Saturday, August 31, 2019

The film

In the near future of a bleak, dystopian and Impoverished Australia that is facing a breakdown of civil order primarily due to widespread oil shortages. (This is not explained in this film but in the sequel, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. ) Central to the plot Is a poorly-funded national police unit called the Maln Force Patrol (MFP, derogatorily called â€Å"The Bronze† by their enemies), which struggles to protect the Outback's few remaining townspeople from violent motorcycle gangs. The MFP's â€Å"top pursuit man† Is a young police offcer, Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson), badge umber MFP4073.A member of one of the motorcycle gangs, Crawford Montazano (nicknamed Nightriderl escapes from police custody by killing an officer and stealing his vehicle. Max pursues Nightrider in a high-speed chase, which results in Nightrider's death in a fiery car crash. After the dangerous chase (which results In Injuries to a number of officers), the police chief warns Max that Nightrider's gang will be out for him now because of Nightrider's death. Nightrider's gang, which is led by Toecutter (Hugh Keays-Byrne), plans to avenge Nightrider's death by killing MFP officers.Meanwhile, they vandalize property, steal fuel. and terrorize the citizenry. While chewing up a town where the the Nightrider's remains arrived by train, the gang brutalizes a civilian couple that tried escaping to the road; the couple is overtaken, then both of them are raped and the car is wrecked. Max and his close friend and fellow officer, Jim Goose (Steve Blsley), are informed about the incident and go to the crime scene. They find Toecutter's young proteg ©, Johnny the Boy (Tim Burns), and the girl of the couple in the middle of the wreckage.Johnny's drug-fueled rantings reveal him as a member of Nightrider's gang; Goose looks on Johnny with particular disdain, as his leg was broken during the Nightrider pursuit. However, they do not kill Johnny, but arrest him and drag him away In chains. Jo hnny is held at the MFP's dilapidated Halls of Justice pending a visit from the Court. However, when the attorneys arrive, Johnny Is ordered released: the Judge has set Johnny free because no witnesses showed up for the trial. (Without the testimony of witnesses, no charges could be filed; the courts declared â€Å"no contest† for the case.A shocked Goose attacks Johnny and must be physically restrained; both Goose and Johnny shout threats of revenge at each other. The second-in-command of the biker group, Bubba Zanetti (Geoff Parry) arrives at the courthouse to pick up Johnny, on orders from the Toecutter. Bubba does so begrudgingly, because he hates Johnny for his rowdiness and lack of style, and hates the Toecutter's favoritism towards Johnny. Shortly thereafter, Johnny the Boy sabotages Goose's MFP motorcycle while Goose is attending a show at the Sugartown Cabaret.His rear wheel locks up at high speed the next day, throwing Goose from the bike; Goose, however, survives w ithout even Unfortunately, Johnny throws a brake drum through the ute's windshield, causing Goose to roll the vehicle over and gas leaks from the fuel tank, soaking the ground around the truck; Johnny, at the belligerent urging of the Toecutter himself, then burns him alive in the wreckage. Goose survives, but after seeing his charred body in the hospital's burn ward, Max becomes angry and disillusioned with the police force nd resigns from the MFP with no intention of returning.He takes a road trip with his wife and infant son in the relatively peaceful coastal area north of their home. While on holiday, Max's wife, Jessie, (played by Joanne Samuel) runs into Toecutter's gang, who harass her. She escapes, but the gang manages to track her to the home where she and Max are staying. While attempting to escape from the gang again, Jessie and her son are run down by the gang, who leave their crushed bodies in the middle of the road. Max arrives too late to intervene. His son is pronoun ced dead on he scene, while his wife suffers massive injuries. It is revealed in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior that she later died from her injuries. ) Filled with obsessive rage, Max once again dons his police outfit, straps on his sawn- off shotgun, and steals a supercharged black Pursuit Special to pursue the gang. He methodically hunts down and kills the gang members: several gang members are forced Offa bridge at high speed; Max shoots and shoots Bubba off his cycle with his shotgun (Bubba shoots Max in the leg with a pistol first, though, giving Max a limp hat is consistent throughout the series, then runs over his exposed arm).Max struggles back into his car and pursues the Toecutter into a forbidden area. Max forces the gang's leader into the path of a speeding tractor trailer and he crushed in a head-on collision. Max later finds Johnny the Boy taking the boots off a dead driver at the scene of a crash. Johnny desperately tries to convince Max that the man was dead when he fo und him and that his drug addiction has made him mentally unbalanced. Max doesn't listen and handcuffs Johnny's ankle to the wrecked, overturned vehicle with a uptured petrol tank.Max lights a crude time-delay fuse and gives Johnny a hacksaw, leaving him the choice of sawing through either the handcuffs (which will take 10 minutes) or his ankle (which will take 5 minutes), and then drives off into the desolate outback. Ignoring Johnny's frantic ramblings, Max drives away. The camera shows Max's car from the front, with a large and fiery explosion in the distance behind it, leaving Johnny's fate unknown. Max blankly continues to drive in a rainstorm into the Outback, a shell of his former self.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Fly Away Peter Comparative Essay Essay

Menace and threat are two elements in fiction that often help to create tension and build towards a climax. These components are evident in David Malouf’s â€Å"Fly Away Peter† and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s â€Å"Chronicle of a Death Foretold† under two overarching themes: sense of duty and violence. Through the perspectives and experiences of different characters in the stories, both Malouf and Marquez develop the concept of peril that is sustained throughout their stories of war and murder. In â€Å"Fly Away Peter†, Malouf introduces the notion of threat in the context of war – a place where people, including peace lovers like Jim, are forcibly drawn into. Jim is invited by Bert to ride on the bi-plane and Malouf reveals his â€Å"blood fear, a bone fear, of leaving the earth† and is thus portrayed as being resistant to change. When the war arrives, he feels â€Å"panicky† on this new and â€Å"dangerous slope† that had once been â€Å"ground [that]†¦ stretched away to a clear future† Brisbane is â€Å"sliding† towards Europe and the war as it is a duty befallen on patriotic men to prove their worth in defending the honour of their country. Many people seem to be supporting this view; Jim meets a girl who says â€Å"passionately† she would â€Å"want to be in it† because it is â€Å"an opportunity†, and similarly his father feels it is a â€Å"chance to reach out and touch a unique thing†. Malouf thus draws our attention to Jim’s change as he â€Å"slide[s] with the rest†¦ down into the pit† of war with â€Å"superstitious dread† and juxtaposes this to his initial â€Å"uneas[e]† about the â€Å"new presence† of bi-planes and man-made technology. This creates a sense of foreboding and threat, further emphasized by warnings such as â€Å"catastrophe† and â€Å"madness†, as Jim plunges into a brutal world of war from his sacred haven in the sanctuary (â€Å"the light, and then the dark†) to fight for his country. On the other hand, Marquez expresses the idea of threat in â€Å"Chronicle of a Death Foretold† through the rigidness of the townspeople in their ideas regarding tradition and family honour. To uphold the honour of their sister, the Vicario twins perceive as their duty to kill Santiago who supposedly took her virginity. However, this crime is largely condoned by their Catholic society and even Father Amador the priest pronounces their innocence â€Å"before God†. Marquez presents a town where first-degree murder is justified in the name of the cult of virginity and it is the responsibility of the men in the town to defend this tradition. Prudencia Cotes â€Å"would never have married [Pablo] if he hadn’t done what a man should do†. Her mother tells Pedro and Pablo them â€Å"honour doesn’t wait† and Clotilde Armenta voices her sympathy in saying it is a â€Å"horrible duty that’s fallen on them† as they are duty-bound to avenge Angela. The twins are forced to conform to society’s expectations of masculine assertiveness even if they â€Å"couldn’t sleep for the rest of [their lives]† on their conscience. In killing Santiago, the twins have â€Å"proved their status as men [and] the seduced sister was in possession of her honour once more† in defending the validity of their culture. The town can be viewed, to an extent, as dysfunctional and a tense atmosphere is present throughout the book as readers know the threat of this cult will result in an innocent man’s death. The theme of violence is exemplified in many characters and through the eyes of Jim, we see the menace posed in Man’s capacity to cause suffering and death in â€Å"Fly Away Peter†. Even before the war, violence is hinted as being part of daily life when Jim witnesses the killing of a lone man â€Å"with his hands over his face with blood between them† as â€Å"another figure, hurling itself from the shadows, brought him down†. Although Jim has always been consciously rejecting any notions of violence, he discovers â€Å"black anger† in himself and a potential for violence when he faces Wizzer’s bullying later. He is shaken to realize that he has come â€Å"closer to his father’s [similar] nature† of violence unwittingly to the extent that he does not wish â€Å"to be confronted with some depth in himself†¦ that frightened him and he doesn’t understand†. Killing in war is also epitomized by the brutality of Clancy’s death where Jim experiences for the first time Man’s ruthlessness on a personal level. Clancy’s senseless death comes as a shock to him and Jim is greatly affected by this; â€Å"the hosing off never†¦ left him clean† and often â€Å"woke from nightmares drenched in a wetness that dried and stuck†. Malouf forcefully juxtaposes the previous setting of Jim â€Å"buttering slabs of bread† with the diversely opposite scene of Clancy’s accident, effectively demonstrating the harsh reality of war. Clancy’s passing further shows another step in Jim’s loss of innocence as he feels touched by the horrors of war and menace is manifested in â€Å"Fly Away Peter† through the ordinariness with which violence presents itself. Violence is a dominant theme in â€Å"Chronicle of a Death Foretold† as it is in â€Å"Fly Away Peter† as it leads to the ultimate menace of Santiago’s death. It is a minor yet significant part of everyday life for most of the town; Victoria Guzman â€Å"[disembowels] rabbits†¦ pull[s] out the insides†¦ by the roots and throw[s] the steaming guts to the dogs† and Leandro Pornoy dies â€Å"gored in the jugular vein by a bull† – all of which are accepted by the town matter-of-factly. The murder of Santiago is brutal as his â€Å"liver was almost sliced in pieces†, his â€Å"pancreas [was] destroyed† and there were â€Å"perforations in the transverse colon and†¦ small intestine† among other injuries. His death has been â€Å"brought on by any one of the seven major wounds† and this reflects an unnecessary level of violence on the part of the Vicario twins. Even after his death, Santiago’s autopsy is mishandled as â€Å"a syrup-coloured liquid began to flow from the wounds, drawing flies, and a purple blotch appeared on his upper lip and spread out very slowly†¦ up to his hairline† and Father Amador remarks â€Å"it was as if we killed him all over again after he was dead†. Through the use of violence in the lives of common people and graphic imagery illustrating the aftermath of a murder, Santiago’s killing mirrors the menace in which the town is under in their acceptance of the idea of violence. The themes of male duty and violence in both â€Å"Fly Away Peter† and â€Å"Chronicle of a Death Foretold† develop the concepts of threat and menace. Malouf uses Jim’s dilemma in enlisting for the war to highlight the threat of the blind trend in which men fight to prove their masculinity even though it results in countless lives lost and Jim’s experiences in the war that draw on the idea of menace in the form of violence. Conversely, Marquez develops the notion of threat through the tradition of the town surrounding Angela Vicario’s enigmatic predicament which precipitates the menace of Santiago’s murder wherein violence plays an important role. A tense and portentous atmosphere is thus crafted in both books as the authors expand on these themes, building up to a final climax.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

1920’s USA Sources Coursework Essay

(1.) In source A, we see a cartoon of ‘Uncle Sam’, the symbol of America, looking at a picture of life in the USA from years before. I think that the cartoonist is trying to show how American life in the 1920s (when the cartoon was drawn) is so much different to American life in earlier years which is shown in the picture on the wall. We can see that many characters that represent different aspects of 1920’s life in the USA surround ‘Uncle Sam’. For example, there are three women with the words ‘Scandal’, ‘Materialism’ or ‘Divorce’ written on their dresses, and the words ‘Easy money’ in the smoke of Sam’s cigar. The word scandal refers to the presidency of Warren G. Harding, when many instances of corruption occurred. For example, Harding’s close friend, Charles Forbes, was thought to be responsible for the suspicious disappearance of $200 million from the Veteran’s Bureau account, of which he was the director. During Harding’s term in office, this case of blatant fraud (and others) was unknown to the general public. However, by the time Source A was drawn in 1925, Calvin Coolidge had become president and these scandals were uncovered to the public. The word materialism refers to people’s changing attitude towards their own wealth, mainly due to the economic boom. After the First World War, the USA had gained status as the richest nation in the world. This was because it had not suffered physically or financially from the war, unlike its European counterparts. In fact, America was receiving vast amounts of money through re-payments from countries they had given loans to during the conflict. Also, America’s politics helped to shape the way that people earned and spent their money. With the Republicans in power, the nation learnt to exercise the policy of ‘laissez-faire’, which literally translated means ‘let it be’. In other words, people were able to build up their own businesses freely, safe in the knowledge that the government would not interfere too much or put up high taxes. In actual fact, taxes were decreased to encourage Americans to spend their wages on luxury goods, such as refrigerators or cars. High tariffs on exported goods from overseas meant people were more likely to buy products made in America, thus boosting the country’s industries. People began to care more and more about their own wealth, and found that they had more money at their fingertips. This ties in with the words easy money, which refers to the Stock market. With more money in their pockets, Americans were always on the look out for ways in which they could invest it and even increase it. The Stock Exchange and property market provided the perfect outlet for this. Not only did professional stockbrokers play the market, but also the normal working public, who found they could make ‘easy money’, as it says in the cartoon, by simply buying stocks. However, the people who did this were not loyal to the company they bought them from, as they usually sold them as soon as the prise had risen. Another big change that occurred in this time was the role of women in society. The fact that the women in the cartoon are flappers, shows how by 1925, women were beginning to become independent and outspoken. They smoked, swore in public, and even rode motorcycles. The woman with the word divorce on her dress emphasises this point as well. In the 1920s, the divorce rate rose as women began to live their own lives without depending on men for support. So, what was the cartoonist’s message? Personally I think that he/she was trying to show how much the USA had changed from the times when â€Å"pioneers lived simple lives in log cabins†. The fact that ‘Uncle Sam’ is gazing at the picture and saying, â€Å"Ah, those were the days† is showing that, in effect, America yearns for the way that life used to be before everything became so materialistic and money-orientated, even though he himself is sitting in the ‘seat of luxury’. (2.) In source B, we see a photograph of two Negroes hanged from a tree whilst being surrounded and watched by a crowd of white people. Source C is an extract from a newspaper, which describes in detail the lynching of another Negro in a separate incident. These two sources are similar in some ways and different in others. There are a number of ways that we can see this. Firstly, both sources show a similar reaction from the crowd to the actual lynching. B shows the crowd looking up at the bodies enthusiastically, and even one man pointing to them as if to show to the camera something he is proud of. There does not appear to be anyone looking distressed or upset by the incident, with most ‘spectators’ looking joyous and pleased. Both sources show the crowd to be diverse (obviously within the same ethnic group), with people of all ages and both sexes. Source C also describes the crowd’s reaction as being happy at the Negro’s fate. In fact, the crowd seemed to be even more enthusiastic in the second source than in the first one, â€Å"†¦. joined hands and danced around while the Negro was burned†. But ultimately, both sources show the different crowds to be in approval of the lynchings. However, one difference between the two sources is who actually committed the lynching in each case. In B, we can only see what appears to be normal, white cillivians in the crowd. There does not seem to be any members of the Ku Klux Klan in their usual white ‘uniform’. Therefore, independent bigots could have simply done the hanging in the first source, in an almost spontaneous fashion. In comparison, Source C seems to have been a more planned event, organised by the Ku Klux Klan. The fact that the extract says that there was more than 500 people present and that people were travelling from other cities by car just to see the lynching gives us the impression that it was highly publicised within the ‘racist community’. We can not tell the exact number of people at the hanging in source B, but we can assume that it was probably not as many as in the second source. Another difference between the two sources is that, obviously, one is a photograph and one is a newspaper extract. If I were to choose, I would probably say that a photograph (source B) gives a more accurate impression of an event than an account (source C) of somebody who was simply present at the time. This is because a photograph is taken at the time and can not be changed. Whether or not the photographer was racist does not make any difference because, generally, the camera does not lie and is not biased, depending on the context. But the newspaper extract was written after the event and is therefore less accurate, because the writer could have forgotten important details or even written the account in an unfair or biased way. (3.) Source F is a photograph showing a crowd of people demonstrating on the behalf of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, taken in April 1927. How useful would it be for a historian who was studying the case of the two imprisoned immigrants? We can see in the photograph that there is quite a large crowd of people, which gives the impression that the majority of Americans supported Sacco and Vanzetti. However, that is not strictly true. Although the two accused men did have many supporters who protested against their impending execution, most normal American people agreed with it. This was mainly due to the American public’s fear of Communists or ‘Reds’ as they were commonly called. Since the Russian Revolution in 1917, people had started to believe that communism was spreading and would eventually reach the USA. This caused the number of immigrants brought to America to be limited, and any that did come were discriminated against. This seems to be case with Sacco and Vanzetti. In hindsight, it appears that the two men were used as †scape-goats’ for a crime they possibly did not commit. Being Italian immigrants made them an easy target, and it was unlikely that the American public would believe their word against the American legal system and police. However, is this shown in the photograph? Without background knowledge of the subject, it would be hard to tell by the photograph whether most people were supportive of Sacco and Vanzetti or not. The photograph is quite misleading, as it seems as though the majority of the American public was on their side, which was not the case. Although I can not tell for sure, I believe that the people in the photograph are other immigrants, who were generally the only people that supported the two men. This was because most immigrants felt that the discrimination against Sacco and Vanzetti could easily happen to them one day in the future. But this is not necessarily clear from the photograph. However, it could be useful to a historian as an example of the minority that did support them. (4.) I do not believe that the cartoon in Source E is very useful at all. This is for a number of different reasons. Firstly, Nazis produced the cartoon. This means that it is biased against the USA, and would therefore not provide a fair or accurate view of American life. Even if some aspects of the cartoon were true, they would undoubtedly be used in a misleading way. This is why propaganda can never be used as an accurate impression of something. Secondly, as the cartoon was made during the Second World War, it is intended to show what American life was like during this time (1939-1945). So therefore it does not show what life was like in the 1920s. Also, many of the examples of American life used are loosely true but are used inaccurately. For example, the ‘body’ (which is supposedly meant to represent the USA) is shown as having the head of a Ku Klux Klan member. This could be interpreted that the Klan were very dominant throughout the whole of the USA as they are seen as being at the head of it all. This was not true. A registration of cars increased. This means that more cars were made because there was a bigger demand for them, and more cars were bought because people had more money to spend. Also the sale of radios greatly increased in this decade. These statistics certainly help to support Hoover’s claim that America was winning the battle over poverty. Source J also emphasises the point that during this era, the country began to spend more money on luxury goods, such as big houses and cars. However, the same two sources also show us that the opposite was also true. Not everyone in the USA was making a lot of money, as shown in source I. When compared to the $1246 that Californian fruit farmers made per month in 1929, the South Carolina’s farmers pay packet of only $129 per month seems very measly. This is one example of how not everybody did well in the 1920s. This was mainly due to overproduction of goods; in other words, more food was produced than could be sold. Also, due to the high tariffs put on American exports, the food could not be sold in Europe. Source J also points out that the America people had become so obsessed with making money that it would eventually be the death of them; â€Å"I think the country was in greater danger during the twenties†¦more money every year for everyone†¦Suddenly everybody owned a motor car†¦All we needed was to make more automobiles and build bigger houses.† We must also remember that Hoover made the speech in source H during the Presidential Election campaign. This means that he was obviously going to say something that would encourage the general public to have faith in the Republican government and to help get him in to the White House. Therefore it might be an exaggerated or ‘sugar-coated’ form of the truth, which most politicians seem to have a talent at expressing. (6.) Source K is a song written in 1971 for an American television show. It is about how much better life in the 1920s was than the present day (i.e. when the song was written). Source L is an extract from a history textbook about how the majority of Americans in the 1920s did not live the ‘high life’ and were, in fact, very poor and facing unemployment. At a first glance we can see that source K is not completely accurate about life in the twenties. In the first line it mentions ‘Glenn Miller’, a bandleader who is described as playing, ‘Songs that made the hit parade’. This is actually incorrect, as Glen Miller was a bandleader in the 1930s and 1940s, not the 1920s. It also mentions Herbert Hoover, which seems quite strange as he was only President for one year of the twenties, 1929. It is examples like these that seem to jeopardise the accuracy of the source. Also, the fact that it was written in 1971 makes me believe that it is less reliable than something that was written closer to the time. Also, I get the impression that the song is slightly sarcastic and comedic, as opposed to being a reliable account of 1920s American life. It is because of this that it could be easily misinterpreted. For example, the line that says, â€Å"Freaks were in a circus tent† could be referring to the time when people were highly suspicious of immigrants and hence Attorney-General Palmer ordered for many suspected socialists to be deported. But this is not very clear. Also the line that says that everybody was content is not very true. Many people were very poor in the twenties, and times were very hard for some people, such as farmers. Also, Negroes were still being treated as third-rate citizens and were often discriminated against. Also, the song is an opinion, so does not represent everybody’s views. Source L however seems much more accurate. Because it was written for a history textbook it is more likely to show a reliable viewpoint on 1920s life. Especially since it contains an example of an actual fact, as opposed to an opinion (i.e. that job insecurity was on the increase for the over 35s). It is much more realistic than source K, for example using words such as ‘vast numbers of Americans’ instead of words like ‘everybody’ as seen in the first source. So, in my opinion, Source L shows a more reliable impression of 1920s life than source K. (7.) From looking at all the sources, it is very hard to draw a straight conclusion as to whether the 1920s was a ‘golden age’ for Americans or not. To decide, I will look at all the sources again. Firstly, it is evident that economically, America did extremely well in this decade. In source I we see that within three years (1926-1929) the number of cars produced each year had increased by over 1 million. We also see that within eight years (1920-1929) the number of cars registered had been increased by nearly three times and that within seven years (1922-1929) the amount of money spent on radios increased by $764.5 million. So what does this tell us? This basically shows us that the 1920s were the beginning of the age of consumer power. People began to have more money to spend on luxury goods, so in turn more were produced. This lead to the growth of industries in the nation. However, the ever-growing capitalism in the USA did not reach everyone. Source L shows us how there was still many people without jobs. Source I supports this fact by showing how there was a wide range of wages all over the country, ranging from just $129 per month to $1246 per month. Also, there was a great deal of intolerance in America. Sources B and C show in great detail how Negroes, in particular, suffered from intolerance.

Call a Patient Regarding an Overdue Account Essay

Call a Patient Regarding an Overdue Account - Essay Example The role of MA is to resolve the issue without hurting patient’s feeling. Attitude has three components. The three components are; affective, behavioral and cognitive (McLeod, 2009). Affective component deals with feeling, behavioral component deals with behavior, and cognitive component deals with belief and knowledge. The MA needs to realize that he or she will face patient’s three attitude components. At the same time, the MA has his or her own three attitude components. The role of the MA is to provide privilege to patient’s attitude components. The MA needs to remember attitude can express both positive and negative views over an event. The event in this case is past due hospital charges. The MA needs to remember that people can also be conflicted or ambivalent (McLeod, 2009) toward an object. The object in this case is the call itself. Answer 1: The MA demonstrates professionalism at stages 2b, 2e and 3. At the stage 2 b, the MA will face all three above-described attitude components. The MA in no way should mention to the patient about avoiding the payment. At the stage 2e, MA should express that hospital understands patient’s current inability in making payment, but it will help the hospital to know when the patient can make the payment. At stage 3 MA should be extremely professional in leaving the message so the patient returns the call. Answer: The MA demonstrates sensitivity to the situation at stage 2b. This is a make or break point for further discussion. Depending on the approach, the MA will face either positive or negative attitude of the patient towards the issue. Q3. If the patient gets really angry about this call, and yells and gets rude, how would you demonstrate professionalism and sensitivity? Write some things you could say in this situation that would be professional and sensitive? Answer: This is when the patient will use

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Toyota Total Environment Final Bus310 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Toyota Total Environment Final Bus310 - Essay Example The political environment comprises government regulations and policies that affect the business environment of an organization. Simon Property Group is the largest real-estate company with a global presence. Being based in the United States (U.S.), the firm’s domestic environment will be influenced by regulations and government policies prevalent therein. Since the organization deals in properties, the major developments in property related regulations will affect the business. The economic environment of the company mainly constitutes the country’s gross domestic product, economic growth, unemployment rate, taxation rate and purchasing power of the consumers. Presently, the United States is facing turbulence in its GDP, but personal income of the individuals is slowly growing. Different states in the U.S. have separate taxation rates and purchasing power of consumer, which can prove either favorable or unfavorable depending upon circumstances. The social aspect of a business environment is way in which projects of an organization affect the society. Currently, consumers show concern not only about product quality, but also its impact on the surrounding. Simon Property ensures that high quality is maintained in their products (projects). They undertake genuine efforts to retain consumers with better service. Keeping in view the growing demand for malls and other entertainment zones, the company continues to invest in a large number of properties to facilitate greater satisfaction of consumers. Technological intervention in present market has become unavoidable for every organization. Companies are increasingly ensuring that they undertake technological integration in their activities. The technological environment of the U.S. as well as that of Simon Property Group is highly developed and the company has incorporated technological development in its activities as a part of the growth

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

E-revolution ompany Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-revolution ompany - Assignment Example The accounting report will show the analysis of the accounts to E-revolution Company. The report shows the analysis of the company by the use of financial ratios that are useful in determining the financial position of the company. The report shows the analysis of the company by the use of financial ratios that are useful in determining the financial position of the company. The report makes use of the following ratios, profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, and financial stability ratios. The profitability ratios are useful in showing the level at which the sales of the company are converted into profits and the efficiency at which that is done. The liquidity ratios indicate the ability of the company to deal with its financial obligations and the financial stability ratios indicate the level at which the operations of the company are dependent on debt as opposed to the equity of shareholders. The analysis deals with the month of April 2012 with comparison to march 2012. The report also contains recommendations that are useful for the prosperity of the business.E-revolution is found in the mobile industry which is among the fastest growing industries. The company is doing well in terms of its profit levels but that can be improved further by the use of a number of recommendations. The financial report will detail the transactions that took place in the financial year ending in April 2012 for e-revolution. The purpose of the report is to describe the financial and profitability position of the business in comparison with previous times. The report has been requested by the partners of the business who are interested in knowing the direction that the business is headed. The main concern for the owner of the business is the provision of good products and services, improvement of the market share, making money, ensuring debtors pay in a manner that is timely, paying bills on time and the management of inventory and tax obligations in a good manner. Ratio analysis 1. Gross profit margin The ratio indicates the ability of a company to convert its sales into profits. That should be done by the company reducing its costs incurred in the selling process so that the profits can increase. The ratio is calculated as; Gross profit / sales= $ 52,079.11/ 122,944.31 = 42.35% That indicates that the level of efficiency of e-revolution of converting sales into profits is equal to 42.35%. Profitability is among the concerns of Hopkins, the ratio above shows that the company is not doing badly in regards to profitability levels. 2. Current ratio The ratio is used to show the ability of a company to settle its short term financial obligation. The ratio is useful to indicate the ease at which a company can pay its financial obligation by the use of assets that are highly liquidable. That means that the current assets should be more than the current liabilities. Current ratio= current assets/ current liabilities =$90,761.29/ $26,868.93 =3.38 The results of th e ratio indicate that the company

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discuss the way in which a particular celebrity has been used to Essay

Discuss the way in which a particular celebrity has been used to promote fashion - Essay Example Fashion advertisement can be done on the television, on radio stations, on social sites, on product labels, on billboards and many other channels. Use of celebrities in advertising is very essential and captures the minds of many people in the society. It creates a perception that a product is the best in the range of related products, which increases demand of a product, its sales, and profits (Mehta 199). There are many theories related to the study of media and all try to explain its impact in advertising, and the perceptions related to its use. The first theory is the uses and gratification theory, which states that people use advertised products for gratification (Karina). The public can use a product so that they can relate to the celebrity used to promote the product. The association with a celebrity gives them a sense of belonging and gratification (Karina). The theory also states that people use a product to help them for diversion to escape from problems, for personal identity, and for surveillance of important tricks for survival. People tend to use products that are associated with successful celebrities so that they can feel safe and away from their problems. It gives them a sense of belonging and fulfilment in life. According to this theory, use of products that are associated with a particular celebrity increases ones self-esteem and self-worth (Karina). The hypodermic needle model is also another theory related to the use of media and suggests that media audience always has trust and loyalty to media such that they do not pose any challenges or have doubts about the information they are given (Karina). According to this theory, the audience takes in any information supported by a celebrity and believes it as the truth. The public has strong belief in celebrities and assume that products the celebrity uses will also work on them

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Company Promoter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Company Promoter - Essay Example 1) On 15th August, Bill signed a letter that stated, "For and on behalf of Cornhill Ltd, as agent only, Bill". He agreed to purchase computer equipment costing 30,000 pounds together with a servicing agreement for five years costing 120 pounds per month. Logitech was charging an exorbitant rate for the servicing agreement; hence they wished to terminate the contract. Owing to Salomon3 principle, a company is a separate legal entity different from its members and it can therefore sue and be sued in its own name. According to Salomon principle, Cornhill Ltd can claim can claim for wrong done against it. But here the company was not registered. A company does not come into existence until the promoter has completed the registration Requirements and the Registrar of the Companies issues a certificate of incorporation Prior to this time a company cannot bind by contracts entered into in its name or on its behalf. In practice, however, promoters will need to contract with the third parties for such things as a lease of premises, business equipments and connection to utilities so that once the certificate of incorporation is issued the company can begin trading4. The problem that arises in the relation to incorporation contracts is whether Bills can avoid being personally l... 9(2) of the European Communities Act 1972, now found in s.36C of the CA 1985. If somebody does not exist they cannot contract [Rover International Ltd v Cannon Film Sales Ltd (No 3)]5. So if this principle applied Cornhill Ltd can deny to follow the contract with Logitech because impose high price. Further, since at the time of a pre incorporation contracts the company does not exist, upon its subsequent creation it is necessarily a stranger to it and the doctrine of privity will operate to prevent rights and the liabilities being conferred to imposed on the company. The Contracts (Rights of third Parties) Act 1999, which allows enforcement of contracts by third parties if the contract expressly so provides or a term of the contract confers a benefit on the third party, does not apply to pre incorporation contracts. The Act is based on the recommendations of the Law Commission on its report, Privity of Contract: Contracts for the benefit of the Third Parties (Law Commission report No. 242, Cm 3329 (London, HMSO (1996)). Addressing the issue of pre incorporatio n contracts, the Law Commission drew the distinction between a contract on behalf of the third party and a contract for the benefit of a third party. The Law Commission stated that the former category involves the third party company becoming a party to the contract, and subject to all its rights and obligations, after its incorporation. In Kelner v Baxter6 promoters of a hotel company entered into a contract on its behalf for the purchase of wine the company, when incorporated, ratified. The wine was consumed but before payment was made the company went to liquidation.7 The promoters, as agents, were sued on the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Globalization from a Cultural Anthropology's Perspective Essay

Globalization from a Cultural Anthropology's Perspective - Essay Example They came to the conclusion that all societies at their â€Å"civilization† stage must have gone through the former two stages of savagery and barbarian before making their way to â€Å"civilization†. All three stages were characterized on the basis of their shared attributes. Tyler focused more on other aspects of culture, for instance language and mythology, the arts of life and the arts of pleasure. (Hays) Globalization implies increasing influx of trade, finance, culture, people and ideas due to the advances in technology which has indirectly made modes of communication sophisticated, easier worldwide. Globalization has fast taken over today’s global economy. Not only are the world’s farthest places easily accessible but communication within seconds to and fro from different corners of the world has become a lot more easy. Today’s children and youth are far more connected and well versed with their counterpart teens from world over then a decade ago. Globalization studies have become very important point of convergence of interpretive anthropology and cultural anthropology. Terms such as â€Å"The New Economy† and globalization have become integral focus of Cultural Anthropology in modern literature of cultural anthropology. ... For example music, movies, arts. Popular culture and globalization have attracted similar hit songs, movies, artificats, even ways of conducted business in countries sharing different cultures. This is primarily because of more and easy awareness. So much has the influence of globalization been on cultural anthropology that today branding and value creation have whole heartedly accepted their importance. Massive campaigns world over are built accordingly. William Mazzarella’s award winning work titled â€Å"Very Bombay: Contending with the Global in an Indian Advertising Agency† is a very important example. (Harris) The widespread perception of consumer culture has always been there. Many attribute to America’s wealth and the status emerging out of WWII. Corporations back then were at their peak of manufacturing capacity. They had made a lot of money by capitalizing on the military needs and requirement. As a result, living standards rose and demands for material goods with more social standing also peaked. This lifestyle has stayed for the past few generations and now in most cases we short-sighted assume that we will always live like this. A good example of culturally invasive global trend can be seen in plastic surgery rooms in Iran. During the course of Islamic Revolution, makeup stayed restricted to Persian women and their faces would be covered to Islamic culture and names. As of today, Iran has become the nose job capital of the world. Iranian women world over spend more than â€Å"1500 dollars† to achieve what they call the â€Å"perfect nose† . The influences of satellite and television have also been immense and invasive. Persian women and many South Asian countries have adopted the idea that western nose is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Compare and contrast the two artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compare and contrast the two artworks - Essay Example In both sculptures, artists have utilized the concept of contrast intended to give varied objects comprising main artworks real implications2,3. This is to ensure each artwork despite appearing different from the other; they have brought the required meaning. For instance, the most striking and common contrast evident in these two artworks is the aspect of color-light interaction. Light in these two artworks strikes them from a source placed up diagonally in relation to the objects’ position. Hence, illuminating varied and key areas of the artworks the way a real sun would suppose it was during daytime and in the open space far from the buildings or any other shelter. However, lightning in both artworks varies considerably whereby Cubi XIX’s illumination intensity is more than that of Henry Moore's figure. This is despite the source of illumination casting shadows beneath the two works. Probably, the reason why Cubi XIX’s illumination exceeds that of Henry Moore' s figure is due to its placement, which is outside as per the artist’s desire for the object to reflect any change of the natural light4. Similarly, the two objects have also utilized negative space with the intention of creating three-dimensional works5. Hence, this induces the aspect of depth evident when observing spaces and holes found in between varied objects overlapping each other without being in contact. However, in the Henry Moore's figure, its holes appear natural compared to those found in David Smith's artwork. Since, the latter due to its geometrical shapes suggest the holes comprising negative spaces are artificial, which is contrary to Henry Moore's figure6. Since, Henry Moore's artwork comprises of oval and irregular holes inside it, which is contrary to David Smith's object whose varied objects are geometric and seem to assume a certain array with the intention of attaining the required balance. Artists’ through these two artworks despite relaying div erse massages, their respective emphasizes varies considerably. This is evident in the mode of utilizing light whereby David Smith's object has increased illumination compared to that of Henry Moore. The latter artist’s emphasis encompasses depicting the entire object evident from its mild illumination, which is similar to a light produced by an artificial source, and striking an item under a shade or in a building. This is contrary to Cubi XIX, which focuses on depicting varied natural light’s alterations, which is the sun. Hence, prompting the artist to use beaten steel as the object’s sole material so that it may reflect the light as necessitated. This is evident from the varied parts of the entire objects that have high illumination intensity compared to both its rear parts and those of Henry Moore figure. Another outstanding divergence between the two objects encompasses the aspect of texture whereby Henry Moore’s artwork has an extremely smooth surf ace than that of David Smith's artwork7. Mainly, this emanates from the materials constituting the two respective works. David Smith's figure is not evenly smooth except in spaces or distortions made on the steel by the sculptor’s tool when shaping it to assume the required shape. However, Henry Moore in his work seems to have used a special tool in combination with hands to attain an appealing surface to feel. Since, the material comprising its artwork seems to be clay or any other similar matter

Thursday, August 22, 2019

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Example for Free

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Based on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia stated that beauty is a value that related to emotional aspect that mean vitality, fertility, health, happiness, goodness, and love. â€Å"Beauty is commonly defined as a characteristic present in objects, such as nature, art work, and a human person, that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, joy, and satisfaction to the observer, through sensory manifestations such as shape, color, and personality. Beauty thus manifested usually conveys some level ofharmony amongst components of an object† (New World Encyclopedia). Thomas Aquinas (1225 1274), wrote on the essence of beauty. He thought that beauty was the result of three prerequisites: wholeness (lat. integritas) or perfection, harmony (lat. proportio) and clarity or brightness† (Pentti Rautio, 2007). For many centuries, people and philosophers have expressed their definition of beauty. They show their own argument with different definition. However, nowadays we can not get the really means of beauty, because beauty has been lost over time. It just leaves a word ( Nancy Etcoff, 1999, p. 69). Everyone want to be beautiful, especially for women. They make themselves as beautiful as they can. For being beautiful, they have an icon to be followed. They use a Barbie dolls as a fashion icon because they think that Barbie is the image of beauty woman. Barbie has thin and tall body, flawless skin, long hair and big eyes. It shows that Barbie is perfect creature. Because of it, Barbie has affected a lot of women through its beauty. Barbie become the image of beauty by its history. Barbie is named by Ruth Handler which comes from his daughter’s name Barbara. Barbara is the same as another child that play with a toys but she always use a paper to make a dolls. During a trip to Europe with her child Barbara in 1956, Ruth Handler came across a German and found a doll called Bild Lilli. The Bild Lilli doll was very popular at that time, it was made based on a character in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. In 1955, The Bild Lilli doll was initially sold to adults and became popular with children who enjoyed dressing up. On her return to the United States, Ruth Handler tried to redesign the Bird Lilly doll with help from Jack Ryan that works as an engineer. Moreover, the doll that was redesign by Ruth handler was given a new name ‘Barbie’, after Ruth Handler’s daughter Barbara. The Barbie doll made its first debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie’s birthday. The Bird Lilli doll production was stopped in 1964 and the first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail. The doll was marketed as a â€Å"Ten-age Fashion Model† with her clothes created by Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese home workers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first year of production. Barbie was the first toy that has a marketing strategy on television advertising. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold out in over 150 countries and every second three Barbie dolls are sold. Barbie products include not only the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a large range of Barbie branded goods such as books, apparel, cosmetics and video games. Barbie has appeared in a series of animated films and is a supporting character in â€Å"Toy Story 2† and â€Å"Toy Story 3†. Barbie has been given honors and become cultural icon that is rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week. In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and others event that used Barbie as the icon (James Penn, 2001). Barbie became a popular toy in America and the figure that was used by Mattel dolls and accessories. For five years, Barbie has been an important part of toy fashion doll market. However, behind its popularity, Barbie also became controversies because its life style. From a young age, children play with toys like Barbie dolls and burly action figures, with bodies that are physically impossible to achieve. Exposure to these â€Å"ideals† is damaging to the self-esteem of youths† (MelodyBee, 2008). Usually, most of children play Barbie, especially for girls. They make Barbie as beautiful as they can. However, playing a Barbie doll can give bad influence for children. The Barbie’s clothes or the other things in Barbie’s world have affected the girls who playing Barbie think how importance of physical appearance. Barbie has affected them in terms of fashion. They be dressed precocious because the influence of Barbie. Without realizing it, they are growing-up skipper. According to Marilyn Ferris Motz, he suggested, â€Å"Barbie has other messages for us and that the doll’s influence is more problematic, especially for children. † It means that Barbie has bad side effect for children. Not only children, but nowadays the girls or women also make Barbie as woman figure that they want. Because of the figure of Barbie and other figures of beauties, women are convinced to believe that one must look like these images to be beautiful. The easiest way to achieve this is by having plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a type of surgery that can involve both women’s appearance and ability to function. Society today has influence women to believe that in order for a person to look beautiful, they must look like the images that are seen on television, in movies, and on the cover of magazines. Some of them are even willing to suffer in order to achieve their desired beauty. Although plastic surgery can improve women’s appearance, but it can induce a lot of detriments which may lead to dangerous risk, even death. From the description, I will analyze women’s mindset about plastic surgery.

High school diploma Essay Example for Free

High school diploma Essay Did you know that education in school is really important? Many parents believe that education is important because it leads to a degree which grants you a good job. With an education you can get a steady pay check. With that pay check you will get away to financial independence as an adult. Why is Education So Important? he first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life. Did you know that education in school is really important? School and education help people you understand beyond the world around them. Education helps ones immediate family, area, region, country, culture, race, or civilization. These different subjects open up information and knowledge. An important aspect of education is learning how to learn in order differentiate fact from fiction. Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility criterion for employment into any sector of the industry. We are rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them. Education brings about economic wealth, political stability and social prosperity; all these are hallmarks of a prosperous society. It can therefore be said that education playas an important role if a society is to be successful. Tertiary education is an important aspect in the development of any society that considers or aspires to be modern. It is by far the best investment that a nation or an individual can make in its youth or oneself respectively. Educated people are in a better position to contribute to the development of their country; these educated individuals get employment opportunities that give them satisfaction and also earn some form of respect among their work mates. It also plays an important role in the integration of a society in that by interacting with people from various areas, it will raise different issues that people in rural areas are facing thereby promoting knowledge and understanding of these areas Life is nothing without education? Life without education is like living in the streets. Without education youll become lost. You will not have a guaranteed future. You will no go home ridding your favorite car to your Own home. By learning your basic alphabets youll work your way through to have a professional career. Therefore with out Education to school you will not learn at all. Life is never without education. In societies without formal schools, parents pass skills on to children. Education starts before you ever go to school and goes on after you finish school. That said, formal education is a great way to ensure that every child knows what is most necessary to live in a particular society. Without education you will be an illiterate person your children in the future will come up to you and you’re not going to know how to answer them with a right answer. Education will help build your own perspective. Schools are the place you school of started how to pronounce and count. Importance of education is needed in order to succeed in today’s world. In order to receive education you must go through some process. Your first process is to graduate from high school with your diploma. The next step is to attend college to obtain a degree in a trade that you would like to pursue. Without education you wouldn’t get good pay or promotion that you deserve. However, some people feel that they can get by in life without education, sadly that is not true. If you would like at the graphic at the bottom you will see that the higher the education you have the more money you can make. Education is important to have in today’s society. Importance of education able you to have a good job security and knowledge of your field supporting the hard work a person put into there education. Overall, school is the basic start that will drive you to your future. With knowledge youll get the sense of pride that you know must of the things. Education will help brighten your children’s future. 66% of the US population has a high school diploma or high. You should be amongst these people.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Role of the Media on Socioeconomic Development of Education

Role of the Media on Socioeconomic Development of Education Role of media in socio, economic development: Media and education When we talk about ‘Media education’, the first and foremost important question which strikes our mind is what is media? The word ‘media’ is the plural form of ‘medium’, which refers to any channel or source through which a message is sent. The term media became popular in the late 1920s when several sources of news emerged. Until then the only means of communication with masses were journals, newspapers and other such written modes. With the advent of radio and television the level of media has increased. Today we even have ‘New Media’. Education means to educate someone i.e. to bring a change in oneself education is a key. It is imparting and sharing of ideas, thoughts, talking useless also sometimes find a bridge in conservation whether it’s between two people or more and make them think about it. Therefore media education is the process through which individual’s become media literate- able to critically understand the nature, techniques, and impact of media messages and productions. Media education also means that being a journalist it is your prime responsibility to gather masses and to make them aware as to what they can do on their behalf for the betterment of our country. Media education isnt about having the right answers: rather, its about asking the right questions. Because media issues are complex and often contradictory and controversial, the educators role isnt to impart knowledge, but to facilitate the process of inquiry and dialogue. Today, the chief challenges are to locate and evaluate the right information for ones needs and to synthesize what one finds into useful knowledge or communication. Media education with techniques of critical thinking, creative communication and computer, visual and aural literacy skills at its core is a key part of a 21st c entury approach to learning. One possible meaning of media education could also be to educate people about the different- different mediums of media, for example- Print media, electronic media, Social media, New media. We also need to explain what exactly the terms print, electronic, social stands for and what role do they play in today’s era. Students pursuing their career in the field of Media, for instance doing the bachelors in BJ(MC) means they are studying about media and mass communication, moreover the difference between the two terms, journalism and mass communication. Journalism is the practice of investigating and reporting events, issues and trends to the mass audiences of print, broadcast and online media such as newspapers, magazines and books, radio and television stations and networks, and blogs and social and mobile media. People who gather and package news and information for mass dissemination are journalists. The field includes writing, editing, design and photography. With the idea in mind of informing the citizenry, journalists cover individuals, organizations, institutions, governments and businesses as well as cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. News media are the main purveyors of information and opinion about public affairs. Besides this different- different definitions of journalism has been given by the renowned people. According to the famous reporter Curtis D. McDonald â€Å"Journalism is news gathering, fact finding and reporting. It is important anywhere at any time. It is indispensable in a democracy as people cannot govern themselves without being informed†. According to Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Chairman of New York Times (1963) â€Å"Journalisms ultimate purpose [is] to inform the reader, to bring him each day a letter from home and never to permit the serving of special interests.† On the other hand Mass communication refers to the means of communicating with large numbers of people. A number of different elements make up mass communication media: images, colours, lighting, and a variety of other techniques are used to communicate messages and obtain particular effects. Trained professionals of organisation particularly belonging to private entrepreneurs or public, autonomous or government bodies that invest heavily for the hardware and software needed for production and dissemination of those messages. The universal appeal rapidity, ubiquitous and attraction to people irrespective of education, age, gender differences and social status. Today, mass communication has attained an all time high attention because of its need and importance. It is only because of the impact of mass communication that the world has been reduced to a global village. Today, life is so much involved with media that not an hour goes by when we do not speak about, refer to, or plan for t he use of media. It is pervasive like air. About 2500 years ago, Aristotle came out with the ‘ Rhetoric†, a celebrated and highly regarded book on the principles of public speaking that holds great relevance even today. He exalted communication to the level of study. After him, several scholars came up with their own sets of definitions on communication, communication models, as a specialised branch of study, is as old as civilization. Study of communication disapproves the general notion that â€Å"good communicators are born† and indicates that the skills of effective communication can be acquired through conscious effort and practice. Media educators base their teaching on key concepts of media literacy, which provide an effective foundation for examining mass media and popular culture. These key concepts act as filters that any media text has to go through in order for us to respond. Before moving further, the claim people do that Is media only interested in negative stories? The view that the media is only interested in negative stories is hard to digest. One of the basic factors responsible for making such an impression is that in today’s highly globalized economy, corruption has permeated over all sections of the society, resulting in frequent incidence of corruption and crime. It is but natural for the press to bring these facts before the public. Secondly, a lot of mud slinging takes place because of envy and vengeance among the wrongdoers. This type of accusations when reported in the media, occupy a lot of space, raising the percentage of negative stories. The claim of the press that it has to adjust with the taste of readers, viewers and advertisers is a contentious issue. However, it remains a fact that with the growing competition and over enthusiasm to be the first in so-called ‘breaking news’ there is often an extra dose of negative stories or exaggeration of realities. At times, we are shown more than what happened in real ity and that too repetitively. There are a number of key concepts to choose from. Some of the current ones used by media educators are as follows:- Media are constructions Media are constructions generally means that media is such a powerful tool that it even has the power to set agendas. They construct path and compel people to think, to accept what they are showing. What media highlights, people gets involve in it. For instance, Nirbhaya’s rape case of 16th December 2012. In a country where it seems that cases of rapes, sexual abuse etc. would ever get vanish and also when in every 2 minutes a girl gets rape brings out the unlettered people of our country. Nirbhaya’s case got immense coverage because media highlighted it a lot because it was somewhat different from the other rape cases, more atrocious and brutal. People pay tribute to the brave girl, did candle marching and much more. Therefore, media are constructors as whatever they show or write in Newspapers viewers and readers believe. Audiences negotiate meaning We all bring our own life experience, knowledge and attitudes to the media we encounter. Each person makes sense of what he or she sees and hears in different ways. Using their sense many accept the facts or whatever is shown they accept it, but still many argues but ultimately they have to eat humble pie because media is so powerful and has the tendency to make people think and accept the facts they want from people to accept. Media have commercial implications Today almost everything is commercialised and so is media. For instance what we called as ‘paid news’ is one of the example. Daily in newspaper we find a lot of advertisements, any company or people who want to communicate with the larger mass use the print medium by giving the full information whether it is any new product or scheme. This is something which benefits both the entrepreneur and the newspaper. Role of Media in education sector Today media’s functions are not limited to disseminating information and entertaining the masses. Media is an important actor of the civil society. It possesses immense power in its hands. It can effectively help in the formation of public opinion. Notwithstanding this media also plays an important role in education sector. First of all, media keeps people aware about their rights and responsibilities from time to time. For example, we can vote if we are 18 years old. This is our right- Right To Vote. People know about it because all forms of media must have shown this or told about this right of people. Had media not shown this, then people definitely won’t know about their this right even today. Media educates people in all the ways they can. For example, â€Å"That one famous line which you will see in every theatre before the commencement of the movie â€Å"Smoking is injurious to health† and Mukesh’s ad also. If we talk in terms of electronic then da ily we will find so many ad in tv catering to the hazards of smoking or drink. Similarly Print media also keeps on alerting people about the effects of smoking and drink. In newspapers, their articles are their power. They have got that power in their hand which has the potential to motivate people not to smoke. Mass Media is a potent educational force in India, which serves to maintain and expand unjust systems and violent attitudes.Like schooling, the mass media is used to support the coercive power structure of a techno-industrial elite (be they corporate or governmental). Like schooling, the mass media undermines our existence as complete and unique human beings, and tells us instead that we are needy, deficient and homogenous. Prominent figures of our country doing ad also aims at educating people. For example, the polio ad of Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan show ‘Satyamev Jayate’ and through campaigns also media educates people in all form. . Over a span of time development support programmes have been launched effectively by media organizations. An example can be the AIDS awareness campaign of Uganda, where media ran advertisements free of cost. According to some media analysts in third world countries media should play a developmental role. The research will also try to explore this fact. How well have awareness campaign been run in different parts of the world trough the media and if media can take the role of the â€Å"TEACHER† in the society.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

college essay :: essays research papers

Æ’Â ´Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€¢Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€"ƒÙƒÞƒÙƒÃ ¤Ã†â€™Ãƒâ„¢Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ¸Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ¾Ã†â€™nƒßƒÃâ€"Æ’nÆ’Â ½Ã†â€™Ãƒ ©Ã†â€™Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€¢Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ"Æ’Ãâ€"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The definition I would place upon myself would consist of what I look like on the outside and what I feel and believe on the inside. In my opinion they way you look and how you dress and present yourself is hyped up a lot in the world today. What you wear has such an impact on how someone thinks about you.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I personally don ¡Ã‚ ¦t wear the GAP, Abercrombie & Fitch, or Old Navy clothes not because of the people who wear them, or because I don ¡Ã‚ ¦t want to be considered  ¡Ã‚ §trendy ¡Ã‚ ¨, I just don ¡Ã‚ ¦t wear them. I will go into the stores to look for something to buy, and I just never seem to find anything that I like. Stores I most often shop at are Pacific Sunwear, DEB, and Aeropostle. The style I guess you could categorize me into would probably be skater/ glam, at least that ¡Ã‚ ¦s what my dad would call it. My personal style does represent me in a lot of ways it ¡Ã‚ ¦s clean cut, yet edgy, and it ¡Ã‚ ¦s full of color, not a lot of black and white in my wardrobe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Appearance wise I ¡Ã‚ ¦m pretty much the same way as I am with my wardrobe. I love to play with make up. I like a lot of color. I love to play up my eyes; on occasion I will load up the eyeliner. My role model for clothing and make up is Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of No Doubt. She has such an awesome style; she just seems to be so together and knows what she wants. I love that! Sometimes I feel that way about myself, but it ¡Ã‚ ¦s just not as often probably.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The location of which I live isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t what you would expect the inside of my house to look like. At least that is what I think personally, only because my family lives in an apartment in downtown Auburn, Maine. From the outside it isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t anything fancy, and then once you step in through the front door, you ¡Ã‚ ¦ll be amazed how a little decorating can go a long way. Having my parents divorce in 2000 meant downsizing our house so it was hard on me. No matter where I live it ¡Ã‚ ¦s always home, and that I am very thankful for.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My family is something I cherish dearly. My father is a very close friend of mine he is somebody I can talk to about anything with, even things most kids usually get all nervous about when it comes to telling their parents mostly my dad just lets me know his opinion, (which sometimes I may not like) and that ¡Ã‚ ¦s about it.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Role of the Modern Educational Leader Essay -- Educational Leaders

Abstract The modern educational leader must understand that their role is no longer to run the day to day operations of the school district or school. The role has been transformed to incorporate motivating students and teachers alike as well as creating visions and mission for the direction the leader would like to take with the organization. Leaders challenge and inspire people to go above and beyond their comfort zones. They have the ability to influence and enlist the support of others towards accomplishing specific goals. To sustain this relationship between themselves and the people they inspire they must have integrity, loyalty, a positive attitude, strong communication and planning skills and should not be afraid to empower and serve their followers. Personal ethics must be of utmost importance to educational leaders as they are seen as role models in the community and they must conduct themselves accordingly. Introduction Educational leaders are expected to be role models to teachers, staff and students alike and should carry themselves with respect and integrity. Leadership is not tantamount to management; it is of a higher degree and should be treated with great regard. Anyone can manage, but a good spiritual leader has the tools necessary to engage their employees who in return feel honored to be of service. These leaders have the ability to maintain the respect of those they lead because of their commitment and service to people. Communication is also very important when dealing with parents and the community as a whole. If an educational leader is not getting their message across effective, getting people on board with the vision of the organization would be impossible. Leaders must be mindful t... ...tendent and the principal. These three dimensions are easily recognized as essential aspects of good leadership. (Rebore, 2001 p.113) Conclusion Educational leaders must be trustworthy and have character in order to effectively run an organization. Leaders who do not have these traits usually cannot lead effectively and eventually lose their positions or worst, cause the organization to fail. Surrounding every good leader are mentors whose priority is the success of their mentee. Leaders who have strong community affiliations and mentors can withstand many challenges and eventually find their way. These leadership traits are ideal for Educational leaders and should be fostered and encouraged by all. If followed leaders will have the opportunity to transform organizations and leave an impact on the lives of countless students, teachers and parents.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Foolish American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death of a Salesman

A Foolish American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Willy Loman is responsible for his own downfall.   Willy finds his own hero and tries to become the hero in his own existence.   Willy tries to become a very successful businessman, at the start of his career he thinks that no one can tell him what to.   Willy is not good with people, he is good with his hands, he is not a good salesman and he chooses the wrong career.   Willy often makes up stories or changes the stories he knows because he cannot face the truth of his life that he has not accomplished as much as he has planned.   Willy's downfall is his own doing which is brought about by his unrealistic dreams, his pride, his career choice and his failure to manage life's problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Willy, at a young age, noticed an old salesman who worked at an age of 80 and made a lot of money. The old salesman took orders from no one, he made his own orders and everyone did as the old man said.   When the old salesman, Dave Singleman dies, all the buyers came to his funeral. All the people Dave ever knew came.   There were thousands mourning his death.   From that point, Willy Loman found an awesome dream which he followed the rest of his life.   Willy became a salesman.   Willy is the most unqualified salesman ever!   He never sold a thing.   Willy stops seeing the truth at one point of his life and he relies on his own lies to numb his pain. The pain of knowing he cannot and wont be able to become Dave Singleman.   He is Willy Loman, who is good at fixing the house.   He is not cut out for travelling from city to city and selling goods to people he has never met before.   Willy dramatically dies living out his dream, the dream that never suited Willy Loman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Willy does not allow people to tell him what to do.   He believes that he cannot be bossed around and that he is too important to fall under anyone's authority but his own.   Willy teaches Biff and Happy not to take orders from anyone.   He thinks this will make Biff, Happy and himself

Saturday, August 17, 2019

We Are What We Eat

I have interviewed 2 of my family members, my mother and father about their identity and their favorite food. My father said,† I am a Honoring of course, although I born in China, I have grown up and lived in Hong Kong for 30 years. † He came to Hong Kong from Shanghai, China to study secondary school when he was 13 years old. The poor policy and living environment in China are the main reasons he do not think he is a Chinese, he lived in a dirty village and did not have chance to study when he had lived in Mainland.Besides, his favorite food is rice because he loves the warm feeling inside belly after eating rice and it is quite cheap. My mother is a born and raised Honoring, however, she said that she thought she is a Chinese as Hong Kong is a part of China. I was quite shocked after hearing her answer. She is a typical Honoring, lived In a small public house with many family members and studied very hard every day when she was young.China can stabilize and facilitate H ong Kong is the main reason she think that she Is a Chinese. Her favorite food Is noodles since she do not like to chew many times inside the mouth and she like to eat some hot and cooked food when having meals. In fact, after the discussion with my parents, I found that their choice of favorite DOD is different, but there still Include similarity Inside. Both of their choice of food Is Chinese traditional food and they also quite popular In Hong Kong nowadays.Thus, I agree with the saying of ‘we are what we eat'. From the two Interviews above, It Is obvious to link up their Identity and values and their favor of the food. Their birthplace and growing place affect a lot of this favor of food. As they are In the same generation and similar birthplace, they are both favorite In some Chinese traditional food. Even though they are In different genders and personalities.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Worldwide Food Shortage

These new factors are related to economic systems, political issues, alternative energies and fuels or global warming and climate change. As we can read in an article by Lester Brown published in Scientific American Magazine, â€Å"one of the toughest things for people to do Is to anticipate sudden change. † (2009) This quote helps us understanding the crawls In countries affected by flooding or droughts. Other natural disasters hard to predict and having a substantial Impact on basic food production are earthquakes and tsunamis. These phenomenon's have the power to paralyze any agricultural activity among others.When these natural disasters affect countries with a poor economy, the situation is even worse as they do not have enough resources to recover and things are likely to become critical to the point where the population is affected by malnutrition and dies of hunger. Africa has been long known as the continent with the worst problems concerning food shortages In most of their countries, mainly due because of the hot temperatures causing severe uncontrollable droughts and water shortages. The situation in these countries has not only immediate implications on population, but also makes it very official for economies to develop.Unfortunately, because of the lack of food many diseases would easily spread and be difficult to overcome, since the countries are poor. To Illustrate the state of some African countries we will be citing a shocking affirmation published In an article by Marc Gunter, senior writer for Fortune Magazine: â€Å"The average American pet will consume more resources than the average African and have better medical care as well. † (2008) The same poor economical environment in countries of Central and South America had facilitated over the years, food shortages following either droughts or flooding.In 2001 for instance, a severe drought has compromised the crops across Central America. Countries like Honduras, Guatemala and E l Salvador have been seriously affected. (Taylor, 2002) These countries are predominately rural and produce grains and coffee for export. This is the other aspect of local food shortages: it can extend to affect other importing countries as well, forcing the increase in prices for some essential foods. As we could see so far in this analysis, droughts are not the only factors having the power to severely affect food production, but their opposite, flooding has the same vegetating erect. Entries all around ten world , In Europe, Salsa, Australia, ten Americas, they all have experienced food shortages due to flooding. A healthy production depends thus on balanced weather conditions. This might be however difficult to achieve, thinking that for centuries nature has been unpredictable, and it's getting worse due to global warming. An article published in Fortune Magazine presents the Pentagon's weather nightmare, global warming, as a surging problem, and predicts that a cooling in the N orthern Hemisphere will trigger longer and rasher winters in most European countries as well as in the United States.The same conditions will also cause according to the same source, severe droughts which will turn â€Å"farmland to dust bowls and forests to ashes. † (Strip,2004) Food shortages could arise from animal diseases, like the mad-cow disease, which caused a global meat shortage in 1996, and affected mainly the Great Britain, where people have died from consuming the meat coming from infected animals. Same situation has happened with chicken and pork later in the decade. A major issue nowadays is the price of oil.In a global economy heavily relying on amerce, import and export, the price of oil could have a significant impact on the cost of production. Some countries are seriously affected and decide to drop the production for essential foods, since its cost could become higher than the selling price. While some countries, usually developing countries, are strugglin g to survive on a low food supply, dealing with starvation and diseases, others might as well have an overage in production of basic food. We can analyze these countries' food overage from a humanitarian and ethical perspective, depending on what their decision is regarding the surplus.How many countries decide to distribute their overage to unprivileged nations, and how many simply dispose of the extra production? Great Britain for instance, estimates that more than 30% of their food is thrown away and thus UK might be the worst in the world for waste. The cost of the wasted food is estimated to be between 8 and 16 billion pounds a year. (Vidal, 2005) This is Just an example of how food is wasted in some countries or Just individually in certain households. In the context of long time food crisis around the world, this waste is highly unethical and shows low commitment to the global welfare.

Caste System in India and Social Status Essay

What night is donned upon my nation, lord? â€Å"Atleast she has an employment guarantee.† â€Å"Even if the employment is manual scavenging† â€Å"Someone will do it, why not she† â€Å"She is a little child. She also has a right to education and decent livelihood.† Ah! I then realized what void argument have I given. Who will provide them education and what will it fetch them? â€Å"She is anyway having two meals.† And yes so true is that. Food is much more important than dignity. Even if they are maltreated it is their destiny. The concept of destiny has always remained a puzzle to me. And this destiny is based on the social status of their parents. Yesterday there was a shraaddh ceremony in my village. It is organised to worship, to acknowledge our ancestors. Therefore I made a rare visit to my village. While serving the food I saw two little girls, wearing tattered clothes and with unkempt hairs. On enquiring I came to know that they belonged to scheduled caste. One of my cousins told me that they are engaged in cleaning others’ excreta manually. I could not believe it. They were barely 5-6 years old. I was astonished at the fact that how agreeingly they had given in to the social discrimination. I gave them a sympathetic look but they didn’t react. They didn’t care about by compassion, they just wanted food. My sympathy would not satisfy their hunger and hunger is the m ost prominent feeling they have. They don’t need dignity or education which will not bring them food. They don’t care if they have to clean gutters or do manual scavenging. They are not aware of their rights under Article 15, Article 17, Article 21A or Article 24 and they don’t give a damn to it. I wonder if the twinkling of stars ever reach their eyes. The time running on our wrists seems frozen in their eyes. How hopeless seem their eyes! They don’t question anyone. But once you see them it is impossible to escape (Tears fill my eyes). I wish the oppressor would also look at them once. We have made their life so blunt. Its a crime, I tell you people, it is a crime to kill even the hope of hopes. And then they talk about religion. What religion? Whose caste and cultures? Is God only of the rich and powerful? Do the oppressed have no God? A sin it is. I speculated if they were also acknowledging their ancestors these days. What will they thank them for? Poverty and gloom is their inheritance and ignominy their heritage. Even after spending their entire life doing these odd jobs they gain nothing and remain trapped in this vicious circle. Nothing changes and generations after generations exhaust their life in it. Will someone come to their rescue? When I went to serve them meal I was precautioned many times by my kins to be very careful about keeping the utensils substantially far to keep them (obviously utensils) â€Å"clean†. Even after continually encountering social seclusion they remained undeterred. â€Å"You should be grateful and proud that you are born in human race, in a hindu family and that too in a BRAHMIN family.† According to my family being born in a BRAHMIN family was the biggest achievement of my life. But after seeing what I had lately seen these declarations seem so hollow. I feel pity, I feel guilty for being a brahmin. Where is humanity, God? â€Å"What night is donned upon my country, lord?† Night which gets darker with the sunrise (as its the time to make the world cleaner and their life dirtier). Now the question arises is that how will it change? And more importantly who will bring the change? The more I try to find the answers the more disheartened I am. Who will provide an answer? Politicians- Though the law considers all the people equal but law-keepers don’t. If the casteism and thus untouchability ends, how will their shops run? How will they gain votes by dividing the society? They would not let this stigma end. Education- Even if they go to schools they will be discriminated and secluded. That learning has no meaning which leaves them despondent and unemployed. There is no use of education unless it is free and practical. Bureaucrats- Most of the officials are ignorant and indifferent towards these people though many people from their community are obtaining significant positions. They do little or nothing to improve the condition of these people. Government policies- It is well-known that policies are never rightly implemented in India. Reservation is a fine example. The prosperous are the beneficiaries whereas the poor remain poor and needy remain needy. Common people- It is the foremost responsibility of privileged castes to be humane. I often think if really there is some God we would be punished, our life can’t be so perfect (though it really is not). I would like to summarise my message as FEAR NONE BUT GOD. However I often doubt the presence of God. I really can’t follow a religion which renders people hopeless and suppress their rights. My conscience is my God. And for the unprivileged sections, â€Å"God helps those who help themselves.† So be courageous, be aware and send your children to schools rather than to clean gutters as it is not only about them but even the fore coming generations. Education is much more important than a little more money. I won’t end it on a sad note. The morning of this dark night will definitely come. I urge the people in power to visit these people and see how they have given up the hope to rise, how the dogmas of caste has ran down to their veins. And I request the advantaged sections to restudy the vedas and let these people choose. Make humanity your religion. And do remember that you are not following the Brahmin rules, so don’t push them back. I challenge you to beg for living before pressurising the oppressed to do this inhuman work. Rise! O rise! Before you fall. Let the positivity penetrate into their skin and get to their blood. Let them live before they die. Provide them opportunities to learn the magic of words. Give them a fair chance to realise their potential and talents and choose their work so that Ambedkar becomes their soul and they his shadow. â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦This division of labour is not spontaneous; it is not based on natural aptitudes. Social and individual efficiency requires us to develop the capacity of an individual to the point of competency to choose and to make his own career. This principle is violated in the Caste System, in so far as it involves an attempt to appoint tasks to individuals in advance—selected not on the basis of trained original capacities, but on that of the social status of the parents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..† – B.R. Ambedkar

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Letter to My Teacher – 15 Things About Me

Northern Caribbean University School of Religion and Theology Research Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Course RELB113: God and Human Life By: Akeem Favorite – 18100633 To: Dr. Earl Cameron December 8th, 2011 One stark similarity existing between the Christian and Islamic faith is the plan of salvation. Both agree that the plan of salvation must be attained through the acceptance of â€Å"Godâ€Å". There are hundreds of different religions in the world; essentially all religions teach that there is some form of salvation. Christianity and Islam are two religions that have much in common, when it comes to the topic of salvation. A common view shared by both is expressed through their belief that it is by God they are saved through the plan of salvation. Careful research reveals that there is a commonality between Christians and Muslims in the following areas: the Afterlife, God, Heaven, Hell and Judgement Day. Therefore, this research will explore the aforementioned existential similarities between Christianity and Islam. Christianity started about two thousand years ago in Judea with Jesus and his disciples. Jesus was a Jew and observed the Jewish law as well as associated Himself with the Jews. In his early years, Jesus travelled from village to village teaching and preaching in the synagogues as well as healing those who were suffering. Jesus authorized many sinners to repent from their self-righteous and hypocritical ways, allowing them to realize that God is rooted in service and love. The ministry of Jesus touched the lives and hearts of many people. Jesus taught his disciples about the will of God and the will of the new covenant. The new covenant is that Jesus himself would pay for the sins of all humanity by being crucified unjustly on a cross. Three days later, he would be resurrected, having conquered death to give hope to a hopeless world. The purpose of this new covenant is to restore those who accept it into a renewed fellowship of forgiveness and love with God. Just as Jesus taught, it all happened and his disciples witnessed an amazing miracle. Their teacher, Jesus of Nazareth died and rose again in three days to become their Messiah. Bound by a great charge to share the love that the God of the universe had imparted upon them, the disciples began to proclaim this great gospel of hope throughout the territory. From a small group of ordinary men that lived in a small village in Judea, the history of the Christian church began, and the Christian faith since then has spread to the rest of the world. Jesus disciples preached a simple message: ‘‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal lifeâ€Å". John 3:16) According to the Christian belief, salvation is found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation comes only by the grace of God; there is nothing a Christian can do to guarantee their own salvation, they cannot save themselves or determine their fate after death. Salvation is a process that begins when a person completely accepts Jesus Christ in their life, and it continues through that personâ€℠¢s life and is completed when they stand before God on judgement day. Jesus the son of God is the bridge to the Father. If Christians obey and believe in Him, as well as chose his way, Jesus cleanses them from their sins by His blood. â€Å"But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. † (1 John 1:7) Islam is a monotheistic religion of law that is primarily concerned with right practices. It was developed in the Middle East in the 7th century C. E. The word Islam means â€Å"surrender† or â€Å"submission†, this religion was founded on the teaching of the prophet Muhammad. Imam Ibn Katheer who was a historian and commentator writes in the Tafseer of the verse 17: 94-95 which is the Arabic word for Exegesis or Commentary, usually of the Qur’an said â€Å"Allah says pointing out His Kindness and Mercy towards His servants, that He sends to them Messengers of their own kind so that they will understand what he says and will be able to speak to him directly. If He were to send to umanity a Messenger from among the angels, they would not be able to deal with him face to face and learn from him, as Allah says, ‘Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves. † During the age of 40, Muhammad began to receive visions and revelations from a higher power and Muhammad began to tell people about these visions and revelations and gained many followers. These visions and revelations lasted for 23years and became the Qur’an. Islam has several branches and much variety within those branches. The two divisions within the religion are the Sunni and Shi’a, each of these divisions has different means of maintaining religious authority. One of the combining characteristics of Islam is the five pillars, the fundamental practices of Islam. These five practices include: 1. Reciting the two-fold Creed (shahada) (profession of faith) – There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet (or Muhammad is the messenger of God). 2. Prayer (salat) – At five set-times a day while facing towards the city of Mecca. 3. Alms – giving (sakat) (zakat- means â€Å"purification†, an act of worship_ – Both obligatory and voluntary giving to the poor. 4. Fasting (saum) – Especially during the holy month of Ramadan. 5. Pilgrimage (hajj) – At least once in a lifetime – to Mecca, Saudi Arabia if at all possible, known as the Hajj. Even though Muslims may observe each of these pillars there is still no guarantee of salvation. Islam is based on a religion of self-righteousness. According to the Islam belief, salvation is found in Allah. In order to receive this salvation as a Muslim one must first submit themself to the teaching of Islam and the will of Allah. Islam is a religion of salvation by works and Islam teaches that forgiveness is conditioned upon good works and Allah’s choice of mercy. In other word, Muslims believe by pleasing Allah and doing good works, they are gaining an entrance through personal merit. The Qur’an teaches that salvation is received on the basis of good works. According to Islam on the day of judgement a person’s good and evil deeds will be weighed on a scale; good works are heavy and evil deeds are light. The person who shows forth with more good deeds then evil, will go to heaven compared to the person whose evil deeds out way the good. Muslims believe that their chances for heaven are good if he 1: accepts the Muslim God Allah and his apostle Mohammed, 2: does good works and all that is required of him by Allah, and 3: is predestined to Allah’s favour. â€Å"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost. † (Qur’an 3:85; cp. 5:10; 25:68) In order to know the different views of Islam and Christianity we have to go back to the very beginning of time, the time of Adam and Eve. The holy books of Islam and Christianity recount the story of Adam and Eve in the garden, and how they were told by God not to eat of a certain tree, but they disobeyed God. When linking the belief of salvation with Islam and Christianity the differences begin. Christianity calls Adam and Eve’s sin â€Å"the fall of man†, when Adam and Eve fell from the grace of God because of their sin. Christians believe that due to Adam and Eve’s sin, all of mankind will die according to Romans 5:12. This is because Christianity teaches that all the descendants of Adam and Eve have inherited the ability to sin. Thus Christians believe in the doctrine of original sin, according to Romans 3:23 we are all born as sinners. Islam on the other hand does not teach original sin but original forgiveness, Islam also makes mention of the story of Adam and Eve. In Islam Adam is the first prophet. Islam does state that Adam and Eve did sin in the garden, but unlike Christianity, that makes no mention of the repentance of Adam and Eve, Islam teaches that they did repent and ask God/ Allah for forgiveness and were fully forgiven, so that their sin had no consequences for the rest of human race according to the Qur’an. Qur’an 2:27) thus Islam teaches original forgiveness and not original sin. Seeing that Christianity teaches original sin and Islam teaches original forgiveness this then brings us to the difference of Salvation. Due to the original sin of Adam and Eve, mankind lost its relationship with God. In order to communicate with his children again, God did the best thing possible, God b ecame flesh, and he became one of the creatures he made, man. Jesus came to earth because he loves his children; he came to deliver truth in a world of false beliefs. But the main reason he came to earth was to be the final sacrifice for their sins. The simple reason was because they were not good enough compared to God’s standard Jesus Christ. Jesus then came into a sinful world to teach the love of God and tell of the new covenant that was put in place to gain that connection with God. This new covenant was that Jesus Christ himself would pay the penalty for the sins of all humanity and be crucified on a cross, but would rise again in three days to live, having conquered death, to give hope to a hopeless world. By the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, salvation is then given to mankind. His love prompted Him to become man to accomplish what only He could, to rescue mankind. Due to the fact that humanity is sinful, in a spiritually wrecked condition they are in need of redemption, but could not redeem themselves. No other person, but the Creator could accomplish that; no man with sin could qualify to redeem them with his life. God came to earth as man to cleanse the effect of the disease of sin inherited to all humanity. God loves his children and he who is perfect, righteous and holy lived among his creatures that are unholy, unrighteous, even those who were enemies of him. While on the other hand Muslims believe that God forgave Adam for what he did and because of that no one should be made to bear the burden of someone else’s sin or mistake because it is unfair. This God that the Muslims refer to as Allah is the God and creator of Jesus, and is the same God that Jesus refers to as father to whom he used to pray to. Muslims contradicts the idea that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. They believe Allah spared his messengers life from such an embarrassing death and placed Judas on the cross, which God made to look like Jesus so that he would suffer his rightful penalty for betrayal. Through this teaching Muslims see themselves protecting the prophetic integrity of Jesus, since a true prophet, according to Islam, could not suffer the humiliation that Jesus did. Muslims affirm that Jesus ascended to heaven but deny that he died on the cross. Muslims do not feel that it was necessary for Jesus to pay for our sins. They believe that every man must bear and pay his or her own sins; for Jesus to be punished and responsible for our sins would be unjust in their eyes. Since Muslims do not recognize the universal and corruptive power of sin, released as a result of original sin, they see no need for salvation. If there is no sin that has a hold on you, you do not need to be saved from it. This is why they do not hold any assurance of salvation. According to their view it is best to live a good life, pleasing God in all that you do. Submit to God and follow his commands. Religion, to the Muslim, does not mean salvation from sin; it means following the right path, or the shari’a, mapped out by Islamic law. That is why salvation is exclusively based on works, or what man can do to exalt himself in the eyes of Allah. Although Christians and Muslims don’t agree on many things, there are still some things that they both have in common. The first thing they have in common is their view of God. They both believe that there is one God and there is nothing or anyone else like him. There is no other entity in the entire universe worthy of worship besides him. He was born of a virgin and is the creator of man and this universe and is not created. He is also a sovereign God in the lives of men. He is first, last and everlasting; he was when nothing was, and will be when nothing else remains. Despite being called Allah in Islam, this is the same God that Christians believe in. Both view God as all powerful, all knowing, all present, and all merciful. They both believe that only God can grant life to anything and he sent his messenger to guide all of mankind. They believe that God is a just God, but is also a God of principles and finally they both have a holy book that is the only true revealed book in the world that has been kept without change. The second thing that these two religions have in common is death and the afterlife. They believe that this present life that they live is a trial in preparation for the next realm of existence. When a Christian or a Muslim dies the families of both of these religions have a funeral service to remember the loved ones time on earth, as well as their own existence here on earth is brief. Once this funeral service is done both religions place their loves ones back in the earth till the day of judgement where they will be taken up to heaven and judged and other make it to heaven or go to hell. The third and final thing that Christians and Muslims have in common is their holy books and creation. Although they have different names for it and it is written differently, there are still has some similarities, such as the persons, events and the books. In both books you will find that they make mention of, Paul, David, Mary and Jesus. Both books contain some of the same events such as the story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Abraham promised a son, Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah and other stories as well make mention of the same people and places. They also have some of the same books such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Qur’an and the Holy Bible both teach a six day creation. Adam and Eve were created in innocent perfection and placed in a beautiful garden. There Satan tempted them to rebel against God by eating the forbidden fruit, experiencing God’s wrath and judgement, and dismissal from the garden. In conclusion I have learned that even though these are two different religions, they both hold significant information. This information that is given to all of humanity is the plan of salvation. Although Christians believe that salvation is based on the grace of God and Muslims believe that salvation is based on good works both teach that this salvation will lead them to judgement were they will either make it to heaven or hell. Even though Christianity was around six hundred years before Islam both believe in one God and his sovereigns to all of mankind and cannot wait till that day when they shall me their God. References http://www. religionfacts. com/christianity/beliefs/salvation. htm http://www. comparativereligion. com/salvation. html#14 http://www. ankerberg. com/Articles/_PDFArchives/islam/IS3W0605. df http://www. arabicbible. com/islam/sinsalv. htm http://www. religioustolerance. org/chr_savb. htm http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=mh4_86xxlpA http://carm. org/religious-movements/islam/comparison-grid-between-christianity-and-islamic-doctrine http://www. christchurchcentral. co. uk/toughquestions/islam http://www. allaboutreligion. org/history-of-christianity. htm h ttp://www. truechristianity. com/christian/salvation. htm http://www. religionfacts. com/islam/beliefs/salvation. htm http://www. 30-days. net/islam/basics/beliefs/ http://answering-islam. org/Intro/comparison. html