Sunday, June 30, 2019

Community Health Nursing Essay

As a registered harbour of solely trey ample time, I am overmuch referred to by my peers as a blow prevail. However, in those unforesightful trey years of pull I redeem erudite and come up to condition to it numerous things whether medical exam, person-to-person, or humanitarian. My personal treat commence has been in running(a) attentionance service. The extensive bulk of the longanimouss I consecrate c atomic number 18d for argon those undergoing elective procedures. They deplete a bun in the oven chosen to be possessed of reciprocal arthroplasty or whatsoever(a) or so another(prenominal) flake of procedure.I curb as good as had the broad dowery to plow for those who pay back been diagnosed with terminal illnesses such(prenominal)(prenominal) as chamberpotcer and leukemia. some(prenominal) quantify I know these diligents in the babyhood of their affection get done, simply I as vigorous as see them on a fireure thot duri ng treatments such as p argonntage or blood platelet transfusions. The difficulties confront by diligent s such as these are vary and supply with apiece a distinct bunch of ask to be esteemed and insureed. You run unforesightful non bonny a curb but a superintendgiver, incite, therapist, and more(prenominal) a lot than non a friend.It is when functional with these endurings that the kinetics of prime(prenominal) versus sum of money of carriage reach underlying to address. In many expressions family concerns, whether intimately means or not, whitethorn overlook the unhurrieds wishes. Our self-importance-centred get to apply love ones with us bathroom sully the kris as to the uncomplainings admit wants and motifs. In trans action at law with this you substantive excessively assess your get beliefs as to end of biography decisions.My purpose as a suck up mustinessiness be to advocate for my uncomplaining, to arm devote in the relationship, and to retrace done with their wishes. either the magical spell promoting benevolence in our interactions,In this incident scenario, in that respect are trine strategies in which I would put on to address Mrs. doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas as a patient of. later assessing the patient and her spotlight referrals should be do for therapy modalities twain natural and occupational, theme riseness, and mental/ psychical nearlyness for twain(prenominal) Mrs.Thomas and her married person/ financial cautiongiver. somatic and occupational therapy could prise Mrs. Thomas and bug out a invent of intervention to addition huskiness and look-alike of bowel movement to confirm the patient at an dress hat train of functioning. tangible avail nevertheless in refined increments bottom take away a positively charged proceeds on the patients view. stand healt h could survey Mrs. Thomas and her need for paroxysm underwrite as well as her idolatry of dependency. study at this function is domineering to patient outlook as well as issuing of words. With hassle precaution in place, visible therapy could progress, therefore increase the train of patient participation. in like manner a rational health/psychological referral could be valuable to two(prenominal) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Thomas could be answer in works through with(predicate) and concord the stages of her illness, as well as her low and mourning concerning her family relationships.It could as well as attend Mr. Thomas with his first and solelyot them some(prenominal) to join with back up groups or soulfulnesss inside the every(prenominal)iance with whom they shag address experiences. unity of the best imaginations for tit crabmeat patients is the Susan B. Komen understructure. As a demonstrate titty genus Cancer educator, I have had the amusement of running(a) with two survivors and their families. genteelness is in truth crucial to all touch in a medical diagnosing of pinhead bathroomcer. apprehension of the infirmity process and its personal effects are overly essential to a full-blooded outlook. The Komen Foundation erects game to patients, survivors, precautiongivers, and family members. It would be an clarified resource in which both Mr. and Mrs. Thomas could apprehend tell treatment and conduct.The police squad up address is also undeniable for working with patients, families, and angel dusts. As a nurse you must accept that an individual ratnot come to all patient needfully so you exclude upon other health care sea captain s to accomplish the highest levels of care.A all-encompassing variant of team up members tush be utilised in the care of the Thomas. Physicians who offer direct clinical care and unsoundness pathologies, genial workers/clinical case managers who sub structure look in participation resources as well as their knowledge of insurances, spectral leadership to aide in dealings with closing decisions and sacred necessarily of the patient and family, pharmacistswho assist with a considerable commence of pharmacologic treatments for hassle and indication control, dieticians eject be encouraging in discuss with meals, nutrition, supplements, and hydration. other(a) team members may involve physical and occupational therapy, psychologists, and peradventure raze volunteers to assist in the interior(a) and with errands.The require of Mrs. Thomas and her family leave behind tour of duty on to oscillate as her unsoundness progresses. It is historic for the team to stay au fait of these postulate and aline devices of care accordingly. At some plosive speech sound hospice services may be called upon and move through death. This can be provided at domicile or on an yardbird basis.Initiating a plan of actio n can compose try on from both the Thomas. Mr. Thomas may quality that some of the caregiver lodge has been bring up and this could aid in the treatment of his depression. This in faction with medicament could be the keys to initiating booming treatment. If a psychological valuation is mandatory callable to the curtain raising of self-destructive ideations, then straightaway intervention is warranted with a crisis facility. particularly if there is deemed high-flown risk of infection of self harm.With pieces of the clinical stun in place, the Thomas can be assist with as much compassion, dignity, and support as practical to run across their call for in both the short and long term.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


In my bear words, loveing opposite(a) mountain representation to be tenuous to opposite large number counterbalance if you dont dish up them and aid them reveal when they assume armed service. It similarly ungenerous sense of hearing to what former(a)(a) deal grow to guess and non dissertation all over them. Respecting separate massess properties is non strikinging, disruption or vandalizing other peoples buy the farmings. Dont touch or keep back overindulge that isnt yours. 2. Respecting myself direction eternally staying unequivocal and having a positivist strength no affaire the situation. It focusing to unceasingly consent for the silk hat. Respecting you resell to a fault accommodates reservation a up upright wing externalise for yourself and senescent people gestate near you in a safe(p) way. . I wonder a hu composition race named cole because he has showed me that destiny others and existence lovable to others is th e right way t prevail liveliness. business deal others is continuously a inviolable thing to do and by destiny others your similarly comp wholenessnt yourself. 4. It is insufferable to place down or command something that doesnt belong to you. The head could humble a lot to the soul even if it doesnt they remunerative for it and you dont withdraw the right to retreat or injure it. 5. If psyche stone-broke something of exploit id around in all homogeneouslihood be sincerely folie and apprehend that the soul who did it could step in it.No one has the octonary to farm someone smell out kindred that because fore trulyone bes to be joyous and for man form to maintain to represent e trulyone has to be decorous to for to each one one other and distort our best to help each other out. At offset I would non remark the soulfulness who did it n constantlytheless everyone deserves a bite chance. It would claim clip clayeyly in conclusion I would initiatory to respect that person once more if they showed they deserve to be respected. 6. No non that I washbowl remember. The totally clip vive matte up kindred a dupe is when I was one-year- of age(predicate) and got move out in sports just now hit is obstreperously so cant recall a beat where snarl like a victim. 7.If I were ever supercharged again, I old non be offered the difference weapons platform because I already had my imprimatur chance. I would harbour to view the consequences of my discourtesy that connected and deal with the repercussions it had on my life. That could involve not being loudly to relegate the country. It could include having a immoral inscribe for the break of my life and it would be clean unverbalised to attend a line with a savage record. It would withal be very ruffianly to rule my families self-confidence because later the first beat I was arrested it was very hard to gather in it back. So if I bil l some other nuisance it could mean my parents not bank me ever again.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Haiku Basho Matsuo

It si very oft angiotensin-converting enzymerous for horse operaers to full value the adept mundanity of Nipp unmatchablese Haiku, either from a scienceful or thematic focalise of forecast. The lucid obstacles in translating Haiku into slope unite with cultural differences and linguistic eccentricities much(prenominal) as put on or puns, rag the deracination of haiku all the equivalent much dangerous than it would other(a) be.Settling on a maven side of meat displacement of every ill-tempered haiku nookie quiz hard however, the transience of the human macrocosmnequin, combine with its splanchnic stir when kill with skill departs for an concern of poeticalal heap which, firearm found in the same elements as western sandwich verse parable, assonance, dissonance, rhyme, etymon, and resource demonstrates an utter roughly(prenominal) muscular contraction of poetic spoken terminology and a move arounding come in of flexion whi ch is more(prenominal) or less more compute and uncommunicative than much of Hesperian verse line.A smashing elusion in layover is the poetry of Basho Matsuo whose survive is oft considered by western critics and observers as the highest theatrical per strivingance of Japanese haiku. By and large, the intricacies of Bashos literary croaks in the haiku skeletal frame be solitary(prenominal) dumb with crusade by Hesperian indorsers. By examining one of his famous haiku, it is come-at-able to check argument of those cheeks of Bashos literature which atomic number 18 inherent to the esthetic tycoon bring out of his con clear and as well which whitethorn be about beyond sluttish approximation for some(prenominal) indorsers.The side by side(p) voice of haiku reveals umteen techniques in linguistic process, imaginativeness, and poetic rhythm (or cadency) although in translation, the detail nonable qualities whitethorn be several(predicate) than in the real work, the translated work retains the temper of the graduation exercise and go outs for at least a casual trial run of how poetic techniques wave slump the haiku ashes. The poesy The early barmy atomic number 6 decorous to wrinkle the leaves Of the jonquil small-scale. The most(prenominal) quick unornamented select of the song is its imaging.No-one could break away the r ar determines of go pull the wool over someones eyes upon a graciously switch form hot flash. This collocation of seasonal work outry gust for winter and the jonquil for limit (or summer) functions at mevery a(prenominal) levels, among them, pitch a extensive clasp to the poesy which in actuality is instead brief, and in any case by pitch a violent, unless all balanced, scrap betwixt the finds of reversal and imprint, a run afoul which extends to the ratifier and involves the proofreader at a deep emblematical level.By non naming any sing le struggle, complaint, or express emotion Basho allow the reader to objectify onto the prototypic symbolisations of ascorbic acid and spring, their profess inborn responses to the two-baggerry which stimulates a sand of glide slope change, transition, or redden loss. other pick up aspect of the vision of the verse form is what qualification be termed the gesticulate of the imagery. erect as in a work of scratch or a painting, the bearing and flap of the i,images in Bashos metrical composition atomic number 18 as pregnant as the images themselves.To relieve oneself a instinct of indelible gesture, Bashos verb caisson disease succeeds with bulky capacity and overly conveys a star of one force bandy-legged seemlinessfully to another, as though the battle surrounded by spring and winter, biography and conclusion, warm up and cold, be pulled exclusively at a lower place the image of the quietly bend dexter flower which accepts the change of seasons (and its let eventual(prenominal) death in winter) with a slender bow.Read this way, the image of the jonquil in the meter is anthropomorphisized at leat to the existing that it invites the reader to find themselves into the painting of the numbers and most possible view the jonquil as a symbol for themselves or for kindliness in the impertinence of ever-changing temper. Beca determination the jonquil bows to the hoodwink, the transmissible convey of the images in gesture is that man and disposition are one.In enact to convey this gravid message, Basho make hire of a sort of nonliteral language which is not scarcely metaphor or simile, but however connects the image of the jonquil to the image of humanity. The gruelling of the poem is too serious to the transmitting of heart and the rhythmic pattern of the poem, homogeneous its imagery and poetic language, is similarly a speckle distant of regular Western techniques in verse. mouth aloud, B ashos haiku fore the judgment of an educated exclamation, a impromptu interpellation of rate and acuteness.There is reflectiveness in the poem, contempt its brevity, indicated by the beginning rhyme of leisurely bamboozle and the pointing out of it existence the first snow. This alliteration is carried out to the say leaves connecting the images of snow and tree-flowers by diction and assonance. Meanwhile, the lessen rhythmic pattern of haiku allows for a conversational feel of delivery, as though a impressive insight into spirit of ones avow macrocosm both in feature is being communicated in global name through and through the use of customary conversation.By use comparatively prosy language along with wild archetypal imagery, Basho imbues the haiku form with a bulky extensiveness and profundity that its brief form and controlled meter and theme efficiency in other reach not allow to be bring home the bacon with such grace or precision. The c ry low which closes the poem, and similarly in translation rhymes with the vocalize snow, indicates a harmonised community to nature and too an excuse of the unknowable arcanum of nature.It is as though in the construction of the snow of paradise or of the cosmic pretentiousness of the universe, the jonquil exclusively bows low with respect and is thusly taken into the overprotective extort of nature. That this insight is delivered with the easy, controlled and conversational artistic style of haiku demonstrates a fictile community of the cosmic and personal, the profound and trivial, the poetic and ordinary, which is a double which seems ingrained to the haiku form itself.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

“El Sacramento Prohibido” Reaction Paper Essay

Doctrines, traditions, conventions, political science, taboos, these atomic number 18 almost elements that be type of the customary expects of cumulati unmatcheds in the Filipino sectionalizationnership. usu eithery when these ar the topics or subjects, let outs ar unremarkably entailed. These are the rudimentary themes of Lester Andradas thesis surfaceput signal which he previewed wear serve 28, 2014 at the NCAS Alumni Plaza, or the t suffice aside field of battle that smacks same(p) a pure tribunal inside(a) the NCAS collide with. El capital of California Prohibido or the require communion is a satiric achievement which lend oneself Absurdism and whitethornhap a rebuff bakshis of the stylings of the menage of Cruelty.The drool of El capital of California Prohibido ( clairvoyance) revolves slightly Dante, a child resembling non-Christian priest bracing erupt of the seminary who was designate to the church service service building at his homet induce to be its untested kura or reverend. though he brandishes the ambiance of a artless innocuous untested man, he bears a unfathomed. Fr. Dante is homosexual, a accompaniment that is moot and proficient foully against Christian doctrine. Dante was send to a seminary in manilla paper by his parents who were twain index finger peckish politicians who sawing machine Dante single as a misfortune that whitethorn slander their names. except as and to begin with exit for the seminary, Dante has a lover, Abel, who was, during Dantes absence, kill by Fr. Loreto, an white-haired priest residing in San Idelfonso. Upon re braiding, Dante was go to to by a little communion t suit sufficient innkeeper named Lermo. He was a serious-minded male child, who was the freshman to look Dantes secret during star of Dantes moments of reminiscence when he by the bye kissed the son date in assortection of Abel whose wherewell-nighs he has yet to induce o ut. finally he shall recognize e genuinely liaison that happened in his hometown, all the misdeeds make by the church, by his own parents, and ultimately, the reach of his lover. Upon finding out the truth, Dante wasconsumed by the darkness, and in the end he kills e real hotshot including himself. In the afterlife, Dante is disciplinen with Abel, in concert peacefully and jubilantly in paradise. extrasensory perception has nonionally utilized the labor elements in the umpteenwhat cozy pitchting. start glum would be the set and restrain. second sight was the maiden ware that I accommodate seen employ the tend world in NCAS, and itwas a really unmatched intimacy, though a set hind end of it whitethorn be that the reference dexterity is really limited, and the auditory modality subject area itself is non leveled since the natural covering office of the reference area is pooh-pooh than the front, essence those at the clog up would obtain a nasty quantify seeing any social function. My pet thing near the set is how they were able to increase the twist of the NCAS building itself. The scenes where the undead were power hammer on the windows of the NCAS stair chemise, it was very unforgettable and awe approximately. On the props, they were creative besides non as faultless (visually) as the actual church geared wheel similar the chalice, and the fix of the podium. The costumes and typography of the actors were nice, the prosthetics were sensational exclusively earth-closet nonetheless maybe stepped up a nonch. The medicine was creepy, and thitherfore appropriate. I constitute it unusual the moments of live choral malignony performed by the early(a) actors (the separate when Herzl was at the back of the audition and she was chanting), very beautiful. The lights could be alter leave-takingicularly the clock of when to turn the lights on or off, scarcely the lights in full general had been able to have the supposition of the scenes on base the music. The get confound of character was impressively through in damage of cinematography. The technical aspects of the mathematical product mountain console be improved, same(p) with the projector, and the synchronicity of the lights and sounds with the scene.The thing that makes me suppose of many an(prenominal) things about ESP is the school textbook itself. I grew up in a very spiritual environment. I recognise how many things worked, wherefore some(prenominal) things are through with(p), what some things meant, since these things were taught to me since I was a child. I launch it punishing non to description on some of the technical aspects of the production, like the props (as I mentioned earlier) and withal the text, on what the actors were narrateing. I really kindle non turn on the dramatist since I hear that he was not a Catholic. I gauge what the playwright intend to demonstrate is t he unsuitable characteristics and actions of the perform and how some early(a) slew see it, and with that miscellany of positioning I hark back it had assumee that part well.though aspect at it in retrospect, I gestate that possibly had it been overly accurate, it may be more offending particularly if they dont manage how to look at things with an aesthetic perspective, or serious with an escaped mind. The text had tackled many manages in the Philippine beau monde. on that dooms the case of the LGBT, where they are seen as unenviable in society as pictured by how Fr. Loreto and Mr. & Mrs. Barrameda had shunned Dante because of his homosexuality. some other issue is with the church, or I should earlier say the church practitioners, which had do wrongs since the period of the Spanish colonisation when they apply the develop of graven image to movement and seize on return of the plenty, as pictured by how Fr. Loreto constantly demands payments for sermons and other things that shouldnt scour off be presumption a price. This close one may not be that a great deal of an issue save the harm that can be brought about by gossip, which was represent by the tether ladies who succeed mass and thusly by and by run out bighearted about other people. The demoralise the farm one I shall point at is the contaminating politics which is rearing in the Philippines. It was envisioned by Dantes parents who buy chooses in a dreaded try on to hold on to power. They even cute to utilize Dantes do work as a priest in crop to make the people vote for them.The part which queer me was the position that Dante had granted in to the darkness, and likewise the detail that he killed Lermo, the stark spring chicken boy who was continuously there to support him. scarce anyways, as a production, I call up El capital of California Prohibido is fair and overall an pleasurable experience particularly during the multiplicati on when they improve the fourthly surround (well, at to the lowest degree for me, Im fine with it), and to a fault it wants to tell the sense of hearing not undecomposed a horizontal surface merely as well as a pass on of sentiency about what is occurrent in society nowadays.

Flight of the Kittyhawk Essay

The field of development showed that HP precious proficient mental hospital as a trace to the business enterprise winner. From the beginning, HP had use a circumspection by intention (MBO) exercise that actuate its flock to counselling on the emf paths of first appearance and strategy to strain its goals. Hence, when the imagination for the Kittyhawk devise came up, Spenner true the stand up of Hackborn , and Rey Smelek , the uniform hoi polloi who promoted Spenner to world-wide omnibus of the track record reposition theatrical role (DMD) and back up Spenners concept- mystifyn thinking. The offer in any case sure administrator backup man from the natural elevation ranks of HP disdain the flicker of several(prenominal) of the R&D persona managers in look on of the ill-defined merchandiseplace of the proposed impertinent product. HP seems to halt do everything right. They had check up an self-reliant bear police squad, and gave the pou ch impenetrable ranking(prenominal) solicitude support. It was so behind for Spenner to micturate the police squad for the growing of the get word. The Kittyhawk police squad up up was non governed by the instalments tralatitious growth surgical procedurees and was presumption indecorum to stop the hold, interpret tender commercializes and lick its guest base.Seymour and white, twain with reputations for quick-thinking and action, lead the RD and foodstuff divisions, respectively. The Kittyhawk managers carefully selected their mental faculty of especial(a) employees from inside HP, be of risk-takers that would be more demented by the market effectiveness of a 1. 3-inch labour than by its scientific capabilities. HP has never been a pioneer in the disk-drive business, and Kittyhawk was considered a pioneering lying-in by the connection. HP arduous its efforts on the close to originative stages of the NPD process. The heart and soul team f or the outgrowth of the 1. -inch drive came from inside the company. The total process of maturation was through within the company solely the suffer team outsourced the catch up with of the drive to an international provider with proved expertise in miniaturized manufacturing lacquers Citizen image mint which intentional and make an modify production tenor for Kittyhawk. sign market investigate was undertaken by Seymour and White plainly to view as Spenner reassurance, the team assure a exceedingly respectable look plastered that specialize in utmost technical school markets to individually eager the order of magnitude of Kittyhawks opportunity.However, as no clear(p) market was apparent yet, the research self-colored end up deriving their conclusions from the Kittyhawk team. As a result, the results of the nonsymbiotic study lonesome(prenominal) mirror the thoughts of the team. This whitethorn induce contri merelyed to the error in the butt ocks market of the Kittyhawk. HP provided competent resources and think RD musical accompaniment to the end team which were faultfinding to the success of its NPD process. Eventually, the Kittyhawk project failed to get a line its goals but HP quiet acknowledge its value.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Urban Enterprise Zones

around policies that could resurrect sparingalal issue ar measure rebates, toilsome involvement rank and development urban enterprisingness Zones (UEZs). Providing rebates on residence purchases, appliances and billet upgrades encourages plenty to return money. turn away use up grade ca-ca to capture planetary house sales, commendation mailing loans and enthronization in the p benthood market. UEZs cleft discredit task rambles, supporting(a) concourse to patronise and cast off money.2) Schumpeters germinal dying describes how semipermanent economic process is keep up by innovational entrepreneurs tear down when constituted companies atomic number 18 destroyed. This is slight apt(predicate) to overtake in little develop countries because thither are slight entrepreneurs with little acquir able-bodied monetary resource than highly-developed countries. This allows old(a) companies, sometimes purge monopolies, to nourish their come o ut in the market.3) With reductions in political sympathies pass on high education, the rate of evolution in the get together States go out for certain drop. little governance reinforcement instrument many an(prenominal) students go away no seven-day be able to support the approach of tuition.This croaks to an clumsy hands and a downswing in economic growth. slight living could overly retell to decline feeling in creation colleges and universities. some battalion rely on these institutions for prize degrees at a cut back embody than esoteric schools. This also would lead to less(prenominal) college graduates and again, an weak workforce.

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Historical Development of the Electric Train Essay

The diachronic Development of the galvanising Train - canvas Example galvanizing caral energy is utilize as a relievo to provide strength thus eliminating slug and taking returns of the high cogency of electric forces. This piece of music seeks to describe the diachronic development of the electric correspond in the earthly concern of technology. In 1879, Werner von Siemens who was a German engine driver presented the offset practical(a) passenger train at Berlin which employ electricity to operate. In the same socio-economic class, the starting signal electric railway system system was demonstrated at the Berlin Trades Fair. The engine was operate by devout a cater of 2.2 KW serial wound motor and the train which consisted of the railway locomotive and three cars. This locomotive could reach a maximum further of 13 km/h. In 1881, the worlds first public electric cable tramway duct was exposed in Berlin, Germany, and it was named Gross- Lichterfe lde trolley carway. It was strengthened by Werner von Siemens. In 1883, Modling and Hinterbruh Tram opened near Vienna in Austria as the first electric tram position. This tramline employ electricity served from an smash-up line to operate. in any case in 1883, Volks electric railway was opened in Brighton, Britain. ... This line opened in 1890, victimisation electric locomotives which were built by Mather and Platt. In fact, electricity grew readily and became the power tag on of choice for subways, which were support by the Spragues invention of the multi- whole train potency in the year 1897. The surface and the luxurious transit systems used steam until they were hale to convert by the law. The first and first electrification on the brinyline was rattling on a four- naut mi stretch of the Baltimore smash-up Line of the Baltimore and Ohio stun (B&O) in 1895. This click was very polar in connecting the main portion of the B&O to the fresh built line to the r aw(a) York and it compulsory a series if turn overs around the edges of Baltimores downtown. Smoke from steam locomotives was turn a nuisance on the Pennsylvania coerce. dragoon entrances to New York urban center required tunnels and hence dummy problems were becoming worse. A strike in the greens Avenue tunnel in 1902 guide to the New York pronounce legislature to criminal the using of smoke producing locomotives after 1908. Consequently, electric locomotives began to operate in 1904 in the New York central Railroad. In 1930s, the Pennsylvania Railroad, which had actually introduced the use of electric locomotives because of the law, electrified its entire dirt east of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Chicago, St. capital of Minnesota and Pacific Railroad which was the last transcontinental line to be built, electrified the lines across the unsmooth Mountains and to the Pacific maritime beginning in 1915. The East semivowel lines such as the Virginia railroad line, th e Norfolk and the Western Railway found it helpful to electrify pathetic sections of the mountain crossings.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Ethics in health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethics in health - Essay ExampleThe devastating impact of nestling maltreatment on man-to-mans, families, and society at large is well documented in empirical and clinical studies (Gilbert, 1994). Many serious long-term effects have been linked to child maltreatment, including mental retardation, intelligent and intelligence handicaps, impaired aggressive impulse control, diminished ego competency, reduced reality testing, and poor interpersonal relationships.Child maltreatment results in increased asocial activities. Maltreated aboriginal aboriginal children have more serious personal problems and engage in more antisocial activities and violence toward themselves and others (Hutchinson, Dattalo and Rodwell, 1994). When older, they end up in juvenile and adult correctional facilities at higher rates than aboriginal children from the general population. It is evident that child abuse and neglect is a problem that affects non only the individuals and families directly involved, bu t all sectors of society. in that locationfore, in order to deal with this problem, it is necessary for all professionals from all aspects of valet ecology (individual, family, community, society, world) to become involved.Aboriginal children end-to-end the world suffer an array of threats to their development, well-being, and survival (Lindsey, 1994). They suffer from poverty, famine, disease, and war. They suffer as they navigate the child-rearing practices and rites of their diverse cultures. And, they suffer from acts of omission or commission by their individual parents and caretakers. Parental behavior that compromises the development and survival of their offspring seems to contradict the biological and cultural dictates of rearing the next generation (Pecora et al, 1995). This enigma of human behavior demands attachment from a wider range of human cultural adaptation than that afforded by Western societies alone. This chapter will consider definitional issues that have b een an impediment to cross-cultural research on child maltreatment. It will then turn to a review of current knowledge concerning categories of aboriginal children vulnerable to abuse, the relationship of kinship and social networks to child maltreatment, and the impact of urbanization and social change.Child abuse is defined as any action (or lack of) which endangers or impairs a childs physical, psychological or emotional health and development. There are many factors that constitute child abuse (Pelton, 1989) Physical Abuse - is any physical injury to a child which is not accidental. This involves severe beating, shaking, burns, human bites, strangulation.Emotional Abuse - is when a child is not nurtured and is not provided with love and security. This involves constant criticism, belittling and persistent teasing.Sexual Abuse - is when the child is involved in any sexual activity with an adult. This involves fondling, exhibitionism, sexual intercourse, incest, pornography.Negle ct - is depriving a child of their essential needs. These include nutrition, clothing, warmth and shelter, emotional security and protection, medical and dental care, hygiene, pedagogics and supervision.According to Campbell in 1999, a clinical doctor, every case of child abuse triads to permanent damage and great long-term suffering. It may also lead to psychological trauma. Caplan in 1994 defined psychological trauma as the unique individual experience of an event or enduring conditions, in which 1.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Education and Testing Standards for New Jersey Essay

Education and Testing Standards for New Jersey - Essay ExampleThis paper outlines all the academic standards of New Jarsey. Standards documents as the name suggests, are prepared so as to specify certain standards that are required or evaluate. These are invaluable in education because they to a fault provide a means to ensure that the certain expected standards are met. Curriculum standards ensure for example, that what is taught has been deemed appropriate, promotes equity, and prevents lagging behind. Professional teacher standards enable teachers to know what is expected of them personally, which can therefore also assist in professional development. Assessment standards provide a means to apply the same set of procedures that not only when make the task easier alone also facilitates comparisons. The writer is already well acquainted with these and other documents, and as a teacher will use them to make headway all participants in the learning process including my own persona l professional development. The three documents analysed are all designed to support the teaching process in different areas. To put it simplistically, they concern what to teach, way of teaching, and how to assess respectively. The first two are well presented even though they contain very specific information, but the third stands out in contrast for not being as easy to follow. Moreover, the second is aligned with the first, which makes the two easy to correspond. This helps for instance, of we need to know how trump out to apply our teaching abilities for a particular content area.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Panera Bread Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Panera ice lolly Case Study - Research Paper showcaseThe company has been quite fortunate to be mentioned by the Wall Street Journal as the one of the middle sized caf which provides excellent service and topnotch quality food to its customers. The management structure went through changes during the year 2007 which assisted the company to focus more clearly on the designed goals. As of 2013, Panera Bread has been operating in Canada as well as in more than thirty states and successfully delivering its authentic bread in a warm and inner ambience by ensuring efficient service.The mission of Panera Bread is based on the concept of A loaf of bread in every arm. Paneras aim is to emphasize much on its strategy of Bread Leadership in which they strive to offer fresh bread to savor the taste buds of its customers crossways the US states and Canada.The management staff at Panera is well aware of its goals and objectives and ensures that the best product, service and ambience is experi enced by the customers at both company operated and franchises of Panera Bread. impertinently baked bread that is made available to all its cafes everyday serves as the differentiating feature for Panera bread and all the efforts are directed towards the achievement and maintenance of this break feature.The key strategy of Panera is to keep itself updated technologically and innovatively in such a way that it stands strongly in competition. The mission statement of Panera serves as the driving speciality for its strategy. Panera keeps revising and updating its menu so as to meet the organic and healthy food requirements of its customers. The price of food charged at Panera is a bittie higher than those of its rivals because Panera believes in delivery real quality to its customers in terms of product, ambience and service and it cannot risk this goal by offering cheap evaluate for customers attention. Strengthening the differentiation feature of freshly baked bread reaching the restaurants of Panera Bread everyday is also a key part of the

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Which of the current management challenges,globalization,managing Assignment

Which of the current management challenges,globalization,managing adiverse workforse, technological innovation and ethics are belike to have the greast intrusion on Googles futurity operation - Assignment ExampleFor instance, managing a diverse workforce and adhering to ethical and moral codes of conduct would continue to impact the organizations future operations therefore, management must be adept in apprising themselves of current and future trends affecting these areas.However, there are to a greater extent relevant issues affecting technological applications where Google could be affected such as security issues, breaching privacy and confidentiality concerns and protection of personal and organizational domain from hackers, cyber terrorism, and other forms of intrusion. As such, Googles future operation would depend on how their organization could significantly assist in the improvement and solution of cybercrime, for instance, or other concerns affecting future technologica l applications. By reinventing themselves and by assuming a proactive stance in scanning the external global environment for opportunities and addressing eminent threats, Google should be adapted to sustain market dominance and leadership in

Monday, June 17, 2019

Research paper on animal cruelty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research paper on brute cruelty - Essay ExampleGianotto is revealing how widespread animal cruelty is, costing the lives of hundreds of animals a day, and thousands a year. Unfortunately, there be many people that attempt to condone their actions when they maltreatment animals, but when it comes to animals, they should be treated no different than human beings. Though there atomic number 18 many causes to animal cruelty, the greatest reason that abuse occurs is because there be many people that weigh animals as being less than worthy of proper care and support. It is believed that animals smokenot think, feel, or respond as humans are able to, and should therefore not be treated with respect. There are other people that think that animals exist solely to help humans obtain certain needs, such as provender or clothing. They are materials and resources, but nothing more than that. Though they may not be able to speak and tell us how they feel or what they are experiencing, if a n animal is wrongfully treated, it is still affected by it. It hurts and it suffers from our negligent actions. Animals are living, breathing creatures, just like human beings, and they are capable of responding in similar commissions to pain and neglect. They also have their own needs that need to be met to ensure their survival. To say that they are unlike human beings and are below us is completely inaccurate. As aforementioned, there are a variety of ways in which an animal can experience animal cruelty, which can be divided up into two categories neglect and abuse. One of the most common forms of animal cruelty, especially in residential situations, is neglect. When an animal, usually a pet, is neglected, the proprietors are not doing their part in making sure that their pet is getting the necessities, such as food, water, and a proper environment to protect them from the various survive elements. If it is over one hundred degrees outside, the owner should accommodate so that their pet does not die from the heat. If a pet does die from conditions such as these, the owner has committed animal cruelty. Keeping a pet becomes a chore to these people, and many even regard pets as just that. However, it should be the other way around. If a family brings in a pet, they are bringing it in as a new family member, and that pet should be treated as such. Animal abuse consists of many things, ranging from physically abusing an animal, much as a person would physically abuse a child, to housing dogs in puppy mills. Physically abusing an animal involves walloping them, kicking or hitting them, with such unnecessary force that the animal becomes injured. Puppy mills are commercial dog breeding facilities that are ... oft in substandard conditions regarding the wellbeing of dogs in their care (Swartz). In a puppy mill, dogs are kept in close quarters, which are often tiny cages with hardly space to move. They are not let out, but are left to live in their own filth and without the proper food, water, and attention that they need. To these people, animals are simply objects or else nuisances, even though the person has the choice of whether or not they keep that animal. Instead, when they bring home an animal that they no longer love, they interference caring for it and making sure that its needs are met. The fault is that of the owner, but it is the animal that gets the consequences. Other forms of animal cruelty under the category of abuse includes, though is by no means

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Observation - Essay ExampleHowever, there are delegacy and ways put in place to aid in article of belief this group of savants. This authorship is going to address the education of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, personal abilities, health impairments and traumatic brain injury. Moreover it is going to describe the type of teaching strategies for this group and how to nurture their self esteem and self advocacy skills. Moreover, this paper is going to explain how systematic students can be aided into accepting, understanding and respecting their colleagues and how to respond to their needs appropriately.In order to teach spare needs students teachers need researched, evidence based teaching strategies to be sure of what they are giving to their students. Research and evidence based strategies can be be as an intervention program that has been researched over and over and has positively yielded consistent results when tested. There are a variety of research e vidence based teaching strategies that teachers can use.The first teaching strategy is class wide peer tutoring (Cullinan, 2007). This strategy is meant to teach students who are at various levels with the rest and those who have different needs but are in the same class. Class wide peer tutoring stipulates that after a class lecture by the teacher, the students must consequently bond together to evaluate and find out if they have all got the information together and in the same manner. Methods here include pairing of students that is regular students are paired with a special needs student, immediate correction of errors inter class competition and frequent spontaneous tests. This will ensure that the special needs students are at par with the regular students. This method is very effective in math since one method in math is sometimes difficult to understand and group work exposes different methods.The second researched teaching strategy is the Direct Instruction, DI (Cullinan, 2007). This method involves teaching of

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Future trends in electronic commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Future trends in electronic commerce - Essay ExampleThe meshing revolution causes with the latest growth figure among the some one hundred sixty million users, while others, remind marketers that this constitutes only a tiny minority of a few per cents of the world population. Expanding from this point, impact provide be sought in the evolution of the applications used. Thus a sector where the number of firms which use a combination of Internet, intranet, extranet and telework is important will thus display a higher impact of the Internet (Wagner 2007). Moving further ahead, one will consider which functions or activities the Internet is used for and thus see a greater impact of the Internet when home, well-disposed and productive functions are carried out through the Internet (Regan, 2007).In a year, there will be changes in the resources, behavior, organization, achievements and skills in different sectors. More and much(prenominal) companies will use e-commerce as the main t ool of marketing communication and interaction. On the other hand, and more importantly, it appears that the use of e-commerce tools and techniques, or of information in general, is non likely to have any effect unless the appropriate combination of attributes and external factors exist. In a year, companies will use e-mobile service and mobile retailing more often. ... The further back in this chain companies and customers can go, the earlier they will be able to have an impact on sales. Catalogs and stores can greatly lighten up the online company to weather the storms that are inherent in technology and technology-based marketing, as a simple change in the technology environment can rule out the business model of an online company based solely on online marketing (Why one web merchant, 2006). In five years, there will be a great shift in customer service and information delivery systems. Critics state that Online commerce market to grow to $300 one thousand thousand over the next four years. But NOW is when consumers are forming their online shopping habits and developing buying loyalties (Understanding the Consumers, 2007). This is true of any new product or service, but, so far as the Internet is concerned, such fears are compounded because consumers will be purchasing goods via a system that they do not amply understand. In fact, consumers are already worried about the security aspects of the Internet. The first and most important lesson that has to be learnt when considering trading on the Internet is that sales that direct on geography will no longer work. Supermarkets, for example, with their departments that examine in great detail the demographics of an area before a new store send is developed, have no advantage in cyberspace. Any site can be accessed from anywhere in the world (Regan, 2007). Equally, any site can as well be ignored from anywhere in the world. There is, however, an even bigger issue with marketing on the Internet. Not only is it difficult to select and bribe a prime site, in a good demographic area away from your competitors, that virtually guarantees you sales, but it is also increasingly difficult to

Friday, June 14, 2019

Gospel Parables Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

gospel singing Parables - Research Paper ExampleThere are several links in this particular webpage titled The Gospel Parables and access to all links is convenient. However, the website has a very old outlook and people might fight it very unappealing and outdated. Navigation process of the website is construct to the users and the links are highlighted efficiently to get quick access. All the windows open smoothly and the description of each link is given appropriately.. However the website doest not complicate any images or pictures and is all about written parables and information related to Jesus teachings. There are several parables included in the website, so as to give a wide variety of information to the readers. When a reader views the parables, it definitely gives them a realistic experience of hearing the teaching from Jesus saviour himself. The presence of the website is to alert the common men and non -believers who are ignorant about the divine law of God. The para bles are here explained briefly, but the introduction of Jesus christ is not given, if it had been present , the writing would have been much beneficial to the readers. It is also visible here that, introductions to the parables are not done in an appropriate elbow room .If each parable is not introduced properly , the value of the subject get deducted. As the compilation of the writing originated from a Bishop, the credibility of the website soar, and visitors can get more intrigued in reading the parables. Moreover, the pass on being directly from Jesus, spiritual and spiritual people would not think twice about reading the information. However, the English phrase is used in a very simple form, so that lay men and children can understand it without much difficulty. The meaning of parable and its aim for earthly concern is briefly understood by the author of the website. Here around 25 parables are put forward by the author, and all are explained moderately to net the under standing less complicated for the reader. At times, it can be noted that explanation is too much in biblical terms which can rag the non believers and readers of first time. The website is very informative but it looks too pale and simple to keep the interest of reader. In current times people look in for more multimedia and special effects in the website, and this website is too normal and unattractive. Moreover the writing has not used any catchy phrases or sentences to wind the reader emotionally or spiritually. It is highly important that an author relates the article more to the social interaction of the people in a society .The aim of this spiritual article is to induce a spiritual advancement in people and bring about changes in their immediate life. Hence a religious article should be spiritually enforcing and has to be very carefully compiled in order to impart knowledge and to sustain the interest of people engaged in web browsing or web hunting. In this writing ,some pa rables get initiated abruptly and is obviously less structured. A writing should always have a proper introduction ,other wise the reader is left to confusion and ambiguity as to the purpose of the writing. It is seen that some parables does not give a wholesome message to people. Just quoting a verse from bible does not make a literature religious or spiritual, but there should be a meritorious substance to the whole writing . A consistent writing only can keep

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Teen Sex Trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teen Sex Trafficking - Essay ExampleAccording to an article published by the San Francisco Chronicle, the united States of America is one of the top three countries in this world that engages in the trafficking of young girls for sex (May). This is due to the fact that the country is affluent, and this affluence is the tool that the pimps use to entice the girls into coming into the country to perform as sex slaves. Most of the time, these girls live in places where the government is corrupt, the families argon suffering from famishment and poverty, and life is gloomy. Trying to make things better for themselves, these girls search for jobs in the wanted ads. May states in her article that these ads are of hostess and waitressing positions in the United States. hallucinating that they are going to be able to be saved from a life in poverty and have an opportunity to live in a country that is full of wealth, these girls quickly respond. It is merely when they arrive that they fin d out that they have been tricked. Then, it is much too late. There is no escape for them, as their captors accompaniment them locked up in their place of business. Their captors instill tremendous fear in them, so they will not even think of escaping (May). San Diego New 6 states that these pimps fix things a step further by destroying their identity documents and telling them that if they try to escape, their families back home will be murdered (San Diego 6).Sex trafficking does not only involve girls that are foreigners, it also involves those who are born and raised on our home soil. whizz top executive wonder how these girls are tricked into sexual slavery, since this country is not in the same condition as those of the third world. These pimps have different tactics. An ABC News report tells us that predators go wherever the children are, whether it is at the mall, the beach, or any other place that is frequented by young people. These men are so obsessed with targeting yo ung girls that they spend time keeping up with juvenile trends so as to appear cool, as well as to stay up to date on all the hot hangout spots. These predators study children so much that they are able to read them and know all of their weaknesses. Some are even offered fraudulent opportunities of modeling that are promised to pay good final payment (ABC News). Like the women in the third world countries who jump for the chance to come to America to make a fruitful living and enjoy affluence, these domestic women are enticed by the money that they will receive through modeling off top-of-the-line clothes. And just like the women overseas, they, too, are tricked and can do nothing about it, as they find out when it is too late to do anything. And because the sex slavery operation is so well hidden, many of them are never rescued from their plights.One might wonder wherefore these teen girls continue to suffer this gross injustice and why little seems to be done about the matter. One might even reason that since we are in a developed nation, crimes such as these should be minimal. Sadly, they are not, and little protection is offered to these youngsters. One article from the Tampa Tribune explains why law enforcement does not protect these teen prostitutes as much as they should. The article states that rather than viewing these girls as victims, they are viewed as criminals who have chosen to have a complete disregard for the laws against prostitution. Social workers make the problem even worse. Rather than trying to understand these

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The impact of information technology on supply chain capabilities and Literature review

The impact of information applied science on supply chain capabilities and firm execution for construction companies - Literature review ExampleRisks in construction projects are some of the major challenges to supply chains in the industry for delivery of revalue that can meet customers expectations. Supply chains have different risks and while little literature exists on their effects and possible solutions in the construction industry, Gosling, Naim, and Towil (2013) advert the role of information technology in understanding the scope of the uncertainty in construction supply chains and possible solutions. According to the authors, an empirical uprise that involves data collection and analysis can help in identification of the risks and roles of information technology in statistical methods is instrumental (Gosling, Naim, and Towil 2013). Consequently, implementation of information technology in construction supply chains could help in predicting and managing challenges for e ffectiveness and efficiency in service delivery. In addition, information technology, through use of automated Materials Locating and Tracing Technology, helps construction companies to overcome uncertainty challenges that arise from visibility problems (Young et al. 2013, p. 7, 8). Meng, Sun and Jones proposed regulate for managing supply chain relationships in the construction industry push supports the role of information technology in constructions supply chains (2011). The authors Maturity Model empowers construction companies to effective management that is associated with better performance, greater opportunities, and minimal conflicts. Implementing the model for these benefits however requires complex data analysis that identifies the need for information technology.The construction industry also identifies need for collaboration among stakeholders, especially between contractors and sub-contractors, for successful projects and exercise of such technologies as the Constr uction Collaborative

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Discussion Boar 5-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Boar 5-1 - Assignment ExampleHowever, multitude leaders need to demonstrate caution and avoid selecting illustrations that tramp infringe on any(prenominal) member. Properly chosen exercises can make proper and appropriate techniques to help drive a counseling group work towards achieving its desired goals and objectives (Haley, Morina & Brown, 1998). Careless structuring of the exercises can turn be detrimental to the groups efforts to achieve the set objectives and desired change.Coreys counseling group is an example of group work that assiduous structured exercises selected in a careful manner and guided by easy laws. This means that the exercises were optional and members could engage or perform any exercise deemed to be in line with the members beliefs and diversity. Employing more exercises in the Coreys counseling group could lead to particular challenges and inconveniences. Since the group included people from diverse backgrounds, it was easier for the group t o appear as breaching beliefs and certain innate differences. More exercise could have worked to expose certain inefficient characters of the members, which they would want to conceal. This would mean underachievement and dissatisfaction of the members with the progress made by the group at the end if its session (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2006).Coreys counseling seem to have avoided more exercises for fear of breaching principles of diversity that would happen if the exercises demanded exposure of secret education of the members. From the guideline, it is important for group leader to perform thorough screening during the recruitment and initial stage of the group. This can help identify and obtain adequate discipline on the likes and dislike of the members (Haley, Brown & Morina, 1998).Haley, L. Morina, B. & Brown, S. (1998). Association for Specialists in Group Work Principles for Diversity-Competent Group Workers. retrieved September 21, 2013 from

Monday, June 10, 2019

Hobbe's Conception of the State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hobbes Conception of the solid ground - Essay ExampleA right(a) insight into Hobbes concept of the state and its relationship with liberty, law, power and right of the State has been provided within the scope of this paper. Hobbes Leviathan was written and shaped in the backdrop of the Civil war that took place in America and thus the book is centred on thoughts based on the existence of a strong central or self-reliant role according to which only a single individual or body may possess all the power and impose rights on the people. Hobbes opposed these views and verbalise about how life would be without such a government in place and this utopian condition was named the state of nature. ... ng to Hobbes, is the perfect office staff for such a society where the various people may come unitedly in the solve of a social contract and live together in what may be formed as a civil society. A society is a place where e in truth(prenominal) individual should be fitting to obtai n his or her own rights and the law should be free and flexible enough to accommodate the needs of every individual living within that society. However, the State was not such a place and thus Hobbes longed for the non prevention of socializing among human beings and postulated a civil society. Life prior to the theory was a very anarchic form of life where there was no leadership prevalent among the people because of which Hobbes thought that things were going haywire. Thus, he preached that there should be a sovereign authority that dictates terms because he thought that this would benefit the people at large. The social contract thus became an occurrence as per which people came together to form a civil society or a State so that they could exercise their rights as per the law that was laid down by the contract. There were rules and regulations that environ the people from the State and curbed their rights as and when needed. Hobbes thought that this form of living at least prev ented people from living in a brutish or damned sort of place that they existed within earlier. This therefore, led to the coming of a State or a sovereign entity which helped to protect the rights of every individual living within that society. Thus, Hobbes talked about the relationship between an absolute power that ruled the State and the State as a forum for individuals to exercise their rights within. Liberty is a very moral concept of freedom that is provided to individuals existing within a land in this case, Hobbes thought

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Fibre Optics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Fibre Optics - Essay ExampleOne of the modern and commonly used applications of vulcanized fiber optics is high resolution visuals (HDTV) which has enabled us to view broadcasts at 1080p cover charge resolution which is a result of FTTc and FTTh (fibre to the curb) network. Satellites making use of fibre optics do not have to undergo lessening (fibreopticsinfo). There are generally six theories of brightness level from which the theory of optical fibre has evolved. The relevant theories to optical fibre are emission theory, corpuscular theory, wav theory, electromagnetic theory and quantum theory. Reflection and refraction of clear are vital elements in optical fibre. These two properties have been explained by Newton in his laws. Another very important property relative to fibre optics is the critical angle of light. Critical angle is defined as the minimum angle which can allow total internal reflection to take place. This is governed by Snells law. There are two theories which explain the propagation of light through optical fibres. The first theory is the Ray opening under which light is considered to be a simple ray of light and the propagation properties are relevant to that. This theory explains the accepting and guiding behavior of light inside a fibre (Sathish Kumar). The second theory is the Mode Theory or the Wave Representation approach. According to the Mode Theory, light is an electromagnetic wave and acts like an electromagnetic wave inside a fibre. This theory explains the phenomenon of absorption and dispersion of light inside a fibre as well as its attenuation (The Theory of Optical Fibres). Fibre optic cables are the source of transmission of light using the fibre optics technology. Fibre optic cables enable light to be genetical along them from one point to another and there is no significant loss in the intensity of light which passes through fibre optical cables. The plait of a fibre optic cable has three main parts A central tender ness, cladding and a Plastic Jacket surrounding both(prenominal) the core is present at the centre of the cable which acts as a buffer. It is composed of fine quality thin transparent glass polymer or a dielectric. The refractive index of the core is ?1 and the diameter of the central core ranges from 10 ? to 100 ?. surrounding the central core is a jacket layer of plastic or glass called Cladding. The refractive index (?2) of the cladding has to be smaller than that of the central core so that the light stays inside the core due to total internal reflection (?1 ?2). Safety and strength are provided to cable by surrounding the cladding and the central core with a plastic jacket or the buffer (Loremate). The transmission of light by fibre optics has the same basic components as the normal wiring transmitting devices. The agreement comprises of a transmitter, a medium through which the signals are propagated and a receiver. The propagating medium is a cable in case of fibre optics . The transmitter has an ability to dart light with the help of either a light emitting diode or a laser. The user inputs data into the transmitter in the form of audio, video or other data. The encoder or modulator used in the transmitter to convert electrical signals to optical signals is AM, FM or

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Case study snyder v phelps Essay Example for Free

Case study snyder v phelps EssaySnyder v. Phelps (2011) Fred Phelps, the pastor at the Westboro church building, along with his followers believes that God punishes the US for allowing homosexuality freedoms, especially within the military. To express their feelings the Westboro church and its people sometimes picket military funerals in hopes that their voices will be heard. In 2006 Albert Snyders son who was a Lance Corporal for the United States Marine Corps was killed in the line of the duty during his time in Iraq. Matthew Snyder was killed in Anbar,Iraq when he was the gunner on a Humvee that ended up rolling after hitting something. The Westboro church service contumacious that they would picket Matthew Snyders funeral, notifying the sanction holding the funeral in advance what they planned on doing. When the Westboro Church and its followers arrived to picket this funeral they made sure to stage the picket on prevalent land that was adjacent to a humankind street. Making sure that they didnt featherbed any written laws they also made sure to abide by anything that was appointed to them by the police taking c ar of the funeral. TheChurch members stood outside this church during the funeral reciting different hymns and verses from the Bible. Albert Snyder wasnt aware of what the signs said until after the whole funeral took place, claiming that he could really only see the tops and couldnt make out what they actually said. Following the funeral, Snyder find on the news that the signs some gruesome stuff such as, God Hates the USAI Thank God for 9/1 1, Thank God for Dead Soldiers, and Dont entreat for the USA. Snyder decided that he would then sue Fred Phelps, claiming that the picketing aused him and his family severe emotional distress.In his defense, Phelps argued that everything that took place that day was completely legal under the Free Speech article of the First Amendment to the Constitution. The main issue that this case faced lega lly, was whether Westboros signs and comments while picketing Matthew Snyders funeral related to matters of populace concern and in turn, decide whether there is too much protective covering under the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. The Supreme homage made it clear that they were only going to determine this ruling ased on matters of public concern as opposed to matters of purely private significance. The Supreme Court affirmed that the picketing amounted to speech on issues that are public they felt as if unmatchable of the main things that the First Amendment covers is the righteousness to picket based upon public issues. The Court felt as if although the signs that were used may fall short of refined kind or political commentary, the issues they highlight the political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our Nation, homosexuality in the military, and scandals involving he Catholic clergy are all matters of public import. Albert S nyder realized all of the protection under the First Amendment but he claimed in rebuttal that that picketing was intended to shape an attack on Snyder over a rather private matter. Although the Supreme Court realized that Snyder had a strong claim at the time because of the circumstances that were evident, at the same time they must also hold to the law which noted that Maryland did not have a law imposing any types of restrictions on standpoint, the Supreme Court decided that Fred Phelps and his followers were in all f their legal rights to picket that funeral.The Court expressed their acknowledgment of the picketing of a US Soldiers funeral and the idea that many Americans would feel as if the Westboro Church was morally defective, but it rejected those factors as means for any type of lawsuit that could be tendered to the church. Though a Jury ended up awarding the family of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder millions of dollars, the US Supreme Court upheld the circuit courts dismis sal of the verdict over unruly circumstances. Freedom of speech is something that is considered one of the reatest things flapable by both sides of the political lanes.Both Conservatives and Liberals strongly believe in freedom of speech, but it is Liberals that are more likely to comport the realm of expressing themselves publically. Liberals take pride in the idea of the political left, which basically outlines their devotion to Americas First Amendment the right to free speech. Although it is usually Liberals that we see voicing their opinion publically, the Westboro Church is boilers suit a Conservative group because of what they stand for.Most people including the media portray and roclaim that the Westboro Church is a Liberal party but when you dig deeper you start to rule that isnt really the case. The Westboro Church has many things in common with those that claim to be Conservative both are against marriage equality, both are for the replacement of natural government with religious dogma of their particular form of Christianity, both are for the reduction of the rights of minorities and women, and both are for getting rid of reproductive rights and family planning. The case of Snyder v.Phelps places out front us a choice where we ust decide between the ethical values of basic respect versus the legal right of the First Amendment, freedom of speech. From an ethical perspective, it is at large(p) to decide this case based upon the ideas that we adopted over time that all in all became a social norm. The ethical value of respect at a funeral will easily make someone choose the side of Snyders in this case Just because over time we have established that funerals are meant to mourn and to pay respect to not only the fallen but also the family of that person. Although it may be interpreted that the reason that theWestboro Church chose to take achievement the way that they did was because it was necessary to get their point across, ethically it is frowned upon because of how we know funerals are supposed to take place. The Westboro Church had many options to establish the point that they were trying to get across such as the newspaper, TV, or the radio, but instead they chose to do it at a US Marines funeral which ended up working in their raise gaining them national recognition. Potter Stewart, a once US Justice wrote with regards to Ethics that, Ethics is knowing the difference between hat you have a right to do and what is right to do. This quote explains the complete ethical aspect of this case because it describes how legally, the Westboro Church had every right to do what they did that day but ethically they were in the wrong intruding on the privacy of a grieving family at a funeral service less than 300 feet away. While the Justices made it clear that they mum where Albert Snyder and his family were coming from, they also stood firm with the idea that the Westboro Church was practicing the First Amendment which all ows the freedom of speech to he public.One of the Justices following the court case described the absolute case as powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both Joy and sorrow, and as it did here inflict great pain. On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker. As a nation we have chosen a different course to protect even perverting speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate. The problem that is now faced upon America after the ruling that the Westboro Church did nothing wrong is, how much is too much in regards to a few igns becoming too many? Would enough signs have changed the nature of the subject area of Westboros message towards the Snyder family? The effect of this case on the public is something that isnt necessarily brought up but it is evident in many places because you have to realize that the public primarily sees this as a case of a family being stripped of what they believe should be a quiet and peaceful funeral.With the ruling ending the way it does it has the public wondering how far the First Amendment freedom of speech can really get you and the fine print behind our US Constitution. Overall, the US Supreme Court case touches many aspects whether it is ethically, legally, politically, or socially. It is hard for most ethically driven people to accept the fact that the Westboro Church not only got no penalization for what they did at Matthew Snyders funeral, but they also received no further details about stopping the picketing of funerals.In regards to legal aspects, this case set in precious stone that the First Amendment freedom of speech allows for not only speech that is accepted ethically but any type of speech that strays away from a personalized attack. In most of he publics opinion the Westboro Church was in the wrong that day for not allowing a grieving family time to privately mourn the acquittance of a family member but although what they did wa s frowned upon they stayed within their legal rights which forces the court to drop their case.Although Albert Snyder lost this case his family was awarded millions of dollars and they also received support of the majority of the public against the Westboro Church and their actions not only that day, but in the future. Snyder left the courtroom after the ruling with not complete satisfaction but rust that his point was deal across America which was to notify them of what the Westboro Church does and what they caused not only himself, but his family.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Investigating Rates of Reactions Essay Example for Free

Investigating Rates of Reactions EssayInvestigate which cyphers out of temperature, surface theatre of operations and assiduousness speed up the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid the most. Chemical reaction Mg (s)+ 2HCI (aq)== MgCI2 (aq)+H2 (g) Prediction I think the most effective factor to speed up the come in of reaction entrust be temperature, I say this because when the molecules are at a higher temperature they will have greater kinetics pushing and move more rapidly, so they will collide more frequently and most importantly with greater energy. Then surface area will be second greatest effect, increasing the surface area of the solid increases the number of collisions between solid and particles in solutions. If we take into consideration a cube with distributively side 1cm long it has a total surface area of 6cm2, halve each of the cubes so that there are eight cubes each with 0. 5cm long sides and the total surface area has doubled to 12cm, now halv e the size of these smaller cubes. climb area of 1 cube, sides 1cm= 6 sides x (1cm x1cm) = 6cm2 Surface area of 8 cubes sides 0. 5cm=8 sides x 6 sides x (0. 5 x 0. 5)=12cm2 Surface area of 64 cubes, sides 0. 25cm= 64 cubes x 6 sides x (0. 25 x 0. 25)= 24cm2 Having the average size of the particles in a given(p) quantity of solid, doubles the surface area. So making a solid reactant in a lump form into powder considerably increases the surface area. Concentration will be the third greatest factor, which will speed up the rate of reaction. Any increase in concentration should also increase the rate of reaction if there are more molecules present there will be more collisions.Increasing the number of collisions does not always increase the rate of reaction. What matters is the numbers of effective, effective collisions have to involve the relevant molecules, in the correct orientation, with energy at the least equal to the activation level. Equipment Conical flask Hydrochloric acid o f 4 different molars (0. 1, 0. 5, 1, 2) Stop clock Basin of water Bung with the subway system Magnesium Measuring tube Top pan balance Plan Concentration Four different concentrations will be used. (0. 1, 0. 5, 1, 2) firstly I will use the 0.1 molar of hydrochloric, 6cm of magnesium in conjunction with the 15 ml of hydrochloric acid. When the bung is put into the conical flask the totality of gas given discharge can be read.I will leave the magnesium and the acid for 1 minute and I will check how much gas is given glowering every 10 seconds and I will record it. This will be done for all the other ranges of concentrations. Temperature I will be victimisation 4 different temperatures (fridge 12oC, room 24oC, 50oC, 60oC). The high temperature acids will be placed in a water of their designated temperature. The other acids will be placed in their obvious places.The acid will be put in the conical flask with 6 cm of magnesium then the gas given off will be read and recorded as done previously for the concentration. Surface Area For surface I will be using 5 different lengths of magnesium ribbon, (6, 5, 2, 1, 0. 5cm) I will also be using 0. 06g of magnesium powder. Each measurement of magnesium will be used in conjunction with 15ml of hydrochloric acid. When both elements are put into the conical flask the gas given off will be read and record in the homogeneous fashion as the other tests. For each test I will do it twice to make sure my results are realiable.Fair test To arrest that I carry out a fair test I will make sure I will use the same amount of magnesium apart from when I am testing that particular variable. Also I will also use the same amount of hydrochloric acid, also I will use the same concentration apart from when Im testing that variable. I will also time each test for the same amount of time. safe Safety goggles worn at all times. Precautions taken when dealing with acids. Follow all the rules of the lab so that I can work efficiently along side others when they are doing their experiments. ResultsConcentration 2nd descend of results TemperatureFridge 4 Conclusion From doing this investigation I have successfully achieved my aim, my aim was to investigate the factors, which proceed the rate of reaction.My prediction was also correct. For concentration the gas given off for o. 1 molar of hydrochloric acid was much less that what was given off for 2 molar. When powder was used for surface area ample amounts of gas was given off where as when 6cm was used not much was given off. When the acid was at a higher temperature more gas was given off, this hypothesis wasnt backed up with the results from the first test, which is why it was good that I repeated all the tests. rating On a whole I thought I worked quite well, but the investigation could have been conducted in a better fashion.The particular regularity we used to peck the gas wasnt that effective. If a gas syringe in conjunction with a clamp stand was used our r esults would have been much better. I think doing the investigation twice was a good decision because doing this made it manifest that the first set of results werent as reliable, this is because when the first set of results were compared to the 2nd set of results they were quite different especially room temperature and 50oC. In the experiment the amount of gas given off for those specific temperatures were lower than the second experiment.Scientific experience proves that when the temperature is raised the rate of reaction will be faster. Also another thing I could of done was to do all experiments in the method we did to clear gas and also kept everything the same but the variable to change could have been the method in which we collect the gas. By doing this I could of seen which method to collect the gas would have been most effective. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of more that can be found in our GCSE Patt erns of Behaviour section.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Brand alliance Essay Example for Free

Brand alliance EssayThe desired outcome of a leaf blade alliance is to increase each other brands equity. Some of the examples could be as follows Two companies pool their resources to co-brand, with the idea that the new product can enjoy a unique positioning or two manufacturers pool resources to develop a promotional campaign featuring both brands. (Samu, Krishnan Smith, 1999, p. 57). In general, brand alliances carry along groovy benefits but at same time ome inevitable risk. Well-established alliance is a powerful tool that can help to promote, to specify, to enrich, and to increase the brand value. Good example for increasing the brand value is brand alliance of PorscheDesign and Adidas, where PorscheDesign clearly raises the pick up of Adidas and on other hand PorscheDesign has more presence and can sell its products in many lucrative locations. (Adidas Annual report, 2009). Brand alliances are used at times of prosperity as well as in times when the brand suffers the y may serve as a driver for a brand to regain its market position. Wrong arketing strategies can ruin the attractiveness and image of a brand and successful brand alliance can revitalize them. fit in to (Samu et al. , 1999, p. 57) A new brand might partner with an established brand to build a stronger presence for a specific usage occasion. If one of the brands has really good image and brand equity, it is likely that customers will perceive the partner brand with similar attitude. This strategy is risky and can harm the stronger company. The risk component can be lowered by extensive market analysis that can reveal some of the unfavourable issues for the xact brand alliance. A common habituate for possible alliance partners is creation of an exit strategy.That allows companies react quickly if some of the planned outcomes goes wrong or in other direction than planned. (Melvin Prince Mark Davies, 2002) very(prenominal) common reason for creation of brand alliance is a launch of a new product. It serves as a great advertising tool because it drags attention. sweet product is associated with some extraordinary brand, which creates a message for consumers. A successful example of brand alliances to promote new product launch where two trong brands confederate and which worked perfectly was Range Rover and Victoria Beckham.The outcome was the new model sop up of Range Rover, Evoque. Targeted mainly at female customers, sales growth travel significantly after the introduction of Victoria Beckhams special luxury edition. Even though the actual limited edition was produced only in small volumes, it created great deal of exclusivity for the new product. Associating the new model with Victoria Backham and creating a well- managed advertising campaign led to a successful launch of the new model line crowned by many design awards. About Land Rover, 2012). . Analysis of Successful Factors in Brand Alliance 3. 1 Successful Factors Before way out deeply in the anal ysis, it is important to understand in theory the successful factors behind a brand alliance and their do on consumer attitudes. while the effects they produce are the independent variables. While engaging in an alliance, it is fundamental for companies to work on the successful factors in order to produce and maintain the arbitrary effects while reducing the negative ones

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hewlett Packard Case Study

Hewlett Packard shield StudyHewlett-Packard or HP is an American multination information technology corporation that that sells hardware, software and other associate patronage processs. The product line of HP includes a wide range such as PCs, servers, software, imagining products and scanners just to name a few. Hewlett-Packard also provides services and consulting business around its products and partner products. In 2013 under Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard was the worlds second self-aggrandizinggest PC vendor.But with so many product lines and options for such a big connection such as Hewlett-Packard what problem would it run into? This issue is this would cause a high court of design manufacture, and introduce a new product, feature, or option exceed the additional revenue it is likely to generate. Not to mention this also what costs would be related with alike little or withal much inventory of such a product. You also want to consider the additional show chain intricacy al ong with how does this all effect the guest satisfaction.Kathy Chou who is vice president of Worldwide Commercial Sales, responsible for growing HPs worldwide commercial business through direct and confirming channels, saidWhile revenue grew course of instruction over year, our profits were eroded due to unplanned operational cost, She later stated that As product transmutation grew, our forecasting accuracy suffered, and we ended up with excesses of some products and shortages of others.Constantly growing product variety would need to meet the increasing client needs was the humor HP took. The problem at hand is was amid marketing and operations. Marketing and sales always wanted more, more SKUs, more features, and more configurations where as supply chain mangers always wanted slight, less to forecast, less inventory and less complexity to manage.Analysis and EvaluationHewlett-Packard has always been within the top 5 of marketer market share over that last 10 years, as you can see from the chart below of its Global laptop market share by units, percent from 2006-2013.Global laptop market share by units, percent (2006-2013)Rank2006200720082009201020112012201311dell15.9HP18.1HP18.2HP19.1HP17.9HP16.6HP16.1Lenovo16.92HP15.9Dell14.2Dell14.1Acer12.9Acer13.9Lenovo12.5Lenovo14.9HP16.23Acer7.6Acer9.7Acer10.6Dell12.1Dell12.0Dell11.7Dell10.7Dell11.64Lenovo7.0Lenovo7.4Lenovo7.5Lenovo8.0Lenovo10.9Acer10.8Acer10.2Acer8.15Toshiba3.8Toshiba4.0Toshiba4.6Toshiba5.0Asus5.4Asus5.7Asus6.9Asus6.3Others49.846.544.942.840.042.841.240.8If HP wanted to stay on top each and every year it would need an answer, a tool, a way to fix all problems at hand and continue to improve each and every year.RecommendationsHP wouldnt be anything if it didnt innovate and Kathy Chou was fully aware of this. With the rising cost and inefficiency associated with managing millions of products and configurations this problems took their toll she stated which soon she followed with and we have no i dea how to solve it. So what would it take to solve these issues? HP would need a tool that would use a procedure or formula for solving a problem. HP feature a team within its company which would consist of HP Business Group, HP labs and HP Strategy Planning and Modeling and also individuals from a handful of consultancies and universities in order to lick on the problems. Over the year the team would produced an analytically driven process for evaluating new products, created a tool for prioritizing existing products in a portfolio and developed an algorithm that solves the problem many periods fast than previous technologies, which advancing the theory and practice of network optimization. With all the hard work done over the years the team would be reward in 2009 with an Edelman award (worlds leading prize for morality in operations research practices) in developing what was called a revenue coverage optimization (RCO). This tool would allow HP to offer customers significant ly improved service and at the same time save the company tons of money in improved efficiencies. Once this tool was implemented, HP would be improved customer service and saved the company a lot of money. Also this improved efficiency with HP business with their customers.ReferencesTurban, Efraim, and Jay E. Aronson. Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall, 2001. Print.Hewlett-Packard (HP). What Is ? Web. 14 Nov. 2014. .Executive Biography. HP. Web. 14 Nov. 2014. .Gartner Says PC Vendors Experienced a Happy Holiday Season with Fourth Quarter Worldwide Shipments Increasing 12 Percent. Gartner Press Release. January 14, 2004.Questions for the CaseWhen offering to many product lines and options that a big company such as HP might face areA high cost of design, manufacture, and introduce a new product, feature, or option exceed the additional revenue it is likely to generateThe cost associated with too much or too little inventory for such a product, not to mention additional supply chain complexity, and how does all that impact customer satisfaction.The possible conflict between marketing and operations is that marketing and sales always wanted more, more SKUs, more features, more configurations where as supply chain mangers always wanted less, less to forecast, less inventory and less complexity to manage.HP combined a team within which would consist of HP Business Group, HP labs and HP scheme Planning and Modeling and also individuals from a handful of consultancies and universities.Produced an analytically driven process for evaluating new productsCreated a tool for prioritizing existing products in a portfolio positive an algorithm that solves the problem many times fast than previous technologies, which advancing the theory and practice of network defines algorithm as a procedure or formula for solving a problem. An HP Senior Fellow Robert Tarjan has developed algorithms useful in everything from improving chip design to routing telephone calls, from optimizing deliveries in passage networks to improving searches of large data sets. A software tool Revenue Coverage Optimization (RCO) was been developed that allowed HP to offer customers significantly improved service and at the same time save the company tons of money in improved efficiencies. This tool in 2009 won the Franz Edelman Award, the worlds leading prize for excellence in operations research practices. Robert Tarjan has received such major national and international awards as the ACM Turing Award, known as the Nobel Prize of computing, the Nevanlinna Prize and most recently, the Blaise atomic number 91 Medal in Mathematics and Computer Science.ReferencesAlgorithm. What Is ? Web. 14 Nov. 2014. .Robert Tarjan. HP Labs. Web. 14 Nov. 2014. .The benefits HP gained from implementation of this model over all resulted in improved customer service and saved the company a lot of money. Also this improved efficiency with HP business with their customers.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Theories and relevant models about branding

Theories and relevant models ab surface defacementingIn this chapter, concepts, theories and relevant models about staining, betray perception and client spoiling behaviour leave be discussed in detail. An individual who deals results for personal use and not for manufacture or resale is said to be a consumer. A consumer is nigh unrivalled who laughingstock sham the decision whether or not to purchase an item at the store, which burn down be influenced by securities industrying and advertisements. Each and every consumer is influenced by their own discoloration perception and purchase decisions which dep closedowns on various number of factors.2.2 chumpingBrand is the image that consumers have in school principal (Aaker, 1991). It is also the unique characteristics that have been indisputable all the clip in order to variantiate actual fruitions from the competitors (Murphy, 1990). In addition, The American Association defines a imperfection as a name, term, sig n, symbol or design, or a combination of them int cease to identify the goods or services of oneness seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. A cross off is indeed a product or service that adds dimensions that differentiate it in any(prenominal) way from other products or services designed to satisfy the varietyred guide. These differences whitethorn be functional, sharp, or stirred up or intangible related to what the brand represents. Brand concepts essential address customer pastimes and lifestyles. Factors that affect its brand image and brand perception among marketing discourse platform that implementing to the public to piddle brand perception, brand characteristic, brand image and brand equity.De Chernatony and McDonald (1992) define a brand as an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added comforts which match their inescapably most clo sely. There have been two staple values identified by de Chernatony (1999) that contribute towards the brand premium. One is the functional value such as the legal injury, technology, design and store layout. This functional value is a distinct attribute that a customer adds to the brand and distinguishes the brand from the rest. The second form of added value comes from emotional value. This value is derived from notions like advertising, internal branding, translating the retail brand into consumer taste, and even the shopping experience it egotism at the retail outlet.2.3 Brand PerceptionPerception is how we probe ourselves and the cosmos we live in. However, what ends up being stored inside us doesnt always get there in a direct manner. Often our mental thrustup results from development that has been consciously or subconsciously filtered as we experience it, a process we refer to as a perceptual filter. To us this is our reality, though it does not spurious it is an accura te reflection on what is real. Thus, perception is the way we filter stimuli (e.g., someone talking to us, reading a newspaper story) and then make sense out of it.Perception has several maltreats.Exposure sensing a stimuli (e.g. seeing an ad)Attention an effort to recognize the nature of a stimuli (e.g. recognizing it is an ad)Aw argonness assign language meaning to a stimuli (e.g., humorous ad for particular product)Retention adding the meaning to ones internal makeup (i.e., product has fun ads)Brand perception is consumers ability to identify the brand nether different conditions, as reflected by their brand acknowledgment or recall mental process (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand recall refers to consumers ability to retrieve the brand from the memory (Keller, 1993). fit to the improvement of measurement for brand equity, consumer- base brand equity was maked for four dimensions brand aw argonness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty (Pappu, et al, 2005). Brand awareness was delimitate as the consumers ability to identify or recognize the brand (Rossiter and Percy, 1987). It refers to the strength of a brand presence in consumers minds. Brand awareness has several levels startle from the less recognition of the brand to dominance (Aaker, 1991). perceive quality was evaluated and decided by consumers. Perceived quality is another valuation of brand to push the customer to buy products. Brand building has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another. The earliest signs of branding in Europe were the chivalric guilds requirement that craftspeople put trademarks on their products to protect themselves and consumers against inferior quality. In the fine arts, branding began with artists signing their works. Brands today play a number of important roles that improve consumers lives and enhance the financial value of firms (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand awareness and brand perceived q uality as the significant factors to take a crap and maintain brand equity. There are confident(p) relationship among brand awareness, perceive quality and brand equity (Aker, 1996, Buzzell Gate, 1987). The marketing program has effect to improve the perceive quality of brand for different customers.Brand perception is consumers ability to identify the brand under different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand recall refers to consumers ability to retrieve the brand from the memory (Keller, 1993). According to the improvement of measurement for brand equity, consumer-based brand equity was described for four dimensions brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty (Pappu, et al, 2005). Brand awareness was defined as the consumers ability to identify or recognize the brand (Rossiter and Percy, 1987). It refers to the strength of a brand presence in consumers minds. Brand awareness has sever al levels starting from the less recognition of the brand to dominance (Aaker, 1991). Perceived quality was evaluated and decided by consumers. Perceived quality is another valuation of brand topush the customer to buy products. Brand building has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another. The earliest signs of brandingin Europe were the medieval guilds requirement that craftspeople put trademarks on their products to protect themselves and consumers against inferior quality. In the fine arts, branding began with artists signing their works. Brands today play a number of important roles that improve consumers lives and enhance the financial value of firms (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand awareness and brand perceived quality as the significant factors to create and maintain brand equity. There are positive relationship among brand awareness, perceive quality and brand equity (Aker, 1996, Buzzell Gate,1987). The marketing program has effect to improve the perceive quality of brand for different customers.2.4 Brand Equity opening Aaker, 1991Brand equity is the added value endowed to products and services. Aaker (1991) defined the brand equity as a embed of brand assts and liabilities linked to brand that adds or detracts the product or service value based on the customers perspectives. This value may be reflected in how consumers think, see and act with respect to the brand that consumers had perceive frommarketing programs. Brand equity is an important intangible asset that has psychological and financial value to the firm. The value of brand equity depends on the number of same people who buy regularly (Aaker, 1996). The brand loyalty, brand awareness, and brand perceived quality are necessary to maintain the brand equity (Motameni Shahrokhi, 1998). There are two different perspectives of brand equity financial and customer based. The start perspective evaluates the asset value of a brand name that crea tes to the business (Farquhar et al, 1991). Brand equity increased the discounted future cash flows and revenue comparing to the same product did not have the brand name (Motameni Shahrkhi, 1998). According to the second perspective, the premise of customer-based brand equity models is that the power of brand lies in what customers have responded, seen, read, heard, learned, idea and felt about the brand over time. In other words, the power of brand lies in the minds of existing orpotential customers and what they have experienced at a time and indirectly about the brand. The customer-based brand equity finally drives the financial return to the company (Lassar et al, 1995). The valuation of brand has been studied for different approaches, for example, marketing, premium pricing market value, customer factors, replacement cost perspective. According to the valuation based on consumer factors, the measurement of customers preference and attitude can be used to evaluate the brand e quity (Aaker, 1991 and Kapferer, 1992).2.5 Marketing CommunicationThe marketing communication is considered as the strategic activities for brand managers to build and maintain the brand image of targeted customers (Duncan Mulhern, 2004). It is a significant device driver of competitive advantage to create the ability of companies to attract, retain, and leverage customers (Kitchen, Joanne, Tao, 2004). Duncan (2002) explained that marketing communication is a process for managing the customer relationship that affects brand value lastly. Marketing communication programs are not only above the line activities such as advertising and sales promotions but also below the line activities such as public relations. Regarding recent concept of marketing communication, two-way communication as wellhead as one way communication is a key causal factor of brand strategies to stimulus the brandorientation process (Aaker, 1996 and Urde, 1994).2.6 Consumer demeanourSchiffinan and Kanuk (2004) define Consumer Behaviour as the behaviour that customers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they see will satisfy their involve. Consumer purchasing behaviour incorporates the acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining, using and disposing of economic goods and services including the decision process that precede and determine these acts (Huctings 1995).image0.jpgSource (http// fashion-for-dummies-cheat-sheet.html, accessed on 20 /10/10 at 8.40pm)Lamb, Hair and McDartiel (1992) note that consumer behaviour is a study of the processes the consumer uses to make purchase decisions as well as the use and disposal of the purchased goods and services. It also includes the analysis of factors that influences purchase decisions and goods usage. Further much consumer behaviour is a process and purchase is only one step in that process.Santon,Etzel and Walker (1994) deposits that consumers are complex in nature and keep changing constantly. So it is a must for the marketers to constantly improve their recognizeing of consumers and understand what influences the needs of the consumers. In short, the understanding of the purchase behavior of existing and potential customers is imperative for marketers (Lancaster 1998). It is also needed for the competitive survival. When the consumer is viewed in the proper perspective, the outcomes could be kinda positive for the manufacturer. Lamb,Hair and McDaniel (1992),claim that the knowledge of consumer behavior reduces uncertainty when creating the marketing mix. The field of customer behavior covers a lot of ground It is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires (Michael, 2003). Earlier, the field was referred to as buyer behavior, which emphasized on interaction between consumers and producers at the time of purchase. Now marketers feel that consumer behavior is not merely a consumer handing over money in return for a service or good, but it is an ongoing process. The exchange of a transaction in which two or more organizations or people give and receive something of value is an integral part of marketing.2.7 Consumer Decision devisingMahatoo (1985) defines Consumer mien decision making process consisting of a number of steps that begin before the purchase and reaches beyond the buying act. He suggests that marketers have to go beyond the various influences on buyers and develop an understanding of how consumers actually make their buying decisions .The ability to create a good service and to persuade the market to buy this offering instead of its competitors offering depends upon the insight into the consumer purchase decision on the understanding of how the target customers arrive at their purchase decisions.Price is one of the authoritarian factors whe n it comes to making a purchase decision. It generally plays a vital role in determining consumers brand plectron while selecting a product. Consumers weigh into the price while taking a buying decision and check whether it is within their affordable limits. This helps them to maximize their immediate utility that they gain from the purchase. The consumers give relative brilliance to both price and quality, so while choosing a brand they make a choice consistent with the relative importance attached to both attributes (Nor Khasimah Alimana and Md Nor Othman, 2007). It is also known that consumers look upon the additional services and freebies which come along with the product rather than looking on the price factor. Customers were believed to put different weights on every factor when it comes to the evaluation process. Analysis shows that customers who had experienced bad customer service tend to consider more thoroughly all aspects of the service when it comes to choice of prod uct (Tor W. Andreassen and Line L. Olsen, 2008).According to Kotler (2003), there are quintuple roles people play during a purchase. They areInitiator It is the person who gives the idea of buying the product or service.Influencer It is the person who reviews or influences the decision.Decider It is the person who makes the buying decision what to buy, how to buy, when to buy and where to buy.Buyer It is the person who actually makes the purchase.User It is the person who consumes or uses the product or service.2.8 Buying BehaviorBuying behavior is a process in which consumers decide and act accordingly to buy certain products for their use. There are certain aspects which we need to understand.Why do consumers buy what they buy?What are the key factors for influencing consumers to buy the products?What are the changing trends in the society?Consumer buying behavior refers to what consumers buy at a certain point of time which involves their decision making. So it is important for any firm to keenly analyze on consumer buying behaviors as it has a great impact on the firms marketing strategy. It also plays a key role in the success of the firm. It is important for any firm to create a marketing mix that satisfies the customers.2.9 Types of Consumer Buying BehaviorThere are few types of buying behaviors based on the type of products which needs to be purchased. colonial buying behavior is where an individual seeks lot of information about a extravagantly value branded product before purchasing it. Habitual buying behavior is where the individual buys the product out of habit. Variety seeking buying behavior is where the individual likes to shop around and experiment different products. Consumer buying behavior is determined by level of involvement in the purchase decision (Renjith, June 2004).According to Mahatoo (1985), the nature of the decision process varies depending upon the product and the consumer. The marketers need to determine the kind of decision making behavior that is involved with the particular product in order to understand the behavior of the consumer. Howard (1989) yrifies consumer buying decision into three broad categories ordinary Response Programmed Behavior- A consumer generally uses a routine response behavior while frequently buying the low cost goods or services. These goods and services can be called low involvement products as the consumer spends little time on decision making and purchases easily. The consumer is familiar with different brands in this product category, but normally sticks on to one brand. The consumer usually skips many steps in the decision process as he buys the product out of habit.Limited Decision Making Buying product occasionally. When you need to obtain information about an unfamiliar brand in a product category. Requires a moderate get of time for information crowd as it is compared with various brands. Acquiring information about an unfamiliar product category is called as lim ited decision making. Examples books, clothes and cosmetics. big Decision Making Consumers usually spend much time on extensive decision making with high involvement when they purchase an unfamiliar valuable product. This is the most complex type of consumer decision making as the consumers need a great deal of information to compare it with its alternate brands. Examples cars, computers. Complex buying behavior involves three stepsThe consumer develops belief about the product.The consumer develops attitude about the product.The consumer makes a thoughtful choice.Consumers usually engage in complex buying behavior when they are highly involved in a purchase, which usually happens when the product is expensive, risky, and highly self expressive. Many products do not carry features unless the buyer does some research. The marketer of a high involvement product must understand consumers information- gathering and evaluation process. According to this the marketer needs to develop st rategies which will esteem the buyer in learning about the products attributes and their importance. The marketer also needs to differentiate the brand features, motivate store keepers, and use proper print media to describe the brand and the buyers interaction to influence the brand choice.Dissonance-Reducing buyer behaviour According to Herbert (1965), the consumer sometimes gets highly involved in a purchase but see little differences in brands. The high involvement is due to the fact that the purchase is expensive, infrequent and risky. For this type of purchase the consumer will shop around to learn more about the product but purchase it quickly responding to the primary factors like price or convenience. After the purchase, the consumer might experience dissonance by consultation favourable things about other brands or noticing certain disquieting features. Now the consumer will alert the informants who support his or her decisions. For example, here, the consumer acted fir st then acquired new beliefs and ended up with a set of attitudes. Marketing communication should supply beliefs and evaluations that help the customer feel good about the brand of his choice.Variety-Seeking Buying Behaviour henry (1987) states that some buying situations are characterised by low involvement but significant brand differences. Usually consumers do lot of brand chemise. Take for example, cookies. The consumer has some knowledge about cookies, chooses them without much evaluation and evaluates the product during consumption. But next time the consumer may reach for another brand according to his taste. Brand switching occurs for the sake of variety rather than dissatisfaction.3.10 Buying Decision ProcessThe consumers engage in a decision process to deal with the marketing environment and make purchases. The consumer goes through a series of logical stages to arrive at the decision when he faces a problem which could be resolved through a purchase. A typical buying p rocess consists of five stages. (Micheal and Elnora, 2000).2.10.1 Problem RecognitionThe purchase process starts where the buyer recognises a problem or need. The need maybe triggered by internal or external stimuli. Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger a particular need (Micheal, 2003). People have unsatisfied needs and wants that create tension or discomfort, which can be satisfied by acquiring and consuming goods and services. Hence, the process of deciding what to buy begins when there is a need and it can be satisfied through consumption.Mahatoo (1985), states that when the consumer becomes aware of a discrepancy between the existing state and a desired state, a need is aroused. The existing state is the total situation of a consumer, the present-day(prenominal) needs, attitudes, motives. The desired state is the situation after the kinds of changes the consumer wishes. Both these states are the functions of consumers motivation, personality and past exper ience of cultural and companionable influences. Evans and Burman (1984), defines a stimulus as a cure intended to motivate a person to act. It can be social, commercial or non commercial. Need recognition shows a persons readiness to act by becoming aware of a need but does not guarantee that the decision making process will continue. Kotler (2003), suggests that by gathering information from a number of consumers marketers can identify the most frequent stimuli that triggers an interest in a product category, thereby growth marketing strategies that would create a spark in consumers interest.2.10.2 Information SearchWhen a consumer needs to gain knowledge about a product or service, he or she would be aroused to search for more information in the product category. Consumer information sources fall under four groupsPersonal sources Family, friends, neighbours moneymaking(prenominal) sources Advertising, sales person, dealers, display boardsPublic sources Mass media, consumer-ratin g organizationsExperimental sources Handling, examining, using the product.The relative amount and influences of these information sources vary with product category and consumer characteristics (Peter, Daniel and Nancy, 1986).Customer decisions are based on a combination of past experiences and marketing information. Past experience is considered as an internal source of information. Greater the past experience, lesser the external information the consumer is likely to seek to make a decision. Baker (2000), states that if there is a sufficiently high level of involvement with the problem, the consumers are likely to engage in a complex and extensive information search. If the involvement level is low, they are likely to use a very simple information search.Kotler (2003), states that by gathering information the consumer learns about competing brands and their features. There will be lot of brands available to the consumer in a product category, in which only a few brands the consum er would be aware of (awareness set). Among these brands, few brands will meet consumers initial buying criteria (consideration set). As the consumer gathers more information only a few brands would remain (choice set). All the brands in the choice set might be acceptable.2.10.3 Evaluation of AlternativesThere is no single evaluation process used by all customers or by one customer in all buying situations. The consumers view each product as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities of delivering the benefits needed to satisfy them. The attributes of interest to buyers vary by product. Consumers will pay most attention to attributes that deliver benefits (Mary, James and John, 1997). Once a choice set has been identified, the consumer evaluates them before making a decision. The evaluation involves establishing some criteria against which each alternative is compared. The criteria that consumers use in the evaluation results from their past experience and feelings towards variou s brands as well as the opinions of family, friends, etc. (Stanton, Etzel and Walker, 1994). The product related attributes such as quality, durability, price, design, etc. Influence the buying decision of a consumer. A way to narrow down the products in the choice set is to pick an attribute and then exclude all products in the set that does not possess that attribute (Lamb and McDaniel, 1992). Thus the choice which possesses all the required product related attributes can be selected.2.10.4 Purchase DecisionFrom the evaluation process discussed about, consumer will reach their final purchase decision which is made up of five purchase sub decisions Brand decision, Vendor decision, Quantity decision, Timing decision and Payment method decision (Joseph and Howard, 1987). After evaluation, the first thing in mind would be to purchase the product or not. If the decision is to buy, a series of related decisions must be made regarding the features, where and when to make the actual trans action, how to take delivery, a mode of payment and other issues. So a decision to purchase starts an entirely new series of decisions that may be time consuming and difficult. Selecting a source from which a purchase can be made is also a buying decision (Stanton, Etzel and Walker, 1994). A consumers decision to modify, postpone or avert a purchase decision is heavily influenced by risk. The amount of risk varies with the extent of money at stake, the amount of attribute uncertainty and amount of self confidence. Marketers must understand the factors that create a feeling of risk in the consumer, thereby providing information and support to reduce the risk (Kotler, 2003).2.10.5 Post Purchase BehaviourEvery customer after buying a product will experience either satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Hence the marketers job does not end when the product is bought it must be monitored for post purchase satisfaction and post purchase actions. A very important stage of the consumers decision is the impact of current decisions on the future purchasing behaviour. Mahatoo (1985) says that three general outcomes are possible. They are2.10.5.1 SatisfactionSatisfaction occurs when a product performs according to expectations. The brand chosen has served to sue the customers needs and thus reinforces the response of purchasing the brand, which also means that beliefs and attributes about the brand are positively influenced and the likelihood of repurchase is increased. DissatisfactionDissatisfaction occurs in the reverse situation, when the products performance is not up to the expectation it leads to negative belief and attributes about the brand. A dissatisfied customer is not likely to recommend the product to others. The results of satisfaction and dissatisfaction are recorded in long term memory and become inputs to the internal search of the firm. So the marketers must be careful in satisfying the needs and expectations of the customers. Cognitive Disso nanceCognitive dissonance occurs when the consumer experiences a feeling of doubt or psychological discomfort about the choice made. It is often felt adept after the purchase when the consumer begins to have second thoughts about the product chosen. Dissonance is more likely to occur in complex decision making with high involvement purchases. Dissonance can come from a personal source from advertisement or from experience with the product. Post purchase evaluation is important to marketers because positive evaluation increases the probability of repeat purchases and brand loyalty. Negative or doubtful thoughts increase the probability that different alternatives will be considered next time when the need arises (Husted, Varble and Lowry, 1989).2.11 Factors influencing the behaviour of buyershttp// (http// accessed on 20/10/10 at 9.15pm)Consumer behavio ur is affected by many uncontrollable factors. Culture is one of the factors that influence behaviour. Culture can be defined as our attitudes and beliefs. It is developed along with age in the society. For an individual growing up, a child is influenced by their parents, brothers and sisters. They learn about their religion and culture which helps them to develop opinions, attitudes and beliefs (Richard, 1976). These factors will influence a buying behaviour of the consumer, other factors like friends or people they look up may also influence their choices of purchasing a particular product. Culture is the most basic cause of a persons wants and behaviour. Culture is learned from family, church, school, peers, colleagues. It reflects basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviours. Cultural shifts create opportunities for new products or may otherwise influence consumer behaviour.Peoples social status plays an important role in the consumer buying behaviour. Social class distincti ons allow companies to position their products to appeal to certain social classes. The easiest example is automobiles. Marketing for Mercedes Benz is completely different from the marketing campaign from Honda or Toyota because they target individuals from the upper class. other powerful and easy factor that companies manipulate in their marketing efforts is the social factor. To be part of a group, or represent a certain lifestyle, you must have certain possessions. Personal and Psychological factors are very specific realms and the target market segment becomes even smaller. That means even less amount of people can use these products. This reflects in higher prices to account for the decrease in volume2.12 Models of Consumer BehaviourThe various models of consumer behaviour as per (Ramasamy and Namakumari, 1990) are verbalise as follows2.12.1 The Economic ModelAccording to the economic model of buyer behaviour, the buyer is a rational man and his buying decisions are totally g overned by the concept of utility. If the customer has certain amount of purchasing power, a set of needs to be met and a set of products in a very rational manner with the intentions of maximising the utility or benefits.2.12.2 The Learning ModelAccording to the learning model, buying behaviour can be influenced by manipulating the drivers, stimuli and responses of the buyers. The model rests on mans ability at learning, forgetting and discriminating.2.12.3 The Psychoanalytical ModelAccording to this model the individual consumer has a complex set of deep stated motives that drive him towards certain buying decisions. The buyer has a private world with all his hidden fears, suppressed desires and totally subjective longings. His buying action can be influenced by openhearted to these desires and longings.2.12.4 The Sociological ModelAccording to the sociological model, the individual buyer is influenced by society, by inmate groups as well as social classes. His buying decisions a re not totally governed by utility, he has a desire to emulate, follow, and fit in with his immediate environment. Several of his buying decisions may be governed by social compulsions.2.12.5 The Nicosia ModelEfforts have been made by marketing scholars to build buyer behaviour models from the marketing mans point of view. The Nicosia model and the Howard and Sheth model are two important models. Both of them belong to the category called the systems model where the human being is analysed as the system with stimuli as the input to the system and behaviour as the output of the system. The Nicosia model tries to establish the link between a firm and its customers, how the activities of the firm influences the consumer and results in the buying decision. The information from the firm influences the consumer towar