Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Barriers, challenges, and strategies Essay

Most clinical health care workers are aware that achieving the paradigm of evidence-based practice (EBP) is the gold star standard that one strives for in his/her clinical practice. EBP is expected of healthcare clinicians and has become a synonym for quality care both by the institution of healthcare and its consumers (Brim & Schoonover, 2009). This essay will define EBP for nurses. The barriers, challenges and strategies to implementing evidence-based nursing practice (EBNP) will be discussed with reference to relevant and authoritative literature. As well, the relevance and the links that EBNP has with the clinical area of Intensive Care will be discussed. EBP is the integration, by clinicians, of clinical expertise which is meticulous, explicit and uses current clinically appraised professional knowledge (Eizenberg, 2011; Kenny, Richard, Ceniceros, & Blaize, 2010). EBP accommodates patient preferences, views and values; while also guiding, supporting, validating and answering health care workers clinical judgements, practices, and questions (Eizenberg, 2011; Kenny et al., 2010; Matula, 2005; Wolf, 2005). EBP is a process of asking a clinical question; searching for clinical evidence; critically appraising this evidence and then expertly integrating this evidence with patient’s values, views and preferences; evaluation of how the changes to practice have had on outcomes; and finally disseminating the results that the EBP or change had on patient outcomes (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Stillwell, & Williamson, 2010). The definition of EBP and EBNP and the implementation of EBNP appear to be straightforward and easily accomplished; however, EBNP implementation is far removed from being easy (Brim & Schoonover, 2009; Cullen, Titler, & Rempel, 2011; Eizenberg, 2011; Kenny et al., 2010; Tolson, Booth, & Lowndes, 2008). Nursing research has uncover ed numerous challenges and barriers which the implementation of EBNP faces. These challenges and barriers can be classified as a research, a clinician, an organisational, a nursing professional barrier, and not least patient barriers (Fernandez, Davidson, & Griffiths, 2008; Gerrish et al., 2011; Hutchinson &Johnston, 2006; Ross, 2010). Eizenberg (2011), Gerrish et al. (2011), and Ross (2010) found that nurses face research and clinician barriers that include not having the time, skills and knowledge to critically critique and/or synthesise research literature, unable to effectively use and search databases electronically, hold negative views toward research and feel research is too complex, as  well research at times is not clear on how to implement the findings and findings can be contradictory. Due to these barriers, nurses tend to rely on synthesised evidence such as evidence-based protocols, policies and procedures (Gerrish et al., 2011). Eizenberg (2011) and Gerrish et al. (2011) also found that nurses prefer to acquire information through third parties such as their colleagues, the workplace, through patient care experience, and the knowledge they received from their nursing education. Eizenberg (2011) found that the organisation is the greatest factor in successful EBNP implementation. The organisation controls access and the budget to and for evidence resources such as computers with internet access, a well-equipped library, and access to educational opportunities in EBNP procedures and theory (Eizenberg, 2011). The barrier of not having the authority to change a nursing practice also lies with the organisation – a nurse may have the necessary research knowledge and experience to effectively change practice but cannot implement practice change due to the organisation not giving him/her the authority to instill change (Eizenberg, 2011). Few nursing staff members are given the opportunity to participate in the development of evidence-based policies and procedures; therefore, most nurses are not engaged to support EBP. Ross (2010) further found organisational barriers such as the organisation giving priority to other goals (for example excess sick leave) over EBNP, the organisation may perceive that the staff are not ready or willing to implement EBNP, and that the organisation believes EBNP is unachievable. These organisational barriers prevent EBNP being accomplished and to the greater extent of not being implemented. A barrier of nursing profession relates to the medical dominance of healthcare; as such, nurses are not afforded the power, authority, autonomy and respect from colleagues for nursing practice that the status of being a profession decrees (Brim & Schoonover, 2009; Eizenberg, 2011; Gerrish et al., 2011). A further nursing profession barrier is it can be difficult to instill enthusiasm or information about an EBNP if turnover is high; there is a shortage of experienced nurses; and support from colleagues is lacking (Gerrish et al., 2011; Mark, Latimer, & Hardy, 2010). Due to high turnover and staff shortages, nurses are unable to leave the bedside and have limited time to participate in EBNP projects such as journal clubs, or to attend training in EBP, PICO  (Population/Intervention/Comparison/Outcome), and database searches (Brim & Schoonover, 2009; Brown, Johnson, & Appling, 2011). Nurses, as Kenny et al. (2010) found were hesitant to change their practice if the change would perceivably increase an already heavy workload. Brim & Schoonover (2009) found that some nurses believed EBNP to be an optional course of action as they were never shown a clear direction of what EBNP is essential to nursing and his/her practice. One of the main premises of EBNP is that the evidence and the v alues and beliefs of the patient/s are synthesised together to form an EBNP which is foremost favourable for a positive outcome for the patient/s (Fernandez et al., 2008). Such factors as treatment, travel, and prescription costs; denial of diagnosis; inadequate knowledge level of disease and strategies to decrease risk factors; lack of social support; and cultural issues can all potentially become barriers to implementing an EBNP for a patient or patients (Fernandez et al., 2008). The high acuity of an intensive care unit (ICU) patient significantly affects a nurse’s ability to search a database for answers (Brim & Schoonover, 2009; Kenny et al., 2010). An answer to a question is usually needed immediately or momentarily; therefore, ICU nurses rely on experience, colleagues, and knowledge of evidence-based policies, procedures and guidelines (Eizenberg, 2011; Gerrish et al., 2011). I know I rely heavily upon in-services, experience, and speaking with the ICU Clinical Nurse Educators and Nurse Educators who will do a literature search to acquire information or answers to a question I have posed – but once again this evidence/information h as been synthesised by others and is third hand and I have not fully practiced EBN (Eizenberg, 2011; Gerrish et al., 2011). To try and challenge this barrier I do try and read the clinical information the educator obtained at a later date – usually at home or on a break. Strategies to overcome these challenges and barriers abound from EBP and EBNP journal articles and books. Some of the leading strategies are for the organisation to fully support EBNP through infrastructure, strong leadership from nurse managers and/or advanced practice nurses, and by ensuring a context in which EBNP can flourish (Gerrish et al., 2011; Tolson et al., 2008). The infrastructure needs to provide access to a computer which can access online databases. Infrastructure needed to be in place includes a staffed evidence based nursing library with a librarian able to educate nurses on the process of  EBNP (Pochciol & Warren, 2009). The added challenge is to have EBNP info accessible to the nurse at the patient’s bedside (Pochciol & Warren, 2009). Nursing leaders need a Master’s degree or above, as studies show that leaders with these credentials read and implement more research literature; are more confident; and they consider themselves more competent in supporting others through the EBNP process (Eizenberg, 2011; Gerrish et al., 2011). Leaders, as suggested by Cullen et al. (2011), hold the responsibility to provide support; to build, to create, and maintain an organisational culture that has the capacity to support EBP at both a clinical and administration level. Leaders must be given the power, authority, and support to introduce change – without this authority change cannot occur (Eizenberg, 2011). Scholars agree that if EBNP is to succeed and be sustainable nurses need to be educated and mentored on the implementation process of EBNP (Brim & Schoonover, 2009; Brown et al., 2011; Eizenberg, 2011; Gerrish et al., 2011; Pochciol & Warren, 2009; Ross, 2010; Tolson et al., 2008). EBNP education of nurses needs to begin at orientation to the hospital and is essential that this education is continually built upon and supported with extra education given to nurse managers, educators and advanced practice nurses (Pochciol & Warren, 2009 & Tolson et al, 2008). Ross (2010) suggests nurses information literacy be improved to ensure nurses are able to practice EBN. Information literacy is the ability to competently recognise, locate, and evaluate the fundamental information required at a given point (Ross, 2010). The ICU, where I am employed, has undergone significant changes to the staff and managerial side of the unit. At one point the Clinical Nurse Specialists ratio decreased to less than 5% of nursing staff and there was not a permanent full time Clinical Nurse Consultant. Without the necessary support acquired from these roles the education of ICU nurses and the implementation of new practices, policies and procedures decreased significantly. These barriers significantly halted EBNP from occurring in the ICU as there were very few highly educated leaders available to support EBNP. As suggested by Eizenberg, (2011), Gerrish et al. (2011), and Cullen et al. (2011), educated leaders and managers are needed to keep and instill EBNP to an institution. To obtain Magnet Status hospitals must ensure that EBNP is in place, is supported, and is sustained by the organisation (Brown et al., 2011). To procure nurse  interest in EBNP, and maintain Magnet Status, some hospitals have linked participation in EBNP to clinical ladder advancement and a monetary reward in the form of a wage increase with advancement up the ladder (Whitmer, Aver, Beerman, & Weishaupt, 2011). To hold their position on the clinical advancement ladder the nurse must show, yearly, that he/she is supporting, or implementing, or participating in EBNP within the setting they are employed (Whitmer et al, 2011). The benefits of practicing EBN includes: patients ability to access effective evidence based treatment information; facilitates consistent improvement, through decision making, to healthcare systems; facilitates decisions based on up-to-date evidence and technologies; and reduces variances in nursing care from one nurse to another – standard and competencies are evidence based and consistent; through evidence based competencies the professional status of nursing is elevated to higher heights (Gerrish et al., 2011; Eizenberg, 2011). In conclusion, the challenges/barriers, barrier strategies, and benefits of EBNP has been discussed. Little discussion on EBNP within an ICU was attempted as the ICU nurses face the same situations, challenges/barriers, strategies and benefits as nurses in other areas of healthcare (Sciarra, 2011). Nurses must be given organisational support, education and knowledge needed to participate proficiently in EBNP. References Brim, C. B., & Schoonover, H. D. (2009). Lessons learned while conducting a clinical trial to facilitate evidence-based practice: the neophyte researcher experience. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(8), 380-384. DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20090723-06 Brown, C. R., Johnson, A. S., & Appling, S. E. (2011). A taste of nursing research: an interactive program, introducing evidence-based practice and research to clinical nurses. Journal for Nurses in Staff development, 27(6), E1-E5. DOI: 10.1097/NND.0b013e3182371190 Cullen, L., Titler, M. G., & Rempel, G. (2011). An advanced educational program promoting evidence-based practice. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 33(3), 345-364. DOI: 10.1177/0193945910379218 Eizenberg, M. M. (2011). Implementation of evidence-based nursing practice: nurses’ personal and professional factors? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(1), 33-42. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05488.x Fernandez, R. S., Davidson, P., & Griffiths, R. (2008). Cardiac rehabilitation coordinators’ perceptions of patient-related barriers to implementing cardiac evidence-based guidelines. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(5), 449-457. Gerrish, K., Guillaume, L., Kirshbaum, M., McDonnell, A., Tod, A., & Nolan, M. (2011). Factors influencing the contribution of advanced practice nurses to promoting evidence- based practice among front-line nurses: findings from a cross-sectional survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(5), 1079-1090. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05560.x Hutchinson, A. M., & Johnston, L. (2006). Beyond the BARRIES Scale: commonly reported barriers to research use. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(4), 189-199. Kenny, D. J., Richard, M. L., Ceniceros, X., & Blaize, K. (2010). Collaborating across services to advance evidence-based nursing practice. Nursing Research, 59(1S), S11-S21. Mark, D. D., Latimer, R. W., & Hardy, M. D. (2010). â€Å"Stars† aligne d for evidence-based practice. A TriService initiative in the Pacific. Nursing Research, 59(S1), S48-S57. Matula, P. (2005). Evidence-based practice at the bedside: Igniting the spirit of inquiry. The Pennsylvania Nurse, Dec, 22. Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2010). The seven steps of evidence-based practice. Following this progressive, sequential approach will lead to improved health care and patient outcome. The American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51-53. Pochciol, J. M., & Warren, J. I. (2009). An information technology infrastructure to enable evidence-based nursing practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 33(4), 317-324. Ross, J. (2010). Information literacy for evidence-based practice in perianesthesia nurses: readiness for evidence-based practice. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 25(2), 64-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.jopan.2010.01.007 Sciarra, E. (2011). Impacting practice through evidence-based education. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 30(5), 269-275. DOI: 10.1097/DCC.0b.013e318227738c Tolson, D., Booth, J., & Lowndes, A. (2008). Achieving evidence-based nursing practice: impact of the Caledonian development model. Journal of Nursing Management, 16, 682-691. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00889.x Whitmer, K., Aver, C., Beerman, L., & Weishaupt, L. (2011). Launching evidence-based nursing practice. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 27(2), E5-E7. DOI: 10.1097/NND.0b013e31820eefd2 Wolf, Z. R. (2005). Clinical challenges and evidence based nursing practice. The Pennsylvania Nurse, Dec, 20.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Disadvantage of This Method of Observing of Childeren

Assignment task: The whole task must be completed in order to achieve the unit. You must show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice throughout the assignment. You work in an early years setting with children aged 4 years. A meeting is to be held to discuss the children’s social development. The children in this group will soon be moving to a different setting. 1. Describe the expected stage of social development of children aged 4 years and children aged 5 years The expected stage of social development of children aged 4 years| |The expected stage of social development of children aged 5 years| | 2. Consider how and why practitioners observe children in the setting: Describe ONE suitable method of observing and recording the social development of children aged 5 years| | Explain ONE advantage of this method of observing children| | Explain ONE disadvantage of this method of observing children| | Explain how observations can be used to support the development of children| | Explain why it is important to understand the pattern of development of children from birth to 16 years| | 3.Identify the main influences that may affect the social development of children| | 4. Describe how snack and meal times can support the social development of development| | 5. Write about how children’s development may be affected when they experience transitions and ways the practitioner can support children through transitions Write about how children’s development may be affected when they experience transitions| | Write about ways the practitioner can support children through transitions| | 6. Reflects on the reasons why everyday care routines are important in early years group settings| |

Debates over Immigration Restriction

Name: Trent C. Thurman Course: HIST C175 Debates Over Immigration Restriction The term immigration refers to moving from your native country and coming to a foreign land for the purpose of a permanent residence and searching for greener pastures. There are several arguments by scholars about immigration restrictions to the United States. They had several similarities supporting immigration restrictions. Prescott Hall, Robert Ward, Frank Wright, Frank Fetter and John Mitchell all argued supporting the immigration restrictions. Immigrants from countries other than the United States came in plenty during the 1900s. They were strong and worked in industries during the industrialization era developing the United States at a very fast rate. The Native American saw that the immigrants were highly valuable and so encouraged more and more immigrants. This led to a high population increase and a growing economy. As this high influx of immigrants continued, some issues emerged. The immigrants didn’t bring change in political, social economic and educational matters. They were three times as illiterate as the native whites and those living in Massachusetts were twice as illiterate as the natives. They were very illiterate such that they didn’t see a reason for taking their children to school. Immigrant children were three times as criminals as native Americas. It forecasted that a second generation of immigrants was more objectable to degenerate in future. The immigrants took the jobs of Native Americans but at a very low pay which resulted to cheap labor. The immigrants were very unintelligent, had low vitality and poor physique. They made cheap labor to be very common such that it reduced the standard of living of a worker and led to emerges of poor classes, poor homes and very bad personal customs. It led to socio-economic problems which affected education and charitable institutions. Immigrants were not physically and mentally alert and were unfit for job training. Cheap labor was mainly in railroad, large industries, mining, contractors, and grain growers. They were very arrogant and unskilled such that the towns they lived in were of low standards. They worked as domestic servants in rich Native Americans at very low pay. Illiteracy led to alleged evils on political, social and morals standard of living in communities. The overall effects of a high influx of immigrants’ resulted to more negative effects to native America. For America to prosper, they had to improve their own industrial organization, elevate standard of living and limit the number of immigrants by passing a bill restricting immigration. While others argued supporting immigration restrictions to the United States, other scholars argued against the immigrations restrictions. They were Max Kholer, Sulzberger, Willcox, Bailey, Isaac Horwich, Grace Abbot and Jane Adams. They argued claiming that immigration of foreign persons brought a high influx supply of materials of different characters. Immigrants had the free mind to choose on whether to come or not. They had high intelligence, some financial resource and high levels of energy to work. They were industrious, worthy, courageous, family men, liberty- centered and of high integrity. Those arguing for immigration restrictions should remember that the largest employer of external labor was iron and steel industry. Cigar makers had a high numbers of immigrants from Scotland and English Jews. The company that made direct steamship between china and Japan employed external immigrants from china. The Chinese claim to provide materials for constructing railroads, reclaimed swamp, mining, farming, and fruit culture. Immigrants brought up American civilization by working smart and providing intelligent decisions in industrialization sector. They also brought about assimilative influence in the environment, schools, newspapers, political institutions and social places. A census conducted showed that illiteracy wasn’t found in immigrants but the country they came from and mostly affected their children. In the case of labour, increase in demand led to increase in labour supply, so there is no statistical proof of an oversupply of unskilled labour resulting in displacement of Native Americans by the foreign immigrants. America didn’t have a national system of labour exchange that showed how unemployment is misadjusted on supply to demand and oversupply of labour. From my own point of view, I think the better side is being against the immigration restrictions. They should let immigrants come to a foreign land because he/she carries different, multi- cultural skills and information which have a very positive effect on the native people. It leads to understanding and appreciation of culture, abilities, strengths and weakness of one another.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An in-depth study of behavioural problems and the impact these have on Research Proposal

An in-depth study of behavioural problems and the impact these have on learners in Manchester (uk) primary schools - Research Proposal Example hools can be quite comfortable with looking after children with physical disabilities - but when it comes to behaviour problems, they also have to weigh up their responsibilities to other pupils †¦It is the issue where conflicts between meeting individual needs and â€Å"efficient education for other children† are the most difficult to reconcile† (BBC). The problem of disruptive behaviour and its negative effect on learning is also emphasised in the Ofsted’s Annual Report of HM’s Chief Inspector of Schools 2003/2004 issued in February 2005 (Steer 5). It is well known that behaviour management is high on the UK education policy and practice agenda for many years. The UK government and school staff have a great deal to support pupils in managing their behaviour, but it is not easy, and classroom behaviour problems are still one of the major difficulties of all teachers, including junior ones. Chaplain argues that emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD) are wide ranging, at one level they even can be classified as a special educational need (162). But it is important to understand that pupil showing behavioural difficulties may be very different with different teachers, and it is seldom the case when they exhibit behavioural difficulties with all teachers. That’s why the UK government policies tends to encourage school principals and stuff to include as many pupils as possible within mainstream schools, nesting specialist approaches in school policies for those children who might be considered to have EBD. The term â€Å"emotional and behavioural difficulties† has a long and complicated history, as well as it is a broad label covering a whole range of specific difficulties. Modern understanding of EBD was proposed in the first time in 1992 by the National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition as follows: â€Å"(i) The term emotional or behavioural disorder means a disability characterised by behavioural or emotional responses in school programs

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Provide a critical review of the current risk management activities of Essay

Provide a critical review of the current risk management activities of any one (large, international) financial institution of y - Essay Example The organization has intensified their cost disciplines while investing in some selective growth areas that support the priorities of execution. Risk management is the process through which potential risks of the organization is identified, analysis is done and then precautionary steps are taken in order to reduce or cut down the risk. In the world of finance this practice is a very common one and is followed by almost every financial institution. Whenever an entity goes with some investment decision they are exposed to a large number of financial risks. The degree of risk involved depends on the type of financial instrument involved in the investment. These financial risks can be of various forms like recession, volatility in the capital market, high inflation and bankruptcy. Therefore, in order to control and minimize the exposure of the investment to such risks, the investors and the fund managers are seen to practice risk management. If adequate attention is not given to the risk management while making important investment decisions then disastrous situation may result during the financial turmoil in the economy (Webster, 2010; The Economic Times, 2013). Different categories of asset classes are attached to different levels of risk. Risk management is a vital function within Barclay, which is operating globally and enjoys great visibility. The risk team formed with the organization plays a significant role by aiding the senior management to incorporate informed decision taking the implications into account. The risk management team of Barclays operates across the organization protects the reputation of the organization by ensuring and securing the financial performance of the organization. The organization has dedicated team of experts who carries out valuable work in managing the issues that causes significant impact on the business (Barclays, 2013a). This study focuses on the risk management of Barclays bank, measures it risk appetite and discusses wheth er corporate governance supports these risk management activities. Figure 1 Source: (Youngberg, 2010) Risk Appetite Good risk management does not signify avoid all types of risk at any cost. It indicates the various types of informed choices that the organization makes related to the risk in pursuit of its measures and objectives that lead to mitigation of risk. Defining the risk appetite of an organization is an integral part of risk management. Best-of-class companies does not design or discuss their risk management as an isolated add-on process but it is viewed as an important part of their strategy execution and design. The new strategic initiative taken by the organization may open attractive opportunities for the organization but the rewards should be balanced properly with the risk that is generated. In order to integrate risk dimensions fully in the strategy design the company needs to be aware of how much risk it is willing to take and how it is planning to balance between opportunities and risks. Foe enterprise risk management defining the risk appetite is very essential (Barfield, R., n.d.). While deciding on the risk appetite of the organization the board of directors should categorize the different types of risk and decides on the capacity. This includes the type and amount of risk the organization is capable of supporting in pursuit to the business objectives and taking into account the access to the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Re write (data exchange) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Re write (data exchange) - Essay Example The aim of the project is to review the capabilities of XML-enable X3D standard for the representation of engineering design data including Product Structure, Bill of Materials and Product Coding and Classification among others within this context. This is one of two separate but interdependent projects proposed and the second one is listed below. The main objective of this study is to review the capabilities of XML-enable X3D standard for the representation of engineering design data including Product structure, Bill of Materials and Product Coding and Classification within the context of Collaborative Product Development among others. First of all, Right Neutral format was chosen for the data exchange after it was compared with the IGES and STEP format and it was selected because it provides the best version in comparison to the IGES format. After that, the researcher worked on the IGES (neutral) format and web-based 3D XML format and they were also compared for their effectiveness while doing share information between IGES and the web based approach. The Altan Machine Company`s Quick coups and Fork were designed using the Solid works and after that data results were presented in 3D XML and IGES format. The researcher compared the results between IGES and Web-Based 3D XML format after carrying the observations. In this study, secondary data was collected prior to the study for the purpose of analysing the findings in comparison to the data that already exists in this same field of study. Collection of secondary data greatly helped in gathering extensive information in an attempt to explore and establish a broader understanding about 3D XML and IGES format in designing engineering data which provided a solid understanding of the topic given that some studies have been done already on the same topic. As a point of departure, it should be noted that 3D XML is a lightweight and a standard XML-based

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Model of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation Term Paper

Business Model of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation - Term Paper Example The Odyssey team of chemical engineers and logisticians brings unparalleled expertise to the logistics supply chain in all modes of transport. The Odyssey Global Logistics Platform is a transportation management infrastructure that serves as the technology backbone to Odyssey's service offering. Odyssey International LLC is a licensed export freight forwarder and wholly owned subsidiary of Odyssey Logistics & Technology, managing exports to more than 80 countries. Odyssey Overland LLC is a wholly owned affiliate of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation operating as a broker and domestic freight forwarder for bulk and package truck shipments in North America. The company is backed by investors Trident Capital, LogiSpring, Boston Millennia Partners, CMEA Ventures and RRE Ventures. Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation has a team of experts in Supply Chain and Logistics Management, commercial carrier management, logistics operations and execution, and supply chain technology. They use the Supply Chain Management (SCM) system to support these processes called the Odyssey Solution based on the Odyssey Global Logistics Platform that provides a single interface to the chemical and process industry logistics markets. Odyssey Solution is a Business Information System that stores information about the complete suite of logistics services in all modes of transport, globally. The company tailors its service offerings to meet its clients' needs, leveraging its technology platform and information systems to provide any service from a single point solution to a complete logistics solution. They own no transportation equipment or warehouses, allowing them to negotiate as an independent, neutral party in the marketplace, acting in the best interests of the customers. The Business Information System Odyssey Solution manages all aspects of the supply chain from inbound sourcing and delivery logistics through outbound shipment, handling, consolidation, deconsolidation, distribution, and delivery of end products. Odyssey can, through its integrated transportation management system, provide its clients with cargo planning, tendering, shipment visibility and configurable event management, freight audit and pay ment, and management reporting.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Is the ICC dangerous to democracy and doomed to fail Essay

Is the ICC dangerous to democracy and doomed to fail - Essay Example One of the controversial issues, however, in regard to the existence of ICC is that it threatens democracy, the given reason why the United States withdrew its signature in the Rome Statute in December 2000. The United States is highly suspicious of multilateral agreements and that the mandate of the ICC further heightened this uncertainty. With the provisions contained therein, ICC would have jurisdiction over American citizens and try them according to the international law, drafted according to a collaboration of international legal principles. This is seen as dangerous because the American jurisprudence is at significant points highly divergent with the ICC’s. For instance, protections that are considered core requirements for a fair trial in the United States are greatly diluted or absent entirely. According to Carpenter (2002), instead of having a right to trial by an impartial jury, a defendant faces the prospect of trial by a panel of judges appointed by majority vote of member-states and could come from countries where there is no concept of independent jury or from a regime hostile to his or her government. (p. 197) In addition to the above factor, there is also the fact that some statutes that would govern the ICC are overly broad. Consider these examples: there is the genocide definition that covers offenses relating to the commission of serious â€Å"mental harm† to members of any national, racial, ethnic or religious group; then, war crimes would include committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating or degrading treatment. (p. 197) With the seriousness of the crimes in question, it is a legitimate argument to say that the broadness of definitions and provisions may be wittingly or unwittingly interpreted differently than what was intended or taken advantage with. There is just a lot of room for a

Leadership for Performance Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership for Performance Improvement - Essay Example This paper seeks to reveal the effects of this entrepreneurial and leadership orientation on firm and individual performance through motivation. The organisation, in the modern day context, has become a body that is made up of its human resource and the quality that this resource base imbibes into the operational sphere of the organisation. (Silberman, 2006) The modern day organisation depends to a great extent on the contribution and quality of its human capital. (Enos, 2007) The human capital may be defined as that element of the organisation's operational sphere that is a living, breathing part of the activities that put the innate resources and factors of production into application. This application results in profits arising out of the activities of the human capital and the efficiency with which this resource carries out its tasks. (Ellis, 2003) This in turn, has a bearing on the achievement of the organisation's goals in the sense that the organisation is structured according to the quality of the HR within it. Also, it shows the principles that are followed by the management in manning the organisation.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to make life meaningful Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

How to make life meaningful - Essay Example Since the stated goals of positive psychology are to create thriving people and lead to a more fulfilling life, the interests of positive psychology are no longer treating people with disorders or illness but making the life of a normal person more fulfilling and flourishing. Hence, the mission statement of positive psychology accompanies the act of pursuing a meaningful life. The mission statement states: A Meaningful life is connected to positive functioning: work enjoyment, satisfaction in life, hope, general positive effect as well as happiness and a higher degree of well-being. Research has demonstrated that people have a propensity to create stories as a means of understanding occurrences in life with a life story being a means of imposing meaning on life and therefore connecting people to occurrences (Loewenstein 46). In regards to the manner in which meaning in demonstrated, understanding loss appears as more important during the adjustment process subsequent to the loss while recognizing the benefits may be a more long-term process that takes place over time with the biggest benefits becoming evident later on. There is a consensus that individuals should remain true to what matters and themselves in order to get a meaningful life (Baumeister and Bushman 435). Various strategies exist that can be used by individuals to uncover their true selves and identify and challenge their obstacles that hinder them from seeking their dreams. Three significant steps towards making life meaningful include: For most of the people, simply understanding who they are is a challenging endeavor and based in research that has been conducted previously, approximately forty percent of all the people in America have not yet identified a sense of purpose as far as their lives are concerned. It can be easy to tell people to live life on their own terms, but if they have not been able to identify their own terms, they may develop the feeling that they are drifting

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Shanghai from Colonial to Postcolonial Research Paper

Shanghai from Colonial to Postcolonial - Research Paper Example Further, the Americans, French, Germans, British and Russia came in to set their distinctive Western Style banks, mansions and trading houses leaving behind the long-lasting architectural legacy. The Japanese conquered China with an intension of capturing Shanghai in 1937. Further, the Jews again came in Shanghai to flee persecution that later made them to be forced to ghettoes by the Japanese in 1941 (Pott Web). Later in 1943, the Chinese and the Japanese surrounded all the foreigners in Shanghai and matched them off to various prison campgrounds. In connection to this, the Britain and the U.S.A were forced to sign the treaty to return the various settlements to Shanghai but under the Chinese rule. In 1949, the Communists came to Shanghai to rule. During these periods, the city remained a major industrial Centre boosting the population. Industrialization increased and several high buildings were constructed that further raised the population of Shanghai making the city to grow rich (Pott Web). In 1983, the Shanghai Museum was found and Oriental Pearl Tower was put up then followed by the Mao Tower in 1999. The People Liberation Army under the new People Republic of China to ok control of Shanghai that led to most foreigners to move their offices from Shanghai to Hong Kong due to the Communist victory. The lower stretches of River Yangtze that’s runs through the city of Shanghai deposits lots of mud to its bay creating beautiful alluvial plain features. The River flow of the Yangtze, tides and wind has equally contributed to the formation of the alluvial plain including the present Yangtze River Delta (Pott Web). Shanghai delta on the East tip covers an approximate area of 6, 340.5 square kilometers that contributes to 2, 448.1 square miles. The Shanghai city lies on the altitude of three to five meters that is relatively made up of soft and loose soil. The city is made up of

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Organization System Essay Example for Free

The Organization System Essay The   Organization   System   consists   of   the   people   who   worked   for   achieving   their   goals   as   a   team. In   an   organization,   there   is   a   hierarchy   consisting   of   a   leader   at   the   top   to   the   people   at   the   bottom   working   under   him. This   hierarchy   is   subdivided   in   lower   hierarchical   order   also. Thus   in   the   organization   different   set   of   people   comprise   themselves   to   form   an   organization. The   leader   keeps   his   sharp   look   at   the   team   to   watch   whether   the   organization   is   functioning   effectively   or   not. The   role   of   the   leader   is   very   important   in   organization   to   keep   it   running.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   responsibility   of   a   leader   is   to   correlate   the   members   of   the   organization   effectively. Thus   he   also   plays   the   role   to   eliminate   the   situations   of   conflicts. Thus   in   these   various   functions   of   the   leader,   the   leadership   quality   for   removing   the   conflicts   in   the   organization   is   also   extremely   important   for   him. By   removing   the   conflicts   the   leader   will   be   in   leading   stage   to   work   along   with   the   members   of   the   team.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   challenge   for   leaders   is   to   effectively   manage   and   resolve   such   conflicts   or,   better   yet,   anticipate   and   prevent   them   from   happening   at   all,   says   CCLs   Patricia   Ohlott   (Patty   Ohlott  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   page   1). According   to   the   traditional   view   of   conflicts,   the   leader   must   have   to   avoid   the   conflicts   which   may   be   for   higher   designation,   appraisal   and   others. The   leader   by   using   his   leadership   qualities   has   to   eliminate   this   uncharacteristic   and   irregular   part. In   the   traditional   view   related   to   the   theory,   the   leader   has   to   decline   the   conflict   and   get   the   member   to   continue   the    work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According   to   the   human   relational   point   of   view   for   conflict,   the   conflicts   will   happen   in   the   organization. The   leader   can   resolve   the   problem   by   creating   routine   contact   with   his   team. This   is   the   simplest   way   of   resolving   the   conflicts. by   having   the   reward   system   one   can   resolve   the   conflict. But   according   to   the   interactionist   view,   the   conflicts   every   time   generate   a   new   situation. Thus   the   leader   must   be   innovative   in   his   ideas,   so   that   he   can   handle   the   various   new   situations   of   conflicts. The   leader   every   time   will   be   able   to   introspect   his   organization   by   having   conflicts   so   that   he   can   judge   the   situation   whether   his   organization   is   working   effectively   or   not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   leadership   quality   enables   the   leader   to   improve   the   capability   or   capacity   of   the   organization. When   the   leader   will   be   working   effectively,   then   the   functioning   of   the   organization   will   continue   successfully. The   volatility   of   the   organization   depends   on   leader   itself. If   the   leader   is   able   to   predict   the   upcoming   situation,   then   the   organization   will   not   endure   itself. The   leader   has   to   predict   the   situation   whether   they   are   related   to   the   market   or   related   to   the   internal   affairs   with   in   the   organization. The   leader   has   to   eradicate   the   complexity   by   using   the   different   techniques   and   reviewing   inside   organization   and   the   market   situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   power   means   authority   to   govern   or   leading   the   organization. â€Å"Policies   or   lack   of   policies   often   are   the   initial   reason   for   conflict†. â€Å"Personality   clashes,   clumsy   communication   and   lousy   dispute   resolution   techniques   are   often   why   conflicts   escalate†Ã‚   (PSO   Power   Tools  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   page   1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In   case   of   traditional   view   of   conflict,   the   power   can   resolve   the   conflict   necessarily. By   having   the   power   the   person   in   charge   can   dismiss,   suspend   demote   a   particular   who   is   creating   the   conflicts. By   the   power,   the   leader   can   negotiate   with   the   stakeholders   and   work   for   the   paramount   functioning. The   power   according   to   the   human   relations   view,   can   resolve   the   conflicts   as   by   having   the   power,   the   continuously   happening   conflicts. The   power   can   suppress   the   conflicts   by   eliminating   the   evil   stuff   which   is   originating   the   conflicts. By   power   the   person   in   charge   can   influence   his   downstream   to   work   by   having   team-work   and   coordination. According   to   the   ineractionist   view,   the   conflicts   are   cause   to   decentralize   the   power. Thus   the   person   having   power   in   an   organization   has   to   correct   the   situation   to   stabilize   the   issue. Thus   the   person   can   be   able   to   review   his   state   and   outcome   of   the   conflicts   to   build   the   new   strategies   for   resolving   the   further   difficulties.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   power   can   enhance   the   capacity   of   the   organization   by   keeping   watch   on   every   perspective   inside   organization   and   suppress   the   troubling   elements. The   powerful   person   in   an   organization   can   acquire   the   position   to   create   the   opportunities   for   the   benefit   of   the   organization. The   volatility   in   an   organization   can   be   eliminated   by   using   the   power. The   power   has   to   predict   the   situation   by   negotiating   effectively   with   the   other   beneficial   sources   and   the   internal   sources   within   the   organization. The   complexity   is   feature   which   can   be   reduced   by   the   power   either   forcefully   or   by   indulging   the   complex   parts   or   sources   in   other   streams   for   the   fruitfulness   of   the   organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   concept   of   organizational   politics   defined   as   the   as   the   exercise   or   the   use   of   power,   with   power   being   defined   as   a   potential   force. More   than   90%   of   respondents   said   that   politics   is   common   in   organization. 89%   said   that   successful   executives   must   be   good   politicians   and   76%   said   that   higher   one   progresses   in   an   organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   politics   is   the   key   factor   for   creating   the   conflicts   in   an   organization. The   politics   according   to   the   traditional   view,   the   politics   is   one   of   the   key   factors   for   containing   conflicts   inside   an   organization. The   political   scenario   in   an   organization   will   create   misbehavior   in   the   functioning   of   an   organization. The   occurrence   of   the   conflicts   is   basically   many   times   based   on   the   politics   only. According   to   human   relation   view,   the   conflict   can   happen   in   any   organization. The   structural   changes   happens,   are   due   to   the   politics   by   the   members   inside   an   organization. The   member   causes   the   politics   for   stopping   other’s   growth   or   for   their   personal   growth   also. The   interactionist   view   laid   some   different   idea   over   the   politics   in   an   organization. The   politics   causes   the   different   circumstances   many   a   times. So   the   politics   causes   the   fact   for   an   organization   to   review   its   strategies   inside   an   organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   politics   can   degrade   as   well   as   enhance   the   capability   of   an   organization. The   politics   can   cause   problem   to   opponents   for   better   working   of   the   organization. The   volatility   is   the   factor   which   is   due   to   the   politics   in   an   organization. For   example,   if   one   policy   is   being   implementing   in   an   organization,   the   politics   by   someone   can   revert   the   position   also. Similarly   the   complexity   in   the   hierarchical   structure   is   also   caused   by   the   politics. Due   to   it,   the   eligible   person   get   ignored   many   of   the   times,   which   causes   the   complexity   and   hence   instability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus   in   an   organization   the   leadership,   power   and   the   politics   are   very   important   and   play   a   key   role   in   better   functioning   of   it. Reference: 1) Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, Harvard Business School Press .,M1 2) Power, Politics, and Conflict, Richard Field on Management and Information Science. 3) Patty Ohlott, Identity: A New View for Leading in a Diverse World,Identity and Conflict: A Leaders Role, July 2005. 4) PSO Power Tools, Conflict Management 3, April 2003. 5) EH Schein Organizational culture and leadership, 1992. Work-cited: 1) Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, Harvard Business School Press .,M1 2) Patty Ohlott, Identity: A New View for Leading in a Diverse World,Identity and Conflict: A Leaders Role, July 2005. 3) PSO Power Tools, Conflict Management 3, April 2003.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Whole Life Cycle Costing Application Barriers Construction Essay

Whole Life Cycle Costing Application Barriers Construction Essay Ellingham and Fawcett (2006, p. 18) indicate that the net present value method for evaluating an investment cashflow was first developed about 50 years ago and is widely used in many spheres. In property and construction projects it has acquired a special name: whole-life costing. In fact, whole-life costing is simply the application of net present value analysis to construction projects. Most people will confused about the term of life-cycle costing, whole life costing, and whole life-cycle costing. As stated in Boussabaine and Kirkham study (2004, p. 4), prior to the 1970s, investment decisions made by most clients, developers and professionals was solely on the basis of capital cost. It appear a thought that spending more in capital cost will realize substantial cost savings in long term compared with a cheaper alternative, which we known as terotechnology. This concept was largely ignored because the lack of available data and collection mechanisms, and it shown that investor had no interest in the subsequent operational cost of the building. In the early 1970s, the term cost-in-use appear in the industry. It was recognized the concept of cost in use could apply to building and critical structures as to calculate the expenditure related to the operation of an asset. However, it also failed to consider the necessity for accurate future cost forecasting. It required some kind of technology to facilitate this problem (Boussabaine and Kirkham, 2004, p. 5). Until the mid to late 1970s, life-cycle costing emerged as a solution to this problem. It fostered a wide-ranging approach to cost appraisal, encompassing all perceivable cost from construction through to eventual disposal the whole life. By using a variety of forecasting techniques, the analyst was able to demonstrate how increase capital cost could be offset by long-term cost savings (Boussabaine and Kirkham, 2004, p. 5). As stated by Ashworth (1989), LCC is clearly a technique, which (at least in theory) has a potential for the correct financial evaluation of construction works. In should be noted that the concepts of LCC are not new. The principles are based upon economic theories, which have been used in investment appraisal in many areas of industrial and commercial activity.White and Ostwald (Korpi and Ala-Risku, 2008, p.241) show that LCC was originally designed for procurement purposes in the US Department of Defence and Woodward (Korpi and Ala-Risku, 2008, p.241) indicates that LCC is used most commonly in the military sector as well as in the construction industry. Towards the late 1990s, the concept of whole life costing and whole life-cycle costing emerged. The terms whole life costing and whole life-cycle costing are interchangeable (Boussabaine and Kirkham, 2004, p. 6). Whole life-cycle costing is a relatively new concept to the construction industry. It is essence an evolution of life-cycle costing techniques that are commonly used in many areas of procurement (Boussabaine and Kirkham, 2004, p. 3). Theoretically speaking, there is no different between LCC, WLC and WLCC. Schade (2007, p. 2), in reporting Flanagan and Jewell study, emphasizes that it is just a change of term form cost in use to life cycle costing and further to whole life cycle costing. Problem Statement According to Boussabaine and Kirkham (2004, p. xi), the construction industry has recently experienced a paradigmatic shift in its approach to product deliver and the achievement of customer satisfaction. Where previously the design and construction teams placed a heavy emphasis on delivering buildings at the lowest capital cost, a greater awareness and desire to consider cost over the whole life of the building have prevailed. Clients now want buildings that demonstrate value for money over the long term, and are not interested simply in the design solution which is the least expensive. These changes have lead to and highlighted the important of whole life-cycle costing approaches to the design, construction and operation of buildings. Schade (2007) claims that, production cost is the main cost factor in construction and is often set to the minimum in commonly, which does not necessarily improve the lifetime performance of buildings. Therefore, it is important to show the construction client in the early design phase the relationship between design choices and the resulting lifetime cost. Boussabaine and Kirkham (2004, p. ix) also note that the award of public construction contracts based on simply the lowest capital cost bid is no longer recognized as good practice; best value must be taken into account and thereby WLCC should be fully appraised as part of the decision making process. The research of Swaffield and McDonald (2007, p. 132) identify that contractors quantity surveyors generally did consider LCC when procuring new products/elements for Private Finance Initiative projects, but in certain circumstances, such as during exceptionally busy times or when working within tight construction budgets, LCC were not considered and procurement decisions for some product/elements were made on the basis of lowest capital cost. As Byron A. Ellis (2007, p.1) said, Designers, engineers and constructors are under pressure from owners to minimize total project cost. Unfortunately, many owners do not understand the concept of total project cost. As a result, they seek to minimize acquisition (first) cost. Economists Alchian and Allen (Byron, 2007, p.1) argue that the term cost should never be used by itself; they noted that it should always be identified with total, average, or marginal. According to Fischer et al (Tah and Aouad, 2007), although the significance of LCC has been recognized as early as 1980s, the current implementation has not been very satisfied due to two major barriers: first barrier is the historical data of building operation and maintenance. Second barrier is the complexity of the procedures and algorithms of calculating the LCC. For example, a building concern thousands of elements and construction method and maintenance activities. A simple change in the building material might take long hours of recalculations, it is therefore difficult to assist users to manipulate the large design and LCC analysis. However, even the idea of WLCC analysis is to help the owner to examine a economically alternative, there will always have the possibility of misleading the decision making by the error result of WLCC due to lack of data or unpredictable changes. There have no such as 100% accuracy for WLCC analysis because the limitation of forecast ability of human being are impossible to forecast everything that could be happen in future. This paper addresses the problems above by providing a detail discussion of WLCC for assisting and simplifying the application of the technique based on the WLCC in construction industry. At the same time reveal the popularity of application of WLCC in Malaysian construction industry. Aim To identified the barriers of applying whole life-cycle costing and investigate the popularity of implementation of whole life-cycle costing in Malaysian construction industry Objectives To review the important of usage of whole life-cycle costing in construction industry. To identify the barriers of application of whole-life cycle costing in construction industry. To analyse the factors affecting the accuracy of whole-life cycle costing. To investigate the popularity of application of whole-life cycle costing in Malaysian construction industry. Scope of Study The concept of Whole life-cycle costing (WLCC) can be use as many sector, to narrow the scope of study, the study will only be focus on the construction industries. Besides that, case study would not conduct to the project for the calculation of WLCC because it will be extremely difficult to obtain the large quantity of information across the long term of a building life cycle and data such as the project operation and maintenance cost, replacement cost, disposal cost could be confidential to its owners. Thus, to manually collect this data has to be very costly and time consuming and the missing of any result above will cause inaccurate of result. This study will focus on reviewing the important of application of WLCC into construction industry. The first issue to be study in deep is the discussion on the principles, advantages and purposes of WLCC analysis. The second issue is to identify the error and the difficulties of applying WLCC due to lack of necessary information and unpred ictable changes. The third issue is to do a research on the understanding of WLCC among owners and their frequency of applying WLCC. Research Methodology The methodology should be targeted at a consistent whole life-cycle costing (WLCC) approach and calculations and should not be aimed at reducing costs but at making more informed and consistent economic, financial and environmental decisions. The study was conducting in four stages. The first phase is the literature review. Second phase will be interview pilot study to the issue. Third phase will be constructing questionnaires. The last phase is to writing the research report. First stage: The literature review started with the important of application of WLCC and required data for a WLCC analysis. Searching of article about WLCC and the searching key words would be whole life-cycle costing, whole cycle costing and life-cycle costing. And the information of search will be limited into construction industry to filtered unnecessary information. The main sources for the literature research were databases, such as Emerald, web of science, Google and library of college Tunku Abdul Rahman. Second stage: Data collection will take form of a structured postal questionnaire. However an initial pilot study may be conducted to test the validity of the questionnaire through interviews with relevant parties. Third stage: Questionnaires will be conduct and send to respondent. The main ideas of the questionnaires are to test the owners of understanding about WLCC, and also research on the preferable of low initial cost or low WLCC when owner make decision of choosing alternatives. The questionnaire should be highlighted more prominently, to make it easier for respondents to participate in the final questionnaire survey. Last stage: This stage involves writing up the content of the dissertation and should cover the chapters proposed in the following section. The result of interview and questionnaires will be analysis and conclude. Example of WLCC analysis will provide by searching through media resources and calculate by myself with simple and reality assumption based on the WLCC principles.

Human Resource Management Case Study

Human Resource Management Case Study Abstract Strategic Human resource management is a long term proactive planning by the Human Resource department on how organizational goals and missions will be achieved by the means of its labor force resources. This essay is based on Strategic Human Resource Management theories and practices as a requirement for our Human Resource Management unit HR633. For this assignment Baa Bar restaurant has been chosen where the interrelationship between human resource management and Baa Bar restaurant’s environment will be evaluated and discussed. The definition provided by Michael Armstrong and Long (1994) is discussed together with the matching model by Devanna, Fombrun and Tichy (1984) is also discussed. The relationship between these theories, ideas and model are evaluated with the context of Baa Bar restaurant current practice and philosophies. Introduction Human resource management is about management of people at all levels in the organizational structure in order to achieve an competitive advantage over other business with the help of implementing their own HR policies and practices which are in alignment with their goals and missions of the organization. Armstrong and Long expand the idea of Walker who defined strategic human resources management as â€Å"the means of putting together the management of human resources with the strategic content of the business† HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organizations goals and objectives (,2014). Baa Bar The corporate mission of Baa Bar restaurant is to be well recognized as one of the top â€Å"A† grade family restaurant in both its local and International tourist market. (Personal communication: Mr Sohal, S., 4th July, 2014) Key objectives To train and develop current employees in response to equip them with the changing trends and markets for effective and efficient customer service deliverance To deliver a safe and secure working environment to its employees To be in alignment with the organizational goals and mission To promote fair and equal employment opportunity for all people despite their race, culture ,religion and gender of people Adhere to fair selection process for new recruitment To adhere to the minimum wage rate for its employees despite the race, culture, religion , or gender This department is responsible overall management of human resources who are seen as the biggest asset for any organization’s success. The HR department is responsible for staff recruitment, training them effectively, developing them and allocating them to their respective duties. Their strategies need to be in complete alignment with the mission and goals of the restaurant. They acquire the right person with the right job at the right time in right number through training and developing them through organizational training and workshops in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in all other departments of the organization. They are main responsibility is to recruit, develop, use and maintain the employees of the restaurant as there is a shortage of employee loyalty and employee come in the restaurant to gain workforce experience and leave for better opportunities. Therefore to put a measure to this problem the HR department of Baa Bar restaurant has formulated a writt en contract outlining the Baa Bar restaurant’s policies and practices that employees need to adhere while working for the restaurant. The new employees that are recruited to be placed on a three months probation period to show the restaurant their ability and capabilities and as a means that shows the restaurant that they are the people for that position. Furthermore the contract restricts employees from leaving the company without giving the restaurant time to advertise, recruit and train another replacement for that position. All the employees are provided with basic training in all spheres of the restaurant duties so that when the need arises to cover up or switch positions for another employee due to absenteeism or if any emergency arises, they have the knowledge and are equipped to carry out of those responsibilities efficiently (,2014). Baa Bar restaurant is a family owned small restaurant run by Mrs Sunaina khan as CEO and Mr Sohail Khan as the Manager /Human Resource Manager and Mr D. Patel as the Supervisor/floor Manager/Human Resource officer for the restaurant. It has other ten kitchen employees. The structure of baa bar restaurant has four levels, upper most is the CEO, second level is the Manager, third level is the human resource manager and at the bottom level are all the kitchen employees. The HR department is managed by the floor manager and the restaurants manager. All HR planning and strategies are formulated at the third level of the organizational structure Mr. Patel who carry out the planning process and forward it to the upper level ,to the manager and CEO ,for the final approval for all Human resource issues. Therefore the HR department has formulated some internal policies for their human resource requirements. The department has formulated yearly proactive plans to cater for the increased produ ction and so that work flow in the restaurant is constant and does not stop due to shortage of staff. Every year the restaurant allocates certain amounts of profit for Human resource development for current employees and recruiting new employees depending on the requirements of the yearly projects. Every year the restaurant allocates a budget of $100,000 for its HR department from which the depart allocates $55000 for casual 3 to 5 new employee that are recruited every year during the summer for two months, mid November to mid January, when it’s the peak season for the restaurant due to general public holidays and influx of heavy tourist market. The department advertises on the seek website, Baa Bar restaurants official website and in restaurant’s fortnightly newsletter. At times they also outsource to Frog recruitments to get casual labors on short notices (,2014). HR department formulates an action plan for its own department as a measure to attain their outlined projects and goals in order to achieve their organizational goals and mission. HR works in accordance with the restaurants mission and goals and have employees lined up to fit in when the need arises so that the operations of the restaurants day to day activities do not stop. The HR department of Baa Bar restaurant act as the chain agents for the change as the change arises. The HR manager and the restaurants manager work together hand in hand, educating, developing, motivating, supporting, coaching and training the employees beforehand and during the transition period so that employee are well prepared and equipped for the change. For Example, the one of the outlined goals for 2014 is to expand the Baa Bar restaurant’s current sitting arrangement to a new outside courtyard dining to mark the restaurant’s 10th birthday on 23rd of November. The CEO, the Manager and HR Manager together with other department managers, had a meting with the front line workers and the kitchen staff and advised them about the planning and what strategies the managers will conduct in order to achieve the success of the project. They were also explained why the restaurant needs to expand and what is expected from the employees and how it is going to affect them. T hey were further explained on how their current role will change. The HR department came up with the idea on how to cater for the increased employee requirements and resources as the work load will increase dramatically. The HR came up with the action plan on how to cater for the increased work load. It has made provisions to recruit 5 new employees, 3 new waiters and 2 new kitchen hands to help in the kitchen. It has also made provision to send the existing waitresses and the bar tenders to attend workshops organized in house by outside representatives and also cater for further developments for kitchen hands and chefs to upgrade their skills and attain further education in their respective positions at the restaurants expenses (,2014). 2.0. Policies and practices with reference to Devanna, Fombrum and Tichy The Matching Model According to Devanna, Fombrum and Tichy, (1984) Human resource management are the operational plans of the organization that emphasis on the strategic plans and are conducted by the top level people in the organizational structure. It further defines that the organizational mission and strategy should be entwined together with the human resource policies and practices like job designing, employee training and development that they are in constant flow with each other in order to achieve the organizational missions and strategies. Human resource management department needs to scan the external forces that effect the organization at whole. The external forces are political, cultural and economic forces. Political forces are the laws, legislations and policies placed by the New Zealand government and ministry of labor such as organizational health and safety regulations which Baa Bar restaurant need to abide by at all circumstances and average wage regulations, taxation, IRD deduction, child labor, illegal employment etc. such laws are placed by the concerned authorities in order to standardize the local workforce by safeguarding the employee as well as the restaurants interest. Therefore it effects the human resource management of the Baa Bar restaurant where it has to base it’s employee salary, benefits, etc. in consideration and then decide the numeration packages for them. It also has to place internal policies and practices to ensure that OHS regulations are adhered by all employees at all time. It has to provide proper equipment and gear for the kitchen staff and send them to proper training on what to do in case of emergencies like fire, food poisoning. All employees have to go through proper food handling and hygiene courses before they start their new jobs at the expense of the restaurant. Such regulations put constrains on the human Resource management budgets thus increasing the expenses of the restaurant. Therefore, the HR department has to keep updated with the new policies and regulations in order to be in aligning with the New Zealand’s law and order as the government has placed a severe consequences for being infringement if found the restaurant could even be ceased from operating (Scribd, Inc.,2014) Social forces have effect on HR management because the type of background that employees come from defines their work ethics, behavior, and attitudes towards their role in the restaurant. It also defines their level of commitment and responsibilities they display in their performances. An employee’s attitude towards their present and future personal goals defines them as where they want to be in their career which will show their attitude towards their work. It also highlights the background from which they come from and how they will interact and behave with other employees therefore HR rules and regulations need to provide certain guidelines and principles that all employees need to adhere to to reduce conflicts (Scribd, Inc., 2014) Human resource management also has to pay emphasis on the economical forces of the restaurant because the economy of a nation either it’s suffering a recession period or growth; it will define the availability of its people’s education and health which simultaneously have a major effect on the available labor workforce. Therefore recruitment, selection and placement and well being in the restaurant will be affected and needs to be taken in consideration while making HR policies for the restaurant. The restaurant needs employees who are able to work up to their maximum capabilities. A growth in the economy means that the people are able to afford higher education and qualifications which the restaurant can utilize to its maximum in their respective tasks towards the achievement of the organizational mission (Scribed.Inc., 2014). Likewise competition also affects the HR policies as and increase in competition increases the need for the restaurant to retain their key emplo yees with more benefits and renumuration as the demand for them increases. 3.0. Human resource contribution to organizational strategy and planning Human resource management and planning emphasis on scanning the current human resource and forecasting for their future need in order to cater as the need arises. The HR department assesses the employee performance, education, qualification and skills with their current roles and assess if they match and compliment each other or not with the means of staff appraisal and performance measure on every six months basis. The employees who are no performing at their expected level are given six months to progress on their performance and by the end of the year all employees are rewarded with bonus in accordance with their performance. Accordingly the HR department rearranges the structure by regrouping duties to create more positions vice versa which is more favorable towards accomplishment of the restaurants mission and goals. The HR department provides on job training for its new recruits and further development opportunities to be aligned with the current trending skills and qualificati ons as the restaurant sees its loyal employees as asset to the organization and their updating developments will provide a competitive edge for its competitors. It believes that whatever they spend on staff development will be reaped by the restaurant and help the restaurant to equip it better with its competitors and in return will benefit in increase in profit level. Furthermore HR department needs to recruit only those candidates who are best equipped with the required skills and qualifications and capabilities that suits that specific position (Scribed, Inc. 2014). The problem with the Baa Bar Restaurant’s human resource policy and practice is that the policies and practices that are formulated is from the top level management and there is no provision for lower level employee involvement and insight from them as they are the ones who are affected by all the policies. The human resource department needs to make provision for an employee representative who can act on behalf of the employees of the restaurant in order to get their support and involvement when formulating HR policies and practices. Conclusion Human Resource Management and Planning involves taking measures and equipping the human resource of the organization for their current and future opportunities in achieving the organization’s missions and goals by formulating and updating respective policies and practices. Policies and strategies are formulated in order to set a fair and justified standards for recruitment, training and developing, redundancy process. The HR department has to scan its external environments in order to be aware of their impact on the organization’s labor force. References,(2014). Human resource. Retrieved from Armstrong, M. and Long, P. (1994). The reality of Strategic HRM. Institute of Personnel and development. London. Devanna, M.A, Fombrun, C. J. and Tichy, N.M. (1984). A framework for Strategic Human Resource Management, in Fombrun et al. (eds), Strategic Human Resource Management, New York, John Wiley. Scribed, Inc. (2014) External factors affecting human resource management. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Film Score Music :: Music Films Musical Essays Soundtrack Sound track

Film Score Music To say that music plays a large role in our society would not do justice to one of the most important and popular art forms of yesterday and today. We underestimate the effectiveness and power that music, in any form , can have over even the most insensitive of people. In almost everything we do and see music is involved in some form or another. Be it a piece played at a wedding, a song played on the radio or even the music played in the background in a television commercial. The music is always there, reminding us of past experiences, making us smile and feel exhilaration and sometimes even making us cry. It is this power that music has over us that film score composers take advantage of when they are writing the music to accompany the movies. As listeners we often do not appreciate that the music that is scored for films or played in films is put there on purpose to create a certain feeling, emphasize a point, give more life to a character or sometimes to simply add humour. What the average moviegoer does not usually realize is that a great deal of time and thought goes into writing the score for a film and choosing the background music for a scene. None of the music is arbitrary; themes and sub themes have been created with specific ideas in mind and have been put in place only to add to the story and the characters. It is also important to acknowledge that the evolution into the type of film scoring that we are accustomed to today was not a quick or easy transition. It has taken almost a century to develop the specific techniques that are used in todays films. When the first moving pictures were seen they were known as silent films, although they were not actually silent. They contained a very primitive type of musical accompaniment that laid the foundation for what was to later develop. As time passed the type of music found in films developed into a fine art containing specific guidelines and techniques that most composers tend to follow. The average person does not usually pay astute attention to the music that is being used in a film, however, if it were to not be there the films would seem empty and as if something was missing. The actors, the writing and the direction is what is primarily noticed in a film but the music is the inconspicuous supporter of all

Friday, July 19, 2019

Emerson’s Models of Nature Essay example -- Writing Literature Papers

Emerson’s Models of Nature The main concept which permeates the writing of Ralph Waldo Emerson is that â€Å"the fundamental context of our lives is nature† (Richardson, Jr., Emerson and Nature 97). Emerson presents his theory of nature and its relation to man in three essays spanning almost a decade: Nature (1836), â€Å"The Method of Nature† (1841) and â€Å"Nature† (1844). There are many common threads connecting these works. One of the most notable is Emerson’s belief in the interconnection between all things – between all natural phenomena as well as between nature and the soul. Also, there exists behind and beyond Nature a Spirit from which all things originate. It is the invisible which gives rise to the visible and embodies truth and beauty. Bringing these two ideas together, Emerson shows how it is possible for man to access this unseen world through nature by using the faculties Nature has bestowed upon him. However, during the years spanning the production of these works, Emerson’s conception of nature changes. The result is three distinctive theories of nature which shift in tone from Nature’s idealism, to the disillusionment of â€Å"The Method of Nature†, to the pragmatism of â€Å"Nature†. With each piece, Emerson is asking different questions which illustrate the fundamental ways in which his characterizations of nature have been altered. In Nature, his most thorough and concise treatise on the subject, he asks, â€Å"To what end is nature?† (1) In the very asking of the question, Emerson is stating his belief that Nature is ultimately knowable and its ends are many – it supplies humanity with what he calls commodity (â€Å"all those advantages which our senses owe to nature† (3)), beauty, language, discipline, spirit and prosp... Emerson, Vol. I: Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. Alfred R. Ferguson and Robert E. Spiller, eds. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. 117-137. Richardson, Jr., Robert D. â€Å"Emerson and Nature†. The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Joel Porte and Saundra Morris, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 97-105. Richardson, Jr., Robert D. Emerson: The Mind on Fire. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1995. Tanner, Tony. â€Å"Emerson: The Unconquered Eye and the Enchanted Circle†. Critical Essays on Ralph Waldo Emerson. Robert E. Burkholder and Joel Myerson, eds. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co, 1983. 310-326. Yoder, R. A. â€Å"Emerson’s Dialectic†. Critical Essays on Ralph Waldo Emerson. Robert E. Burkholder and Joel Myerson, eds. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co, 1983. 354-367.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Disillusionment in All My Sons by Arthur Miller Essay -- Arthur Miller

Disillusionment in All My Sons by Arthur Miller One of the central themes of All My Sons is the disillusionment of the young, and this theme can be traced through the character Chris, who comes to be disenchanted with his family, society and himself by realizing that none of these is as moral as he once believed. When he finally finds out through questioning his father that his father is, in fact, guilty of knowingly shipping out the cracked cylinder heads, he says to his father â€Å"What the hell are you? You’re not even an animal, no animal kills his own, what are you? What must I do to you? I ought to tear the tongue out of your mouth, what must I do?† This is the point where Chris becomes disillusioned with his family. His father is guilty of doing the crime, and his mother is guilty of hiding the information. Chris now believes that his father is worse than an animal and is disgusted that he has lived with his parents since the crime happened without being aware of it. He sees his parents now as evil people rat her than role models, and feels that if even his parents are capable of such a thing, then society as a whole must be the same or worse, because he tells his father that he once believed him to be better than most men. He says â€Å"That’s the principle; the only one we live by – it just happened to kill a few people this time, that’s all. The world’s that way, how can I take it out on him?† He now believes that everyone in society is only looking out for his or he...

Reflection on Japanese Earthquake

After watching the news about the catastrophic earthquake in Japan these days, I was overwhelmed with a range of emotions: anxiety, depression, grief, confusion and shock. Like a lot of people, I was stunned by percussive images of the ruins of buildings and the bodies of casualties. I felt sorry for the dead. Meanwhile, I was deeply touched by those survived. Instead of being thrown into panic, the Japanese faced up to the catastrophe with dispassion and composure. Although their homes were destroyed and their relatives were violently torn away, they still evacuated orderly and stood calmly in a queue to get reliefs. However, the case in china is just the other way around. Some Chinese people seem to be keyed up. Many articles concerning this earthquake can be found on the internet, a majority of which are radical. These people said: It serves Japan right. If only the island country sunk and disappeared forever. Admittedly, as Chinese, I felt repugnance for Japan. However, as descendents of the country with a history of thousands of years, we should reach out our friendly hand and let the world know that we Chinese are a civilized and well educated nation. If we merely stand by or even loot a burning house, we are no better than those Japanese invaders. From my point of view, we are all world citizens living in this global village and international community. In the face of natural disaster, we human beings are vulnerable. No one is powerful enough to escape. We can do nothing but pull together to go through. Therefore, we should relate to those wretches with sympathy and love instead of being narrow-minded and ultranationalistic. Japanese people are innocent. Let’s care for them with tolerant and generous hearts and help them out of the difficulty.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Consider the theme in Of mice and men Essay

* The gravel Of Mice and Men was set in the time of the great depression of the 1930s in California in a shoot for c eithered Soledad. Men set finishled some look for both work they could find, they had to confide families and homes scarcely to make m geniusy. blush firms and companies went bankrupt, these were cast d hold and desperate times, no hope and no future.* During this period of time there was a depression in America. Unemploy manpowert was high, so custody moved from scatter to gap looking for work, n invariably staying in i place long comme il faut to firm some(prenominal) real relationships, so this was a truly sole(a) existence.* John Steinbecks up seize from came from him at an earlier age running(a) as a migrant bring up worker and so he mute completely ab expose the conditions and life rough him so he could re on the wholey hold an atmospheric story.* It is based on deuce manpower, George and Lennie, who fitled from ranch to ranch. Geo rge is a beautiful and fairly intelligent man part Lennie is a large man of very little intelligence. They had liveled together for a long time.* In my opinion, the to the highest degree unadorned point do through egress the book active the world of migrant workers is that it is unaccompanied. George tells that hombres the wish wells of usare the loneliest jest ats in the world. They got no family. They tiret belong no place. This is likewise leveln when Slim comwork forcets that he hardly never seen two guys travel together Most migrant workers travel on their own and this is wherefore George and Lennie face some fairly intrusive questions from their unused boss when they prototypicly arrive at the ranch. This boss flat finds it so contrary that he asks George, referring to Lennie, what s production you got in this guy?. He also again refers to this universe unusual by saying I never seen one guy take so much trouble for an different(prenominal) guy.* They ar e m any(prenominal) eccentric persons in the novel that are also lonesome(a) and this is due to sexism, ageism, however mainly racism. one perfect example is CrooksCrooks, the black invariable buck is forever being picked on by the early(a) custody at the ranch, mostly because of his colour. In the time in which the book was set, black muckle in America were notion of as dismay than white people. At the ranch, Crooks lavnot live in the bunk house with all the early(a) men, hardly he has to sleep in the harness room, at the back of the barn. Crooks is presumptuousness no privacy, and gets quite cross because he is not plyed to enter the bunk-house just the other men discount just manner of walking into his room. In the book he says to Lennie, Youve no right to come into my room, nobody got any right in here barely me.* Another reason is because of your age. confect is nongregarious because he is old, and is different from the other pass on. His whole if blow is his old trail, which keeps him caller-up and re points him of geezerhood when he was young and whole.He has no relatives, and erstwhile his dog is killed is solely solo. He thirstily clutches at the idea of purchase a farm with George and Lennie, but of category this all comes to no matter. edulcorates chagrin is convey in the bitter actors line he utters to the body of Curleys unify woman, whom he blames for botch up his ambition.paragraph 1* George is a lovely man. He travels with Lennie and helps him to survive although Lennie is more(prenominal) of a burden than a help, and creates many problems for him. He is also friendly, and almost immediately makes friends with sugarcoat, Carlson, Slim, and the other ranch work force.He has matured a disperse since the incident he relates to Slim where he make Lennie jump into a river just for fun. He realises that Lennie depends on him, and necessarily him to survive.George frequentlytimes insults Lennie and giv es him hell, but he doesnt really mean it.Although he often verbalises about how well slay he could be without Lennie he in secret doesnt want Lennie to leave, and when Lennie offers to do so in the premier chapter, George virtually pleads with him to stay, Ive got you an youve got me. This is because George also depends on Lennie to a certain extremity for his unconditional friendship. George is intelligent, as Slim points out in chapter three, but also belittled in denying being smart. He expresses his rely to be different from other ranch great deals who merely work for a month and then spend all of their money, but also realistically realises that his ambitiousness of owning a house with Lennie (or anyone else) is unlikely to ever come true.Overall, George is an intelligent and assortment character. He is thoughtful enough to realise that the outgo thing for Lennie is to shoot him, for the alternatives are steady worse, and compassionate enough to kill Lennie himsel f.* Lennie is a massive, extremely strong man, who has no supporting relatives. He travels about the country curious for work with his companion, George. Lennies Aunt Clara had asked George to take care of Lennie if she ever died. The most lucid feature of Lennies character is that he seems retarded. He is a man who has the mind of a child. Slim is one of the first characters to notice this, remarking that Lennie isJes like a fryand Curleys married woman also comments on how he isJus like a with child(p) baby.Lennie doesnt know his own strength, and this is one of the things which lead to his regulartual micklefall. He realises that he is, strong as a bull, but he cant judge how much efficaciousness to use for certain actions. That is why he kills his favorites, when he still intends to pet them and caper with them.It is this inability to judge his strength, combined with his appetite to pet things and Curleys wifes desire to be petted and admired which leads to Lennie s inevitable remnant. The ability to judge ones own strength is one of the first signs of maturity, and it is important that Lennie doesnt oblige this ability.Despite the major flaws in his character he is amiable and friendly , and doesnt do any of the bad things he does on purpose.He has a poor memory, and has to recap things to himself many times to remember them. Even then, he still forgets them.He has a blind faith in George, bank in him to protect and look afterward his welfare. For example, remember the incident George describes to Slim when he told Lennie to jump in the river and Lennie obeyed, without a thought to his own well being. This illustrates Lennies blaspheme in George, and also his immaturity.However, it must be noted that Lennie can still be quite crafty, as when he slyly persuades George to tell him the story about the rabbits by threatening to leave him.Paragraph 2* Because of Lennies handicap George has established a personality around his companion to make it easier to live around him. George has found a way of coping with Lennie which is to shout at him. God a mighty, if I was wholly I could live so easy.He supports him in the way he needs although when he is angry he does rap him As dum as a gymnastic horse.* George thinks of Lennie as a companion as he doesnt put up any family. On the other hand he finds him as a pain.Lennie feel the same way to a certain achievement but also fears George as he is in control and orders and protects Lennie.They travel together searching for work on ranches and so never settle, and so dont establish true friendships with others, but since they have each other they seem secure, but Lennie gets into a lot of trouble and so needs George so really George doesnt have time for himself, which is why they do almost everything together.* Others see this relationship as different- Slim comments Aint many guys travel around toghther.Maybe everbody in the whole damn world is stir of each other. Geor ge and Lennie are different as Lennie says I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you* Dreams are operative when considering how these men as one of the ways in which the characters combat the privacy and hopelessness of their existence.For example the dream farm, a dream shared at first only by George and Lennie, later spreads to acknowledge Candy and Crooks, as they are all desperate to mail their lonely livesCrooks reveals that it is the favored dream of the unsettled ranch handsSeems like ever guy got make for in his head.It is a powerful dream, however, and even Crooks falls for this, for a short time.To Lennie, the dream is a cure for disappointment and bareness, and he often asks George to recite the commentary of the farm to him.Paragraph 4* Crooks is an even lonelier character than Candy, because not only is he old and a cripple, like Candy, but he is also black. Most of the men have a lot of mischief against Crooks, referring to him with derog atory terms such as nigger. (Prejudice around slavery wasnt rare)* He lives in the shed at the other end of the ranch, isolated from the rejoinderpoise of the workers there.* Crooks is a victim. We are told by Candy that the Boss takes his anger out on Crooks, though Crooks does nothing wrong(p).* Crooks spends his time whole reading and is a fairly internal person, as he owns a likeness of the California civil code for 1905 He also plays horseshoes until dark. This shows us that Crooks is implicated in reading as is most likely one of the smartest of the crowd. This also suggests that he has found reading as an escape route from the terrible world around him.* Crooks reveals that it is the favourite dream of the itinerant ranch hands* As a case of the discrimination against him, Crooks has become bitter and cynical. This is why when Lennie and Candy tell him about their final cause to buy a house he reacts with scorn and disbelief.Seems like ever guy got land in his head. It is a powerful dream, however, and even the cynical Crooks falls at a lower place its spell for a short time.Paragraph 5* Curleys wife is expound as having full rouged lips and great spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails varicolored and her hair hung in little turn clusters.* Most of the ranch hands leave off for Slim brand Curleys wife as tart. In fact, she is portray as such whenever she appears, obviously vie up to and teasing the men.We can emphatically say that she is lonely. John Steinbeck illustrates how lonely Curleys wife is when she says I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonelyShe says so several times, and that is to be expect since she is stuck on a ranch with men who dislike her and rarely talk to her, as they fear getting into any clear up of trouble with her husband Curley, stay past from her.However, she attempts to overcome her solitariness in the wrong way. George immediately realises that she means trouble when she first turns up in the bunkhouse, and it is hardly affect that her actions lead her new husband to be fiercely jealous.She is so cruel because of her unhappiness, her closing off and the failure of her dreams. She dreamt of being in the movies or even in a show. She is disappointed and marries Curley to spite her mother only to find out he aint a nice fella. She wishes she could have made something of her life.She walks around the ranch, dressed inappropriately and seductively. and she has only been married a couple of weeks. She admits to Lennie that she doesnt like her husband and regrets marrying him. She seems to be of limited intelligence, as this shows her how desperate she is to escape. It is part her desire to be petted and admired which leads her to drop out Lennie to stroke her hair, which in turn leads to her death at Lennies hands.She is only ever known as Curleys wife which indicates that the author viewed her as a self-denial of Curleys rather than a forgiving being. I pity her as she made a mistake into leading herself into these problems with Curley and this is do her bored ill.Paragraph 6* The succeeding(a) afternoon, Lennie is in the barn. All of the other men are outside playing a game of horseshoes, and Lennies only company is his dead puppy. Lennie had accidentally killed it. He fears that George bequeath not let him tend and fall the rabbits if George knows that he killed the puppy.While Lennie wonders what to do, Curleys wife appears. She tries to get Lennie to talk to her, but Lennie is reluctant, since George had exist to forbid him from tending his rabbits if Lennie ever did so. When she directs Lennies attention to his puppy, though, Lennie forgets about not lecture to her. He explains everything to her.Curleys wife listens sympathetically, and she tells Lennie about her aspirations of being an actress, and how she believes her mother deliberately queer her plans.She becomes angered by Lennies unvarying references to rabbits, and asks hi m what his attraction to them is. Lennie explains that he likes to touch and pet soft things, like rabbit fur.* Curleys wife allows Lennie to stroke her hair, but panics when he wont let go. She begins to bark and scream, and Lennie, also in a order of panic, shakes her to make her stop saying, I dont want you to yell. You gonna get me in trouble jus like George says you provide, and he covered her rouged lipped peach with his large palms. She continued to scream and deal and now the fully nervous Lennie shouted angrily at her, Dont you go yellin , and shook her and her body flopped like a fish he shakes her so violently that her neck broke and she died instantly.Lennie knows that he has done another bad thing and remembers that George told him to go and hide in the dust down by the river, so he quickly runs there.Sometime later, Candy enters the barn and discovers the body of Curleys wife. He runs and fetches George.George realises what has happened, and says that he has t o tell the others. Candy protests, rightly pointing out that Curley would deliver no mercy to anyone who had killed his wife. Candy is in favour of letting Lennie escape. He asks George if it is still possible to buy the house, but his dreams are shattered when George says it isnt.When George tells the labourers the news, they all go into a frenzy, and seem affected by blood lust. Curley is furious and vows to kill Lennie. Carlson rushes off to get his gun, and even Whit wants to draw together in the hunt.Carlson reports that his gun has been stolen, and everyone thinks that Lennie is responsible. George begs Curley to have mercy on his companion, but Curley says he cant because Lennie has a gun. All of the men run off except for Candy, who lies down in despair.* The relationship between George, Lennie and Candy was now destroyed.* This relates to the theme of dreams as they couldnt get their own place and so their dream had crumbled as well.Paragraph 7* Loneliness affects many of the characters, and Steinbeck seems to show that it is a natural and inevitable moderate of the kind of life they are forced to lead.The itinerant workers are caught in a mariner of loneliness they never stay in one place long enough to form permanent relationships. Even if such relationships existed, they would probably be destroyed by the demands of the itinerant life.Candy is lonely because he is old, and is different from the other hands. His only comfort is his old dog, which keeps him company and reminds him of days when he was young and whole.He has no relatives, and once his dog is killed is totally alone. He eagerly clutches at the idea of buying a farm with George and Lennie, but of program this all comes to nothing.Candys disappointment is expressed in the bitter words he utters to the body of Curleys wife, whom he blames for spoiling his dream.George is also caught in the narrow down of loneliness. Just as Candy has his dog for company, George has Lennie (who is of ten described in animal-like terms). act the parallel, George too is left completely alone when Lennie is killed.The dream farm is his idea, and he says Wed belong there no more runnin around the country.Another lonely character is Curleys wife. Newly married and in a strange place, she is require by Curley to talk to anyone but him. To counter this, she constantly approaches the ranch hands on the excuse of looking for Curley. The only result is that the men regard her as a slut, and Curley becomes even more intensely jealous. Finally, her loneliness leads to her death as she makes the serious misunderstanding of trying to overcome it by playing the tease with Lennie.Curley himself is lonely. His new wife hates him as do all the ranch hands who despise him for his cowardice.He has married in an attempt to overcome his loneliness, but has blindly chosen a wife totally inappropriate for the kind of life he leads.His feelings are all channelled into aggressive behavior which fur ther isolates his wife and leads to the incident with Lennie where his hand is crushed.Crooks is another who is isolated because he is different. He copes with it by keeping a outdo between himself and the other hands. When he does allow himself to be drawn into the dream of working on George and Lennies dream farm, he is immediately shut out by Georges anger.* The conclusion, in my opinion is that people are brought together though loneliness and separated as they grow impertinent (Crooks). It is like an endless game which has to be played by psyche in the lead someone gets eager and makes it worse by instigating.This is fatewhat will happen will happen. Just like a game .. someone always wins..and someone always loses..