Thursday, December 26, 2019

Subjects, Verbs and Objects The Basic Sentence Unit

As seen in our review of the basic parts of speech, you dont need a thorough knowledge of formal English grammar to become a good writer. But knowing a few basic grammatical terms should help you understand some of the principles of good writing. Here, youll learn how to identify and use subjects, verbs, and objects—which together form the basic sentence unit. Subjects and Verbs A sentence is commonly defined as a complete unit of thought. Normally, a sentence expresses a relationship, conveys a command, voices a question, or describes someone or something. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark. The basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the verb. The subject is usually a noun—a word (or phrase) that names a person, place, or thing. The  verb (or  predicate) usually follows the subject and identifies an action or a state of being. See if you can identify the subject and the verb  in each of the following short sentences: The hawk soars.The boys laugh.My daughter is a wrestler.The children are tired. In each of these sentences, the subject is a noun: hawk, boys, daughter, and children. The verbs in the first two sentences—soars, laugh—show action and answer the question, What does the subject do? The verbs in the last two sentences—is, are—are called linking verbs because they link or connect  the subject with a word that renames it (wrestler) or describes it (tired). Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in a sentence. In the second sentence below, the pronoun she stands for Molly: Molly danced on the roof of the barn during the thunderstorm.She was waving an American flag. As the second sentence shows, a pronoun (like a noun) may serve as the subject of a sentence. The common subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. Objects In addition to serving as subjects, nouns may also function as objects in sentences. Instead of performing the action, as subjects usually do, objects receive the action and usually follow the verb. See if you can identify the objects in the short sentences below: The girls hurled stones.The professor swigged coffee.Gus dropped the iPad. The objects—stones, coffee, iPad—all answer the question what: What was hurled? What was swigged? What was dropped? As the following sentences demonstrate, pronouns may also serve as objects: Before eating the brownie, Nancy sniffed it.When I finally found my brother, I kissed him. The common object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. The Basic Sentence Unit You should now be able to identify the main parts of the basic sentence unit: SUBJECT plus VERB, or SUBJECT plus VERB plus OBJECT. Remember that the subject names what the sentence is about, the verb tells what the subject does or is, and the object receives the action of the verb. Although many other structures can be added to this basic unit, the pattern of SUBJECT plus VERB (or SUBJECT plus VERB plus OBJECT) can be found in even the longest and most complicated structures. Practice in Identifying Subjects, Verbs, and Objects For each of the following sentences, decide whether  the word in bold  is a subject, a verb, or an object. When youre finished, check your answers with those at the end of the exercise. Mr. Buck donated a wishbone to the Museum of Natural History.After the final song, the drummer hurled his sticks at the crowd.Gus smashed the electric guitar with a sledgehammer.Felix stunned the dragon with a ray gun.Very slowly, Pandora opened the box.Very slowly, Pandora opened the box.Very slowly, Pandora opened the box.Thomas gave his pen  to Bengie.After breakfast, Vera drove to the mission with Ted.Even though it rarely rains here, Professor Legree carries his umbrella wherever he goes. Answers1. verb; 2. subject; 3. object; 4. object; 5. subject; 6. verb; 7. object; 8. verb; 9. subject; 10. verb.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nasa Ames s The On The Earth And Space Sciences - 2311 Words

â€Å"WANTED: Astronauts for Flight to Callisto†, the sign that caught my eye as I walk passed the front desk at the NASA Ames Research Center hoping for an internship. This must be really expensive and it does not seem like there is a limit to how many astronauts they are looking for. It is also surprising that I only have to pay $1000 to sign up as long as I do not have a criminal record or any suspicious reason to leave the planet. The fine print warns applicants of possible risks during the mission. But with my knowledge of the Earth and Space Sciences, I will know most of the effects of space flight to astronauts during a mission and so I am positive that I can survive this flight no matter what happens. Considering I have nothing to lose by going and it has always been my dream to go to space, I decided to sign up for the flight. Callisto would be really exciting to explore because ever since I saw its pictures in my first college astronomy class, it has always been my favorite out of all the satellites in the solar system. Having a diameter of 4,821 kilometers, Callisto is the third largest satellite in the solar system, after Ganymede and Titan. It orbits past Jupiter’s main radiation belts. The satellite’s surface looks very glittery to me because of all the craters on it since Callisto is the most heavily cratered object in the solar system. The sparkle on this satellite was my inspiration until I graduated with a degree in astronomy. It will now be my inspirationShow MoreRelatedExploration Of The Space Exploration1232 Words   |  5 PagesSpace Exploration Humanity needs to continue its space exploration to assure the safety and continuation of itself. Governments are not making a big enough effort into the space expedition scene. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Jimmy Needham For Freedom free essay sample

Jimmy Needham is a fresh face emerging into the growing world of Christian music. Although barely known, once you hear his soothing indie beats, he becomes impossible to forget. Songs like â€Å"I Am New† have a sitting-on-the-porch, lazy-afternoon feel. Needham writes all his own music and plays the electric and acoustic guitars. â€Å"Lost at Sea† highlights his range of talent as he experiments with an inventive form of rap. Needhams sound is reminiscent of Gavin DeGraws urban beats mixed with Jack Johnsons mellowness. Theres rock, bluegrass, pop, rap, Christian and indie all on one CD, combining for an innovative sound that shines. Needham is also not afraid to be honest. His blunt opinions come off as genuine because he sings like he believes every word. The entire CD is peaceful, yet upbeat. With no background singers or loud instruments, you hear his raw, unique voice on every track. We will write a custom essay sample on Jimmy Needham For Freedom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why Socrates Should Be Found Guilty Essays - Socrates,

Why Socrates Should Be Found Guilty? Why Socrates should be found guilty? In 470 B. C or 469 B. C a Greek Philosopher named Socrates was born in Athens. He was the son of Sophroniscus who was a sculptor. Researchers has said that Socrates was brought up as a sculptor. Socrates later abandoned it. When Peloponesion war broke out, Socrates went into active service and he earned high praises by the people of Athens for his courage and his endurance. Socrates took part in three war campaign for Athens. The seize of Potidea which was the beginning of the war and where he saved Alcibiades life. He also took part in the defeat and retreat of the Athenians at Delium in Boeotia in 424. He also fought in the battle of Amphipolis in 422. He was considered a hero by the people of Athens. In 406 B. C a trial of generals who commanded an Athenian fleet at the battle of Arginusae was held. They were accused of failing to pick up survivors and the dead of the battle. The generals defended themselves by claiming that the rescue of the bodies would be impossible because of the strong seas. Socrates was a member of the Prytaneis who are the board of fifty that presided at the trial. What Socrates asked himself was Whether the generals had a right to be tried separately (Stone pg.110). He believed that if they were tried together it would be unfair. The Athenian council listened to the public opinion who said, that they should be tried together. The council then decided that they were to be tried together. Socrates dissented and challenged the mass trial as unconstitutional under Athenian law and procedure of the court. But, the population of Athens and the majority of that population was so angered by the decision to postpone the trial, that the committee forgot unconstitutionality and allowed a vote on an amendment to try all ten generals together. Socrates held out against this decision because he believed it was not only illegal but also unjust. The majority prevailed and cleared the passage for the amendment and the trial. Socrates said What they have done was illegal (Stone pg. 113). By saying this statement Socrates criticized the majority's decision. Socrates gained many enemies from saying this statement. It gives the majority a view of him as a defector of the city and views not like their own. Socrates went against the decision of the people to try them together. When you go against a majority you create a negative view of yourself. When people have negative views of you, you create many enemies. The second occasion that gave Socrates a negative view was when, Socrates went against the Thirty Tyrants. The Thirty Tyrants were responsible for oligarchy in Athens after they overthrew the Democracy. It was formed by a Spartan commander named Lysander after Sparta has won the Peloponnesian war. These Thirty Tyrants were responsible for many judicial murders. They murdered wealthy citizens who's property they wanted for their own. The Thirty ordered Socrates and four other men to arrest a man named Leon of Salimis. Socrates went home while the others obeyed the order. Socrates new the leaders Critias and Charmides of the Thirty well. He was very close with them including Alcibiades. Alcibiades, Critias, and Charmides were all in the Socratic circle. There was then a counter revolution that restored Democracy in Athens. The democrats wanted to prevent a comeback of the horrors that were in every Athenian citizen's mind. The terror that Critias, Charmides, and Alcibades has caused. In order to do this they would have to get Socrates out of the way. The democrats felt since Socrates was the teacher of these Thirty Tyrant leaders, that he was responsible for their misdeeds. Socrates' relations with these three tyrants gave the wrong impression in the eyes of the people in Athens. Not only this was the cause of the negativity toward Socrates, it was also the fact that he went home instead of joining the exiled that left the city to over throw the Thirty tyrants. Maybe perhaps if he joined the exiles to overthrow the Thirty his popularity