Thursday, May 14, 2020

Is Deviance And The Deviant Label That Is Put Upon Female...

Topic- The topic that I have chosen for my research paper is deviance. More specifically the deviant label that is put upon female athletes. Given that they are scrutinized for becoming their own people and dismissing the traditional ways a female should behave, I would like to look at not only how these athletes are treated, but how they respond to it. Also focusing on if this process has changed over time. Thesis- Throughout the course of history, the consensus regarding traditional gender norms has changed immensely. Just the thought of going against these morals was unthinkable and shamed. However, as times have come to change, the challenging of these norms has become more accepted along with the notion that there are no†¦show more content†¦I cannot exactly say what because I did not live there, but there is always that thought. It always varies place to place, we are always seeing change, through technology and diversity for example, they influence how we define deviance. So yes and always. Q2. If so, will these previously thought of deviant behaviors always have that label, even if it is more accepted in today s society? Will they forever be known as deviant? A2. No, that s not always the case. Certain labels can change. Even so far we ve seen cases where one was deviant and we see radical change over time, there is nothing in a way that keeps it deviant. However some things are harder to change over time. Q3. Why, in today’s age does more media coverage play a role? (it being easier to access, faster to publish news, more platforms†¦etc) A3. Cleary media plays some role and accessing information plays a role. Social reactions always plays a role, historically information would get passed and people would get stigmatized and labeled, now there is so much information that some can be cancelled out. For instance, how we hear about all of this crazy stuff on how Russia closed fake information supporting Trump. They would tweet and it would become fake news. People would then retweet what was said and it would be retweeted a million times to the point where it was all out for everyone to see and discuss. Sorry I am getting off ofShow MoreRelatedIt Is No Secret That The Socially Constructed Concept Of1534 Words   |  7 Pagesconstructed concept of deviance is a label that is able to form a certain stigma to those who the label has been applied. Deviance is simply a violation of any societal norm. Any behavior that is deemed odd or irregular by the majority may be considered deviant. These behaviors and actions may produc e different reactions from outsiders, or possibly none at all, depending on the audience or norm that had been broken. Anyone who decides to go against these norms will not only receive such a label, but will mostRead MoreMale Eating Disorders2574 Words   |  11 Pages06/25/2000, Vol. 149, Issue 51430, Section 16, p8. Hausenblas, H.A., Carron, A.V. (1999). 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