Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Germany and Germans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Germany and Germans - Essay Example A major contributing factor to his rise was the use of printing press which was introduced in this time period. He published pamphlets like Christian Liberty, On the Freedom of a Christian Man and the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. However, his most famous publication was the â€Å"95 Theses†, published in 1517. The publication was against the abuse of papal authorities and use of indulgences to bail out of jail free. His publications spread quickly through Europe and in 1521 he was summoned to appear in front of an assembly of Holy Roman Empire known as â€Å"Diet of Worms†. He was declared an outlaw and hid till 1522. He continued his teachings and two year long Peasant War was based on his ideas and theories about the Catholic system. It was the first of the revolt that lead to the revolution in Christianity and the rise of Protestantism. Luther continued teaching and served as Dean in the University of Wittenberg till his death in 1546. David Cole interviewed Dr. Franciszek Piper in 1992 to raise questions about the Holocaust story which is the death of Jews by Adolf Hitler during his period as Chancellor of Germany till 1945. David Cole visited one of the biggest camps of the World War II at Auschwitz to find evidence of the gas chambers and alleged homicidal gassings. He filmed his visit of the camp in an hour long video and interviewed tour guides, supervisor and Dr. Franciszek who was the senior curator to confirm his findings that point towards the idea that the Holocaust was a made up story. David Cole presented evidence and logic that conveys the message that the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz were constructed after the war. The main chamber was examined and signs of structural changes were shown along with the tour guide and supervisor presenting different views as to the presence of â€Å"Holes† in the chamber; supposedly these were used for delivery

Monday, October 28, 2019

Employee Retention and Interviewing Essay Example for Free

Employee Retention and Interviewing Essay When Southwest Airlines wants to hire employees, they tend to have 142,000 applicants. They obviously want to choose the person who will suit their organizational culture the best. To achieve this objective they need to ask the right questions when interviewing the applicants. These questions should be such that they provide a clear picture as to which applicant will be best for the job and the organization as a whole. You can use behavioral-based job interview questions to help you select superior candidates. Ask interview questions that help you identify whether the candidate has the behaviors, skills, and experience needed for the job you are filling. (Top job interview questions to help you select the Best, Susan M. Heathfield) Before starting the interview the interviewer should describe the essential functions of the job and ask the interviewee if he can perform those functions with or without accommodations. (http://www. alllaw. com/articles/employment/article13. asp) The first competency question should be related to the ability to recruit and interview applicants, ‘how often during your last job did you need to interview applicants and describe a situation in which the first impression of the applicant could have altered your judgment. ’ Through this question the interviewer may get an idea of the prejudices the person might or might not hold. Southwest Airlines need to make sure that their employees do not discriminate against certain races and are able to handle all sorts of situations hands on. The second question is related to the employee’s ability to perform reference checks on potential employees. ‘When a former employer was not willing to provide information about a potential employee, how did you handle the situation and perform the necessary reference check? ’ this question will help the Airlines figure out if the employee is responsible enough to go through the necessary procedure or would overlook some things and carry on. The third question is about the employee’s ability to plan and conduct regularly scheduled organizational orientation programs. Tell me about an incidence where last minute changes were made in the orientation plan, these changes were not known to you. How did you cope with these lat minute changes? ’ this question will help identify the employee’s capabilities in a chaotic situation. For airlines these situations are quite common and such a characteristic will be beneficial for the organization. The fourth question is connected with the employee’s ability to prepare and explain HR policies and procedures. ‘Tell me about a situation where there was a revision in the company policy and the employees did not take the change well. What did you do? This will help the employer or interviewer for Southwest Airlines find out the opinion of the employee about some policies and procedures that may be adopted by the company or already exist within the company. The fifth question is about the employee’s ability to develop and maintain up-to-date job descriptions. ‘How many job descriptions have you developed in your time as an employee here at Southwest and what were some of the major difficulties you faced while carrying out your work? ’ this question will help understand if the employee will be able to assess the applicant’s capabilities and send him to the department that suits him best. The sixth question for the employee should be based on his ability to administer a compensation program and monitor salary increase recommendations to ensure compliance with merit increase guidelines. The question here will be, ‘what is your view on performance appraisals, are they necessary or not, do they motivate employees to do better on the job? ’ This question will help understand what the employee’s are expecting and what benefits they want for the jobs they perform on a weekly or daily basis. By asking these questions from the existing employees, the top management at Southwest Airlines will know the sort of employees who will be screened out from the 142,000 applicants. The number of employees they actually need is 4000, thus the company needs to be careful as to who they hire and retain. By interviewing the interviewers beforehand the organization is making sure they hire the right people. Also, when your interview questions ask the applicant to tell you about behaviors and actions she has actually demonstrated in the past, your selection process will improve.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What makes a good video game? :: essays research papers

It's getting late. Around 11:30PM. I know I should be getting to bed soon; I have to get up at 8:00AM to get ready for class. But, I figure I'll just pop FIFA 2004 into my PC and play for a little bit. Just to get past the next section. I'll save at the next save point, turn it off, and go to sleep. Video games are one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy playing any kind of video game as long as it’s fun and has an interesting concept. Over the years video games technology has improved immensely. Since the early days of Pac-Mac, video games have become more realistic and interactive. The first thing that captures my attention about a game is its graphics. I love a game that looks nice. A story that pulls you into another world is also very important. Is important to have that connection with the character you're moving around your screen. How you move that character, game play, is also extremely important. So what makes a good video game? For many people video games are a matter of tastes. While some people prefer adventure games such as Super Mario and Zelda I like realistic games such as Grand Theft Auto and FIFA soccer. A great game doesn’t need to have the most incredible graphics or the best sound. All a game needs to keep you playing is a good concept. One thing that draws me into a game is the storyline. The story must keep you on your toes, waiting for what will happen next. The story must keep you interested and make you want to play. If the story doesn’t capture you, then there’s no real motive to play. An interesting story is what gets you coming back for more. There has to be a purpose to the game, whether it’s a money reward, new weapons or unveiling a new level. The story is what has the most effect on a viewer; an original plot with a few twists and some dramatic moments usually does it for me. The first thing that always catches my attention in a game is the graphics. Whether a person searches for good looks in a game or not, if the game does look good, it will be remembered. While graphics, and to a lesser extent sound, are advertised excessively by the media and game publishers, no game can be based purely on spectacular graphics.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Phineas Gage

Phineas Gage Paper The brain plays a significant role in cognitive functioning. The human brain is made up of various structures, and each of these structures is responsible for specific cognitive functions. Scientists and psychologists have conducted many studies and experiments in an effort to pinpoint which brain structures are responsible for certain cognitive functions. In the past, technology was quite limited which left few options for studying the human brain. The only way to study the brain at this point in time was to perform studies on subjects that were already deceased. While this did help shed some light on cognitive functioning there were still many unanswered questions and misunderstandings about the brain and its functions. One particular case that has been linked to the brains role in cognition is that of Phineas Gage. Gage suffered a traumatic brain injury which altered his original cognitive functioning abilities. The case of Phineas Gage has left a lasting mark on the world of cognitive psychology and has been used as a prime example of how the brain affects cognitive functioning. Cognitive Functioning The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes as well as into left and right hemispheres. Martinez (2010, pp. 237) states that, â€Å"The cerebral cortex is the anatomical origin of the mind’s higher-order functions—reasoning, intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving—as well as the coordination of sensory input and motor control that helps us relate skillfully to our environments. † By segregating each structure of the cerebral cortex a greater understanding is achieved as to which section is responsible for certain cognitive functions. One important discovery was that the left and right hemisphere of the brain actually process information differently. Phineas Gage’s Life Changing Accident Phineas Gage’s life changing accident took place in the year of 1848. Gage worked on a railroad construction crew. When the accident occurred, Gage was using a tamping iron to fill holes in the ground with gunpowder. Doing so would allow space for the new railroad to be laid. Unfortunately for Phineas Gage, an unexpected explosion occurred which sent the tamping iron straight through his skull. The tamping iron entered through Gage’s left heek bone and exited through the top of his skull. Amazingly enough, Gage was conscious and able to walk just a few minutes after the accident took place. Due to the massive wounds, Phineas Gage was not expected to survive when he arrived to a local physician named John Martin Harlow. Harlow had to remove small bone fragments from the wound and then closed the primary wound o n the top of Gage’s head using adhesive straps and a wet compress. This allowed the wound to drain. Gage was never surgically treated for his wounds. Gage suffered three major injuries as a result of his accident. Despite the extremely traumatic injuries that Gage sustained from his accident, he was able to recover and by 1849 Gage was leading a seemingly normal life. However, shortly after Gage’s recovery those closest to him began noticing dramatic changes in his overall demeanor. His wife and family members noted a significant change in his personality. Harlow also noticed changes within Gage’s personality. Harlow was allowed to examine Gage’s body a few years after his death. By examining Gage’s brain and skull Harlow was able to determine what structures of the brain were harmed by the accident. This allowed Harlow to make connections between Gage’s change in behavior prior to and after the accident. He was able to â€Å"estimate from the skull that damage had occurred mainly to the left anterior part of the frontal lobes, including the orbitofrontal cortex† (Wickens, 2005, p. 160). This type of damage seemed to lead to inappropriate behaviors and a loss of social inhibitions, which were not apparent prior to the accident (Deakin University, 2010). Harlow’s observations allowed him to write several publications which became very significant within the field of psychology. His publications were aimed towards uncovering that damage to certain areas of the brain can result in dysfunctions within the cognitive system. Gage sustained the most damage to the orbitofrontal cortex. This part of the brain is believed to play a role in emotional behavior and decision making processes, which is likely why Gage experienced such a significant change in behavior after the accident. Gage’s accident is significant because it enabled psychologists and scientists â€Å"to associate that the frontal lobes are essential to cognitive and emotional self-regulation† (Martinez, 2010, p. 46). Conclusion Cognitive functioning is attributed primarily to the inner workings of the human brain. The major structures that make up the brain each play an exclusive role in certain cognitive functions. The discoveries made by studying Gage’s brain injuries and the effect that they had on his behavior and personality has made a lasting impression on the field of psych ology. Gage’s accident led to many new theories and studies to uncover how brain injuries and illnesses could affect cognitive functioning. Without a proper understanding of the brain and its crucial role in behavior and mental processes it would be impossible to comprehend the various cognitive functions that exist. References Deakin University. (2010). Phineas Gage’s Story. Psychology: Phineas Gage Information. Retrieved June 18, 2011 from http://www. deakin. edu. au/hmnbs/psychology/gagepage/Pgstory. php Martinez, M. , E. (2010). Learning and cognition: The design of the mind. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Wickens, A. , P. (2005). Foundation of biopsychology. (2nd ed. ). New York, NY: Pearson & Prentice Hall Inc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

College Students Poor Food Choices Due to Stress

College Students Poor Food Choices Due To Stress Rebecca Vlha Holy Names University Part I Many college students develop eating disorders or they may develop habits that will make them obese in the future because of their bad habits that they acquire due to the stress that they are put under. Depending on what or how much each college student decides to participate in during their time being a college student. Stress is anything that is causing one uncomfortable emotions.Some examples of uncomfortable feelings might be anxiety, depression, feeling pressured, procrastination, troubled relationships with peers, not doing well in academics, or not being economically successful. Students that live in the dorms may choose fattening foods at the cafeteria or â€Å"treat† themselves to fast food because they are emotionally unstable. Most of these college students also do not think that their new habit is a negative one. The reason why college students eat fattening, high sugar foods could be because of a mental or a biological satisfaction.This research will give an explanation for why many medicate their emotional states with food. Food choices are often made based on one’s unhappiness, angst, or trauma. College students may feel as though pleasing their mouths will please their hearts and ease their state of stress. Many will endorse preferring the taste of highly salted, high sugar content foods, while others will state that this is the food they grew up eating, and some will say this is what is most affordable and accessible.Doing anything excessive because a stressor is acting upon you damages ones psyche; when one over eats and becomes obese, their sense of your self-image is altered negatively. The Cafe with buffets, fast food restaurants, and late night pizza deliveries are just a few of the enticements that college students are facing as they adjust to their new found independence and life on their own for the first time. My freshman roommate w as from Sweden; when she came to America she was considered a normal weight.However, as she was experiencing the college and had a lot of American food available she chose fast food and unhealthy foods at the cafe at school to cope with being home sick, and being stressed out about school and soccer. However, she woke up one morning and realized that her belly was much bigger than when she first came to America. She waddled over to a mirror and grabbed her stomach and said, â€Å"how come you’re stomach is not this big? We almost do the same things. † I said, â€Å"I knew it was secretly a dream of yours to be ‘thick’ so the vitamins I gave you the other night were for you to get big overnight.This just relieved the tension and she had gotten her insecurity off of her chest. However, it did not solve her psychological crisis that had triggered negative feelings about her physical appearance. The main reason why she was over eating and eating unhealthy was because she was depressed and missed home – not because she was hungry. Many college students go through the same scenario that my roommate experienced. Some students feel as though abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake will comfort them physically and mentally.This research will be done on the college students who live in the dorms at Holy Names University. The units of analysis that will be observed are poor food choices and the factors of stress. Some major influences that that affect food choice are biological determinants, economic determinants, physical determinants, social determinants, and psychological determinants. A mode of operation that can be observed is the biological purpose that food serves; to put nutrients into our body. Humans need energy and nutrients in order to survive and will respond to the feelings of hunger or satisfaction of appetite.The central nervous system is involved in controlling the balance be tween hunger, appetite stimulation and food intake. Palatability is proportional to the pleasure someone experiences when eating a particular food. This aspect will most likely play a huge part in the decision making process for the food choices that college students make. Palatability is dependent on the sensory properties of the food such as taste, smell, texture and appearance. Sweet and high-fat foods have an undeniable sensory appeal.It is not surprising then that food is not solely regarded as a source of nourishment but is often consumed for the pleasure value it imparts. Another mode of operation that can be observed is the psychological factors that are in play during the decision making of making proper food choices. Stress and one’s mood can modify behaviors that affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice. The influence of stress on food choice is complex not least because of the various types of stress one can experience.The effect of stress on food intake depends on the individual, the stressor and the circumstances. In general, some people eat more and some eat less than normal when experiencing stress. Studies also suggest that if work stress is prolonged or frequent, then adverse dietary changes could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and consequently cardiovascular risk. Other than causing likely psychological insecurities, obesity can bring on a plethora of health conditions, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, knee and joint problems, various types of cancer and death. Bellise 2005) This study will be nomothetic; it will be describing the study of food choices and agents of stress within the cohorts of undergraduates that live in the dorms, particularly on the C-floor level of Durocher, on the Holy Names University campus. This research will be done by using deductive reasoning. Sometimes this is called the â€Å"top-down† approach because the researcher starts at the top with a very broad spectrum, which would narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that can be tested.Stress can cause bad eating habits like impulsive eating, overeating, binge eating, or compensatory behavior. The key variables and concepts involved in this study are stress and poor food choices. One should not use food to cope with stress and other negative emotions, because afterwards he or she will feel even worse. Becoming obese not only causes many physical disadvantages, but also can create psychological insecurities that must be dealt with. I will be using the Student Stress Survey (SSS) that measures the major sources of stress among college students.Also, I will be using a Eating Habit Questionnaire (EHQ) to measure how healthy one’s choices are when they make decisions about food. Some contributing indicators for stress are: anxiety disorders, weight problems, depression, premature aging, heart disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, memory los s/brain fog, migraines, PMS, sleep problems, seasonal affective disorders, joint disorders, and sexual dysfunction. The peculiar thing is, that the indicators for having malnutrition are similar.However, when dealing with bad eating habits, one who isn’t getting enough food or nutrition or one that doesn’t have enough food or nutrition, can also have more serious indicators like: cancer, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, advanced aging, hormonal imbalance, and a decrease of hepatic function. The level of measurement that will be utilized during this research is mainly ordinal. This research will focus on two dimensions, food choice and level of stress. This allows the research to demonstrate how stress affects ones all around health.During this research, there will be two different types of surveys that will be combined and put into one leading scale measurement. This research will ask HNU students, qualitative questions that are open-ended, sampling questions or scena rios that make individuals contemplate about their food decisions and how it can be used to medicate depression. This is a collective case study that introduces a typology that is useful when selecting participants in multiple-case studies. This typology centers on a parallel sampling design.A parallel sampling design represents a body of sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two cases. Unfortunately, there can be a few open ended scenarios where someone could have just been eating badly for that week or some food is more convenient during a time period than another. Another thing to take into account is that perhaps some deal with stress differently than others. Part II This research will take place through the Holy Names University dorm rooms and I will be going door to door, starting with the people that live on my floor, then to the people that live above and below me in Durocher.These students are all undergraduates that are not freshmen. I will be asking as many people as I can later that night because that is when most of my peers are available to sit down and take a survey. The reliability for this experiment should be accurate because this is a replicated study of a survey and a questionnaire that have already been tested and have ways of measuring how sever ones stress is and what food choices one makes. This study has the ability to perform the exact same way every time it is being tested and it will be interpreted under the same conditions.The validity that will be focused on during this experiment is concurrent validity which measures the test against a set benchmark; higher correlated indicators prove that my test has strong criterion validity. Therefore, those who rank higher in stress levels and also rank high in eating unhealthy prove my theory true. The Survey: EHQ: Instructions: * This is not a test. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. * Read or listen to each question carefully and think about it before you cho ose an answer. * To choose an answer, put an X next to your choice. Choose only one answer for each question unless you are asked to choose more than one. * If you want to change an answer, erase your old answer and mark your new choice. Be sure to erase completely. * Do not skip any questions. What Gender do you fall under? ___Male ___Female Check the food in each line that you think is better for your health. 1. ___cookies OR ___an apple 3. ___chocolate cake OR ___an orange 4. ___ice cream OR ___fresh fruit cup 5. ___whole milk OR ___low-fat or skim milk 6. ___frozen yogurt OR ___ice cream 7. ___french toast OR ___whole wheat toast . ___grilled chicken sandwich OR ___hamburger 9. ___baked potato OR ___french fries 10. ___fruit juice OR ___soda 11. ___donut OR ___bread 12. ___cold or ready-to-eat cereal OR ___eggs and bacon 13. ___green salad OR ___popcorn 14. ___raisins OR ___candy bar 15. ___pasta OR ___pizza Check the box under YES or NO to answer the following questions if you have experienced this at Holy Names University based off of the availability to the Cafeteria and a grocery store near by: In the last 2 weeks, did you ever. . . | YES| NO| 16. Eaten fruits for bereakfast? | | | 17.Eat fruits or vegetables that you had never tried before? | | | 18. Eat a new grain, such as brown rice, bulgur or pita bread, that you had never tried before? | | | 19. Eat fresh fruit instead of a candy bar? | | | 20. Eat eggs instead of a bagel for breakfast? | | | 21. Eat six or more servings of grains, such as cereals, rice, spaghetti, and other noodles each day? | | | 22. Use Nutrition Facts labels to choose low-fat foods? | | | Mark the number below that best describes your opinion of the Holy Names University cafeteria program. The numbers mean: 1 – I strongly agree – I agree 3 – I disagree 4 – I strongly disagree 23. It offers food that I like. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 24. It offers food that is good for my health. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 25. It offers new foods to try. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 26. It offers foods that taste good. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 27. It offers a variety of foods that I will eat. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 28. It offers the full spectrum of the food pyramid every meal| 1| 2| 3| 4| 29. The students amongst HNU enjoy eating at the cafeteria| 1| 2| 3| 4| Please use the number ratings below to show how much you agree with the following statements: 1 – I strongly agree – I agree 3 – I disagree 4 – I strongly disagree 30. Foods such as ice cream, chips and cookies are okay to eat, but not all the time. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 31. Snacks such as fruit, pretzels, lowfat yogurt or low-fat cookies can be an important part of a healthy diet. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 32. It's okay to eat anything you want, whenever you want. | 1| 2| 3| 4| This research is determined by a collective point system set up to determine how healthy ones eating habits/food choice is. The dominant answers for the two option question (A represents the first option and B epr esents the second option) will be posted below with the numbers it correlates with. Numbers one through fifteen: 1-5)B 6)A 7)B 8-10)A 11-12)B 13-15)A. For the yes/no questions, if one choses yes then they score two points, and if they say no then they get one point. For the one-four scale part of the questionnaire, either intensity levels of feeling 1 and 2 score two or one points or 3 and 4 score two or one points. If you agreed with questions: 25, 27, 31; and if you disagreed with questions: 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32 you received one point you will receive two points.SSS: To determine your stress score, add up the number of points corresponding to the events you have experienced in the past 12 months. 1. Death of a close family member (100 points) 2. Death of a close friend (73 points) 3. Divorce between parents (65 points) 4. Jail term (63 points) 5. Major personal injury or illness (63 points) 6. Marriage (58 points) 7. Firing from job (50 points) 8. Failing a class (47 points) 9. Change in health of a family member (45 points) 10. Pregnancy (45 points) 11. Sex problems (44 points) 12. Serious argument with close friend (40 points) 3. Change in financial status (39 points) 14. Change in scholastic major (39 points) 15. Trouble with parents (39 points) 16. New girl-or boyfriend (37 points) 17. Increase in workload at school (37 points) 18. Outstanding personal achievement (36 points) 19. First quarter/semester in college (36 points) 20. Change in living conditions (31 points) 21. Serious argument with an instructor (30 points) 22. Lower grades than expected (29 points) 23. Change in sleeping habits (29 points) 24. Change in social activities (29 Points) 25. Change in eating habits (28 points) 26.Chronic car trouble (26 points) 27. Change in the, number of family get-togethers (26 points) 28. Too many missed classes (25 point) 29. Change of college (24 points) 30. Dropping of more than one class (23 points) 31. Minor traffic violations (20 points) 32. Roomm ate problems (15 points) _________Total Points Here’s how to interpret your score. If your score is 500-645, you are at high risk for developing bad eating habits because you are more stressed. If your score is 200-350, you have a 50-50 chance of experiencing a serious effect on your health based on your level of stress.If your score is below 150, you have a less serious chance of your stress level interfering with your food decision making. Bibliography Carol Olander. Eating habit questionnaire. 1999. 3/13/13 ;http://www. nncc. org/evaluation/nutrition5. html;. Dr. France Bellisle. The Determinants of Food Choice . 08/03/2013. 3/09/12 ;http://www. eufic. org/article/en/expid/review-food-choice/;. Grilo, C. M. , ; White, M. A. (2011). A controlled evaluation of the distress criterion for binge eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(4), 509-514. doi: 10. 1037/a0024259 Grossbard, J.R. , Atkins, D. C. , Geisner, I. M. , ; Larimer, M. E. (2012). Does d epressed mood moderate the influence of drive for thinness and muscularity on eating disorder symptoms among college men? Psychology of Men ; Mascularity, doi: 10. 1037/a0028913 Mackinnon, S. P. , Sherry, S. B. , Graham, A. R. , Stewart, S. H. , Sherry, D. L. , Allen, S. L. McGrath, D. S. (2011). Reformulating and undergraduate women: A short term, three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(4) , 630-646. doi: 10. 1037/a0025068 Morehead State University . Stress Survey. 2011. 3/12/13 ;http://www2. oreheadstate. edu/leo/index. aspx? id=6299;. Stice, E. , Rohde, P. , Shaw, H. , ; Marti, C. N. (2012). Efficacy trail of a selective precention program targeting both eating disorder symptoms and unhealthy weight gain among female college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(1), 164-170. doi: 10. 1037/a0026484 Tylka, T. L. , ; Kroon, V. D. (2013). The intuitive eating Scale-2: Item refinement and psychometric evaluation with college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(1), 137-153. doi: 10. 1037/a0030893;10. 1037/a0030893. supp (Supplemental)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

French And German Soldiers In WWI Essays - English-language Films

French And German Soldiers In WWI Essays - English-language Films French and German Soldiers in WWI The first World War was a horrible experience for all sides involved. No one was immune to the effects of this global conflict and each country was affected in various ways. However, one area of relative comparison can be noted in the experiences of the French and German soldiers. In gaining a better underezding of the French experience, Wilfred Owen's Dulce et Decorum Est was particularly useful. Regarding the German soldier's experience, various selections from Erice Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front proved to be a valuable source of insight. A analysis of the above mentioned sources, one can note various similarities between the German and French armies during World War I in the areas of trench warfare, ill-fated troops, and military technology. Trench warfare was totally unbiased. The trench did not discriminate between cultures. This "new warfare" was unlike anything the world had seen before, millions of people died during a war that was supposed to be over in time for the holidays. Each side entrenched themselves in makeshift bunkers that attempted to provide protection from the incoming shells and brave soldiers. After receiving an order to overtake the enemies bunker, soldiers trounced their way through the land between the opposing armies that was referred to as "no man's land." The direness of the war was exemplified in a quotation taken from Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, "Attacks alternate with counter-attacks and slowly the dead pile up in the field of craters between the trenches. We are able to bring in most of the wounded that do not lie too far off. But many have long to wait and we listen to them dying." (382) After years of this trench warfare, corpses of both German and French soldiers began to pile up and soldiers and civilians began to realize the futility of trench warfare. However, it was many years before any major thrusts were made along the Western front. As soldiers past away, recruits were ushered to the front to replenish the dead and crippled. These recruits were typically not well prepared for the rigors of war and were very often mowed down due to their stupidity. Both the French and Germans were guilty of sending ill-prepared youths to the front under the guise that "It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country." (380) Owen's Dulce et Decorum Est is a prime example of this "false optimism" created by the military machine in France to recruit eager new troops to die a hero's death on the front lines. Remarque also alluded to the fact incompetent young recruits were sentence to death. In reference to the young recruits Remarque stated, "It brings a lump into the throat to see how they go over, and run and fall. A man would like to spank them, they are so stupid, and to take them by the arm and lead them away from here where they have no business to be." (383) Millions of French and German soldiers, both young and old lost their lives during this world-wide struggle for survival. It is not necessary for one to go through an intense amount of abstraction in order to note similarities in the weaponry each side employed during the first World War. "Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, machine-guns, hand grenades" were all weapons that served the same purpose. (383) It did not matter if these weapons were in the hands of German or French soldiers, they all indiscriminately dealt death to the opposition. Gas was a particularly horrid creation. It would seeming spring out of the ground without much notice and if one did not seek the security of a gas mask, dreams would be smothered "under a green sea" and as one solider stated (in reference to those who were caught up in the pungent clouds of death) "He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning." (380) Typical sights for soldiers on any given day were "men without mouths, without jaws, without faces; we find one man who has held the artery of his arm in his teeth for two hours in order not to bleed to death. (384) The destructive weapons of war contributed

Monday, October 21, 2019

Jimmy Carter Essays (306 words) - Jimmy Carter, Free Essays

Jimmy Carter Essays (306 words) - Jimmy Carter, Free Essays Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter Economy can always make or break a president. President Jimmy Carters was a Democrat whose administration, that lasted from 1977-1981, was burdened with a recessive economy from the beginning. Inflation was rising rapidly due to the worst oil embargo United States history has ever witnessed. All of these factors contributed to the national malaise sweeping over Americans. It was Carters administration that began the process of deregulation and bureaucratic streamlining in hopes of courting moderate factions. He also expressed a desire to move the Democratic Party close to political middle ground to lessen the great divide. President Carter had many failures as well as attributes when it came to foreign policy. On November 4, 1979, in the United States Embassy in Iran, 52 Americans were seized by students who were angry with the Carter administration for allowing Irans deposed shah into the United States to seek medical treatment. Carters failure to negotiate their release and a devastating rescue attempt (in which eight United States Marines died) contributed to the nations waning confidence in him. As well as the Iran hostage crisis, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan seemed to overwhelm his last two years of his administration, conveying an impression of the United States as weak and feeble. At the cornerstone of his foreign achievements was the accord Carter brokered between Prime Minister Menachem of Israel and President Anwar Sadat, of Egypt, that became known as the Camp David Accords of 1979. Another recognized achievement in foreign affairs was the signing of the Panama Canal Treaty in 1978. Though faced with an unstable economy, Carter succeeded in many other tasks. He managed to become an avid supporter of global peace and human rights. He raised $27 million to build The Carter Center, which envisioned conflict resolution which promoted global peace and human rights.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tips for perfect proofreading - Emphasis

Tips for perfect proofreading Tips for perfect proofreading Its turned into proofing week here at the Emphasis blog. In this final part, we aim to finish turning you into mistake-spotting machines. How Stocking up on red pens is just the beginning. Follow these tips to ensure you always prove your proofreading prowess. Proofread in the morning if you can if youre tired, youre more likely to miss things. Proofread at least twice once for sense, once for technical accuracy. Read backwards for typos so youre not distracted by the meaning of the words. Use a blank sheet of paper to cover material not yet proofed and point to each word as you go. Print documents off to proofread its much more effective than trying to do it onscreen. [Note: If, however, your office or personal policy is to minimise printing for the sake of the environment, at least use a pen or pencil to point to each word onscreen as you go.] What Look out for: clusters of mistakes: the elation of spotting one may lead you to miss the one right next to it repetition of words particularly split over two lines commonly mixed up words, eg there and their, or principle and principal little words big words draw the eye brackets and speech marks is the second one in the right place? And finally Here are a few clarifying pointers inspired by the challenge worth raising: Its very easy to overlook titles, subtitles and headings, or subject lines in email (particularly as they wont be spellchecked). Dont! There was a howler in this one. Depending on your companys style, you may not need to put a comma after the salutation and sign off in letters and emails. If you do use them, be consistent ie use them after both Its only needs an apostrophe when its short for it is or it has. When it shows possession, it doesnt have one. If youre having trouble placing an apostrophe in a less-than-familiar construction (eg each others work), just reverse it like so: the work of each other (not others). So here it needs to go after the r. Youd only put a full stop or any other punctuation inside a bracket if the brackets contain a full sentence. If they contain an aside, the punctuation will be outside. For example: From now on, lets make sure that nothing is sent out without first being proofread (this includes email). Happy proofing!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Manners in the Business Workplace Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Manners in the Business Workplace - Assignment Example The researcher states that business etiquette plays a major role in the success of an individual to move towards their dream job. Business etiquettes do not have any clear and written out rules that need to be followed, however mainly includes being courteous, and respectful of people at the workplace. In the present times, with the fast-paced information age work environment, office etiquette is becoming more important each day. Keeping up the etiquette within the workplace clearly is crucial to help each other work more effectively and to be able to keep up with the fast pace. To be able to keep up with the growing competition and need for fast-paced working, people without office etiquette tend to be big hindrances to their own growth as well as the growth of the team and organization as a whole. Hence this is crucial and needs to be followed by all organizations. Workers are a keep in the development of good business manners as they form the business and if the business manners a re developed by themselves, then there are higher chances that they would follow the rules and manners. Workers form the business and hence in the case of the manners their inputs and contributions are needed the highest. With the intense competition and the high need for goal-oriented individuals, and the changing workplace styles (open workplaces), there are a number of changes to the office conduct. People need to be more aware of their surroundings and their behavior and need to also ensure that little or no personal discussions are held within the office space. The main change in the present times is the need to respect the space of others as well as to ensure that aspects like noise, clutter and odor are kept under control. This helps in the overall effective workplace. Workplaces require gender-free etiquette and to do so, a few possible steps that can be inculcated in all employees are to follow the below-mentioned rules: a) holding the door open for anyone who follows irres pective of their gender, b) shaking hands with everyone in the same manner, simple one hand, c) allowing the person closest to the door in the elevator to get off first, and d) recognizing people for their rank and not gender.

Saguaro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Saguaro - Essay Example They may even be familiar with a more detailed view that would include the fluted way in which this column rises from the ground, the thick, waxy texture of its skin or the sharp, fingernail-like points of its spines. What they may not realize is the extreme nature of the world in which this particular plant lives and how uniquely suited it is for just this type of world. The saguaro has many unique characteristics that make it a perfect icon for survival in the harsh landscape of the Arizona desert. Getting as large as two feet in diameter and 30 feet tall, it is perhaps surprising to a media-educated audience to discover that the saguaro only grows on desert slopes and flats in primarily Arizona and that it actually seems to prefer a rocky environment. According to DesertUSA (â€Å"Saguaro Cactus†, 1996), the cactus â€Å"is supported by a tap root that is only a pad about 3 feet long, as well as numerous stout roots no deeper than a foot, emanating radially from its base. More smaller roots run radially to a distance equal to the height of the saguaro. These roots wrap about rocks providing adequate anchorage from winds across the rocky bajadas.† These shallow roots enable the cactus to absorb scant rainwater from a larger area before it has had a chance to evaporate or sink beyond reach – â€Å"a mature plant may soak up as much as 200 gallons of water during a storm† (Epple, 1995). The fluted nature of the columns is also developed to help collec t more water as these sections expand to allow the plant to absorb water during the wet season and shrink like an accordion to reduce moisture loss and provide some cooling in dry times. The cactus also grows very slowly, living for as long as 200 years. This, coupled with the supporting structure of the plant itself provides biologists with a chance to study climate change. This also allows the plant to flower each year. The flowers are about three inches wide and have creamy white petals that surround a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Firm Creation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Firm Creation - Assignment Example I was also responsible in finding and assembling the present team who like me are averse to working under others. I will be an active partner who will be responsible for marketing and sales of our skills. Brian: Brian will be the core person in the team since he is the only one at present with the technical qualification needed in our business. He is certified by the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA) in non-destructive testing of airframes. He is also a qualified Six Sigma specialist in addition to taking a four year course at a business school and two year course in mechanical engineering. He is a willing team player, is very organized and willing to innovate and improve processes. He is also familiar with CAD and other basic computer applications. Shelley: In terms of qualification, Shelley is the odd person out in our team. She is a qualified medical assistant but is willing to take the administrative responsibilities of our firm. She is also a team player and is motivated enough to take on responsibilities. She has basic computer skill and working knowledge certain MS Office applications. Nikki: Nikki is a born leader and will act as the managing partner of our firm. ... Each of these needs to comply with safety regulations formulated by the Federal Aviation Administration and it includes airframe safety also. Accidents and subsequent rescue efforts are also a concern. New digital distress beacons called Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) are now available that can locate the name, owner, location and type of aircraft with the help of satellites in case of a crash. But the equipment is costly and owners are reluctant to fit their planes with one. "More than 85% of private planes do not carry the improved beacons even as the government prepares to stop listening Feb. 1 for distress calls from the older, outdated beacons installed on most aircraft." (Levin, 2009). Services provided by SafeAir Consultants: SafeAir Consultancy can provide airworthiness certification with regard to airframes using non-destructive testing methods. Individual owners can be contacted for the purpose of building a client base. SafeAir can act also as a consultant and dealer in motivating owners to use the new ELTs. Their pilots and maintenance staff can also be educated about the usefulness of the ELTs. Skill profiles and suitability for the job: Building a client base can be quite tough for a new business venture. The leadership skills of Nikki and his organizational ability will be very useful in motivating other team members and other marketing staff. His high spiritedness shows an ambitious mind which is essential for any businessman who wants to achieve high growth. Shelley is also a team player and will fit in well as an administrator. She also appears to be an ethical and honest person which is very essential since handling finance is one of her responsibilities. As a family

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 112

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program - Essay Example The therapist is a challenge, enabling people of all ages to lessen to a greater or smaller degree or to completely overcome those disabilities that hamper their ability to live and work independently. I work as a nurse’s aide taking care of patients and assisting them in their daily living. It gives me immense satisfaction to see patients recover and go back to the productive, satisfying and meaningful lives that were impeded by disability. This field has attracted me and I want to get to the next level in my chosen field, hence my application to Harcum College for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Harcum College attracted me because of the student-centric strategies used for teaching and the flexibility of the program. I am also looking forward to the exposure I shall get to new methods that enable occupational therapists to increase their success rates. I should also like to learn to work in different environments that give a broader perspective of the field and e nable me to work with patients with different disabilities and in varied age groups. The exposure that I will get as a result of coming into contact with people who have worked in environments different from those that I have experienced; will I think to improve my understanding and skills in dealing with a wide variety of patients. I look forward to working with settings that I have not worked before that will give me a chance to learn new techniques and hone my existing skills. Health has always been considered man’s greatest wealth. I think good health is the key to a door that opens innumerable opportunities. It will give me immense satisfaction if I can in some measure help people overcome their disabilities.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Promote good sleep hygiene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Promote good sleep hygiene - Essay Example The National Sleep Foundation (2011) also lays down that inadequate sleep contributes to different problems related to depression. UMass Boston should keep all these problems in sight before implementing an educational program for the students regarding sleep hygiene. UMass Boston health office should ensure that the students are getting an excellent sleep before coming to the school. This would help in improving the academic performance of many of the students in the college. Frederick Danner and Brandon Phillips (2008) in â€Å"Adolescent sleep, school start times, and teen motor vehicle crashes† state that adolescents are not getting enough sleep as they are growing up and this leads to several problems in the society. Teenagers tend to drive while being drowsy and this leads to many traffic problems in the society. Keeping this in mind the UMass Boston health office can provide the students with the information about driving without sleep. Driving while being drowsy poses the risk of accidents to these teenagers and the health office should inform the students about the risks involved. Mary Carskadon in a research at Brown University found that students who got enough sleep in their daily routine were able to perform well in their academic settings. The research clearly showed that students who went to bed earlier in their daily routine were able to grasp A’s and B’s whereas the ones who slept less were amongst the low achievers in the class (Carpenter 2001).Moreover Kyla Wahlstrom (2002) stated that students who did not get enough sleep showed signs of inattentiveness and poor performance in the class. All these signs clearly show that the UMass Boston health office should take a step to inform the students about the possible consequences that they may face if they do not get enough sleep. Sleep is also related to the cognitive skills of an individual as shown by many researches. June Pilcher and Walter (1997) carried out an experiment to find out the relation between the cognitive skills and sleep. The experiment was conducted on 44 college students who either were sleep deprived for 24 hours or slept for 8 hours. These college students were asked to perform a cognitive skill test after which they had to complete 2 questionnaires with regard to the efforts that they made during the test. The result clearly showed that the individuals who did not get sleep properly were not able to perform well in their academic settings. The cognitive skills of the ones who slept properly were higher than the ones who did not sleep properly. The students who did not sleep properly were not able to perform at the cognitive task whereas those who slept well were completely different as they were able to perform well. Moreover the questionnaires helped to assess the awareness of the students and it was found that the sleep deprived students rated their performance to be high than the non-deprived ones which clearly means that they are not aware about the effects of sleep on their academics. Sleep education at UMass Boston can help the students to get over these common problems so that they can concentrate on their skills and improve upon their cognitive performance (Pilcher & Walter 1997). Maintaining Sleep hygiene is a solution to all the problems that individuals in academic settings suffer from. Sleep related problems are seen to be suffered by many students because of which they cannot perform well in th

The Maastricht Treaty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Maastricht Treaty - Essay Example The treaty, according to Europa (2007) came about as a result of the impetus provided by the collapse in communism in Eastern Europe and the reunification of Germany. It caused Europeans leaders to feel that they should reassert themselves once more on the international scene. Internally also, there was the feeling that the timing was right to capitalize on the gains made by the Single European Act, by adding more reforms (Europa, 2007). In order to qualify for membership in the Union, two sets of requirements referred to as convergences and stability criteria, has to be achieved in their respective economies of prospective applicants, and the attainment will ensure the European Union achieve and maintain an optical currency area, according to Euro Economics (2009). Inflation was high on the convergence and stability agenda, as applicants were mandated to have no more than 1.5% above the lowest three members of the union. This performance enables all members to have similar monetary policies and prevents the development of asymmetric shocks within the financial operating system (Euro Economics, 2009). In terms of the deficit, the Maastricht Treaty requires prospective Member States incur a maximum of 3% of their GDP, while for the debt load they had report figures below 60% of the Gross Development Product, according to Euro Economics, (2009).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Promote good sleep hygiene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Promote good sleep hygiene - Essay Example The National Sleep Foundation (2011) also lays down that inadequate sleep contributes to different problems related to depression. UMass Boston should keep all these problems in sight before implementing an educational program for the students regarding sleep hygiene. UMass Boston health office should ensure that the students are getting an excellent sleep before coming to the school. This would help in improving the academic performance of many of the students in the college. Frederick Danner and Brandon Phillips (2008) in â€Å"Adolescent sleep, school start times, and teen motor vehicle crashes† state that adolescents are not getting enough sleep as they are growing up and this leads to several problems in the society. Teenagers tend to drive while being drowsy and this leads to many traffic problems in the society. Keeping this in mind the UMass Boston health office can provide the students with the information about driving without sleep. Driving while being drowsy poses the risk of accidents to these teenagers and the health office should inform the students about the risks involved. Mary Carskadon in a research at Brown University found that students who got enough sleep in their daily routine were able to perform well in their academic settings. The research clearly showed that students who went to bed earlier in their daily routine were able to grasp A’s and B’s whereas the ones who slept less were amongst the low achievers in the class (Carpenter 2001).Moreover Kyla Wahlstrom (2002) stated that students who did not get enough sleep showed signs of inattentiveness and poor performance in the class. All these signs clearly show that the UMass Boston health office should take a step to inform the students about the possible consequences that they may face if they do not get enough sleep. Sleep is also related to the cognitive skills of an individual as shown by many researches. June Pilcher and Walter (1997) carried out an experiment to find out the relation between the cognitive skills and sleep. The experiment was conducted on 44 college students who either were sleep deprived for 24 hours or slept for 8 hours. These college students were asked to perform a cognitive skill test after which they had to complete 2 questionnaires with regard to the efforts that they made during the test. The result clearly showed that the individuals who did not get sleep properly were not able to perform well in their academic settings. The cognitive skills of the ones who slept properly were higher than the ones who did not sleep properly. The students who did not sleep properly were not able to perform at the cognitive task whereas those who slept well were completely different as they were able to perform well. Moreover the questionnaires helped to assess the awareness of the students and it was found that the sleep deprived students rated their performance to be high than the non-deprived ones which clearly means that they are not aware about the effects of sleep on their academics. Sleep education at UMass Boston can help the students to get over these common problems so that they can concentrate on their skills and improve upon their cognitive performance (Pilcher & Walter 1997). Maintaining Sleep hygiene is a solution to all the problems that individuals in academic settings suffer from. Sleep related problems are seen to be suffered by many students because of which they cannot perform well in th

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How can Facebook influence people psychologically Research Paper

How can Facebook influence people psychologically - Research Paper Example Among the activities in social networks include exchange of news items, events, messages, videos and photos. But on the other side, I noted that researchers like Bowman, Westerman and Claus (2301) observed that social media would not have any impact on computer skills of the user, hence important for me to find out how else this affects humans. Facebook being the most common of these social networking platforms would be analyzed on how it affects its users psychologically. Megen (57) appreciates Facebook as the most popular social media platform. Since its launch in 2004, it has hit a membership of 800 million users, with half this number visiting the site daily. This platform allows users to post status updates, videos and photos and links which would be viewed by their friends or anyone else on the Internet. Products, brands and organizations have pages where liking them, just as would apply on photos, status and videos posted on a user’s wall, expresses agreement with the content. Facebook requires that users identify themselves with their real names thus allowing friends to search friends on the platform using their names, email addresses, workplace or school attended among other aspects. This platform could be accessed from both a computer and a mobile interface with Internet access. Studies by Pempek, Yermolayeva and Calvert (228) enlightened me on the time spent on Facebook with the researchers observing that on average, US college stude nts spent between 10 and 30 minutes daily on Facebook. The current environment dictates that I have to join Facebook so that I interact effectively and regularly with my peers. More so, I have seen many organizations opening their Facebook pages implying that employees operating such accounts have to be equipped with the skills of using the media. On my side, it would mean that for me to benefit from the opportunities that such organizations offer through their fan pages on Facebook, then, I

Monday, October 14, 2019

Porosity Versus Permeability Essay Example for Free

Porosity Versus Permeability Essay Porosity and permeability are two terms that are commonly mentioned together and sometimes, even mistakenly interchanged. It is certain, however, that these two terms are completely different and pertain to different rock, sediment, or soil characteristics. The volume of openings in relation to its total volume determines porosity. The rule of thumb is that, the more tightly packed a rock is, then the less porous it is. As an example, crystals are less porous than volcanic rocks since the crystalline structure allows for compact organization, while volcanic rocks usually form in the presence of gases and therefore contain air spaces. Permeability, on the other hand, pertains to the degree of capacity to enable fluid to pass through. Thus, for example, if a rock has numerous holes in its structure and lets fluids to pass through effectively, then it can be considered as something that is highly permeable. On the other hand, if a rock has holes yet fluid still cannot pass, then it cannot be considered to have good permeability. In this sense, not only are possible passageways required for having good permeability, but the interconnectivity between the passageways is also important in order to allow the fluid to flow through. A sedimentary rock such as shale, which is composed of lithified clay, can be considered to have high porosity and low permeability. Since it is characterized by the numerous irregular spaces and breaks in its structure, it considered to be is rather porous just like other sedimentary rocks. However, due to the fact that the spacing pattern does not convey a continuous path wherein fluids may travel through, it cannot be considered to be permeable; hence, it has low permeability. Therefore, porosity and permeability are indeed distinct from each other, but a directly proportional relationship may commonly be observed between the two; however, there are cases where the relationship does not hold true due to the lack of proper interconnectivity between pores.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet - The Sanity of Ophelia Es

The Impact of Madness on Ophelia of Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Without question, the role of madness in Hamlet is as vital to the plot and the play's success as Hamlet himself; neither the character nor the play would be able to function without the driving (although somewhat sluggish) force that madness represents. The connection of one to the other, of character to condition, is so intertwined and entangled that Hamlet has come to symbolize the particular form of madness (i.e. melancholy brought about by a humoral imbalance) with which he is afflicted. Indeed, any discussion of Hamlet would be grossly incomplete without an examination of the madness (or lack thereof) from which he suffers; similarly, any discussion of melancholy would, perhaps, border on invalid were it to neglect the obvious connection to the world's most famous literary example. What is overlooked, however, are the effects and the drastically different results of the same condition (or at least, a condition that closely parallels Hamlet's) on the play's second mo st confounding character, Ophelia.         Ã‚  Ã‚   Early in the play (Act 1, Scene 2), during the first of many insightful soliloquies (insightful for us as much for him), Hamlet utters, somewhat offhandedly, a summation of his feelings towards his mother's "o'erhasty marriage": "Frailty thy name is woman." Offensive though the quip may be to women of contemporary society (and any not quite passive women of Shakespeare's era), Hamlet's comment was, in many respects, indicative of the prevailing attitude, at least among most men, of the time. Although exceptions to the social system were far from nonexistent (Queen Elizabeth being the most obvious example), women were discriminated against to such an extent... ... New York: Philosophical Library, 1970.   Emerson, Kathy Lynn.   The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England From 1485-1649.   Cincinnati: Writer's Digest Books, 1996. Heffernan, Carol Falvo.   The Melancholy Muse: Chaucer, Shakespeare and Early Medicine. Pittsburgh: Duquesne UP, 1995. Hoeniger, F. David.   Medicine and Shakespeare in the English Renaissance.   Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1992. Lidz, Theodore.   Hamlet's Enemy: Madness and Myth in Hamlet.   Vision Press, 1975. Lyons, Bridget Gellert. Voices of Melancholy.   New York: Barnes and Noble, 1971. Schiesari, Juliana.   The Gendering of Melancholia: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and the Symbolics of Loss in Renaissance Literature.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992. Shakespeare, William.   Hamlet.   Ed. George Lyman Kittredge. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1939.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Jim Morrison :: essays research papers

Mr. Mojo Risin’ and Fallin’: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison He is often referred to as the "electric poet" for his tantalizing words and mesmerizing music, and called to be the "Lizard King" for his deep obsession for all creatures of nature. His name is James Douglas Morrison. Jim Morrison is one of the most influential artists in history. His life brought inspiration to many young people’s lives, and his death continues to weave us into the mysteries that he left behind for us to break through. One certain mystery happened the night his soul passed on. No one really knows what happened to Jim that made him leave the world that night. There are rumors of death from natural causes, a heroin overdose, or even that he is still alive and well keeping the rest of his life a secret to us all. To better understand Jim Morrison himself, a background of his life and especially his character is necessary. James Douglas Morrison was born on December 8, 1943, in Melbourne, Florida (Hopkins 5). He was the first child of George Stephen Morrison and Clara Clark Morrison. He had two younger siblings, Anne and Andrew ("James" 1). His father was an officer in the United States Navy and his mother remained a housewife to act as the "dominant parent" over the three kids (Hopkins 22). After graduating from Florida State University, he attended film school at the University of California at Los Angeles in 1964, where he met Ray Manzarek. A year later, the two form a band called The Doors with Robbie Krieger and John Densmore after Jim reveals to Ray some songs that he had written (Rocco 172). Jim Morrison was on vocals, Ray Manzarek on organ, Robbie Krieger on guitar, and John Densmore on the drums. The Doors became a very successful band, recording fourteen albums al together, not including bootleg recordings (Rocco 184). In 1971, the four Doors break up after Jim decides to move to Paris to pursue a writing career. Jim Morrison was intelligent, intimidating, sensitive, wild, just about everything a person could be rolled into one. In a publicity bio recorded by Elektra, Jim says, I’ve always been attracted to ideas that were about revolt against authority-- when you make your peace with authority, you become an authority. I like ideas about the breaking away or overthrowing of established order---I am interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that seems to have no meaning (Hopkins 107).

Friday, October 11, 2019

In the light of the teachings of the Qur’an discuss the moral and ethical norms that Muslims are expected to uphold in their social affairs

Prior to start the answer of my question, I would like to explain what we mean by morals and ethics. To define ethics would be relatively simple. According to dictionary â€Å"ethics† may be defined as a set of principles of right conduct or a system of moral values. But moral is something within our self i. e. something innate. According to Abul ‘Ala Al-Mawdudi â€Å"Man has been blessed with an innate sense of morality, which has served to guide him through the age, enabling him to distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil. Now, the problem is that the degree according to which a person thinks a certain act as good or bad varies from person to person. Therefore to ease us from this problem, God through Quran told us certain moral & ethical norms which we are supposed to follow. This can be explained through certain principles: First of all, we need to see that according to Quran, who is a good Muslim? The answer to this question is given beautifully in Quran when Allah tells us the description of a righteous and religiously committed Muslim. According to this verse, a good Muslim is who, ho obeys all the regulations mentioned in Quran and whose focus in life is love of Allah. And after that the focus is love of humanity. He is the person who believes on Day of Judgment and therefore is afraid of that. We can be a good person if we do good deeds e. g. giving charity to poor and needy people, looking after the orphans, offer prayers and give zakat. Finally his individual faith must remain firm and unshaken in all circumstances. 1. ATTITUDE TOWARDS PARENTS: After Allah & the Prophet the Quran tells us to give maximum respect to our parents. In Quran its written at 17 : 23-24 â€Å"Your Sustainer has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life-time, do not say to them a word of contempt nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor and, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility and say: My Sustainer! Bestow on them your mercy, even as they cherished me in childhood. † From this we can see the amount of respect given to our parents. In Quran we have been told that we should not say a word of contempt to our parents and should always give them respect. This is because when we were small and were unable to look after our self, they were the one who looked after us. Therefore when its our turn to look after them we should not feel bad rather should try to keep them as happy as we can because one should never forget that if today we are young, tomorrow we will be old and if we won't look after our parents, our children won't look after us because our children will learn from us. Thus when we will be kind to our parents, our children would be kind to us. 2. GOODNESS TO NEIGHBOUR AND GUESTS. The importance of neighbors is emphasized a lot in Quran. Its importance can be well understood by the statement by the prophet that â€Å"He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbor beside him is hungry†. Islam is so caring about the rights of neighbors that even it doesn't requires that we should only be good to our neighbors provided that he is a Muslim. Our neighbors can belong to any religion A Muslim must treat his neighbor and guests kindly whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. 3. ATTITUDE TOWARDS WIVES AND CHILDREN We should never ever forget that Islam was the first religion which gave women equal rights as men. Before Islam wives were miss treated and new born female babies were killed. But Islam condemned this. In Quran at (2:22) its written that †And they (the women) have rights similar to those (men have) over them in a just manner†. Islam also gives lot of importance to children especially if they are orphans. We can find numerous times in Quran the importance it gives to children. In Quran at (4:127) its written that â€Å"You should deal justly with orphans†. 4. ATTITUDE TOWARDS FELLOW MUSLIMS: Islam is a religion which tells us about brotherhood. It's a religion which emphasizes a lot on helping each other in difficult times. According to Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters. There is a special term used in Arabic as †UKHUWWAH ISLAAMIYAH† meaning Islamic brotherhood. In Quran Allah tells us (49:10) â€Å"The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy. † Islam tells us to live in peace and harmony. The Prophet (p. b. u. h) said:† A man does not accuse another of being a transgressor nor does he accuse him of being a †KAAFIR†. But it (the epithet) comes back to him, if his companion is not such. ‘ In Quran (25:63) â€Å"And the servants of the Beneficent Allah are they who walk on the earth in humbleness, and when the ignorant address them, they say: Peace. † 5. ISLAM†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ A POLITE & PEACEFUL RELIGION: Throughout Quran we find teachings of Peace, teachings about doing well to others and to talk politely with others. According to Abul ‘Ala Al-Mawdudi in his work on â€Å"The Moral System Of Islam† â€Å"People who are polite, sincere, upright, dependable, who are prompt in discharging their obligations to others, who live in peace and allow others to do likewise have always formed the core of any healthy society. And this is what Islam teaches us. Allah in Quran has told us that â€Å"And the servants of the beneficent are they who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, PEACE! And they who pass the night prostrating themselves before their lord and standing. † (25:63&64) 6. PATIENCE IN ISLAM: Over the course of time, Allah sent many Prophets to mankind to guide and instruct them in their daily as well as religious matters. All the Prophets guided us. But among all the Prophets, the Prophet who had most patience was Hazrat Muhammad (p. b. u. h). Since our Prophet was a symbol of patience, therefore we the Muslims are supposed to show patience in our daily lives as well. Allah through Quran tells us † O you believe, seek assistance through patience and prayer, surely Allah is with the patient† . In another place in Quran, Allah talking about His blessings and His mercy says â€Å"And none are made to receive it but those who are patient and none are made to receive it but those who have a mighty good fortune. † 7. FORGIVENESS IN ISLAM: Throughout Quran, we have been given instructions for forgiveness. If we forgive our fellow human being, Allah will forgive us. Allah in Quran tells us that â€Å"Praised are they who restrain their anger and pardon the faults of others; and god loves those who do good to others. † (3;133). If we start forgiving each other there will be many disputes which will end and most of us would be able to live a peaceful life. PART II (a): These days we are living in a strange world, where nations are in conflict with each other, a world where strong dominates the week. If we look around us, we will see that everywhere there is anarchy. It is very unfortunate of us that most of moral & ethical norms which are told to us by our religion are missing from our society. We have lost patience, we have forgotten the meanings of forgiveness, we are least concerned about the rights of fellow society members, we are unjust in our daily dealings, there is no one to look after the orphans and our minds have transformed into totally profit oriented and self centered minds. We are Muslims. The name of religion which we practice is â€Å"ISLAM† meaning â€Å"PEACE†, but unfortunately this is one thing which is in a serious lack in our society , rather if I say that this is one thing which is lacked in almost every society of the world, I don't think that I would be wrong in saying that. The times through which we are passing are disturbed and distressing and in order to live in a perfect society, we need peace. â€Å"PEACE† is basically a very broad term and if I start writing on that then this would require many pages. But while I will talk about Peace, I will concentrate more on a sub category i. e. Relations with other people living in our society. Let's start from our homes and discuss peace. In past years, families especially in our part of world used to live together in peace and harmony. But with time our traditions and culture has changed. Now people don't prefer living in joint families. And if in some circumstances the Parents of married people live with them, mostly they are not respected. Parents are considered as a burden. Although in western societies, the concept of old homes is not a new one but in our society even now, this is not considered good. But there are many parents in our society, who would prefer living in Old homes than with their children because they are not at-all respected in there homes. They are treated like an extra family member and sometimes are even treated worse than the servants. This practice is totally against the very basic teachings of Islam. Then in order to get a closer look at PEACE in our society we put a glance at peace inside our society i. e. relations with other society members. Many people living in metropolitan cities even don't know the names of their neighbors while our religion tells us that those people are not true believers who eat by them self while their neighbors sleep hungry. But on the other hand, due to various economic pressures every person wants to get better and better than other. And in this pursuit they many time do certain acts which are not at all good for the society as a whole. And it is due to these practices that the gap between the rich and poor is widening at a drastic rate. The rich people are becoming richer while the poor people are getting poorer. The jealously among the poor for rich is increasing. If we look around us, we will see many children who don't even get bread two times a day while on the other hand we have people whose dogs eat better than many poor people. There are people who are sending their children abroad to get higher education by paying hudge amounts while we have children who when learn to walk are sent to workshops to earn money to support their families. And due to this we find the daily newspapers filled with news of terror, people getting robbed, women are unsafe alone at their home, people prefer not to go outside during nights, and the economic depressions are increasing day by day. Even at times we get to hear news like brother killing his brother just for the sake of money or land. To implement peace properly, we need justice. But if we look around us, we will find that hardly in our society. Justice for any ordinary person is simply out of reach. While on the other hand our religions talks about justice available at the door step of every citizen. These days' people buy justice. Our society has been divided unfortunately in different casts. Many people are so cast oriented that according to them Justice and other rights are only for their own people (casts). This all injustice has caused a serious lack of peace and harmony amongst us. Quran always talks about merit but we see that there are many well educated people who are unemployed because of the fact that they don't have references to get the jobs. They have got degrees, they deserve but the less deserving candidate gets the job because he has got reference of a strong and well known person. So peace is something missing from our society and when I talk about peace I mean peace in general while concentrating more on relations with other fellows of our society. P. S: While I am writing this I don't mean that every person living in our society has forgotten the true meanings of Islam but while I talk, I talk about the majority and unfortunately the majority has forgotten the true meanings of Islam. PART II (b): Identify and discuss three solutions (in order of priority) that we, as a society, can work on to overcome this problem. For each of these three solutions, clearly sketch out a plan that could be used to eradicate the problem. In order to overcome the problem of peace we can act on the following three steps. They are: Minimun wage level and opportunities of jobs for every person. * An efficient system of taxation and its re-allocation: If we look around, we will find out that most of the lack in peace is caused due to the hudge gap between the poor and the rich. What we need is such a system other than the â€Å"zakat† that should make sure that the gap between the rich and the poor is reduced. What our society needs is basically an efficient system of taxation and very well system of its re-allocation. The system should be such that the Government gets enough amount to spend on the over all growth of society as well as maintaining a decent living standard for every person of our society. There are many people in our society who can't afford to eat even two times in a day. With an efficient system of taxation the Government should make sure that every liable person who is supposed to pay tax, pays tax and can't do tax stealing. This can be a progressive tax system in which the rich people pay more while the poor pay less. In this way the hudge gap between the poor and the rich will be reduced and this reduction will cause a reduction in jealously amongst poor for rich. Then with an efficient system of tax re-allocation the Government should make sure that those people who can't find jobs are given enough amounts on monthly basis for the time they are unemployed that they can at least feed themselves and their children. Then with the proper re-allocation of tax amount the Government can open Orphan homes in which it should be the responsibility of the government to look after orphans as they are also a part of our society. Normally what the Governments of our society do is that they spend the tax revenue on their own perquisites e. g. increasing the pays of member of parliaments, buying new cars, making foreign trips and sponsoring the Government officials and their families to get the medical treatment from abroad. On such type of expenses the Government pays a hudge amount. Our society is not a society which can afford this all stuff. What our Governments need is to spend on the reconstruction and growth of our society and economy. Only by doing so we can create a peaceful society. This is because of the fact that when people will see that the Government is doing for their betterment they will feel good for the society as a whole and would try to contribute to the society positively. By doing so, people will feel better about each other. When the economic depression on people will reduce their daily lives will be better and society as a whole will improve. Most people in our society have adopted an attitude of indifference to the practical problems of life so what we need is that we should realize those people that they are a part of the society and the society is a home for us and we cant adopt the attitude of indifference towards our home. So when we can't do that for our home then why to adopt that for our society. Therefore we should try to solve the problems that our society faces everyday and should not give impression to Government that whatever it does, we are indifferent. Rather we should give the impression that whatever the Government does has a direct impact on us. * Proper enforcement of Justice Justice is no doubt a very important foundation of every successful society. Societies have become successful on the basis of a good system of justice and the availability of justice to every citizen without the fact that the person who seeks justice is poor or rich. Islam gives a lot of importance to Justice. Justice is not just restricted to courts. Rather along with courts justice should also be utilized while giving jobs and in Police Stations. Unfortunately a parasite which is destroying our society is a new trend that job is only given to people with strong references. Due to this practice the deserving people for jobs are not given the jobs while the people who don't deserve the job are given the jobs. Due to this people who don't have any references get a feeling that since the society has done injustice with them therefore they need to take revenge from the society and in that pursuit they often walk on the path of crime which is a serious threat to peace. This fact can be seen from the various newspaper news that when the robbers and thieves have been caught they were very well educated people rather some were even gold-medalist in their respective fields. So if only we can control the justice at the time of giving jobs, we can see a major change in the over all peace of the society. And this can be done by properly enforcing the merit procedure. Then comes â€Å"justice in Police Stations†. Unfortunately Police Stations in our society are considered as nightmares for respectable and ordinary people. In many circumstances Police officials have been caught working with thieves and robbers. In our society, Police is used as a weapon of people with money against the poor people. Usually Police even don't write the complaints of poor people against people who have got strong positions in our society. In order to correct this, the government needs to start a very strong accountability process in Police department, so that whenever a Police official even thinks of doing some wrong work, he should reject that idea due to the fear of accountability. Then we need to give Police jobs to well educated people not people with strong references who don't even deserve the job. Then while giving the job as police officer, we should see the past record of the person that whether the person has any criminal record or not. Then we need to increase the number of Police officials so that police can work more efficiently towards maintaining the peace and law & order in the society. Then another problem which we face while giving justice to people is that we have a very limited amount of courts and judges. The trials even go for generations. Hence if we increase the number of judges and courts, the process of trial will also increase its speed and the criminals moving freely in our society (on bails of months & months) can be caught. * POVERTY CONTROL AND MINIMUM WAGE: A famous Greek philosopher once said that â€Å"poverty is the root of all evils†. It is poverty which makes ordinary poor people to do evil works. Unfortunately the poverty level of our country is horrifying. If we look around us we will find people extremely poor who don't have any thing to eat, people who want to do work but are unable to do anything because of lack of opportunities. And there are many people who are working but the wage they get is so low that it is extremely difficult for them to support their family with that wage. It is due to this that we often see news like a man killing his family and himself due to extreme poverty. If we can control the poverty in our society, we will be able to create a lot of peace in our society. Therefore to do that what we need is that Government should establish a minimum wage level for labor class so that they could enjoy at least a normal living standard. This method has been adopted by many developed societies & communities e. . American Society etc. The Labor and the Social Welfare Departments should make sure that the labor class can at least get a decent standard of living. Then the Government can start different poverty control programs whose aim should be to provide the unemployed people with different opportunities so that they could contribute for the society as a whole. In many western societies, the Gove rnments have started Poverty Control Programs which give small loans to people who want to start their own business. With the help of that the people get self employed and are no more burdens on the society. They with the help of loans establish their businesses and earn sufficient amount to have a decent standard of living. Then the Government can also open different technical institutes from where the students can get some technical education and can work on their own. Therefore if the Government controls the poverty level then the young generation will have no excuse to opt the way of crime in order to survive. And when the young generation will stop opting the way of crime then all in all our society will be one of the most peaceful societies in the world. A society, whose idea has been told to us in Quran.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras are all reflections on each other Essay

â€Å"The world is a looking glass. † This synecdochic statement of 19th century English novelist, William Makepeace Thackeray, encapsulates the idea of reflections of ourselves being evident all around us in different aspects of the world. Whether in the words, actions or attitudes of others, we tend to see something of ourselves. Shakespeare employs this theme of reflection in his works such as in Antony and Cleopatra where Caesar recognises that Antony is, as stated by Maecenas, â€Å"a spacious mirror set before him† and this reflects to Caesar both the dimensions of he and his fellow triumvir, leading Caesar to the realisation that the world is not big enough for the two of them as can be interpreted from â€Å"†¦ we could not stall together/ In the whole world. † Reflection is thus a recurrent motif in Shakespeare’s works, and is a key issue which arises in the course of the play Hamlet. Hamlet is a play which involves a lot of reflection and mirroring in various ways. One of the most notable is the ‘play within a play’ or ‘The Mousetrap’ which mirrors the relationship King Hamlet had with Gertrude as well as the manner in which King Hamlet was murdered. Hamlet himself sees performance as a way of reflecting inner corruption; holding â€Å"the mirror up to nature. † The idea of mirroring or doubling can further be seen in Shakespeare’s use of literary techniques like hendiadys such as in Hamlet’s reflective ‘To be, or not to be’ soliloquy where he says, ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ and ‘whips and scorns of time’ or later in the play where Hamlet says to Horatio, â€Å"Fortune’s buffets and rewards. † Shakespeare’s use of hendiadys helps to place emphasis on the message he is trying to get across as the words mirror each other and act as a sort of parallelism, creating a balance in the phrases. But even more notable in the play with regards reflection, is the manner in which the characters of Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras reflect on each other. These three characters are all young men who, at some point, have lost or will lose a father. Hamlet has returned to Denmark from school in Wittenberg to mourn his father’s death and is so much in grief that he says, â€Å"How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable/ Seem to me all the uses of this world! † The use of lists and exclamation marks emphasises the extent of his grief and make us sympathise with him. Young Fortinbras has also lost his father, Fortinbras, as we come to know from Horatio’s speech that King Hamlet â€Å"Did slay this Fortinbras. † Laertes, in the course of the play, also returns from France to Denmark to find that his father, Polonius has been killed. They thus reflect on themselves in that they have all lost their fathers, but furthermore in that they all seek to avenge the deaths of their fathers. Hamlet is charged by the ghost of King Hamlet to â€Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder! † The exclamation mark and use of striking adjectives highlight that this is an order, a duty which Hamlet has to carry out, and he expresses his feelings about this in the heroic couplet, â€Å"The time is out of joint: O cursi d spite,/ That ever I was born to set it right. † Fortinbras, likewise, is seeking to avenge the death of his father, King Fortinbras of Norway by regaining the land lost by his father in war, and waging war on Denmark. When Hamlet sees Fortinbras leading his army through Denmark to Poland, he draws parallels between his cause and that of Fortinbras. Similarly, Laertes, on finding out about his father’s death, declares, â€Å"I’ll be revenged/ Most throughly for my father. † Hamlet recognises the similarity between his cause and that of Laertes and states later on in the play, â€Å"For by the image of my cause, I see the portraiture of his. † However, it is open to interpretation whether or not Hamlet was referring to revenge as his ’cause’, for as Philip Edward argues, Harold Jenkins points out that Hamlet simply does not recognise himself as a proposed victim of Laertes’ revenge, and thus Hamlet simply meant, when he made that statement, that as a son grieving his father, he should have realised that grief makes one act strangely. Nevertheless, Hamlet does recognise an aspect of himself reflected in that of Laertes. Thus, Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras all seek to avenge the death of their fathers, but they each work towards this end with varying methods. Whilst Hamlet is the vacillating, hesitant one searching for proof and taking his time, and Fortinbras is the calculating but quick-acting, resolute one, Laertes is the more aggressive typical revenge hero. Hamlet spends so much time dithering and searching for proof that the ghost has to reappear to â€Å"whet thy almost blunted purpose. † The use of words associated with knives or daggers, that is ‘whet’ and ‘blunted’, remind us that Hamlet’s purpose is to kill to avenge his father, rather than his inactivity. Hamlet says of Fortinbras, on the other hand, that his â€Å"spirit is with divine ambition puffed† and thus he is able to lead the Norwegian army to fight over a ‘little patch of ground’. Laertes’ brutal, aggressive approach can be seen not only in the way he breaks into the Danish palace to confront Claudius over his father’s death but also how he says of Hamlet that he would â€Å"cut his throat I’th’church† The aggressiveness in this statement is emphasised by the use of alliteration in ‘throat’ and ‘th’church’. Thus, their varying methods are comparable, so that we can identify from one to the other the preferred path or more successful path to have taken. Whilst Laertes and Fortinbras are thus more typical Aristotelian tragic heroes, in that they have ‘consistency’ as once their personality and motivations are established, they continue throughout the play. Hamlet, on the other hand, falls short of this as he dithers and almost loses sight of his goal. This sheds light on a reason for which Shakespeare appears to have made use of reflections in his work- that of revealing shortcomings. Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras reflect on each other in such a manner that they highlight the shortcomings of each other. As Shakespeare states in his Sonnet 77, â€Å"Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear. † The whole idea is that our reflections make us more aware of our flaws, and this can be seen where Hamlet, having seen Fortinbras march his army through Denmark, says, â€Å"How all occasions do inform against me,/ And spur my dull revenge! † He is reminded, by the reflection of his cause in that of Fortinbras, that whilst Fortinbras is active and resolute, his revenge is ‘dull’. This idea of reflections showing our flaws or shortcomings is also employed by Shakespeare in Richard 11 where the deposed king hopes to see his sorrows etched in his reflection and states, â€Å"Give me that glass, and therein will I read. /No deeper wrinkles yet? † The alliteration in ‘give’ and ‘glass’ as well as the use of rhetorical question help to highlight the king’s desperation to see his sorrows in his reflection. Reflections also act, in Shakespeare, as a trigger or a call to action. When Hamlet sees Fortinbras and his army, it ‘spurs’ his revenge so that he is led to say in a rhyming couplet, â€Å"Oh from this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth. † His use of the graphic adjective ‘bloody’ emphasises his resolution and is rather reminiscent of the sort of decisiveness that we would expect from a typical revenge hero. Furthermore, when Hamlet sees ‘the portraiture’ of Laertes’ cause in the image of his, he is led to regret his outburst to Laertes at their battle at Ophelia’s grave and to ‘court’ Laertes’ ‘favours’. Ophelia, in the course of the play, refers to Hamlet metaphorically as â€Å"The glass of fashion. † He appears to have been the reflection of what noblemen should be; the one to be emulated. All noblemen in Hamlet’s Denmark, like the society of Shakespeare’s England, were expected to remark and imitate the manners of the prince. Thus, we can understand why Hamlet is, in the words of Claudius, ‘loved of the distracted multitude’ and why Fortinbras speaks of him so highly. Nevertheless, following his act of madness and outburst at Ophelia, Ophelia mourns that this noble mind, this ‘glass of fashion,’ is ‘quite, quite down! † The repetition of ‘quite’ relays to us how greatly Hamlet has changed from the reflection of nobility that he used to be. It is also interesting to note that Hamlet sees a reflection of his cause in that of Fortinbras and Laertes towards the end of the play in a form of anagnorisis. However, at the start of the play, he seems deeply sceptical about the ability of anything to reflect him truly. According to Philippa Kelly, he mocks verbal and physical display as having the incapacity to ‘denote me truly’. In his mocking summation of Laertes even in the final act of the play, he appears sure that nothing and no one could reflect Laertes â€Å"he his semblable is his mirror, and who else would trace him, his umbrage, nothing more. † His argument is that words fall short of describing Laertes’ greatness, but earlier on we know that he has declared that he sees a reflection of his cause in that of Laertes. Thus, although Hamlet, ab initio, comes across as one who feels that nothing can reflect him, nothing can denote him truly or body him forth as would the dissection of his organs, he comes to realise that reflections are indeed everywhere as can be interpreted from William Thackeray’s statement, â€Å"The world is a looking glass. † In the actions, words, causes and attitudes of others, particularly Laertes and Fortinbras, he sees a reflection of his own self and is, from these reflections, made aware of his shortcomings and spurred to action in eventually avenging the death of his father.

Why You Want to Join

Welcome parents and guardians. My name isaosfh. I am a student in Ib. Ib is an intense academic program that prepares students for success in university and life in general. Every one of us has goals that they want to accomplish and succeed; Ib helps push our limits and inspires us to reach those goals. Being in high school is different compared to middle school. It has it’s ups and downs. At times the homework load is heavy, and at times it’s not. However, with the right time management and organization skills your child will be just fine. Organization is an important skill you need not only in school but through out life. During middle school you only had one or two assignments you needed to complete, but high school is very different. If you don’t organize your time well, you will be stressed out from the homework load. During the first three weeks when school began, it was a big shock. It felt as if I had lost my social life, and was spending hours staying up late trying to complete projects. This was because I had bad work habits and left everything to the last minute. Because of my disorganization, my marks weren’t as high as they could be, and I wasn’t living up to my full potential. Then one day my teacher explained to us of things we could do to create more time for ourselves. The main thing she kept saying over and over was organization. So slowly, I started to improve my work habits. My first step was using my agenda. It is now my best friend, with it I know exactly what homework we have and I can record the time periods for how long I want to work on the assignment. Instead of doing the assignment all at the last minute, I’ve started breaking it up into little pieces. I am now not as overwhelmed, and I know I’m working harder then ever. By organizing my time I have eliminated any distractions I had in the past, and complete my homework it on time and with care. I now work more efficiently and am able to accomplish tasks. I also have regained my social life!