Monday, September 23, 2019

Woman Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Woman Role - Essay Example The article highlights the social status of Florentine women in Italian society which was marked by clear cut social and cultural expectations that were associated with the different genders. Cooking was considered to be the most significant identity trait of the women which was jealously guarded and nurtured by them through the ages. Though women did not enjoy any economic freedom or had any major decision powers, they, nevertheless, had the sole rights where the various household chores like cooking, washing, ironing, looking after the children’s needs etc. were concerned. This paper makes a conclusion that the ‘wage work’ was the most significant factor of feminist movement because it made women realise that working outside the home gave them more recognition as an individual which was denied to them when they worked long hours at home, doing various household chores. Laura’s statement that ‘A housewife never gets the recognition that a working woman gets’, succinctly describes the changing expectations of the women. ‘Cooking was often the first chore from the reproductive sphere that men took up’, clearly shows the tacit acceptance of the evolving roles of women in the society by the men. The article indeed, has been able to give an important insight into the evolving roles of genders. The compulsions of the urbanization have been the primary reasons for the empowerment of the women who have been denied their rights as individuals in the patriarchal society.

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