Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay On Teenagers Are Overworked - 934 Words

Teenagers are Overworked Luna Silva, 9/21/17 Role: Essayist Audience: Sophomore class Form Mode: Blog post / Argument Topic: Teenagers are overworked Begin draft here... Are teenagres overworked? Subjectively, I say that at time teenagres can be overworked. I see it from my point of view as a teenagre that adults think us as teenagres shouldn’t have problems or be stressed because we are kids not even adult that we only go to school, come home, sleep and repeat. I say yes us teenagres can be overworked. Even though we all as teenagres don’t go to work or pay bills everyday we still have stress in our lives. We worry about if we are gonna disappoint our parents, or if we will get into college, what we want to studies. Yes,†¦show more content†¦We have the pressure to get excellent notes for us to at least be good at something. They say that even though we are kids we should be grateful we are â€Å"just children† we are so much more than that. We are the next generations of your world. We are gonna be the one s having jobs that you will visit us for, we will be the one s changing the world. So, yes we do get overworked we can get tired of long study these like, you with work we can suffer from stress sometimes we get carried away by the stereotypes in our lives and a kilo more of those things which can cause a great number of things like maybe depression or anxiety and lots more from being overworked. It causes us to feel these things even as teenagers we are just as much as the adult to but sometimes don’t understand that yet they decide our future and they judge us we are all human beings we all feel and even whether your child, teenager and adult regardless of the age we are all prone to everything to anyone and anything doesn t matter if you re 30 or 40 years of age that does not mean you can get through it and not us as teenagres. 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