overeating, binge eating, or compensatory behavior. The key variables and concepts involved in this study are stress and poor food choices. One should not use food to cope with stress and other negative emotions, because afterwards he or she will feel even worse. Becoming obese not only causes many physical disadvantages, but also can create psychological insecurities that must be dealt with. I will be using the Student Stress Survey (SSS) that measures the major sources of stress among college students.Also, I will be using a Eating Habit Questionnaire (EHQ) to measure how healthy one’s choices are when they make decisions about food. Some contributing indicators for stress are: anxiety disorders, weight problems, depression, premature aging, heart disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, memory los s/brain fog, migraines, PMS, sleep problems, seasonal affective disorders, joint disorders, and sexual dysfunction. The peculiar thing is, that the indicators for having malnutrition are similar.However, when dealing with bad eating habits, one who isn’t getting enough food or nutrition or one that doesn’t have enough food or nutrition, can also have more serious indicators like: cancer, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, advanced aging, hormonal imbalance, and a decrease of hepatic function. The level of measurement that will be utilized during this research is mainly ordinal. This research will focus on two dimensions, food choice and level of stress. This allows the research to demonstrate how stress affects ones all around health.During this research, there will be two different types of surveys that will be combined and put into one leading scale measurement. This research will ask HNU students, qualitative questions that are open-ended, sampling questions or scena rios that make individuals contemplate about their food decisions and how it can be used to medicate depression. This is a collective case study that introduces a typology that is useful when selecting participants in multiple-case studies. This typology centers on a parallel sampling design.A parallel sampling design represents a body of sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two cases. Unfortunately, there can be a few open ended scenarios where someone could have just been eating badly for that week or some food is more convenient during a time period than another. Another thing to take into account is that perhaps some deal with stress differently than others. Part II This research will take place through the Holy Names University dorm rooms and I will be going door to door, starting with the people that live on my floor, then to the people that live above and below me in Durocher.These students are all undergraduates that are not freshmen. I will be asking as many people as I can later that night because that is when most of my peers are available to sit down and take a survey. The reliability for this experiment should be accurate because this is a replicated study of a survey and a questionnaire that have already been tested and have ways of measuring how sever ones stress is and what food choices one makes. This study has the ability to perform the exact same way every time it is being tested and it will be interpreted under the same conditions.The validity that will be focused on during this experiment is concurrent validity which measures the test against a set benchmark; higher correlated indicators prove that my test has strong criterion validity. Therefore, those who rank higher in stress levels and also rank high in eating unhealthy prove my theory true. The Survey: EHQ: Instructions: * This is not a test. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. * Read or listen to each question carefully and think about it before you cho ose an answer. * To choose an answer, put an X next to your choice. Choose only one answer for each question unless you are asked to choose more than one. * If you want to change an answer, erase your old answer and mark your new choice. Be sure to erase completely. * Do not skip any questions. What Gender do you fall under? ___Male ___Female Check the food in each line that you think is better for your health. 1. ___cookies OR ___an apple 3. ___chocolate cake OR ___an orange 4. ___ice cream OR ___fresh fruit cup 5. ___whole milk OR ___low-fat or skim milk 6. ___frozen yogurt OR ___ice cream 7. ___french toast OR ___whole wheat toast . ___grilled chicken sandwich OR ___hamburger 9. ___baked potato OR ___french fries 10. ___fruit juice OR ___soda 11. ___donut OR ___bread 12. ___cold or ready-to-eat cereal OR ___eggs and bacon 13. ___green salad OR ___popcorn 14. ___raisins OR ___candy bar 15. ___pasta OR ___pizza Check the box under YES or NO to answer the following questions if you have experienced this at Holy Names University based off of the availability to the Cafeteria and a grocery store near by: In the last 2 weeks, did you ever. . . | YES| NO| 16. Eaten fruits for bereakfast? | | | 17.Eat fruits or vegetables that you had never tried before? | | | 18. Eat a new grain, such as brown rice, bulgur or pita bread, that you had never tried before? | | | 19. Eat fresh fruit instead of a candy bar? | | | 20. Eat eggs instead of a bagel for breakfast? | | | 21. Eat six or more servings of grains, such as cereals, rice, spaghetti, and other noodles each day? | | | 22. Use Nutrition Facts labels to choose low-fat foods? | | | Mark the number below that best describes your opinion of the Holy Names University cafeteria program. The numbers mean: 1 – I strongly agree – I agree 3 – I disagree 4 – I strongly disagree 23. It offers food that I like. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 24. It offers food that is good for my health. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 25. It offers new foods to try. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 26. It offers foods that taste good. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 27. It offers a variety of foods that I will eat. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 28. It offers the full spectrum of the food pyramid every meal| 1| 2| 3| 4| 29. The students amongst HNU enjoy eating at the cafeteria| 1| 2| 3| 4| Please use the number ratings below to show how much you agree with the following statements: 1 – I strongly agree – I agree 3 – I disagree 4 – I strongly disagree 30. Foods such as ice cream, chips and cookies are okay to eat, but not all the time. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 31. Snacks such as fruit, pretzels, lowfat yogurt or low-fat cookies can be an important part of a healthy diet. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 32. It's okay to eat anything you want, whenever you want. | 1| 2| 3| 4| This research is determined by a collective point system set up to determine how healthy ones eating habits/food choice is. The dominant answers for the two option question (A represents the first option and B epr esents the second option) will be posted below with the numbers it correlates with. Numbers one through fifteen: 1-5)B 6)A 7)B 8-10)A 11-12)B 13-15)A. For the yes/no questions, if one choses yes then they score two points, and if they say no then they get one point. For the one-four scale part of the questionnaire, either intensity levels of feeling 1 and 2 score two or one points or 3 and 4 score two or one points. If you agreed with questions: 25, 27, 31; and if you disagreed with questions: 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32 you received one point you will receive two points.SSS: To determine your stress score, add up the number of points corresponding to the events you have experienced in the past 12 months. 1. Death of a close family member (100 points) 2. Death of a close friend (73 points) 3. Divorce between parents (65 points) 4. Jail term (63 points) 5. Major personal injury or illness (63 points) 6. Marriage (58 points) 7. Firing from job (50 points) 8. Failing a class (47 points) 9. Change in health of a family member (45 points) 10. Pregnancy (45 points) 11. Sex problems (44 points) 12. Serious argument with close friend (40 points) 3. Change in financial status (39 points) 14. Change in scholastic major (39 points) 15. Trouble with parents (39 points) 16. New girl-or boyfriend (37 points) 17. Increase in workload at school (37 points) 18. Outstanding personal achievement (36 points) 19. First quarter/semester in college (36 points) 20. Change in living conditions (31 points) 21. Serious argument with an instructor (30 points) 22. Lower grades than expected (29 points) 23. Change in sleeping habits (29 points) 24. Change in social activities (29 Points) 25. Change in eating habits (28 points) 26.Chronic car trouble (26 points) 27. Change in the, number of family get-togethers (26 points) 28. Too many missed classes (25 point) 29. Change of college (24 points) 30. Dropping of more than one class (23 points) 31. Minor traffic violations (20 points) 32. Roomm ate problems (15 points) _________Total Points Here’s how to interpret your score. If your score is 500-645, you are at high risk for developing bad eating habits because you are more stressed. If your score is 200-350, you have a 50-50 chance of experiencing a serious effect on your health based on your level of stress.If your score is below 150, you have a less serious chance of your stress level interfering with your food decision making. Bibliography Carol Olander. Eating habit questionnaire. 1999. 3/13/13 ;http://www. nncc. org/evaluation/nutrition5. html;. Dr. France Bellisle. The Determinants of Food Choice . 08/03/2013. 3/09/12 ;http://www. eufic. org/article/en/expid/review-food-choice/;. Grilo, C. M. , ; White, M. A. (2011). A controlled evaluation of the distress criterion for binge eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(4), 509-514. doi: 10. 1037/a0024259 Grossbard, J.R. , Atkins, D. C. , Geisner, I. M. , ; Larimer, M. E. (2012). Does d epressed mood moderate the influence of drive for thinness and muscularity on eating disorder symptoms among college men? Psychology of Men ; Mascularity, doi: 10. 1037/a0028913 Mackinnon, S. P. , Sherry, S. B. , Graham, A. R. , Stewart, S. H. , Sherry, D. L. , Allen, S. L. McGrath, D. S. (2011). Reformulating and undergraduate women: A short term, three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(4) , 630-646. doi: 10. 1037/a0025068 Morehead State University . Stress Survey. 2011. 3/12/13 ;http://www2. oreheadstate. edu/leo/index. aspx? id=6299;. Stice, E. , Rohde, P. , Shaw, H. , ; Marti, C. N. (2012). Efficacy trail of a selective precention program targeting both eating disorder symptoms and unhealthy weight gain among female college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(1), 164-170. doi: 10. 1037/a0026484 Tylka, T. L. , ; Kroon, V. D. (2013). The intuitive eating Scale-2: Item refinement and psychometric evaluation with college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(1), 137-153. doi: 10. 1037/a0030893;10. 1037/a0030893. supp (Supplemental)