Sunday, June 16, 2019

Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Observation - Essay ExampleHowever, there are delegacy and ways put in place to aid in article of belief this group of savants. This authorship is going to address the education of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, personal abilities, health impairments and traumatic brain injury. Moreover it is going to describe the type of teaching strategies for this group and how to nurture their self esteem and self advocacy skills. Moreover, this paper is going to explain how systematic students can be aided into accepting, understanding and respecting their colleagues and how to respond to their needs appropriately.In order to teach spare needs students teachers need researched, evidence based teaching strategies to be sure of what they are giving to their students. Research and evidence based strategies can be be as an intervention program that has been researched over and over and has positively yielded consistent results when tested. There are a variety of research e vidence based teaching strategies that teachers can use.The first teaching strategy is class wide peer tutoring (Cullinan, 2007). This strategy is meant to teach students who are at various levels with the rest and those who have different needs but are in the same class. Class wide peer tutoring stipulates that after a class lecture by the teacher, the students must consequently bond together to evaluate and find out if they have all got the information together and in the same manner. Methods here include pairing of students that is regular students are paired with a special needs student, immediate correction of errors inter class competition and frequent spontaneous tests. This will ensure that the special needs students are at par with the regular students. This method is very effective in math since one method in math is sometimes difficult to understand and group work exposes different methods.The second researched teaching strategy is the Direct Instruction, DI (Cullinan, 2007). This method involves teaching of

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