Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Centralised and Hybrid Structures Essay

The Pros and Cons of Centralised and Hybrid Structures - Essay Example These developments aim not just to improve the HR system but to re-design it, such that it becomes characteristically responsive to the corporate needs and goals. Supporting a new business model, the HR department is tasked to restructure its function to primarily control costs while at the same time meeting the objectives of increasing talent management accountability, distributing HR talent and support as well as optimising customised and strategic support (University of Wolverhampton Business School (UWBS), 2011). Thus, in evaluating the proposed structures, the main parameters to be used are these four. In lieu of these challenges, current senior vice president of HR, Cindy Hartley, presented two options: the centralised and hybrid structures. Each structure covers the four main parameters at differing levels. These levels will be the basis of solving Sonoco’s HR structure dilemma.Diagnosis The packaging industry started its co-existence with the advent of commercialisation across the wide physical barriers of civilisation. Since then, it has played its valuable role in the industrial and commercial supply chains, primarily ensuring the protection of goods during its transport up to prolonging its shelf life (Industrial Council for Packaging and the Environment (INCPEN), 2011; Advisory Committee on Packaging, 2008). As the packaging design evolves, so is its function. Packaging has extended its role to advertising and carried the â€Å"role of a silent salesman† (Cage, 1991, p.3). Indeed, with its brand names and product information, introducing a new product in a vast market has become less burdensome. This industry’s boom has led to further government interventions via regulators (Hisrch, 1991). These interventions are necessary to counter any economic defect as well as health and environmental issues. The most characteristic feature ever benchmarked by the packaging industry is its technological innovations. INCPEN (1995) proffered competition as the key to the proliferation of innovation among the packaging companies. Amongst the most evident innovation is lightweighting, which substantially decreased the weight of the packaging material yet still contained the same volume of product (INCPEN, 2003). This innovation had been the best counter of the industry against resource issues on over packing (Cottica, 1994). Another technology involved in heightening the â€Å"performance of the package system† was active packaging, which was inclusive of â€Å"subsidiary constituents† (Robertson, 2006 cited in Kerry & Butler, 2008, p.1). Innovations were not just

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