Friday, October 4, 2019

My hypothesis is How can nutrition help fight depression and boost Dissertation

My hypothesis is How can nutrition help fight depression and boost mood and the corrlation bewtween them - Dissertation Example The answers of above questionnaire reveal the fact that depression is a biochemical process, most of the people suffering with depression start to neglect their diet as a result the symptoms becomes severe. Most of them think that eating their favorite food or ice cream uplift their mood. Cases of depressions are increasing in U.K and USA and some time best medicines can’t cure properly. Why is it so? Researchers at Harvard University found that person with Vitamin B deficiency did not respond to the anti-depressant. This Vitamin is present in green leafy vegetables, grains and beans. If the diet rich in vegetables is taken, the chances of depression reduce. Moreover the cases of depression in USA are increasing rapidly then China. Again the factor behind this is nutrition, Chinese consume large amount of fish and fish like salmon and sardines are considered rich source of ‘Omega-3-fatty acids’. This fatty acid is consumed by the brain to stays healthy. It is scie ntifically proved fact that brain uses its energy requirements from blood glucose. If the glucose level is not balanced, the person is likely to suffer with apathy, depression. Certain amino acids are required for production of serotonin that influences mood, and adrenalin, dopamine that influence motivation. Salmon, tuna, snapper, shrimps soya bean n turkey are rich sources of tryptophan.

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